Gunpowder (Warhammer Fantasy)
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Gunpowder-also called Black powder or Dragon powder-is a mixture of sulfur, carbon and potassium nitrate and is used by many races throughout the Warhammer World.
The first race known to have used gunpowder are the mysterious Sky-Titans, a race once known to occupy the Mountains of Mourn, with their most populated area being within the Ancient Giant Lands. By -2750 IC, the Great Migration kicked in caused by a warpstone meteorite crashing into the earth in an attempt by the Dragon Emperor to exterminate the Ogres...Only to end up creating their new God, the Great Maw. At this time, Ironblasters were used as pistols, and the Sky Titans lived in huge, well defended cities in the mountains supporting huge populations and technological marvels. Unfortunately for everyone, Ogres set forth to raze down every capital in order to secure themselves food and a new home. (According to some legends, the Sky Titans are the ones who even cursed Ogres to always be hungry no matter how much food they ate as poetic justice... Not that it helped as it just made them fight more fiercely.)
The next faction to crack the Gunpowder mystery would be to the far east and in parallel to the origins of gunpowder in our own world-Grand Cathay had gunpowder sometime before -1741 IC as is record in the Nagash Trilogy, having traded with the Eastern Cities of Nehekhara. Although crude, these rifles were very effective in combat to the point they were crucial in the defeat of Nagash in Mahrak and the establishment of Lahmia. It is fair to say after the establishment of Lahmia, the city of Lybaras probably had similar devices given they had more advanced devices such as flying machines, but it seemingly didn't stick around or these devices were lost to time, as the Tomb Kings are not shown using any materials in battle. Cathay, however, still maintains a large amount of gunpowder weapons including cannons and weapons akin to blunderbusses, but seemingly are not as advanced in terms of rifling as the Old World is.
From there, either the Dwarfs or their cousins were the next to invent them, with dwarfs inventing them in -420 IC during the Times of Woe where they were of particular use against the Greenskins, and slowly, despite their trepidation, grew to encompass them in the dwarven traditions, to the point where Thunderers are the core of any Dawi stronghold, along with cannons and other marvels of modern science.
By Faction
Unsurprisingly the druid faction does not have fire arms nor do they fight people with firearms regularly.
Arabyan troops are known to use gunpowder for their Jezzails-a long-barreled arquebus designed to be used on the backs of Camels and War Elephants. Araby is based largely on Arabian Nights, which was written in the 13th century by which guns had already been introduced, and although more associated with the Turks due to advancement, an army loosely based on a mixture of various Islamic sources does not seem like a stretch relatively.
As Beastmen abhor all signs of civilization, gunpowder weapons are amongst the things they detest the most as it not only shows how cowardly one is by hiding behind a large weapon instead of charging into glorious melee combat, but embodies the weakness and decadence of man, and his conceit over dominating nature. Beastmen even detest bows, but allow ungors to use them as they are useful and relatively primitive.
In theory, books like Paradise Lost and Blood Meridian show characters making gunpowder getting wood to make charcoal, saltpeter from bat Guano and sulfur from volcanic ash, and then through urinating on it and leaving it out in the sun, are able to use it for weapons. Not only are the aforementioned examples meant to parallel daemonic creations, but is to show the characters who do this as downright satanic, using things like fire, bats, and volcanos to create something evil-which coincidentally are all also available to the Beastmen. So if you want to make a warband of your dudes which have access to some primitive forms of fireworks or similar, you are more than able to do so with technology already available to the Beastmen. Just expect some confusion from your opponent.
Officially, guns are not allowed on the soil of Bretonnia, as they are seen as unchivalrous and unbecoming of a knight who seeks a fair and honorable fight, which missiles undermine. (And, because the actual reason, the Nobles don't want peasants having weapons capable of piercing through plate armor nor of equalizing themselves in terms of force with the Nobles, which is why there is a general ban on peasants who are not men-at-arms or archers owning weapons). However, given Bretonnia is a corrupt land, it is likely smugglers and mercenaries (who often disguise themselves as shepherds to travel freely) will try to carry small arms in order to equalize the playing field a bit so long as they are outside the eyes of the law and are able to bribe any officer to look the other way.
The navy of Bretonnia, however, is packed to the brim with gunpowder because of a loophole of them never being on the soil of the nation, and so they have more cannons than they can carry. The Nobility generally don't mind because the merchantile class provides them with goods they desire and makes them incredibly wealthy, along with defending the shores of their nation from Chaos, and so they are tolerated.
Chaos Dwarfs
Unhindered by the curse of tradition, the Dawi'Zharr advance much more quickly technologically and experiment much more with a variety of things-including Gunpowder. Of every faction in the setting, they not only have the most access to sulfur through the large Volcanos that permeate the Darklands, but the various other ingredients in abundance through intense mining operations and slavery. With such a brutal effort on efficiency and cold, ruthless expansionism, their weapons reflect this cruel and fiery mentally with blunderbusses, mortars, dreakquakes, fireglaives, rocket launchers, bazukas...
More than any other faction, the Chaos Dwarfs are the ones who live and breathe gunpowder, almost literally.
Daemons of Chaos
While Daemons of Chaos do have their fair share of either magical or mechanical guns, they are constructs of the warp and so do not use gunpowder. However, Daemon armies still do struggle against bullets due to the fact the chaos gods like to get in close to your opponent. Nurgle and Tzeentch often can tank a shot, in fairness, but Slaanesh's favored prefer not to wear armor and when lead is being propelled at the speed of sound at you, that can end poorly.
Dark Elves
Dark Elves, although more wiling to experiment with things they probably shouldn't, they still retain their bows, albeit due to Malekith's history with the dawi and his fondness for their crossbows, the Dark Elves tend to focus on use of repeaters and other similar weapons that utilize arrows. They tend to have more power than regular bows, and are more accurate than firearms, so work as an in-between.
The Empire of Man
High Elves
High Elves don't use gunpowder for a variety of reasons. For one, it's noisy, inelegant, stinky and unreliable. Losing an eye, ear, or finger is more damaging to an Elf than it is to a short-lived man or dwarf, as they have to live with it for millennia. Longbows can be reloaded by an elf quicker and more efficiently, fired relatively simply, and used at longer ranges than a cannon or a rifle can. Magic is where Elves do more of their scholarly research in regards to magic, and consider technological advancement to be essentially "cope" from the lower races who cannot achieve the mastery over the winds or the forge as the elves do. Why have firearms when a dragon can spew fire in its stead or a mage can summon a flaming inferno at his or her finger tips? Seems superfluous compared to the heights of the High Elves
Additionally, the use of speed with Elves make firearms less viable simply because their longer reload times means they cannot efficiently lean into the speed and ferocity of their units most efficiently.
Grand Cathay
Grand Cathay is said to be one of the oldest factions to know of and use gunpowder in the Warhammer World. This is partially based on our own history in which the Chinese were the first to invent and utilize gunpowder. Much like our own history as well, Cathay's use of gunpowder doesn't necessarily mean that they are the best at it, with most of their artillery and gunlines, while impressive, are not as advanced as the ones in the Empire or that the Dwarfs can bring forward. Of the areas, pretty much all of their war machines and cannons are produced in a city called Nan-Gau, which is basically the Nuln of Cathay with most of the armaments and technology happening within its industrial district. It is run by nine lords, one of which named Shi-Hong, aka the Blind Master, is the one to have first created the Sky-Junk, a devastating lighter-than-air machine with a front-mounted gatling gun. Impractical, but awesome.