Hektor Heresy

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This article is about a battle in the /tg/ Heresy project, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40k universe.
Hektor Heresy
Date 005.M31 to 014.M31
Scale Galactic
Theatre The Milky Way Galaxy
Status Pyrrhic Imperial Victory
Chaos Imperium of Mankind
Commanders and Leaders
Hektor Cincinnatus
Aubrey The Grey
The Voidwatcher
Cromwald Walgrun
Inferox "The Burned King"
Johannes Vrach
Uriel Salazar
Rogerius Merrill
Tollund Ötztal
The Emperor of Mankind
Malcador the Sigilite
Alexandri of Rosskar
Roman Albrecht
Shakya Vardhana
Arelex Orannis
Gaspard Lumey
Onyx the Indestructible
Tiran Osoros
9 Space Marine Legions and supporting forces 9 Space Marine Legions and supporting forces
hundreds of thousands of Space Marines
approximately one trillion other military casualties
hundreds of thousands of Space Marines
approximately one and a half trillion other military casualties
Chaos driven back from the Siege of Terra at great cost.

This page covers the war launched by the Warmaster Hektor Cincinnatus against the government of the Imperium. If you're looking for the main project page, go to the /tg/ Heresy

The Hektor Heresy was a galaxy-spanning conflict between the Imperial forces loyal to the Emperor (referred to as the Loyalists) and those who sided with Hektor Cincinnatus (the Traitors). The Traitors were sponsored by the Ruinous Powers of Chaos and strengthened by their gifts. The Heresy brought the Great Crusade to an end and ravaged the Imperium.


After the great Triumph of Ullanor, the Emperor of Mankind withdrew from the battles of the Great Crusade to pursue a secret project on ancient Terra. He appointed Malcador the Sigilite to head the Imperium's government, the Council of Terra. Hektor Cincinnatus was named as Warmaster and led his brother Primarchs in the Military Council. The Primarchs would complete the conquest of the Galaxy while the Council of Terra prepared for a future in which humanity ruled the stars.

Other powers prepared for an entirely different future. Towards the end of the second century of the Great Crusade, Aubrey The Grey had became a willing servant of the Chaos Gods. The Primarch of the Eternal Zealots had been greatly embittered by the burning of Lazarus and his new masters gave him both comfort and a means to avenge himself. Aubrey was prepared to work slowly, putting off immediate gratification for the sake of total vengeance. The first traitor was aware of dark secrets among the Lions Rampant, the Life Bringers, the Sons of Fire, and The Justiciars, but the first ally he sought out was The Voidwatcher, master of the Black Augurs. As a master of the psychic arts, the Voidwatcher was well-aware that powerful entities lurked in the Warp and joined Aubrey's conspiracy in pursuit of his own ambitions.

The Voidwatcher's aid was essential to Aubrey's plan. The Chaos Gods had told their herald of the true nature of the Emperor's secret project. From beneath the Imperial Palace on Terra, the master of mankind hoped to link into the ancient Webway and give the human race the same opportunities for cultural advancement that the ancient Eldar Empire enjoyed. In order to carry out this work safely, powerful psychic wards had been erected. These wards prevented the dimensional breach to the Webway from becoming a gateway to the perils of the Warp. Under Aubrey's direction, the Voidwatcher breached the Emperor's wards. This perfidious act allowed powerful daemons to pour into real space. The Emperor, aided by his Custodes and contingents of the mysterious Sisters of Silence, would be fully occupied with this terrible threat for many years.

Ostium and Olmer

Malcador the Sigilite was immediately aware of the Voidwatcher's treachery. He quickly declared the Black Augurs Traitoris Extremis for use of sorcery in an attack on ancient Terra. Three Primarchs, Brennus, Rogerius Merrill, and Tiran Osoros, were ordered to assemble at the Forge World Diamat and then proceed to the Voidwatcher's homeworld Ostium to destroy the Traitor Primarch and his gene-sons. Yet the Sigilite's declarations did not go unanswered. Hektor Cincinnatus appealed for calm and invited the Military Council to assemble at Olmer for a Tribunal to determine the extent of the Voidwatcher's wrong-doing. Brennus ignored Hektor's request and travelled directly to Diamat with his best warriors. Rogerius Merrill, ever loyal to Hektor, barely considered Malcador's order and made way to Olmer. For Tiran Osoros, the question was more complex. The Lord of the Scale Bearers decided to make for Olmer, but he had no intention of taking part in Hektor's Tribunal. Instead, Tiran would demand that the Military Council bow to Malcador's authority and disperse.

Among the other Primarchs, these events drew a mixed response. Aubrey The Grey, Cromwald Walgrun, Inferox, Johannes Vrach, and Uriel Salazar all heeded Hektor's call and came to Olmer. Shakya Vardhana was making the long warp trip to Malluma, where he would soon be fighting for his life against a powerful servant of Chaos, but the Council of Nine attended the Olmer Tribunal in his stead. Gaspard Lumey and his Fifth Legion were in exile at the edge of the Galaxy, too far to receive news of the events in process. Onyx the Indestructible was also far from the Imperial centre, but decided to make the long journey to Diamat in case his brother Primarchs needed help with the Voidwatcher. Despite their different characters, Arelex Orannis, Golgothos, and Roman Albrecht all remained at their posts and carried on their crusading efforts rather than engaging in politicking. Praetorians represented these three Primarchs to both Olmer and Terra. Tollund Ötztal stayed on Tisenjoch, already mourning for the loss of one of his brothers and sent no emissaries. Only Alexandri of Rosskar saw the dispute between Malcador and Hektor as a sign of imminent conflict. The sire of the Silver Cataphracts had been charged to defend Terra while the Emperor worked on the Webway project, and took his responsibilities seriously. Alexandri departed from the Solar System and began to put the worlds of the Solar Sector on a full war footing. His captains oversaw the construction and improvement of fortifications. Class after class of conscripts were called up and put into military training. There was a chance, perhaps, that men as proud as the Warmaster and the Emperor's deputy would come to a peaceful conclusion, but Alexandri had never known such things to happen. Besides, he was eager to see his Silver Cataphracts would matched up against the Heralds of Hektor.

The Primarchs assembled at Olmer sat down to business quickly. Tiran Osoros begged the Council to let him speak first, even ahead of Hektor's opening remarks, and was given time to make his argument. Ever-laconic, Tiran stated simply that Malcador ruled in the name of the Emperor. Disputing Malcador's orders was every bit as insubordinate as disputing those that came directly from the Emperor himself. Hektor exercised his right of reply and explained that the Military Council conducted the Great Crusade in the Emperor's name as well and had standing orders to brush aside all those who stood in the way of mankind's domination of the Galaxy. Of course the Primarchs should obey the Emperor's intentions, but without their their master to explain himself what were they to do? Discussing that question was the very reason the Tribunal had convened. Hektor's rhetoric carried the room, but Tiran shook his head sadly and excused himself. The Scale Bearers departed immediately for Diamat, followed shortly afterwards by the Iron Rangers.

Meanwhile at Diamat, Brennus and his Expeditionary Fleet were running low on patience. The Thunder Kings were not a Legion of patient planners and although they did not relish confronting other Space Marines they longed to be in the battle. Eventually, Brennus decided to make for Ostium directly and carry out a surgical strike. He and his Thunder Kings would attempt to confront the Voidwatcher directly and either capture or kill him. Without their Primarch, the remaining Black Augurs could be cleaned up when the Iron Rangers and Scale Bearers arrived. The great flaw in this plan was that Brennus did not account for the sorcery of the Black Augurs. The Thunder King had no trouble finding the Voidwatcher in his lair, but he was beaten back by blade and warpflame and left many of his sons dead on the soil of Ostium. Bitterly disappointed in himself for acting so recklessly, Brennus turned back to Diamat, hoping to find his reinforcements there. At least he could prevent Rogerius Merrill and Tiran Osoros from making the same errors.



The death of Tiran Osoros is usually regarded as the starting point of the Heresy. Although the Voidwatcher's criminal attack on the Imperial Palace set events in motion, it wasn't until one Primarch murdered another that their brotherhood was sundered and war became inevitable. It is grimly appropriate that the start of the horrific war between brothers began with the death of the Primarch who had most valued the fraternity of the Military Council.

Far from Ostium, the Primarchs of the Iron Rangers and Scale Bearers would be making errors of their own. Tiran's fleet emerged from the Warp on the edge of Diamat's system first and plotted a course to the Forge World, intending to take on supplies there. When the Iron Rangers broke Warp a day later, Tiran was heartened and sent a warm message inviting his brother Primarch to discuss strategy in Diamat's orbit. Rogerius readily accepted. As the two fleets cruised into the inner system, they exchanged non-sensitive information. Warriors who had fought together in campaigns fought by both Legions sent fraternal greetings to one another. Officers of the Fleets' Victualaries discussed the proper tone for a meeting of the two Legions' dignitaries and decided that it was best to be sombre rather than try to distract from the grim task ahead with false gaiety.

This air of complacency started to come apart as the Iron Rangers fleet neared Diamat. Tiran had directed his ships into a loose formation, giving ample space for supply shuttles to service the fleet. Rogerius Merrill had his ships tightly grouped in a cone, a tell-tale battle formation. The Scale Bearers belatedly asked for clarification and were answered by the Iron Rangers opening fire. Out of formation and unprepared for the attack, the Scale Bearers took a terrible beating from that first salvo. Crews were still rushing to their battle stations as a second round of fire hammered Tiran's fleet. Knowing that they could not continue the fight in space, Tiran Osoros ordered the bulk of his warriors to evacuate their warships and make for the unnamed jungle moon of Diamat while the fleet distracted the murderous Iron Rangers. After finishing off the Scale Bearers' fleet, Rogerius Merrill closed in for the kill. His warriors conducted combat drops onto the moon and hunted the Scale Bearers through its jungles. Though the sons of Tiran Osoros resisted bravely, they were outnumbered and caught in favourable terrain. Their resistance was broken when Rogerius Merrill slew Tiran, driving many of the surviving Scale Bearers into madness. The blood shed finally gave a name to the moon of Diamat: Sorfall.

The Iron Rangers did not have long to celebrate their victory. Onyx the Indestructible's armada, led by the super-battleship Mount Everest, broke Warp shortly after Tiran Osoros' death. The waves of anguish emanating from Sorfall were sensed by Onyx's Astropaths and on learning their portents and seeing the Iron Rangers fleet among the wreckage of Imperial ships, the Primarch quickly concluded that Rogerius Merrill had committed a foul deed. Although the Stone Men burned in system at a reckless speed, the Iron Rangers slipped away. Mighty Onyx could only gather up the survivors of the Scale Bearers and send word to Terra of the madness that had taken place.

The War Begins


The hesitant designations of the early Heresy often seem strange in retrospect. It's easy to see why the Voidwatcher and Rogerius Merrill were dubbed Traitors, but why didn't the same label get applied to the rest of the Olmer Tribunal? Malcador's use of the term Non-Compliant - usually used to designate humans who had not yet joined the Imperium - suggests that the Sigilite hoped to reconcile with those of the rebel Primarchs who had yet to commit any crimes. That hope would not survive the year.

In the Imperial Palace, Malcador met with the Council of Terra to determine a response. The Council was unanimous. Rogerius Merrill was declared a Traitor. The balance of Hektor's Olmer Tribunal was declared Non-Compliant and instructed to give up their warships. Finally, Alexandri of Rosskar was appointed Warmaster of the Imperium and given free reign to bring the realm to order. Alexandri informed the Council that he would use the full extent of his powers to wipe every trace of rebellion from the Galaxy and applauded for his resolve. He was not merely playing the crowd. Even before the response of the Olmer Tribunal was announced, the measures Alexandri had employed across the Solar Sector were pronounced over the whole Segmentum Solar. Officially, the entire population of the Imperium's most densely-settled planets was put under military discipline. Imperial Discipline-Masters were given a blanket commission to enforce Alexandri's decree and maintain order in the face of Hektor's insubordination. Finally, Alexandri suspended the Edicts of Nikaea, reasoning that the Librarians would be needed to combat the Black Augurs. Unfortunately, the ambiguity of "suspending" the Edicts meant that many of the Loyalist Legions did not reform their Librariums until very late in the war.

The Primarchs still gathered on Olmer were not so quick to act. Hektor and his brothers considered the matter carefully and eventually, with some reluctance, reached their conclusion. Invoking his authority as the Emperor's Warmaster, Hektor accused Malcador and Alexandri of Treason and Usurpation of the Emperor's authority. He called on the soldiers of the Imperium to aid in subduing the forces loyal to the Council of Terra. Aubrey, Cromwald, Inferox, Johannes, and Uriel all pledged their Legions to the cause. Many of the Space Marines from other Legions present at Olmer declared their forces for Hektor, most notably the Council of Nine who all but ruled the Eyes of the Emperor. Thus resolved, the Olmer Tribunal disbanded and the rebel Legions set a course for the centre of the Imperium. Hektor's plan was to move quickly, gathering supplies and reinforcements from the many worlds personally loyal to him in the Segmentum Solar, and strike at Terra before Malcador and Alexandri could prepare a defence. Were it not for three factors, this bold plan might have succeeded.


The successful raids carried out by the Loyalist forces were not a matter of good luck or the fabled prophetic powers of Shakya Vardhana. Although the Council of Nine pledged the Eyes to Hektor, Phirun Soun (once the Tenth Master) had no intention of joining the revolt. A powerful telepath, Soun discovered the Warmaster's plans and seized the Warp Runner Devotion of Illobian to carry these secrets to his master, Shakya Vardhana. Armed with inside knowledge, the Vardhana cut Hektor's plan to pieces.

Firstly, the Council of Nine had over-estimated their control over the Eyes of the Emperor. Shakya Vardhana and his Disciples returned to the Segmentum Solar and although many officers stayed with the Council, the majority of the ordinary Battle Brothers obeyed their Primarch. The Vardhana commanded his men to strike at Hektor's supply lines. The Eyes showed an uncanny knack for discovering and destroying key depots, depriving Hektor of supplies that would have supported a great mass of Auxilia. Secondly, Alexandri of Rosskar's decrees were heeded on many worlds and Governors who would have assisted Hektor were summarily executed by Discipline Masters who then seized power in the name of Terra. Although Hektor's forces could have brushed aside the garrisons on such worlds (and likely been welcomed as liberators), such efforts would have slowed down their push. Finally, as Hektor's fleet concentrated at Kuniat at the north of the Parthorum Stream, the Stone Men burst from the Warp and conducted a hit and run naval attack. While Onyx's ships did little damage before their withdrawal, the appearance of a second Space Marine Legion close to Terra made it clear that Hektor could not win a quick victory. Deeply saddened at the prospect of a long war, the Warmaster issued new orders to his troops. They would fall back from the gates of Terra and establish a cordon around Alexandri's stronghold. Those Legions that had not declared would be won to Hektor's banner or taken out of the fight. Then, with his lines secure, the Warmaster's march on humanity's birthplace could resume.

In the Solar Sector, Alexandri made similar plans. He was in contact with Onyx and the Vardhana and knew that they could be counted on to help defend Terra. But to win the war against Hektor he needed to gather more allies. Astropathic communication from far-off Centauri seemed to indicate that the Steel Marshals would soon join the fight against Hektor and although interference from Cygnus X-1 scrambled signals from The Entombed it was believed that they would fall in as well. Though battered, the Thunder Kings would surely side against Hektor, as would the remnants of the Scale Bearers. That left three Legions undecided. The nearest undeclared Legion Homeworld was Tisenjoch, where the bulk of the Mastodontii were believed to be refitting. Onyx volunteered to chance the Warmaster's guns and discover Tollund Ötztal's true loyalties, before proceeding onwards to the Atalantos Worlds to recruit Arelex Orannis and his mighty War Scribes. As for Gaspard Lumey and his Void Angels, the most Alexandri hoped is that they would remain in exile. With his strategy decided, the guardian of Terra directed his Silver Cataphracts and the Vardhana's Eyes of the Emperor to seize a defensive perimeter of systems around Sol.

The Bloody Star

The Cataphracts and Eyes were surprised by the forces that contested the perimeter with them. Hektor's own Legion and those of the Olmer Tribunal Primarchs had all fallen back to regroup. In their place were the fresh Black Augurs and Iron Rangers. While Rogerius Merrill's men were devious and unconventional, they at least fought for comprehensible objectives. The Black Augurs seemingly attacked worlds at random, indifferent to their pronounced loyalties, and focused on slaughter more than battle. Yet as the Voidwatcher's rampage continued, the powerful psykers defending Sol began to sense a terrible disturbance in the Immaterium. Malcador and Shakya Vardhana conferred with the savants of the Astra Telepathica and determined that the Voidwatcher's seemingly random attacks were part of a vast work of sorcery. Once the gathered psykers had determined the next world to be struck, the Vardhana set forth with his Disciples to stop whatever vileness the Black Augurs were hatching.

The Voidwatcher made it to Yu-Jang first, but his Marines were still engaged with the garrison when the Vardhana's warriors began to drop from the skies. Against all military logic, the Black Augurs did not rally to oppose their enemies but instead carried out horrible sacrifices of the civilian population while the Eyes raced to stop them. Eventually the madness on Yu-Jang was confined to the luckless city of Fengdu, where the Voidwatcher himself presided over a carnival of atrocities. Shakya Vardhana led his Disciples in a desperate assault but nothing could have prepared them for the power being channelled through the Voidwatcher. Once in failing health, the traitor Primarch had been revitalised through some unholy bargain and revelled in his new might. The Vardhana was gravely wounded and his men slain, but the Voidwatcher showed a twisted streak of honour. Recalling how Shakya Vardhana had called for mercy at the Council of Nikaea, the lord of the Black Augurs decided to let his brother live - but used foul sorcery to tear away the Vardhana's psychic powers. Despite the cacophony of the Warp Storms the Voidwatcher had conjured into being, telepaths across the Segmentum Solar shuddered at the psychic screams of Shakya Vardhana. Even to those who did not recognise the Primarch's mind, the agony was unmistakable. Phirun Soun knew what he was sensing. The Librarian once more boarded the Devotion of Illobian to hasten to his lord's side. There was no possibility of saving Shakya Vardhana from the Voidwatcher, but Soun found his crippled gene-sire in the blood-drenched husk of Fengdu and carried him back to Terra.

If the grievous injury to Shakya Vardhana was not bad enough, the Warp Storms created by the Black Augurs would last for years and greatly hampered Warp communications. Astro-telepathy into or out of the Sol Sector was all but impossible. The light of the Astronomican was greatly obscured even in the nearby Sectors of the Segmentum Solar and totally invisible to Navigators in the far Segmenta. Without that fixed point of reference, Warp travel was dangerous and slow.


Before the Voidwatcher's spell was completely woven, Onyx the Indestructible had travelled to far-off Tisenjoch in the Segmentum Pacificus. There, he delivered an ultimatum to Tollund Ötztal, the Primarch of the Mastodontii. There was no neutrality in the developing war. The Emperor needed all of his loyal Space Marines to destroy the Traitorous Hektor Cincinnatus and his gang of villains. Tollund Ötztal did not reply, and though his Praetorians claimed that the Primarch was deeply troubled by the war between his brothers Onyx was unimpressed. Taking the silence as just a ruse to disguise a treacherous heart, Onyx decided to cripple the Mastodontii before they could act against Terra.