Mordian Iron Guard

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A planet of soldiers wearing Commissar-level hats. Let that sink in for a second.
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The Mordian Iron Guard are an army of the Imperial Guard, hailing from the planet of Mordian. They are renowned throughout the Imperium for being right hard bastards, never backing down and prepared to die to the last man as necessary.

This all despite the fact that they are incredibly fancy.

Tactical Stupidity

Mordians are on the on the other end of the Bell Curve than people like Creed and have the WORST tactics in Warhammer 40,000. They march into battle in fancy pants blue dress uniforms with rifles, form firing lines like this was the 18th freaking century and shoot at enemies in volleys. This crap would have gotten them all killed on the Somme in no time. A big formation of men marching with flags held high is a big "SHOOT HERE!" sign to any enemy, especially those with artillery and machine guns.

Yes, space marine charge with chainsaw swords and purity seals, but they are heavily armored supermen that can engage in squad based tactics. Yes, Orks charge into the thick of it as well, but they are each about a third of a tonne of angry muscle that can take a beating, are easily able regenerate wounds that would kill a human, are spawned in vast numbers, can be all sneaky like and will shoot at the first sign of the enemy. Commissars may be human and go about in their own fancy pants uniforms, but at least they can bloody duck.

On the other side of things, a fair few sources note that it is this very stupidity that causes many of their adversaries to underestimate them, which often leads to their downfall. How exactly their opponents are stupid enough to actually fall to these tactics often goes unexplained.

Regiments of the Imperial Guard
Armageddon Ork HuntersArmageddon Steel LegionAthonian Tunnel RatsAttilan Rough RidersBrontian LongknivesCadian Shock TroopsCatachan Jungle FightersDeath Korps of KriegDieprian Mountain MenDrookian Fen GuardElysian Drop TroopsGilead GravediggersHarakoni WarhawksIndigan PraefectsKanak Skull TakersJopall Indentured GuardLast ChancersMaccabian JanissariesMordant Acid DogsMordian Iron GuardNecromundan SpidersPhantine Air CorpsPhantine SkybornePraetorian GuardRoane DeepersSavlar Chem DogsScintillan FusiliersTallarn Desert RaidersTanith First (And Only)Terrax GuardValhallan Ice WarriorsVostroyan FirstbornVentrillian Nobles