Planet generator

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The Imperium of the Dark Heresy game contains millions of settled planets. Such is the number of these planets that an almost limitless variety of environments can be created for the setting of your game. Below is detailed a method for generating planetary information, and a standardized layout for presenting the information. The steps below allow the generation of a planet within the Imperium that holds some form of settlement and society.

Obviously, there are many more planets in the galaxy that are devoid of life than there are which bear civilisation: in any star system, usually only one, sometimes two, rarely three, and virtually never more than four of the planets will be settled. Most of the planets in a system are simply too inhospitable, even for the most inventive of colonists and most lengthy of terraforming projects. The steps detailed below for generating a planet will create a planet that is within the parameters where civilisation can be easily established, or made possible by the stubbornness of humanity and the technology of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Some of the steps have tables which allow you to randomly generate traits for the planet, all of which use a d100, and some of which will then require the rolling of one or more d10 to get a further definition. Other steps have no random tables, and are merely a suggestion of what kind of details you should create for the planet to make it complete and distinctive.

When generating a planet you can use as many of the random tables as you wish, or you can simply select one of the options from each table. While it can be entertaining to randomly generate as many of the planet’s features as possible, a planet is sometimes being created because it is required for a particular scene or scenario in a game of Dark Heresy, so the randomly generated traits may not be suitable or desirable: the GM should ignore or reroll any features that do not suit the requirements or tone of the game being played, or simply select the most suitable.

The details generated by this system provide only the basics of a planet’s size, geography and social basics. The details, colour and flavour must be added by the GM and players as required by their Dark Heresy campaign.


The class of a world describes what type of planet it is, what kind of civilisation and society can be found on the planet, what level of technology is commonly used on the world, and what kind of relationship the people of the planet have with the Imperium.

Planet Class (d100)
01-20 Hive World
21-27 Agri-World
28-32 Forge World
33-38 Mining World
39-44 Developing World
45-49 Fortress World
50-53 Feudal World
54-58 Feral World
59-64 Shrine World
65-68 Cemetery World
69-73 Pleasure World
74-76 Quarantined World*
77-82 War World*
83-84 Dead World*
85-87 Death World
88-92 Frontier World
93-95 Forbidden World
96-99 Xenos World
100 Gas Giant**
*Quarantined worlds, War worlds and Dead worlds are worlds that previously had another class before being subjected to whatever event gave them their current class. Roll again to determine the planet’s original class.
**If you rolled a Gas Giant, you should probably roll a couple more times to make moons and/or orbital habibtats.


The level of technology common on a planet will determine a lot about its society and economy, and will limit what is available to be bought and traded there The tech level given for a world is not an absolute limit on what can be found there; it is simply a measure of what technological level the indigenous people possess, and is what is most common on the world. An ‘Industrial’ world can still have a spaceport in orbit and a ‘High Imperial’ settlement as its capital; the mass of the locals are simply kept at the lower level so that they are easier to control and administer. The tech level of a planet is determined by generating a value based on the class of the world.

Find the class on the first table below, and use the listed value to determine the planet’s tech level, as defined on the second table.

Tech Value
Hive 36+2d10
Agri 15+3d10
Forge 50+1d10
Mining 15+4d10
Developing 20+2d10
Fortress 40+2d10
Feudal 5+1d10
Feral 1d10
Shrine 20+4d10
Cemetery 20+3d10
Pleasure 35+2d10
Death 4d10
Frontier 35+2d10
Forbidden 6d10
Xenos 6d10
Gas Giant 30±4d10
*Quarantined worlds, War worlds and Dead worlds are worlds that previously had another class before being subjected to whatever event gave them their current class. Use the value for the planet’s original class.
Tech Level
01-05 Stone Age
06-10 Iron Age
11-15 Steel Age
16-20 Pre-Industrial
21-25 Industrial
26-30 Early Space
31-35 Advanced Space
36-40 Warp Space
41-45 Low Imperial
46-50 Mid Imperial
51-55 High Imperial
56-60 Advanced

Stone Age worlds are inhabited by people who live in small family groups, dwell in caves or rough shelters and use only the most basic of tools made of stone. People survive by hunting and gathering. On Iron Age worlds the people have started to learn how to shape and work iron to make more effective tools and weapons. They are also living in more substantial and sturdy buildings. Hunting and gathering is still common, though small farms may be seen dotted about.

Steel Age worlds have seen the use of iron evolve into the manufacture of alloys to make steel for weapons, armour and tools. Farming and trade are ways of life for most people, and civilisation has started to gather in fortified villages and towns. The ruling classes live in large stone castles. Communication networks of couriers and carrier birds are common.

The poor people of Pre-Industrial worlds live mostly by farming, and there is a richer class starting to make use of new technologies and mechanical devices to aid in manufacturing. Printing presses make education and distribution of information more efficient.

Industrial worlds have completely moved on from small farms and independent manufactories. Everything in mechanised and automated. The population mostly live in large cities, and computers are starting to become common in all things. Solid projectile weapons are the norm for military forces, and advanced armour has started to appear for personnel and vehicles.

Early Space worlds have developed basic space flight, and may have established settlements on its own moons, and even close neighbouring planets in

the same system. Basic las weapons may have been developed.

Advanced Space worlds have explored their own system, and colonised any viable planets to be found there. Las weapons are common, and cybernetics are starting to become practical.

Warp Space worlds have seen the development of warp drives and Geller fields, and the inhabitants are capable of travelling in the galaxy beyond their own system. Powerful computers are common. cybernetics and advanced medical techniques have been developed that border on Imperial level augmentation and rejuvenants. Primitive models of more advanced weapons, like plasma and needle weapons, are exceptional but present.

Low Imperial worlds are where the advanced technologies of the Imperium start to be seen, but are not always available. Standard issue and common weapons and armour can be easily found, but rare, expensive or very high tech items are still unavailable most of the time (no items with rare or very rare availability can be found on these worlds). Most Imperial worlds are Mid Imperial tech level, where most of the technology of the Imperium can be found. Only the most obscure or scarcely found items of technology can’t be found on these worlds (very rare availability items cannot be purchased).

High Imperial worlds are the peak of Imperium technological advancement outside of the greatest hive worlds and Adeptus Mechanicus worlds. Anything and everything that can be bought on the open market can be found on these worlds, and the local troops have access to the most advanced weapons, armour and equipment.

Advanced worlds are those that have access to limited or developing technology. In the Imperium of humankind only the greatest hive worlds and forge worlds have this level of technology. Although it wouldn't be surprising if some Inquisitors, who at least can be trusted to not fuck up all the time by both their fellows and the Mechanicus have a planet or two that run an actual research facility that legitimately researches new technology.


The size of the star that a planet orbits can have a significant effect on the economy and military importance of the planet, as the gravity well projected by the star determines the size of the system’s warp zone.


Roll Size

01-05 Tiny

06-15 Small

16-75 Medium

76-85 Large

86-95 Huge

96-100 Giant


The coordinates which describe the planet’s location in the galaxy. The coordinates are given as 5 pieces of information, and is written with each separated by a slash, like this: AB/CDE/FG/123/456 The first two letters are used to indicate what Segmentum the planet is in. The codes used are: SO for Solar, OB for Obscurus, PA for Pacificus, TE for Tempestus and UL for Ultima. The next piece of information is a three letter code that indicates the sector of space that the planet is in. In the case of Calixis CAL is used. Every sector of the Imperium has its own three digit code that is used in the coordinates of planets in that sector. Third is a two letter code that indicates what sub-sector of the indicated sector the planet is in. Calixis’ sub-sectors use the following codes: PE for The Periphery, MM for the Markayn Marches, MA for Malfian, GR for Golgenna Reach, JR for Josian Reach, DM for Drusus Marches, AD for Adrantis and HA for Hazeroth.

On the last page of this article is a chart of the Calixis Sector. This chart is divided into squares, each 2 light years across. The squares are numbered across the bottom (Trailing) edge and up the left (Rimward) edge. These numbers are used as grid reference coordinates to indicate a planet’s location within the sector. The first three-digit number is used to indicate the planet’s grid reference along the Trailing edge. The second three-digit number is used to indicate the planet’s grid reference up the Rimward edge. The first two digits in each case indicates what square the planet is in, and the third digit is a measure of how many tenths of a square the planet lies into the square. Using this system it is easy to give the location of any planet in the Imperium. (Obviously this system is not precise enough for stellar navigation, but it adequately fills the role of allowing us to plot a planet’s location for purposes of game-play).


The galaxy of the Imperium is divided into administrative sectors, each of which has its own sector governor and administratum infrastructure. While each sector’s administration and authority is obviously still beholden to the powers of Holy Terra, they are mostly self functioning and largely autonomous. A sector usually also has a Conclave of the Inquisition assigned to watch over it, led by a Lord Inquisitor.

SUB-SECTOR: All sectors are divided into sub-sectors, and this is which sub-sector the planet can be found in.

PLANETARY GOVERNOR: One person on each planet is held responsible for the payment of the required tithe when the Imperium shows up to collect. The manner in which the planet is governed and the methods used to gather the tithe are beyond the concern of the Imperium. All the powers of Terra care to know of planetary politics is who the

responsible individual is. The title used on the planet varies from place to place; ‘Governor’ is simply a generic title used for bureaucratic ease.


The branches of the Adeptus Terra are present on different worlds in varying degrees. To determine what Adepta are present on a planet, and to what extent they are involved in the planet’s politics and daily life, consult the tables below. At each class of world each branch of the Adeptus Terra is listed with a dice value. Roll the indicated dice for each Adepta and consult the ADEPTA PRESENCE table below to determine the normal everyday presence and influence that Adepta has on the world.

Following the tables there is a brief explanation of what each level of presence means. For purposes of simplicity, the Inquisition and Adeptus Ministorum are included here as well, even though they are not strictly branches of the Adeptus Terra.

Generation table

01-03 None.

04-06 Token. For administrative purposes


07-09 Slight. Specific duties; not involved

in wider planetary affairs.

10-12 Small. Involved, but quietly and


13-15 Moderate. Has offices and planetary

duties, and are widely known.

16-18 Notable. A powerful force in its own

area of expertise.

19-21 Significant. Controls its field, and has

a say in wider planetary matters.

22-24 Major. A powerful and influential

force throughout the planet.

25+ Dominating: One of, if not the, most

powerful and influential forces on the planet.

Adeptus\World Hive Agri Forge Mining Developing Fortress Feudal Feral Shrine Cemetery Pleasure Death Frontier Quarantined / War / Dead / Forbidden
Administratum 4d10 2d10 2d10 2d10 1d10 5d10 1d5 N/A 2d10 1d10 2d10 1d10 1d5 GM's Discretion
Arbites 3d10 1d10 1d10 1d10 N/A 3d5 N/A N/A 1d10 1d5 2d10 1d5 N/A GM's Discretion
Astra Telepathica 3d10 1d10 1d10 1d10 1d5 2d10 1d5 1d5 1d5 1d5 2d10 1d5 1d5 GM's Discretion
Astronomica 1d10 1d5 1d5 1d5 N/A 2d10 N/A N/A 1d5 1d5 1d5 1d5 N/A

GM's Discretion

Mechanicus 2d10 1d10 5d10 3d10 1d10 3d10 N/A N/A 1d5 1d5 2d10 1d5 1d5 GM's Discretion
Ministorum 3d10 2d10 1d5 2d10 1d10 4d5 1d5 N/A 4d10 3d10 2d10 1d10 1d5 GM's Discretion
Inquisition 3d10 1d5 1d5 1d5 1d5 1d25 1d5 N/A 1d5 1d5 1d5 1d5 1d5 GM's Discretion


GM’s Discretion. You could roll the values for the planet’s original class, and modify the results according to the circumstances under which the planet was quarantined.


GM’s Discretion. You could roll the values for the planet’s original class, and modify the results according to the circumstances under which the planet was reduced to a state of war.


GM’s Discretion. You could roll the values for the planet’s original class, and modify the results according to the circumstances under which the planet became a dead world.


GM’s Discretion.


The size of a world is defined by its equatorial circumference. The smallest planets may have a circumference of only 5,000 kilometres, and the truly massive planets may reach 500,000 kilometres. (To provide a sense of scale, Holy Terra itself has a circumference of 40,000 kilometres).


Roll Size 000s of km

Gas Giant +55

01-10 Miniscule 1d10+4

11-20 Tiny 2d10

21-35 Small 4d10

36-75 Average 10d10

76-85 Large (10d10)x2

86-90 Huge (10d10)x3

91-95 Enormous (10d10)x4

96-100 Massive (10d10)x5


The degree by which a planet leans to the side on its axis determines how severe its seasonal variations are.


Roll Tilt

01-05 None

06-15 Slight (1-5o)

16-30 Notable (6-15o)

31-70 Moderate (16-25o)

71-85 Large (26-35o)

86-95 Severe (36-45o)

96-00 Extreme (46o+)

The other planetary trait that gets affected by axial tilt and the resulting seasonal variation is temperature. A planet with no axial tilt experiences no change of seasons, with an increasing tilt causing an increasing variation in seasonal conditions. The effect this has on the planet’s statistics is to cause the temperature to raise in the summer and drop in the winter. The northern hemisphere will experience summer while the southern has its winter, and vice versa. The table below shows how much the temperature changes with the seasons. The given temperature for the planet gets modified by the shown amount in summer and winter, but stays as given in autumn and spring (the modifier is applied to both the max and min temperatures given, so –10 to 30 with a +20 modifier would become 10 to 50). The seasonal modifier may move the temperature into another bracket on the temperature table (bitter, cold, chilly….hot roasting, searing), and the affects of the new bracket then take effect.


Tilt Summer Winter

Slight +5 o -5 o

Notable +10 o -10 o

Moderate +20 o -20 o

Large +40 o -40 o

Severe +60 o -60 o

Extreme +80 o -80 o


The length of a planet’s day, the time taken for it to complete a single revolution around its polar axis, is given as a number of standard hours. The roll to randomly determine the length of a planet’s day gets a modifier based on the size of the planet:

Size Modifier

Miniscule -30

Tiny -20

Small -10

Average No Mod

Large +10

Huge +20

Enormous +30

Massive +50


Roll Length of Day

01-05 1d5

06-15 1d10

16-25 2d10

26-35 3d10

36-45 4d10

46-65 5d10

66-75 6d10

76-85 7d10

86-90 8d10

91-95 9d10

96-100 10d10

101-120 (10d10)x2

121-150 (10d10)x3


The length of a planet’s year is given as the number of Terran days it takes to complete one full rotation of its local star. Divide this number by 365 to see how many Terran years this is. To determine how many local days make up a local year, simply multiply the number of days in the year by 24, then divide that number by the length of the planet’s day.


Roll Length of Year

01-10 10d10

11-20 (10d10)x2

21-30 (10d10)x3

31-40 (10d10)x4

41-50 (10d10)x5

51-60 (10d10)x6

61-70 (10d10)x7

71-80 (10d10)x8

81-90 (10d10)x9

91-100 (10d10)x10


The table below determines how many orbiting satellites the planet has. Satellite can have their terrain, atmosphere and other details generated randomly as well if you so wish. The roll to determine the number of satellites orbiting a planet gets modified by the size of the planet:

Type Modifier

Gas Giant + 50

Size Modifier

Miniscule -30

Tiny -20

Small -10

Average No Mod

Large +10

Huge +20

Enormous +30

Massive +50


Roll Number of Satellites

01-20 None

21-40 1

41-70 1d5

71-80 1d10

81-90 2d10

91-100 3d10

101-110 4d10

111-130 5d10

131-150 6d10


Most planets that have civilisation on them have a gravity that is equal to Terran gravity, or close enough that humanity can easily adapt to life there. A standard gravity level is so close to Terran gravity that humans notice no difference, or one so slight that they easily adapt. Light gravity worlds affect a character’s ability to operate normally. On such worlds characters increase their Agility bonus by 2 for purposes of determining their movement, add 4 to the total of their Strength and Toughness bonuses fo determining encumbrance levels, and add 2 to their Strength bonus to determine throwing distances. In addition, all jumping and leaping distances get doubled. High gravity worlds affect characters in a similar, but opposite way. Agility bonuses are lowered by 2 for determining movement, the total of Strength and Toughness bonuses loose 4 for determining encumbrance, and the Strength bonus has 2 subtracted for determining throwing ranges. Jumping and leaping distances get halved. Very light and Very heavy gravity worlds have all of the modifiers given above doubled: +/-4 to Agility for movement and Strength for throwing, +/- 8 to Strength and Toughness total for encumbrance. Jumping and leaping get quadrupled or quartered.


Roll Gravity Level

01-05 Very Light (0.1 to 0.5)

06-15 Light (0.5 to 0.7)

16-90 Standard (0.8 to 1.2)

91-95 Heavy (1.3 to 1.5)

96-100 Very Heavy (1.5 to 2)


The gasses that make up a planet’s atmosphere are numerous, and occur in varying degrees and proportions. A detailed description of a planet’s atmospheric makeup is not necessary for gaming purposes; we need only be concerned with whether or not humans can breathe easily, and how dangerous the air is if it is not within the range that is conducive to human respiration. A Normal atmosphere supports human life in a comfortable manner, and breathing is regular and relaxed in such an environment. A Bearable atmosphere can be breathed normally for a short time, but carries a slight abnormality, will create an unfavourable taste in the mouth, and will prove fatal if breathed for too long. Any character subject to such an environment without a respirator or rebreather can breath normally for a number of hours equal to their Toughness bonus, and must then return to a normal atmosphere (natural or artificial). Being subject to a bearable atmosphere for any longer will give the character one fatigue level per hour. Once the character falls unconscious due to fatigue they will die one hour later if not provided with proper air to breathe.

A Tainted atmosphere is even more dangerous. A character can only breathe a tainted atmosphere for a number of minutes equal to their Toughness bonus, and then gain a fatigue level per minute longer. Once unconscious due to fatigue, the character will die one minute later if still in the tainted atmosphere. A Poisonous atmosphere is made up of gasses that are quickly lethal to humans. A character can only survive unhampered in such conditions for a number of rounds equal to their Toughness bonus, and then gain a level of fatigue each round until unconscious. They will die after one more round in the poisonous atmosphere. In a deadly atmosphere, a character will survive for a number of rounds equal to their Toughness modifier, gaining a fatigue level each round, and will then die instantly. At the GMs discretion, the natives of a planet, through evolutionary change, may be able to endure a bearable, tainted or poisonous atmosphere without penalty.

Gas Giant Modifier +60

Roll Atmosphere

01-70 Normal

71-85 Bearable

86-92 Tainted

93-97 Poisonous

98-100 Deadly


The hydrosphere of a planet is how much water the surface and the atmosphere contains. This can be water vapour in the air, streams and rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.

01-10 Waterless: This world is completely deprived of water. Bring your own bottles.
11-20 Parched: This world Has some water but it is hard to locate and make use of. Perhaps all of the planet’s moisture is vapour in the air which must be farmed, or held in reservoirs deep underground and must be mined.
21-35 Arid: This world is mostly dry, having large desert landmasses, infrequent rainfall, and a peppering of oases. There is also usually a substantial water table underground which can have wells dug into it. There will be some small seas and oceans.
36-55 Average: This world has appreciable oceans, seas, lakes and rivers, and gets frequent rainfall, but also sees its fair share of inland deserts.
56-70 Damp: This world has swollen seas and oceans, with a high sea level resulting in vast inland seas. The broken-up continents get average to high rainfall, but soak up the moisture like a sponge, making it damp year-round.
71-80 Moist: This world has enormous oceans, a ton of rainfall, permanently sodden ground, and likely something big, toothy and tentacle-y lurking in those bogs and jungles.
81-90 Watery: This world is mostly ocean, with only a few island landmasses and microcontinents.
91-100 Aquatic: This world is one giant ocean, with no land whatsoever. Any settlements will have to take the form of underwater bubble-towns, drifting space yachts, or flying cloud-cities.


The mean temperature of a planet is one of the most significant deciding factors on how much shelter and technological assistance humans require to comfortably survive there. Temperature is always given as a range, as there will invariably be variations from equator to poles, and through the seasons.

01-05 Bitter (-201°C or lower): As cold as it gets. Maybe too cold for an atmosphere. Only the best heating and most complex equipment can keep the habs habitable. Going outside means flash-freezing and becoming part of the icy terrain.
06-10 Cold (-200°C to -101°C): Chances are, this world is made of ice, and any 'oceans' are either rock-solid, or not water at all. Giant heating networks and sealed structures are a must. If you find yourself outside, you'd better be wearing top-of-the-line protective equipment. Any sad sod finding himself outside without at least 23 parkas lasts a number of rounds equal to their toughness bonus before re-enacting the end of The Shining.
11-20 Chilly (-100°C to -41°C): If unprotected, you'll last a number of rounds equal to your toughness bonus, after which you gain +1 fatigue until unconscious. Death follows in one round.
21-35 Frosty (-40°C to -11°C): Tundras and snowbound taigas abound, but the settlements only need minor tweaking -- small windows, thick walls, the usual. If unprotected, you'll last a number of minutes equal to your toughness bonus, after which you gain +1 fatigue until unconscious. Death follows in one minute.
36-60 Average (-10°C to +30°C): Humans are comfortable in normal clothing and need only the most basic of shelters to survive.
61-75 Warm (+31°C to +50°C): Depending on moisture, this world may either be a baked desert, a steamy jungle, or even a storm-wracked archipelago. Architecture will require plenty of cross-breeze. If unprotected, you'll last a number of minutes equal to your toughness bonus, after which you gain +1 fatigue until unconscious. Death follows in one minute.
76-8520 Tepid (+51°C to +100°C): A world on the edge. Any hotter, and any water will just boil away. If outside and unprotected, you'll last a number of rounds equal to your toughness bonus, after which you gain +1 fatigue until unconscious. Death follows in one round.
86-90 Hot (+101°C to +150°C): Any water has long since boiled away, leaving this a parched or waterless world. Vast power networks and strong construction are required to keep any sealed settlements reasonably cool. If you find yourself outside, you'd better either be wearing top-of-the-line thermal protection. Otherwise, you'll last a number of rounds equal to your toughness bonus before boiling alive like a clam.
91-95 Roasting (+151°C to +300°C): A scorcher, a tortured wasteland, an oven, where exposure and spontaneous combustion are synonymous.
96-100 Searing (+300°C or more): Fire tornadoes and acid rain! One of the most extreme environments imaginable. You can forget about any kind of life that's not inside a liquid nitrogen and ceramite bunker. Unless you're inside said bunker, or are part dragon, you're gonna burst into flame instantly, no matter what you're wearing.


Some planets have a single dominant terrain type, a particular model that describes all of the land to be found on the planet. Other planets have more than one terrain present. Roll on the first table below to determine how many terrains the planet has, then generate each on the second table.

You can divide a planet between different terrains by having more than one landmass with a terrain each, or simply divide a landmass into regions of each terrain. You could even overlap and mix different terrains. Exactly what the terrain will look like will depend on other factors, like the temperate and hydrosphere of the planet. You must decide yourself how the terrain manifests when combined with the other planetary traits.

Gas Giants do not roll here as they have one terrain - gas clouds - whether or not something lies in the middle and what that might be is up to GMs discretion

Number of Terrains
01-20 1
21-40 2
41-60 3
61-80 4
81-100 5

Terrain Types
01-05 Grassland
06-10 Savannah
11-15 Continual Forest
16-20 Broken Forest
21-25 Hills
26-30 Mountains
31-35 Plateaus
36-40 Dormant Volcanoes
41-45 Active Volcanoes
46-50 Broken Rock
51-55 Flat Rock
56-60 Columns
61-65 Moor
66-70 Barren
71-75 Swamp
76-80 Caves
81-85 Ravines
86-90 Sandy
91-95 Islands
96-100 Cliffs


Created by the combined effects of the planet’s qualities, such as terrain, temperature and hydrosphere, the climate is a brief description of the prevalent conditions on the surface of the world. You will have to look at the contributing factors, imagine how they will interact, and give a brief description of what it is like on the planet. If you want the planet to have climactic variations, maybe for different regions, or through changing seasons, describe them here.

Native Flora and Fauna: If you wish, you can create the details of any native plant and animal life on the planet. Doing this can breathe some personality into a planet, bring it alive and make it distinctive from the millions of other planets in the Imperium.

Countries and Continents: How is the planet divided? Is the entire population united as a single political body, or are there rival or friendly factions or countries? Does land on the planet form a single mass, or does it form continents divided by oceans? These are details that you must decide based on the other features of the planet and the requirements the planet has to fill in your campaign.


The population of a planet in the Imperium can vary from a few dozen settlers or scientists on a frontier world up to the billions on a hive world.

Note that the Imperium does contain worlds with a population higher than that possible on the following table. The reason for the maximum on this table is that Dark Heresy is set against the backdrop of the Calixis Sector where the capital of Scintilla has, at 25 billion, the largest population in the sector. If you are generating a world that is to be set outside of the Calixis Sector, you may wish to extend or modify this table to create even larger populations.

The roll to determine the population of a planet gets two modifiers applied, based on the class and size of the planet.

Planet Class Modifier
Hive World +40
Agri-World No Mod
Forge World +20
Mining World +10
Developing World -20
Fortress World +20
Feudal World -20
Feral World No Mod
Shrine World -10
Cemetery World -20
Pleasure World No Mod
Quarantined World No Mod
War World No Mod
Dead World -40
Death World -30
Frontier World -20
Forbidden World No Mod
Xenos World No Mod
Gas Giant -50
Size Modifier
Miniscule -30
Tiny -20
Small -10
Average No Mod
Large +10
Huge +20
Enormous +30
Massive +40

Roll Population
01-05 10d10
06-10 (10d10)x10
11-15 (10d10)x100
16-20 (10d10)x1,000
21-25 (10d10)x10,000
26-30 1d5 million
31-35 1d10 million
36-40 5d10 million
41-50 10d10 million
51-70 1d10 hundred million
71-90 1d5 billion
91-100 1d10 billion
101-110 2d10 billion
111+ 3d10 billion


Although all planets of the Imperium are beholden to the authority of Holy Terra, the Emperor cares little for how any individual planet is organised. Different social structures exist, and even within each of the broad definitions on the table below there can be variance and variety. You can define the politics and social structure of the planet as broadly or as narrowly as you desire or is required.

Obviously the types of society on the following table contain certain options that are more compatible with certain types of planet than with others. For example, a forge world will almost always have a Religious (Machine God) society, but very few, if any, other worlds will. More than with any other section of planet generation, the GM should consider rejecting unsuitable rolls, or simply selecting the most suitable option. If the planet has more than one country or continent, you can even have different society types playing against each other for dominance.


The economy of a planet is a description of how the people of that world manage their resources and finances. Look at the important contributing factors form the other aspects of the world determined in this process (class of world, population and society in particular), think about your own ideas for the world and the function you wish it to fill in your campaign, and note as many points as you can, or desire, about the planet’s economy.

Examples of detail you could give are: What is the local currency called? Do imports from other worlds get paid for in cash or simply a trade value to be swapped directly for exports? How extreme is the gulf between the poor and the wealthy on the world? How much does wealth dictate about lifestyle and opportunities on the world? This is an example of an area where the GM and players can go into as much detail as they wish, or simply create only the bare essential facts.

Exports: Decide what the planet produces that will be valuable on other planets. The produce of a planet is traded to merchant captains who ship it off across the stars.

Imports: Whatever the planet is in need of is brought to them by the merchant captains and traded for exports.

Here is a chart of trade goods for exports and imports. Keep in mind that a planet could have unique or unusual goods not on the list, or that some planets would find it difficult if not impossible to produce certain goods at a surplus. Roll D10 or choose.

Society Type
01-08 Democracy: The government is run, at least on paper, on the principals of civil rights, freedom, and equal treatment and representation under the law. The population is responsible for electing their leaders and representatives, and for making important civic decisions. In addition, the government is often divided into three codependent branches: Legislative, administrative, and judicial.
09-17 Elected Dictator: The population or a designated body politic elected a man into the role of dictator, who then holds absolute power. Their will is law, the law is whatever they will. A dictator often has a group of advisors, and an administratum for day-to-day management, but in the end Dear Leader's decision is final.
18-26 Hereditary Dictator: The role of dictator is hereditary on this planet. When one person retires, a designated successor, usually a close relative, inherits their position. The successor holds absolute power over the law and their people upon coming of age. This transition is not always peaceful, and rarely seamless.
27-35 Tyrannical Dictator: The dictator has illegally seized power, and often rules with a bloody fist as they purge or 'disappear' the planet's dissidents, political enemies, and anyone who poses a threat to the tyrant's ambitions. This brand of leadership can be the result of a warlord, a particularly psychotic heir, or even, distressingly often, a rogue democratic leader who played the long game and finally made his move. After all, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and is absolutely sought by the absolutely corrupt.
36-44 Elected Monarchy: The world is ruled by a monarch who, while ruling by fiat, is bound by a written constitution and a governing body, with the power to veto any declarations made that violates said constitution. Here, the monarch is elected by either the governing party, or by the people at large.
45-54 Hereditary Monarchy: The world is under the rule of a long line of monarchs, who pass the crown from generation to generation by a complex code of inheritance. The monarch is, however, limited by the constitution and the governing body, whose job it is to keep the monarch in check. Results may vary spectacularly.
55-63 Military: The world’s culture is either built around a military cause, or there have been events in its history which caused a great demand for military action and organisation. Either way, society is ruled by the military. Rather than noble or bureaucratic rank, Military rank is the position of highest political authority. Everything is arranged and run in a military fashion.
64-72 Religious (Local): Planetary society has either been built around, or founded because of, a local religious sect. Or events have brought the church to the fore of all politics. This religion functions as the planet's government, and everyone must follow, or at least not bad-mouth, the religion. Depending on the religion's origins and compatibiity with the Imperial Creed, it is likely to have a close eye kept on it.
73-81 Religious (Ministorum): Live for the Emperor, Work for the Emperor, die for the Emperor. The Ecclesiarchy, the state church or the Imperium of Man, functions as the planet's government, making sure everybody, top to bottom, follows their branch's interpretation of the Imperial Creed. Or at least aren't spouting HERESY!!
82-90 Religious (Machine God): The Church of the Machine God functions as the planet's government, and makes sure all the trains run on time. Obviously, the default on Forge Worlds, and other worlds governed by the Adeptus Mechanicus.
91-100 Oligarchy: On this world, a small body of wealthy people, not of noble birth or having military, religious or bureaucratic rank, rule the area. They may be merchants, artisans, or some other type of guild members, but whatever their origins or source of wealth, they keep their authority only through that wealth and the fact that they finance society from their own pockets.
Trade Goods Common Goods Luxury Goods
1.Agriculture: Plant based food. Fruits, vegetables,fungi, algae, anything grown and edible. Can also include spices and herbs.

Must be export if agri-world.

Basic staple foods, such as wheat or rice. Algae chips, bread, anything cheap. Exotic fruits, rare mushrooms or pungent spices.
2.Animal Products: The hides, flesh, bones and byproducts of fauna can have a multitude of uses.

Must be export if agri-world.

Processed grox meat is many a citizen's favorite meal. Eggs, fish and milk can all be plentiful depending on the planet's biome. Exotic hides for ostentatious coats, bones to make regal tool handles, and the most succulent meats to dine on after a long day of oppressing Imperial subjects.
3.Minerals: Rocks from the ground that have value. Used in construction, technology, currency or decoration.

Must be export if mineral world.

Basic materials for the construction of buildings, machines, etc. Valuable and rare gems, precious bullion or marble.
4.Lumber: The body of a tree, used in construction of buildings, furniture, gun stocks and more. It may be half rotten or break from a stiff breeze, but it's plentiful and takes less time to grow than the average lifespan of a guardsman. Wood of a unique color or with peculiar qualities makes for fine lawn chairs.
5.Weapons: Tools made for putting holes in people. Either require contact with the target or fires projectiles. Swords and knives, gunpowder firearms, nothing more advanced than the humble lasgun. Fancy alloys folded over a thousand times to produce rapiers of exceptional quality, or powerful and arcane weaponry like meltas or plasma guns. Maybe the planet's culture has a unique and crazy weapon found only there?
6.Vehicles: Deliver people from point A to point B. Large civilian transports designed to transfer citizens from their manufactoria shift to their hablock. Luxury vehicles and custom craft to cruise in style.
7.Fuel: Generates power, which is released as heat, light or electricity. Coal, oil, and promethium laced with local contaminants. Highly potent promethium that can burn twice as many heretics with half the amount. Efficiency is loyalty!
8.Spacecraft: A vehicle capable of flying through the void of space. Those without warp drives cannot leave the system but are much cheaper than those with one. Cheap intrasystem crafts, mass transports or frigates to bolster Imperial fleets. From the personal craft of noble families to cruisers or even battleships of the Imperial Navy.
9.Alcohol/Drugs: Alters the mental state of the user, usually to create a sense of euphoria or ecstasy, though long term effects may be unpleasant. Alcohol is typically drunk, while drugs can be smoked, snorted, consumed or injected. Cheap swill or chemicals that will tear up your guts worse than an enraged grox. You're better off drinking unrefined promethium. The finest wines in the galaxy, usually only available for a limited season. Or maybe hookah's are all the rage among the nobles?
10.Contraband: Shit The Man doesn't want you to have. In a totalitarian, theocratic regime like the Imperium, there's a lot that can fall under this. Illicit chems or texts that speak out against the Imperium's rule. Scandalous works and dangerous knowledge that shed light on things man was not meant to know. Xenotech is in incredibly high demand by the elite; while anyone caught with such heresy is to be executed, some secrets can bring a fate worse than death...


Decide if there are currently any violent conflicts underway on the planet. This could be a civil war between rival factions (such as contenders with equal claim to the throne, a trade war, or a popular uprising,) a struggle to fight off invading xenos forces (or even to conquer the native xenos!), a war against insurgents or terrorists, or any other type of conflict you can think of taking place on the world.

This is one of the details about the world that should be discussed between the GM and the players to create the right type of environment and mood for your game, or decided on by the GM as a suitable backdrop to their scenario or campaign idea.


These are the planet’s local defence forces, always present and alert, against mankind's many enemies, both foreign and domestic. These defences do not include any Imperial Guard or Navy forces that may be sent here by the larger Astra Militarum. The forces that can be mustered in defence of a planet and its settlements come in a few different forms, which are described below:

Enforcers: The local law enforcers and security forces.

Militia: Part time soldiers, who have civilian jobs but can be called upon to fight when required.

Standing Army: The normal full time, fully trained warriors of the planet. Usually known as the Planetary Defence Force (PDF).

Armoured Force: Any tanks and APCs.

Titan Force: Some worlds have mighty titan war machines stationed there permanently.

Private Army/Armies: Wealthy people/organisations can have their own private armies.

Naval Force: Ships belonging to the Imperial Navy that are usually stationed in orbit.

Orbital Station(s): Space stations with defence weapons, like lasers and missiles.

Missile Silos (planet): Missile silos that can launch missiles over the surface of the world.

Missile Silos (orbital): Silos with the ability to launch against ships in orbit.

Defence Lasers: Huge laser batteries that can fire on orbiting ships.

Mercenary Force: Hired muscle, brought in to fight for money.

To determine what forces are present on a world, first find the class of world on the tables below, and the three pieces of information given for each type of force for that world. The first bit of information is a percentage chance of the planet having that type of defence force present: simply roll a d100, and on a result equal to or less than the number given, the planet has that type of force present.

The second bit of information is what dice to roll on the FORCE SIZE table to determine what size of force of the given type is present on the world. The third bit of information is what dice to roll on the FORCE QUALITY table to determine what quality that force is, if it is present on the world. Simply make all of these rolls for each type of defence force and record the results.


Enforcers: 99% / 3d10 / 2d10

Militia: 99% / 3d10 / 2d10

Standing Army: 99% / 3d10 / 3d10

Armoured Force: 99% / 3d10 / 3d10

Titan Force: 30% / 2d10 / 2d10

Private Army/Armies: 30% / 2d10 / 2d10

Naval Force: 99% / 3d10 / 3d10

Orbital Station(s): 50% / 2d10 / 2d10

Missile Silos (planet): 85% / 3d10 / 2d10

Missile Silos (orbital): 70% / 2d10 / 2d10

Defence Lasers: 30% / 3d10 / 2d10

Mercenary Force: 10% / 3d10 / 2d10


Enforcers: 90% / 1d10 / 1d10

Militia: 75% / 1d10 / 1d10

Standing Army: 50% / 1d10 / 2d10

Armoured Force: 5% / 1d10 / 1d10

Titan Force: 1% / 1d10 / 2d10

Private Army/Armies: 30% / 1d10 / 2d10

Naval Force: 25% / 1d10 / 2d10

Orbital Station(s): 5% / 1d10 / 1d10

Missile Silos (planet): 5% / 1d10 / 1d10

Missile Silos (orbital): 5% / 1d10 / 1d10

Defence Lasers: 15% / 1d10 / 1d10

Mercenary Force: 30% / 2d10 / 2d10


Enforcers: 50% / 2d10 / 2d10

Militia: 20% / 1d10 / 2d10

Standing Army: 60% / 2d10 / 2d10

Armoured Force: 90% / 3d10 / 3d10

Titan Force: 70% / 3d10 / 3d10

Private Army/Armies: 5% / 1d10 / 2d10

Naval Force: 90% / 3d10 / 3d10

Orbital Station(s): 80% / 2d10 / 3d10

Missile Silos (planet): 90% / 2d10 / 3d10

Missile Silos (orbital): 90% / 3d10 / 3d10

Defence Lasers: 90% / 3d10 / 3d10

Mercenary Force: 1% / 1d10 / 2d10


Enforcers: 95% / 2d10 / 2d10

Militia: 60% / 3d10 / 1d10

Standing Army: 5% / 2d10 / 2d10

Armoured Force: 1% / 1d10 / 1d10

Titan Force: 1% / 1d10 / 1d10

Private Army/Armies: 20% / 2d10 / 2d10

Naval Force: 5% / 1d10 / 2d10

Orbital Station(s): 15% / 1d10 / 2d10

Missile Silos (planet): 1% / 1d10 / 1d10

Missile Silos (orbital): 1% / 1d10 / 1d10

Defence Lasers: 30% / 1d10 / 1d10

Mercenary Force: 10% / 1d10 / 1d10


Enforcers: 90% / 3d10 / 2d10

Militia: 90% / 2d10 / 2d10

Standing Army: 90% / 3d10 / 2d10

Armoured Force: 50% / 2d10 / 3d10

Titan Force: 1% / 1d10 / 1d10

Private Army/Armies: 15% / 2d10 / 2d10

Naval Force: 15% / 1d10 / 2d10

Orbital Station(s): 10% / 1d10 / 1d10

Missile Silos (planet): 75% / 3d10 / 2d10

Missile Silos (orbital): 65% / 2d10 / 1d10

Defence Lasers: 40% / 1d10 / 1d10

Mercenary Force: 40% / 3d10 / 2d10


Enforcers: 50% / 2d10 / 4d10

Militia: 10% / 2d10 / 5d10

Standing Army: 60% / 3d10 / 3d10

Armoured Force: 80% / 4d10 / 3d10

Titan Force: 65% / 2d10 / 3d10

Private Army/Armies: 15% / 2d10 / 3d10

Naval Force: 75% / 3d10 / 3d10

Orbital Station(s): 90% / 5d10 / 4d10

Missile Silos (planet): 95% / 4d10 / 4d10

Missile Silos (orbital): 80% / 3d10 / 5d10

Defence Lasers: 95% / 3d10 / 5d10

Mercenary Force: 15% / 3d10 / 5d10


Enforcers: 75% / 2d10 / 2d10

Militia: 99% / 2d10 / 2d10

Standing Army: 99% / 3d10 / 2d10

Armoured Force: 0%

Titan Force: 0%

Private Army/Armies: 90% / 2d10 / 2d10

Naval Force: 0%

Orbital Station(s): 0%

Missile Silos (planet): 0%

Missile Silos (orbital): 0%

Defence Lasers: 0%

Mercenary Force: 85% / 2d10 / 2d10


Enforcers: 20% / 1d10 / 2d10

Militia: 99% / 3d10 / 2d10

Standing Army: 90% / 3d10 / 2d10

Armoured Force: 0%

Titan Force: 0%

Private Army/Armies: 99% / 2d10 / 2d10

Naval Force: 0%

Orbital Station(s): 0%

Missile Silos (planet): 0%

Missile Silos (orbital): 0%

Defence Lasers: 0%

Mercenary Force: 0%


Enforcers: 60% / 2d10 / 3d10

Militia: 20% / 2d10 / 2d10

Standing Army: 40% / 1d10 / 2d10

Armoured Force: 1% / 1d10 / 2d10

Titan Force: 1% / 1d10 / 2d10

Private Army/Armies: 1% / 1d10 / 2d10

Naval Force: 10% / 1d10 / 2d10

Orbital Station(s): 1% / 1d10 / 2d10

Missile Silos (planet): 1% / 1d10 / 1d10

Missile Silos (orbital): 1% / 1d10 / 1d10

Defence Lasers: 1% / 1d10 / 1d10

Mercenary Force: 0%


Enforcers: 10% / 2d10 / 2d10

Militia: 0%

Standing Army: 10% / 1d10 / 2d10

Armoured Force: 0%

Titan Force: 0%

Private Army/Armies: 10% / 1d10 / 2d10

Naval Force: 0%

Orbital Station(s): 0%

Missile Silos (planet): 0%

Missile Silos (orbital): 0%

Defence Lasers: 0%

Mercenary Force: 0%


Enforcers: 90% / 3d10 / 2d10

Militia: 10% / 2d10 / 2d10

Standing Army: 40% / 2d10 / 2d10

Armoured Force: 5% / 1d10 / 2d10

Titan Force: 0%

Private Army/Armies: 30% / 3d10 / 2d10

Naval Force: 5% / 2d10 / 2d10

Orbital Station(s): 1% / 1d10 / 2d10

Missile Silos (planet): 1% / 1d10 / 2d10

Missile Silos (orbital): 1% / 1d10 / 2d10

Defence Lasers: 15% / 2d10 / 2d10

Mercenary Force: 30% / 2d10 / 2d10

QUARANTINED WORLD: As original class, though may not be fully equipped, manned or functioning, depending on the circumstances of the quarantine and the time quarantined.

WAR WORLD: GM’s discretion.

DEAD WORLD: GM’s discretion.

DEATH WORLD: GM’s Discretion.


Enforcers: 50% / 2d10 / 2d10

Militia: 30% / 2d10 / 2d10

Standing Army: 5% / 1d10 / 2d10

Armoured Force: 1% / 1d10 / 1d10

Titan Force: 0%

Private Army/Armies: 20% / 1d10 / 1d10

Naval Force: 1% / 1d10 / 1d10

Orbital Station(s): 0%

Missile Silos (planet): 0%

Missile Silos (orbital): 0%

Defence Lasers: 0%

Mercenary Force: 20% / 1d10 / 2d10


XENOS WORLD: GM’s discretion.


Enforcers: 30% / 4d10 / 2d10

Militia: 75% / 3d10 / 3d10

Standing Army: 15% / 2d10 / 2d10

Armoured Force: 0% / 1d10 / 1d10

Titan Force: 1% / 1d10 / 5d10

Private Army/Armies: 60% / 2d10 / 2d10

Naval Force: 55% / 5D10 / 3d10

Orbital Station(s): 95% / 3d10 / 2d10

Missile Silos (planet): 0% / 1d10 / 1d10

Missile Silos (orbital): 30% / 1d10 / 1d10

Defence Lasers: 0% / 1d10 / 1d10

Mercenary Force: 80% / 1d20 / 1d20


Roll Size

01-03 Tiny

04-06 Small

07-10 Medium

11-15 Large

16-20 Huge

21+ Massive


Roll Quality

01-04 Poor

05-09 Poor/Medium

10-15 Medium

16-20 Medium/High

21+ High

Imperial Guard Recruitment:

Does the world have a tradition of supplying Imperial Guard regiments to the Imperium? How many regiments, if any, have been founded on this world? Is there anything about these Guard regiments that makes them distinctive or noteworthy? These are details that must be decided by the GM/players, again to add flavor and distinction to the world.

Contact With Other Worlds

The Immaterium allows travel between any world given proper preparation and navigation, but there exist relatively safe, stable, and high-traffic warp routes between populated planets. Note here if there are any stable warp routes radiating from the planet, and to what other planets they lead.

Dark Heresy Planetary Information Data-Sheet

Planet Name:
Tech Level:

Size of Star:
Galactic Position:

Planetary Governer:
Adepta Presence:
Adeptus Arbites ( ); Adeptus Astra Telepathica ( ); Adeptus Astronimica ( ); Adeptus Mechanicus ( ); Administratum( ); Adeptus Ministorum ( ); Inquisition ( )

Axial Tilt:
Length of Day:
Length of Year:

Native Flora and Fauna:

Countries and Continents:


Enforcers ( / / ); Militia ( / / ); Standing Army ( / / ); Armoured Force ( / / ); Titan Force ( / / ); Private Army/Armies ( / / ); Naval Force ( / / ); Orbital Station(s) ( / / ); Missile Silos (planet) ( / / ); Missile Silos (orbital) ( / / ); Defence Lasers ( / / ); Mercenary Force ( / / )

Imperial Guard Recruitment:
Contact with Other Worlds:

Warhammer 40,000 Faction Creation Tables
Imperium Adeptus Custodes Shield Host - Grey Knight Brotherhood - Imperial Guard Regiment - Imperial Knight House - Inquisitor - Legiones Skitarii - Legio Titanicus - Renegade Space Marine Chapter - Sisters of Battle Order - Space Marine Chapter - Tempestus Scions Regiment - Underhive Gang - Noble House
Chaos Chaos Space Marine Warband - Chaos Warband - Heretical Cult - Lost and the Damned Regiment - Renegade Knight House - Dark Skitarii Force - Traitor Titan Legion
Xenos Creature Creator - Dark Eldar Kabal - Eldar Craftworld - Harlequin Masque - Genestealer Cult - Necron Dynasty - Ork Klan - Tau Cadre - Tyranid Hive Fleet - Wych Cult
Planets Forge World Generator - Dark Mechanicus Forge World Generator - Planet Generator - Solar System Generator
Misc. Power Armour