A creation table for Chapters that do not serve the Imperium, nor the Ruinous Powers, choosing to go rouge instead.
Chapter Origins
When Was The Chapter Founded? (d100)
31st Millennium (the Chapter claims to be a Second Founding) (If rolled Traitor Legion, this must be taken by default.)
32nd Millennium
33rd Millennium
34th Millennium
35th Millennium
36th Millennium (Cursed Founding)
37th Millennium
38th Millenium
39th Millenium
40th Millenium
41st Millenium (Twenty-Sixth and last known Founding)
Imperial Exodus (d100) Causes
Altruistic Downfall: They came to blows with the Imperial Inquisition for actions undermining their authority to aid other fellow Imperials, resulting in the excommunication of the chapter.
Imperial Destruction: This chapter often caused more collateral damage than the Imperium felt comfortable with, so they were branded traitors and excommunicated.
Eternally Loyal: Secret commands from high-ranking Imperial Lords demanded this chapter's secession from the Imperium, whether for unspecified reasons or for a particular mission.
Chaos Use: They somehow came to discover the power of Chaos tainted weapons, and began using such artifacts. It was not long before they were driven out.
Hereteks: Chapter began to dabble in technologies beyond them, and found themselves enemies with the Mechanicum, who forced them out of the Imperium.
Xenophilia: The Chapter was friendly with a group of Xenos and collaborated with them a bit too frequently. When the Ordo Xenos found out, they had the Chapter excommunicated.
Bitter Resentment: The chapter(s) were plagued by mutations, and became fed up with the treatment of their Chapter(s) by other forces of the Imperium, and chose to strike off on their owned.
Political Suicide: Several bad political decisions and affiliations made this chapter a victim of their own ineptitude, being declared traitors and forced to flee from their former allies.
Codex Diversitas: The Codex Astartes is a Marine's life-line, and this chapter diverged too greatly from it's rules and regulations, causing their ultimate expulsion from the Imperium of Man.
Emperor's Light: These Marines saw the Imperium as a perversion of the Emperor's will, deemed its festering bureaucracy beyond redemption, and rebelled in order to try and stay true to the Emperor.
Cowardice in the Face of Extinction: Near the brink of annihilation, the Marines took an extremely cowardly or horrible action to preserve their Chapter, and were excommunicated for this.
Destiny: The seeds of their leaving the Imperium were implanted long ago, be it by their founders, another institution, or some other force this was always going to happen...
Cult of Personality: A single Champion within the Chapter(s) whose philosophy and ideals have lead the marines down their own path.
Lust for Adventure: These Marines saw a life free from the Imperium and their restrictions enticing, and left seeking high adventure at whatever the cost!
Properties and Defects
Geneseed Mutation Severity (d20) ( For Bitter Resentment, roll a 1d2 for either Significant or Heavy Mutation)
Pure Geneseed
Minor Flaw: Geneseed takes a new form from its predecessor's.
Significant Mutation: Roll once on the Geneseed Mutation table.
Heavy Mutation: Roll twice on the Geneseed Mutation tables.
If they have one, what mutation do they have? (This doesn't include mutations passed down from their founders, like the Imperial Fists' lack of a Betcher's Gland and Sus-an Membrane.)
Hyper-stimulated Omophagea - Eat the enemy!
Oversensitive Occulobe - "I'm in the dark and I can see perfectly! How usefuAAAAH THE SUN'S COMING UP HOLY EMPEROR MY EYES"
Mutated Catalepsean Node - Yeah, just go here. It's basically the same effect.
Oolitic Secretions - Weird-coloured skin. Yeah, that's it.
Disturbing Voice - Ranges from speaking like a creaking floorboard to having a deep, booming voice.
Lost zygote - If you don't understand this one, why are you even trying to make a Chapter?
Doomed - the Chapter has either lost the ability to generate Progenoids or the Black Carapace, stopping future neophytes from being created. Unless they fix this fast, they're fucked.
Multiple instabilities - roll d3 more times on the table, rerolling multiples of the same result.
Chapter Legends
Hero's Historical Position (1d2)
Before Apostasy
After Apostasy
Figure of Legend (d100)
A Battle-Brother seconded from a previous generation Successor or even the First Founding Legion that provided the new Chapter’s gene-seed. Roll again on this table to determine what type of warrior he was, rerolling if you get this result again.
Chapter Master
Chief Librarian
Master of Sanctity
Master of the Forge
Master of the Fleet
Chief Apothecary
Company Captain (roll d10 to determine which company).
Squad Sergeant (roll d10 twice to determine company and squad).
Battle-Brother (roll d10 twice to determine company and squad).
A specialist of your choice (Librarian, Chaplain, Techmarine, driver, pilot, etc).
Scout Marine.
Deeds of Legend (d100)
The figure is remembered as the bane of the Orks, to such an extent that his name is known to the vile greenskins even to this day.
The individual was a stalwart enemy of the this chapter's foes, proving vicious and determined in his fight.
The hero led a glorious campaign against a attacking army, defeating the foe and bringing an entire sector back into the Chapter's fold.
The figure led an action against an Eldar craftworld, boarding it and inflicting grievous casualties before withdrawing.
He and his Chapter are especially hated by the pernicious Eldar, for whom the event is still fresh and raw.
The hero was lost to his Chapter in a warp accident, yet his descendents have cause to believe he lives still and may one day return to them in glory.
The hero was the first to face some newly discovered alien race, and ultimately responsible for its total destruction. Centuries later, only the Chapter remembers the name of the race, so utterly was it and its works cast down.
The hero led his Chapter in many glorious campaigns, slaying hundreds of the enemy’s greatest champions. In the end, he was brought down by treachery within the fold of the Imperium, slain by an assassin’s turbo-penetrator round on the field of battle. Just why he was targeted was never discovered, and the Chapter harbours a special hatred for the servants of the Officio Assassinorum to this day.
Chapter Territory and its Management
Home Sector (d10)
Full Nomads: They drift aimlessly in the void, going from sector to sector avoiding destruction, and acquiring what they need to survive.
Nebula: These Marines park their Voidcraft on the outskirts of a nebula, using the outer floating debris for either resources or colonies.
Primordial Sector: The sector chosen to occupy is in its early years late into the process or just after the planets began to take form, with only the earliest signs of life in the sector.
Ending Sector: This sector is essentially dead, with either a white dwarf, black dwarf, or neutron star at the center. Only the foulest xenos live here.
Primitive Sector: The only other race in the system is a fledgling race either before or on the cusp of their own space age.
Abandoned sector: Formally Imperial Space, abandoned by the Imperium to its fate, they now have a new guardian, in the form of the Angels of Death.
Xenos Held: A system held by xenos(roll on enemies table and/or minor xenos table 1d3 times) perhaps they now help their former enemies and trade with them, or perhaps nothing has changed, and they are still seen as enemies.
Imperial Held: This group must remain cautious, for they are not welcome here, but have no choice but to remain.
Stable Space Hulk: These Marines were luck enough to happen on a stable Space Hulk adrift in the void, which they cleared and set up as their Operating Base.
Wild System: A system broken up into multiple different territories(roll 1d3 time on this table, re-rolling this result and true nomads)
Rule of Sector (d10) (If Imperial or Xenos held, roll a 1d2 for either Raiding or Hiding)
Ruleship - "My lord Chapter Master, here are the tax-plans for the North-West district of the sector..."
Patronage - "Some Space Marines live here, they protect us and teach us things when we give them stuff sometimes."
Enslaved/Iron fist - "Our Astartes overlords have us toil away to assist them in their wars. At least they give us protection sometimes, and if your lucky they'll take your kid and he'll rule over our grandchildren!"
Tribute - "Hi, Planetary Governor? It's me, the Chapter Master. Just calling you to remind you that I can take anything I want, and you have to give it to me."
Raiding - "You see that ship up there? The Angel men stop by every once and a while to take all our shit, and kidnap our children."
Hiding - "Some say there are Marines behind that moon there, but who the fuck knows."
Combat Doctrine and Strategic Organization
Combat doctrine (d10)
Rip and Tear - vicious before their rebellion and vicious now, the group engages often in glorious melee combat.
True Marines - A strong focus on ship to ship and boarding combat in the void.
Silent as the Night - They use stealth and guile to their advantage, striking from the shadows.
Overwhelming Force - The group prefers to use much heavy ordnance, be it tanks and other vehicles or heavy weapons.
Auxiliaries - Renegades make extensive use of auxiliaries, human or otherwise.
Feral Xenos - These Marines use savage xenos beasts as attack animals in combat, whether as mounts, aerial support, or hounds of war.
Siege and Attrition - Marines are skilled at trench warfare, sieges and similar forms of fighting. Able to stretch out fights until the foe starves to death.
The Sound of Engines - They carry a focus on lightning attacks and raids, using many bikes and other quick vehicles.
Death from the Skies - Master pilots and drop pods assaulters, the group use these tactics to bring death to the foe with Thunderhawk, Stormbird, gunships, dropships and jump-infantry.
Codex Compliant - Even after their rebellion, they follow the Codex Astartes.
Chapter Leadership (d10)
Imperial Compliant - Retains its organization from before apostasy.
Autocratic - A new Champion has risen and taken control of the Chapter(s) himself (If Cult of Personalty was rolled, this is taken by default).
A New Doctrine - The Chapter(s) have made their own unique Leadership organization.
Piratical - They are lead by no one but their own champions, this renegade group is far more fractured and disorganized than others.
A Split Ideals - This group has several separate factions within itself that work together, each headed by their own leader. Loosely tied together.
Specialty restrictions (units the chapter cannot field) - Only roll if Unique Organisation was selected (d100)
Assault Marine
Devastator Marine
Roll Twice on this Chart or choose something truly unusual (i.e., the Chapter has no Scouts, the Chapter’s Veterans are not formed into the 1st Company, etc.)
Special equipment (d100)
Traditional Weapon: The Chapter favours one specific weapon over all others. Choose one specific weapon to serve as the Chapter’s traditional weapon. Examples: Power Sword, Bolt Pistol, Melta Gun
Totemic Charm: This Chapter has strong beliefs in the icons of either the Emperor or their Primarch. A Battle- Brother from this Chapter would never be caught without such an icon on their person. Example: Chapter Heraldry on a necklace, Imperial Aquilla tattooed over the right eye.
Modified Jump-Pack: Primarily seen in Chapter’s that favor the Assault Combat Doctrine, Battle-Brother’s from this Chapter modify their Jump-Packs (with a Tech-Marine’s help of course) to provide a more glorious sight to their allies and a more terrifying one to their enemies. Examples: Jump-Pack’s created in different shapes such as angel wings.
Beastial Companion: More common among those Chapter’s whose origins come from Feral Worlds, this Chapter prides itself on raising hunting animals to assist in battle. Examples: Fenrisian Wolf, hunting birds.
Rare Weaponry: Whether through the blessing of the Adeptus Mechanicus or sheer good fortune, this Chapter has a large stock of weaponry that is considered rare amongst the other Chapters. It is seen as a symbol of honour to wield one of these weapons in battle. Examples: Astartes Assault Cannon, Digital Weapons.
Blessed Wargear: It is common for members of this Chapter to have their Wargear blessed by a Chaplain before battle. Doing so puts the Battle-Brother’s mind at ease and more focused on the task at hand.
Special Mount: While other Chapter’s may keep animals as companions, this Chapter uses them for what they were intended for—transportation. Examples: Fenrisian Wolf, Carnodon, very angry Grox.
Special Vehicle: This Chapter prefers to ride into battle in more modern conveyances. While the traditional Space Marine vehicle is the Rhino, other Chapters may use more rare vehicles as primary transport. Examples: Modified Rhino, Land Raider, or Land Speeder
Preferred Fighting Style: The Chapter has a specific way in which it prefers to go about killing the enemy in the name of the God Emperor of Mankind. Examples: Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, dual Power Swords, special Bolter pattern or ammunition
Modified Weaponry: When the Chapter’s forges produce a weapon, they produce them in a style that is specific to their Chapter. Examples: Power Sabre, Bolt Pistol with weighted butt for clubbing.
Lastly, add a name, colours, and heraldry. God-Emperor help us all.