Approved Anime

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This is a list of /tg/ approved anime, organized loosely into genres.

Before you add anything...READ THIS

/tg/ likes its anime, but if we listed every single one that could be interpreted as being /tg/-related this article would be large enough to be its own wiki. So before you add in a new title, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is it a licensed material from a traditional game? (If yes, add it right now, no questions asked. And homebrews don't count- it has to be a real, established game.)

  • Does it feature traditional gaming? (If it's an important part of the show, add it.)

  • Is it fantasy or sci-fi? (We have a huge boner for that, but explain how it's relevant first.)

  • Does it cater to our demographic? Fa/tg/uys tend to be males in their 20s. (Again, see if it fits the other criteria well enough.)

  • Does /tg/ talk about it a lot, or does it have some historical relevance to /tg/? (Like the one directly above, it's not enough on its own, but it might get a pass if it fits more criteria.)

  • Is this just /a/'s flavor of the month bleeding over into /tg/? (NO. Your addition will likely be reverted, so don't bother. As a general rule wait a few months after it shows up.)

  • is it yugioh? (if so get out.)

− Add important details (e.g. tv series or OVA, number of episodes or movies) in brackets. Furthermore, follow the formatting in general, we beg you.


  • Fist of the North Star: The singular manliest show ever made. Slap together Mad Max and a ruthless, hyper-violent Bruce Lee, and that should help explain how this show became the legend it is today. [READ THE MANGA][TV series: 152 episodes + 1 movie, OVA series: 3 episodes, Spin-Off series: 12 episodes + 4 OVAs]

Related games: Street Fighter the RPG (by White Wolf), playing a monk in D&D

  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The singular manliest, and most FABULOUS! show ever made. Men with weird and convoluted superpowers hunt vampires. Hop in the car, loser, we're going posing. [READ THE MANGA][OVA series: 13 episodes + 1 movie, TV series: 74 episodes and counting]

Related games: Mutants and Masterminds, FATE, low-level Exalted, The Ballad of Edgardo

  • Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: The singular Orkiest show ever made. Starts out with human rebels on stolen mech fighting bio-engineered beastmen, gets progressively more and more out of hand. Exceedingly, gloriously out of hand. Fairly philosophical below the pumped up appearance. Steve Blum also voices a queer guy, no joke. Notable for the fact that by the final episode the main characters achieve Enuff Dakka by shooting at an enemy from EVERY POINT IN SPACE AND ACROSS TIME. [TV series: 27 episodes + 2 movies + 15 shorts + 1 sexy ass music-video]

Related games: Mekton, Toon

  • Hunter x Hunter: Two shota boys fighting dudes. In all seriousness, there are four major characters introduced in the series: Gon the country raised kid who wants to find his awesome dad (shota #1), Killua the young assassin raised in an assassin family who wants to befriend Gon just to escape his assassin duty (shota #2), Kurta the last of its clan of special humans that seeks vengeance against a group of super-strong psychopathic bandits, and Leorio who's the weakest of the group but wields THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP (and still ends up doing awesome things later in the show). HxH builds worlds like One Piece, which is a huge commendation. It also created somewhat balanced and unique power level system called "nen", a downright rare accomplishment in a genre of OVER 9000 nonsense. [TV series: 62 episodes + 30 OVAs; Reboot: 148 episodes + 2 movies]

Related games: FATE

  • Dragon Ball & Dragon Ball Z: Not initially thought to be /tg/ related, /tg/ is now getting shit done and writing an rpg in a similar fashion to how Adeptus Evangelion suddenly appeared. They both share an entry since they're essentially just part 1 and 2 of the same story. Goes from fantasy adventure to science fiction aliens and space gods. [READ THE MANGA][Original TV series: 153 episodes + 3 movies, Z/GT/Super series: 397 episodes + 4 specials + 2 OVAs + 16 movies]

Related games: Legends of the Wulin, Exalted

  • Samurai Champloo: A show about two samurai with completely differing fighting styles being forced together along with a token female to fight for their personal goals. Combines crazy fight sequences with a very 80's-style feel, along with quite a few moments of both slapstick and gallows humor. [TV series: 26 episodes]

Related games: Derailed D&D quests, allying Necrons, Blood Angels, and Tau in a game of Warhammer
  • KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World!: A 2016 parody of the Isekai (another world) genre. The main character dies and gets reincarnated into a generic fantasy world *yawn*, but he ends up with an incredibly un-optimized party of rejects. Starting with "the weakest" generic Adventurer class himself, he's joined by a brain-dead Priest who spent most of her skill points on party tricks, a Wizard who can only cast one spell per day because she absolutely refuses to learn any new spells, and a Fighter who's only good as a meat-shield, which suits her just fine as she's extremely masochistic. Plus a complete lack of teamwork, tactics, or luck. Not to mention their horrible personalities. It is reminiscent of new players stumbling though their first RPG campaign, run by an experienced GM who is laughing his ass off. [TV series: 20 episodes + 2 OVAs]
  • KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World!: A 2016 parody of the Isekai (another world) genre. The main character dies and gets reincarnated into a generic fantasy world *yawn*, but he ends up with an incredibly un-optimized party of rejects. Starting with "the weakest" generic Adventurer class himself, he's joined by a brain-dead Priest who spent most of her skill points on party tricks, a Wizard who can only cast one spell per day because she absolutely refuses to learn any new spells, and a Fighter who's only good as a meat-shield, which suits her just fine as she's extremely masochistic. Plus a complete lack of teamwork, tactics, or luck. Not to mention their horrible personalities. It is reminiscent of new players stumbling though their first RPG campaign, run by an experienced GM who is laughing his ass off. [TV series: 20 episodes + 2 OVAs]
Related games: MMORPGs, Dungeons and Dragons, any RPG that allows ineffective character builds
Related games: MMORPGs, Dungeons and Dragons, any RPG that allows ineffective character builds

Things That Aren't Anime, But You Thought Were, but are still Approved

  • Touhou: An arcade-style, shoot-em-up vidya series, featuring a 100% loli cast, barring one or two NPCs here or there. Its fandom is incredibly large and kooky, and so fanart of its characters get plastered all over 4chan, causing newfags to ask what anime they are from and incite much derision. It has however, received several official manga spinoffs. [Video-game series: 25 titles, as of Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom]

Related games: /v/ stuff, shmups, Exalted, 4e (that's a joke, a joke someone made terrifyingly real.)

  • Wakfu: A French cartoon about a kid named Yugo who discovers he is part of a long-lost race of people with the ability to create portals. A fun world with fun characters and a surprisingly deep BBEG that is not to be confused with your waifu. [TV series: 52 episodes + 6 specials + 27 episode mini-series]

    • Dofus: The Treasures of Kerubim: Is an episodic series about a retired adventurer who runs an item shop, set around 1000 years before the Wakfu timeline and 200 years before the game. [TV series: 52 episodes + 1 movie]

(Both Dofus and Wakfu stem from flash-made MMOs of the same names, both games have multiple classes that decide players' abilities and base appearance so homebrews are very possible.)

Related Games: /v/ stuff, generic mid-Europe fantasy setting. Wakfu had an unofficial early beta RPG and the company Ankama has asked if anyone is interested in an official RPG. There's also Krosmaster, a tactical PvP board-game with online and offline versions, set in the same world.

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender: In a world where creatures are able to manipulate the elements through martial arts, a child capable of controlling air who froze himself in ice awakens to find that he is the last of his kind. This child is also the Avatar, a person with potential to manipulate all elements and multiply their power by communing with past lives. His adventure involves traveling with friends to master the elements in hopes of unlocking his powers and overthrowing the evil emperor of the Fire Nation that seeks to conquer the world.we argued about it once. No we didn't. [TV series: 61 episodes]

    • Avatar: The Legend of Korra [TV series: 52 episodes]

Related games: Exalted, Legends of the Wulin. Also has a card-game that uses QuickStrike rules.

  • RWBY: Anime-esque CGI production made by the late Monty Oum and RoosterTeeth. The world is filled with creatures known as Grimm that seek to destroy humanity, stemmed back by a pseudo-magical substance known as Dust and an order of protectors known as Huntsmen, which the four main female characters are training to be. Started off noblebright with themes of tolerance and improving society, then got more grimdark by the middle of the third season. Generally considered to have a good (if somewhat flawed) story, good characters, and cool weapons; however, not all anons will agree. Currently someone is trying to make an RPG based on the setting and RT's game development group recently expressed interest in making tabletop games of the series, supposedly based off a tabletop game played in the series, because Meta things are fun.

Related games: low-level Exalted