Mystic Ranger
Mystic Rangers are a Ranger Variant Class for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition featured in the pages of Dragon Magazine #336. As their name suggests, these are rangers who focus on the spiritual and mystical elements of their calling over the martial ones, reducing their physical combat effectiveness for increased spellcasting, which arguably makes them better than vanilla rangers by default.
A Mystic Ranger loses the Animal Companion feature, and gains both Endurance (4th level) and its Combat Style (3rd, 7th, 12th) class features later than a regular ranger, adds Spellcraft to its class skills list, and changes its weapon & armor proficiencies to Simple Weapons, Martial Ranged Weapons, and Light Armor. In exchange for all of this, it gains spells much faster, has way more spells per day to play with, and also gains the ability to cast 0th level and 5th level spells, instead of only 1-4!
The 0th level spells available to a Mystic Ranger are: Create Water, Cure Minor WOunds, Flare, GUidance, Know Direction, Light, Mending, Purify Food & Drink, Resistance and Virtue.
The 5th level spells available to one are: Awaken, Baleful Polymorph, Cure Critical Wounds, Control Winds, Summon Nature's Ally V, and Wall of Thorns.