Wild Monk

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The Wild Monk is a Monk Variant Class from Dragon Magazine #324 for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition - specifically for 3.0, which may explain some of the oddness you may see compared to the 3.5 monk in any D20 SRD you look at online. Despite the name, they should not be confused with the Chaos Monk; Wild Monks earn their moniker because they turn to the natural order as a source of inspiration for their own spiritual and physical progression, studying the ways of animals and learning from the ebb and flow of the seasons and the living land. In other words, they're a kind of monk/druid fusion.

Unlike normal monks, wild monks instead gather in small communities in sacred or otherwise special natural locale, often working if not living alongside druids and rangers. In addition to traditional monk patron deities and worshipping the undiluted majesty of nature itself like a druid, wild monks often revere gods of nature and tribal deities.

What separates these monks from a regular monk, mechanically? These details:

  • Wild Monk Class Skills are: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Nature), List, Move Silently, Profession, Spot, Survival, Swim and Tumble
  • Alignment Restriction: Lawful Neutral
  • Wild Monks can only multiclass as Druids; a Wild Monk who multiclasses as anything else cannot gain further level as a wild monk, just like a regular monk.
  • Wild Monks lose the Bonus Feats, Still Mind, Slow Fall, Abundant Step, Quivering Palm and Empty Body.
  • Wild Monks gain the Resist Nature's Lure and Wild Shape abilities, exactly as per those of the druid, at levels 3 and 6 respectively, with Wild Shape advancing as a Druid does.
  • If a Wild Monk multiclasses as a Druid, their Wild Shape uses per day and abilities are tracked separately.

Like the Sidewinder Monk, a Wild Monk would probably be a good mesh for the Shen, at least on a thematic level.

Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Variant Classes
Adept Urban Adept
Artificer Psionic Artificer
Barbarian HorselordImplacableTotem BarbarianVariant Barbarian
Bard Bardic SageDivine BardHarbingerSavage BardVariant Bard
Cleric Ancestral SpeakerArcane DiscipleAspirantBenevolentCloistered ClericCrusaderEvangelistLost OneRage ClericSacred EnforcerVariant Cleric
Druid Druidic AvengerMetal MasterSidhe ScholarStorm DruidTotem DruidUrban DruidVariant DruidWild ReaperWind WalkerWinter Warden
Fighter BodyguardCommanderCorsairExoticistFencerHorsemanJanissaryKensaiKnightPugilistShield BearerSurvivalistTargetteerThaneThugVariant Fighter
Monk Buddhist MonkChaos MonkClockwork DiscipleFranciscan FriarHoly MonkHunter MonkIlluminated MonkKnight HospitallerMartial MonkRaging MonkShinto MonkSidewinder MonkSteadfast MonkVariant MonkVigilant MonkWild Monk
Ninja Variant Ninja
Paladin AnarchAnti-PaladinAvengerCorrupterDespotEnforcerIncarnatePaladin of FreedomPaladin of LightPaladin of SlaughterPaladin of TyrannySentinelSolstice KnightVariant PaladinWyrmslayer
Psion Erudite
Ranger Moon-Warded RangerMystic RangerPlanar RangerUrban RangerVariant RangerWild Defender
Rogue Lunar RogueWilderness RogueVariant Rogue
Sorcerer Battle SorcererVariant Sorcerer
Wizard AbjurerAnagakokCombat WizardConjurerDeathwalkerDivinerDomain WizardEnchanterEvokerFilidhFleshcrafterIllusionistNecromancerSpecialist WizardSoul ReaperTransmuterVariant Wizard