Cloistered Cleric

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The Cloistered Cleric is a Variant Class for the Cleric (duh) that's in Dungeons & Dragons, with the term initially appearing in 3.5E. In normie terms, this is what a Priest normally is, rather than the hammer-swinging warpriests that Gygax and Arneson romanticized and codified, being more focused on prayer and knowledge rather than violence. In a way, one could compare them to holy Wizards.

3.5E[edit | edit source]

The Cloistered Cleric sacrifices a lot of combat ability for the sake of their casting.

  • BAB degrades to a poor progression akin to the Wizard.
  • Class Hit Die degrade to d6, more befitting of a primary casting class.
  • Lose Medium Armor, Shield and Martial Weapon proficiencies.
  • Class skill points is improved to 6 + Intelligence Modifier per level.
  • Gain Decipher Script and Speak Language as class skills.
  • Gain the Bard's Bardic Knowledge ability, letting the cleric add half their level as a bonus to any checks in skills they are untrained in.
  • Gain the Knowledge Domain in addition to any domains they'd already have access to, regardless of if the god the cleric worships even has Knowledge as a domain. Not only does this give all Knowledge skills as class skills, but it also provides access to Knowledge domain spells.
    • On top of this, the Cloistered Cleric gains some extra spells to their class spell list, though all of them are utility spells.
Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Variant Classes
Adept Urban Adept
Artificer Psionic Artificer
Barbarian HorselordImplacableTotem BarbarianVariant Barbarian
Bard Bardic SageDivine BardHarbingerSavage BardVariant Bard
Cleric Ancestral SpeakerArcane DiscipleAspirantBenevolentCloistered ClericCrusaderEvangelistLost OneRage ClericSacred EnforcerVariant Cleric
Druid Druidic AvengerMetal MasterSidhe ScholarStorm DruidTotem DruidUrban DruidVariant DruidWild ReaperWind WalkerWinter Warden
Fighter BodyguardCommanderCorsairExoticistFencerHorsemanJanissaryKensaiKnightPugilistShield BearerSurvivalistTargetteerThaneThugVariant Fighter
Monk Buddhist MonkChaos MonkClockwork DiscipleFranciscan FriarHoly MonkHunter MonkIlluminated MonkKnight HospitallerMartial MonkRaging MonkShinto MonkSidewinder MonkSteadfast MonkVariant MonkVigilant MonkWild Monk
Ninja Variant Ninja
Paladin AnarchAnti-PaladinAvengerCorrupterDespotEnforcerIncarnatePaladin of FreedomPaladin of LightPaladin of SlaughterPaladin of TyrannySentinelSolstice KnightVariant PaladinWyrmslayer
Psion Erudite
Ranger Moon-Warded RangerMystic RangerPlanar RangerUrban RangerVariant RangerWild Defender
Rogue Lunar RogueWilderness RogueVariant Rogue
Sorcerer Battle SorcererVariant Sorcerer
Wizard AbjurerAnagakokCombat WizardConjurerDeathwalkerDivinerDomain WizardEnchanterEvokerFilidhFleshcrafterIllusionistNecromancerSpecialist WizardSoul ReaperTransmuterVariant Wizard

Pathfinder[edit | edit source]

The Cloistered Cleric would return as an archetype of the Cleric, though it takes a few extra hits too, making it less of a casting class. In fact, it kills a lot of the appeal of taking it, to the point where it's actually considered kinda absolute garbage.

  • Class skill points is improved slightly to 4 + Intelligence Modifier per level.
  • All Knowledge skills are class skills.
    • On top of this, the cleric can attempt any knowledge check untrained and add half their level as a bonus when doing so.
  • Proficiencies are drastically reduced to an anemic list of Simple Weapons and Light Armor.
  • Lose one domain as well as a non-domain spell slot for each level. Clearly the most severe loss, as this robs the Cleric of versatility, Hit Die be damned.
  • Level 2 gives them a +2 bonus to skill checks, caster level checks, or saves regarding to scripts, runes, scrolls, or other written things.
  • Level 3 gives them the ability to use the Aid Another action on someone 30 feet away. This can be spread among another ally every three levels.
  • Level 4 gives Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.

Second Edition also had a cloistered cleric, though it's nowhere near restrictive and one of the fundamental subclasses of the main class. The Cloistered Cleric essentially focuses more on casting, providing a better casting proficiency progression as well as a free domain, which plays more to the inherent strengths of the class moreso than the Warpriest subclass opposite it.