/tg/ (4chan World Cup team)

- For a significantly longer explanation, see the implyingRigged.info page
The 4chan Cup is one of the many terrible ideas regularly birthed on 4chan: what if we made a bunch of football teams with players dressed up as board-specific memes and had the AI play against itself while we watch and commentate?
Hang on that actually sounds kind of fun.
/tg/ entered into the 4Chan Cup on December 31, 2011 in order to participate in the 2012 4chan Winter Cup (replacing /s/). Since then, the team of legends would go on to compete against the other boards of 4chan in all the Summer and Winter Cup games, several invitational matches, and many friendly games.
In the wake of its dark defeat in the 2014 Summer Cup, /tg/ dropped to the ranks of the Babbies for the first time in club history. However, the hard work of then-manager The DM !!4ejBZS7hAn9 paid off when /tg/ clawed its way into the qualifiers for the 2015 Winter Cup. On March 1, 2015, /tg/ took their first ever Cup victory after defeating /h/ 1-0 in the 2015 Winter Cup Final. They are currently ranked 16th out of 60.
Because he considered it "advertising," moot -prior to his departure- did not allow the creation of 4chan Cup threads outside of /vg/ and /sp/ and, most recently, /mlp/. As they are wont to do most anons largely ignored the ruling, leaving it up to the mods, like the Inquisitors they are, to summarily delete these creative expressions of board culture and inter-board competition with a relentless fury whenever they find them. Not every board enforces the ban equally, some are very lenient, while others are far more stringent. However, it's possible to use this wiki's talk page to discuss the team, free from potential retribution. But 4chan Cup threads do at least seem to survive on game days when /tg/ is playing.
The team's official colors are Ultramarine Blue, Mechanicus Rust and Ceramite White for accents. The team pre-game anthem is Danger Room while the post-game anthem is Tankard Basher. The team's goalhorn is Da Ork Song.
What is This[edit | edit source]
It's like a wargame with fixed point-costs for all armies.
Created in Summer 2011, the 4chan Cup is an event where AI controlled teams play against each other in a football tournament for a pretend prize. The event is streamed over the Internet with live commentary. Each team gets to name their players however they want, and give them uniforms and custom faces. Tactics, formations, and positions are prepared beforehand by the team's manager. Each team is allowed two Gold players with 99 in each stat, and two Silver players with 88 in each stat, and 20 skillcards to distribute between players of fixed heights.
/tg/'s team is currently managed by Marqod !!ScG+JApFxMq following the retirement of long-time team manager The DM !!4ejBZS7hAn9 in the wake of /tg/'s slim success in the 2014 Autumn Babby Cup.
If you have more questions, just read this FAQ.
Roster[edit | edit source]

Almost all of the members of team /tg/ have articles on 1d4chan, and those that don't should. If you don't recognize them, you should probably look around a bit.
And if you needed more fluff, Team /tg/ is sponsored by Crazy Hassan's Used Camel Emporium. Deep Rot still provides the necrocomputational power for all min-maxing and mathhemmering. The Magical Realm is Team /tg/'s home stadium, and the team manager is Commissar Fucklaw.

Match History[edit | edit source]
There's a much more comprehensive list of old matches and other statistics on the Rigged wiki.
/tg/ is currently preparing for the 2018 Winter Cup, having just fought their way back from the Autumn Babby Cup where they placed fifth. Roll for initiative.
Whenever /tg/ appears on the field, be sure to type SMOrc into the chat if you're on the stream.
What /tg/ Needs[edit | edit source]

The team's kits could be better, and team /tg/ could use your help in running tactics simulations to help give us the extra edge. More drawfaggotry is always great.
It's possible to customize player faces to a significant extent in PES, but we could do with more of them if someone wants to stretch their Blender skills. If you can draw mugshots, you can contribute custom face textures.
Just showing up to the games to watch them is great, too. Set your chat color to 0033FF - Ultramarine Blue in a show of solidarity, and prepare your tankard.
The Daily Neckbeard[edit | edit source]
The Daily Neckbeard is /tg/'s home-made tabloid newspaper. Compared to its rival, /co/'s Daily Bugle, the Neckbeard provides better-researched and more informative articles in a distinctively under-presented style. The Neckbeard reports on significant, /tg/-related events. Relive the past! Get HYPE for the future! Wish there were more of them!
Jun 11, 2012
Jul 13, 2012
Jul 14, 2012
Jul 15, 2012
Jul 19, 2012
Jul 20, 2012
Jul 21, 2012
Dec 02, 2012
Dec 03, 2012
Feb 8, 2013
Feb 9, 2013
Feb 16, 2013
Feb 23, 2013
Jul 14, 2013
Jul 17, 2013
Aug 11, 2013 (page 1 of 2)
Aug 11, 2013 (page 2 of 2)
Aug 15, 2013
July 15, 2014 - Page 1
July 15, 2014 - Page 2
July 20, 2014
July 26, 2014
July 26, 2014
July 28, 2014
Winter, 2015
Mar 2, 2015
July 17, 2015
July 18, 2015
July 29, 2015
August 7, 2015
August 10, 2015
August 15, 2015
February 18, 2016
February 19, 2016
February 21, 2016
February 27, 2016
May 5, 2016
November 14, 2016
Other Media[edit | edit source]
With a side of extra heresy.
We Are PCs
We lost this game (and it's a good thing)
/tg/'s Star Player. Could be a trading card...