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Demonic Face Encircled by a Serpent With Two Snake Tails Descending from the Mouth
Aliases Master of the Final Incantation, Abraxus, Abrasax, Abracax
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Divine Rank Demon Lord
Pantheon Golarion
Portfolio Forbidden Lore, Magic, Snakes
Worshippers Drow, sorcerers, spirit nagas, those seeking forbidden secrets
Favoured Weapon Whip

The Master of the Final Incantation, Abraxas (also spelled Abraxus) is the Demon Prince of Forbidden Lore, Magic and Snakes from Pathfinder, who appears as a humanoid with two demonic vipers (heads and bodies) in lieu of legs and a face like a deformed, fang-mawed bird's. Abraxas has one of the greatest arsenals of forbidden lore and eldritch magical formulas in the multiverse, with a particular focus on spells that can cause great devastation and pain - as you'd expect of a demon prince. His signature and most dreaded spell is the Final Incantation, which can apparently "unmake magic" with a single word.

Abraxas' cult proliferates amongst sorcerers, mad or malevolent sages, evil wizards, races that prize dark magic for its own sake (like the Drow), and magic-using serpentine races, like serpentfolk and nagas. His temples are invariably found amongst or double as libraries, reliquaries or vaults, and his unholy symbol is a demonic face with two snake tails descending from a mouth encircled by a serpent. Worshippers give him homage by slowly self-flagellating with a small whip or a tree branch, punctuating each blow with the utterance of a mystic word. In return for this, Abraxas not only grants protection against charm effects and magical runes & symbols, but he can bestow such powers as divination spell-like ability, the ability to share terrible secrets that can stun and nauseate the listeners, and the Penultimate Incantation, essentially a one-target Greater Dispel Magic that also inflicts fire damage.

In the Abyss, Abraxas rules over the realm of Pleroma, where powerful illusions and hidden constructions work to deceive the foolish by presenting it as some kind of paradise, aided by its ability to literally reshape itself in the span of an eyeblink and around every corner ahead or behind a person in order to present a vision of serenity and beauty. Its capital city, Diovengia, is a hypnotically beautiful spiral-shaped city filled with thousands of library towers and fortified repositories, all brimming with arcane secrets and forbidden lore. Pleroma abounds with snakes, serpentine monsters & demons - especially mariliths, Abraxas' favorite demon - as well as damned souls who slave to maintain and expand the libraries.

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The Demon Lords of Pathfinder
Demon Lords: Abraxas - Aldinach - Andirifkhu - Angazhan - Areshkagal - Baphomet - Cyth-V'sug - Dagon
Deskari - Flauros - Gogunta - Haagenti - Jezelda - Jubilex - Kabriri - Kostchtchie - Lamashtu
Mazmezz - Mestama - Nocticula - Nurgal - Orcus - Pazuzu - Shax - Shivaska - Sifkesh
Socothbenoth - Urxehl - Xoveron - Yhidothrus - Zevgavizeb - Zura
Nascent Demon Lords: Daclau-Sar - Izyagna - Kro'akoth - Menxyr - Murnath - Nightripper - Ovonovo - Shamira
Sithhud - Treerazer
The deities of Golarion
Lawful Neutral Chaotic
Good Adanye - Aesocar - Andoletta - Apsu - Arqueros - Chohar - Dammerich - Eldas - Erastil - Falayna - Folgrit - Ghenshau - Gruhastha - Grundinnar - Ihys - Iomedae - Kelinahat - Kroina - Lymnieris - Myr - Neshen - Olheon - Osiris - Ragathiel - Shizuru - Smiad - Sturovenen - Svarozic - Tanagaar - Torag - Tsukiyo - Vildeis - Wadjet - Winlas - Zohls Aegirran - Arshea - Arundhat - Atreia - Benorus - Bes - Bharnarol - Bolka - Chaldira Zuzaristan - Chinostes - Cihua Couatl - Dalenydra - Eritrice - Halcamora - Irez - Isis - Jaidi - Jaidz - Kazutal - Kelksiomides - Khepri - Korada - Kurgess - Lady Jingxi - Lysianassa - Lythertida - Mazludeh - Neith - Omrataji - Ondisso - Qi Zhong - Ranginori - Rowdrosh - Sairazul - Sarenrae - Seramaydiel - Shei - Shelyn - Soralyon - Tlehar - Trudd - Yelayne - Ylimancha - Yuelral Alglenweis - Ashava - Bergelmir - Black Butterfly - Cayden Cailean - Cernunnos - Chadali - Chucaro - Dajermube - Desna - Elion - Findeladlara - Hathor - Hembad - Immonhiel - Jalaijatali - Jin Li - Keltheald - Ketephys - Kofusachi - Lalaci - Marishi - Milani - Picoperi - Pulura - Reymenda - Selket - Sinashakti - Skode - Skrymir - Thisamet - Tolc - Uvuko - Valani
Neutral Abadar - Alseta - Amaznen - Anubis - Aroden - Dranngvit - Erecura - Horus - Imbrex - Irori - Jerishall - Kerkamoth - Kols - Luhar - Ma'at - Magdh - Magrim - Matravash - Otolmens - Ra - Ravithra - Suyuddha - Thoth - Valmallos - Vineshvakhi Aakriti - Aerekostes - Atropos - Balumbdar - Barzahk - Brigh - Casandalee - Ceyannan - Chamidu - Daikitsu - Dammar - Drokalion - Fandarra - Feronia - Gozreh - Grandmother Spider - Iapholi - Imot - Likha - The Lost Prince - Monad - Mother Vulture - Mrtyu - Naderi - Nalinivati - Narakaas - Nethys - Ng - Nivi Rhombodazzle - Onos - The Pale Horse - Pharasma - Pharimia - Phlegyas - Ptah - Ragdya - Saloc - Shyka - Sivanah - Stag Mother of the Forest of Stones - Teshallas - Vale - Vavaalrav - Vonymos - Yamatsumi Abhoth - Acavna - Ashukharma - Azathoth - Bastet - Besmara - Bokrug - Calistria - Count Ranalc - Gendowyn - Gorum - Groetus - Hei Feng - Il'surrish - Kalekot - The Lantern King - Lubaiko - Mhar - Narriseminek - Nephthys - Nocticula - Sekhmet - Sobek - Speakers of the Depths - Ssila'meshnik - Sun Wukong - Tawil at'Umr - Tjasse - Ydajisk - Yig - Yog-Sothoth
Evil Achaekek - Aksha - Akuma - Alichino - Andak - Ardad Lili - Aroggus - Asmodeus - Baalzebul - Barbariccia - Barbatos - Barravoclair - Belial - Bifrons - Bohga - Bundha - Caera - Cagnazzo - Chugarra - Chupurvagasti - Circiatto - Crocell - Deumus - Dhalavei - Diomazul - Dispater - Doloras - Dradjit - Draghignazzo - Eaqueo - Eiseth - Eligos - Farfarello - Fharaas - Furcas - Gaap - Gavidya - General Susumu - Geryon - Graffiacane - Haborym - Hadregash - Hudima - Hydim - Iaozrael - Inkariax - Inma - Ioramvol - Jiraviddain - Jyotah - Kaikyton - Kalma - Kunkarna - Libicocco - Lissala - Lorcan - Lorthact - Losarkur - Maeha - Mahathallah - Malacoda - Mammon - Mephistopheles - Minderhal - Moloch - Morrobahn - Mursha - Nergal - Onamahli - Ose - Otikaya - Pirias - Prihasta - Quindiovatos - Raetorgash - Rahu - Rasvocel - Ravana - Rubicante - Ruzel - Rytara - Sabnach - Sicva - Sugroz - Surpa - Titivilus - Unity - Uruskreil - Uzumae - Vassago - Vevelor - Vibhishah - Vois - Walkena - Wylgart - Xanderghul - Xhasnaphar - Yaezhing - Yan-gant-y-tan - Zabha - Zaebos - Zepar - Zon-Kuthon - Zurapadyn - Zursvaater Aesdurath - Ah Pook - Ahriman - Ajids - Alazhra - Ananshea - Anogetz - Apollyon - Arazni - Arlachramas - Atlach-Nacha - Ayrzul - Bound Prince - Braismois - Chamiaholom - Charg - Charon - Chimon - Chinostes - Cixyron - Corosbel - Dachzerul - Diceid - Droskar - Ealdeez - Fumeiyoshi - Folca - Geon - Ghatanothoa - The Green Mother - Hastrikhal - Hataam - Hshurha - Iggeret - Jacarkas - Kelizandri - Laivatiniel - Lao Shu Po - Llamolaek - Mneoc - Muronna - Nalmungder - Nameless - Nataka - Norgorber - Osolmyr - Ozranvial - Pavnuri - Raumya - Roqorolos - Ruapceras - Scal - Set - Shawnari - Slandrais - Stygidvod - Szuriel - Tamede - Tresmalvos - Uaransaph - Ulon - Urgathoa - Velgaas - Venkelvore - Vermillion Mother - Vorasha - Xhamen-Dor - Xiquiripat - Xsistaid - Yabu - Ymeri - Zaigasnar - Zarongel - Zelishkar - Zipacna - Zyphus Abraxas - Aldinach - Andirifkhu - Angazhan - Apep - Areshkagal - Baphomet - Camazotz - Chaugnar Faugn - Chavazvug - Cthulhu - Cyth-V'sug - Daclau-Sar - Dagon - Dahak - Deskari - Dretha - Flauros - Ghlaunder - Gogunta - Guyuku - Gyronna - Haagenti - Haggakal - Hastur - Hellion - Igramalash - Isph-Aun-Vuln - Ithaqua - Izyagna - Jezelda - Jubilex - Kabriri - Kitumu - Kostchtchie - Kro'akoth - Lady Nanbyo - Lahkgya - Lamashtu - Lanishra - Marbas - Mazmezz - Menxyr - Mestama - Mog-Lathar - Mordiggian - Murnath - Nhimbaloth - Nightripper - Nulgreth - Nurgal - Nyarlathotep - Oaur-Ooung - Ongalte - Onmyuza - Orcus - Orgesh - Ovonovo - Pazuzu - Ragadahn - Rhan-Tegoth - Rovagug - Rull - Sezelrian - Shamira - Shax - Shiggarreb - Shivaska - Shub-Niggurath - Sifkesh - Sithhud - Socothbenoth - Thamir - Thremyr - Thuskchoon - Treerazer - Tsathoggua - Urazra - Urxehl - Ushitora - Varg - Vepar - Verex - Xoveron - Yamasoth - Ydersius - Yhidothrus - Zagresh - Zevgavizeb - Zogmugot - Zura