Mammon is the archdevil ruler of the third layer of Hell; Minauros in D&D and Erebus in Pathfinder.
D&D[edit | edit source]

The archdevil Mammon is a selfish being, even by diabolic standards. He is a patron of material greed and is frequent in his betrayals. His treacherous nature has made him very unpopular with the other Lords, meaning none will even consider striking an alliance with him. With no opportunities for alliances left in the Nine Hells, he has instead he turned to the Prime Material Plane to gain power, corrupting rich and powerful mortals to become greedy and lecherous monsters and eventually signing their souls over to him, essentially banking on the old saying "the love of money is the root of all evil." As a result of having no friends, the Lord of the Third is a very paranoid devil and will punish his servants at the slightest provocation by demoting them. This high turnover rate means that Mammon also promotes more devils more frequently than any other Lord, and will pay a good price for a soul fitting for a specific promotion. Noticing the cycle here?
He once had an affair with Glasya, but after his role in the Reckoning Asmodeus forced his daughter to end the relationship, and left Mammon with a new form consisting of a male humanoid upper torso and a snake-like lower body as a mark of shame. Both Mammon and Glasya seem to bow to Asmodeus' command, but some claim that now that she's no longer right under her father's nose Glasya has rekindled the relationship. Others claim that she despises Mammon for not fighting for their relationship. It's even possible that both are true, though how they manage an affair around Old Scratch turning Mammon into a snake-man to give him the "Walter Peck" treatment is a riddle for the ages. Though unlike Baalzebul's punishment, Mammon can re-adopt his original form of a bloated Pit Fiend when he wants, but only for 10 minutes per Hit Dice a day, whereupon he must endure the frustration of turning back into his new form, which he takes out on his servants and his endless quest for more riches and souls.
Whatever their relationship actually is, ever since Glasya's ascension Mammon has redoubled his effort to increase the flow of souls to his realm by corrupting the Material World via appealing to its inhabitants' greed, and increasing his power when they sign over their souls to him or his minions. His cult's signature spells are Mending, Tenser's Floating Disk, Arcane Lock, and Glyph of Warding, and the gifts Mammon bestows (presumably very reluctantly) on his followers are Grasping Hands (allows the cultist to teleport a small item to their hands) and Promise of Wealth (convince a group of people that your target is super rich and totally worth looting), the latter of which is only given to cult leaders.
It's worth noting that he lives in a city perpetually sinking into a swamp, so one can't help but wonder if this might be connected to the fact he sits on a pile of more gold than even a dragon would ever think they needed.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
The Archdukes of Hell | |
Avernus | Bel or Zariel |
Dis | Dispater |
Minauros | Mammon |
Phlegethos | Belial/Fierna |
Stygia | Levistus |
Malbolge | Glasya |
Maladomini | Baalzebul |
Cania | Mephistopheles |
Nessus | Asmodeus |
Pathfinder[edit | edit source]
Mammon | ||
![]() |
Aliases | Argent Prince, Ardent Prince, The Countless, Grasping One, Open Palm, Spirit in Gold, Twice-Fallen, Mamon | |
Alignment | Lawful Evil | |
Divine Rank | Demigod | |
Pantheon | Archdevils of Hell | |
Portfolio | Avarice, Watchfulness, Wealth | |
Domains | 1e: Artifice, Earth, Evil, Law, Construct, Devil, Metal, Toil 2e: Ambition, Creation, Toil, Wealth |
Home Plane | Erebus, Hell | |
Worshippers | Guardians of wealth, Misers, The wicked impoverished | |
Favoured Weapon | Shortspear |

The punchline to all "evil bankers" jokes, Mammon is the treasurer of Hell. A fallen angel, Mammon was slain long ago. But instead of passing on his soul jealously clinged to existence and managed to infuse himself into the wealth that surrounded his place of death. Mammon eventually managed to bind himself to these riches, making him one with the treasures of Hell. He meticulously keeps track of Hell's finances and reports them directly to Asmodeus. Mammon can easily possess objects or people of any kind, but his favorite body is a construct called the Argent Prince that looks like an idealized form of his old body, and grants Mammon a buttload of immunities and abilities.