
Alseids are a fey race from the Midgard setting by Kobold Press, and basically can be summed up as "playable Warcraft Dryads". Related to both the elf and centaur races, an alseid resembles a centaur-like melding of elf and deer, with an elf's upper body replacing the head of a large deer. They're also known as "grove nymphs", although they're much more distantly related to nymphs than they are to elves - this is actually a cheeky little reference on their creators' parts, as the name "alseid" is actually the name for a species of nymph that inhabits/looks after groves and glens in Classical Mythology. Both sexes grown antlers, which slowly form over the first century of their life, attaining a single point per 10 years. Alseids who perform great deeds on behalf of the forest are mystically imbued with extra points on their antlers - the largest number ever seen by outsiders are 13-pointers, who typically act as the leaders of alseid society.
The forest-dwelling alseids, as you can probably expect based on all this, are reclusive and highly protective of their forest homes. They don't mind people entering their forests, and have been known to help rescue lost travelers who showed respect to the forest, but they won't hesitate to kill those who harm the forest.
Alseids debuted as a monster in the Tome of Beasts, featured in the Midgard Heroes for 5th Edition as a PC race, and also became playable in the Margreve Player's Guide, alongside the Erina and Piney.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]

- Ability Score Increase: +2 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 40 feet
- Monstrosity Type
- Darkvision 60 feet
- Alseid Weapon Training: You are Proficient with Spears and Shortbows.
- Light Hooves: You are Proficient in Stealth.
- Quadruped: The mundane details of the structures of humanoids can present considerable obstacles for you. You have to squeeze when moving through trapdoors, manholes, and similar structures even when a Medium humanoid wouldn’t have to squeeze. In addition, ladders, stairs, and similar structures are difficult terrain for you.
- Woodfriend: In forests, you leave no tracks and can always discern true north.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Magic: the Gathering[edit | edit source]
Alseids of a more traditional sort appear in Magic: The Gathering as cards associated with the plane of Theros - specifically, the Alseid of Life's Bounty, Harvestguard Alseids, and Observant Alseid creature cards.