
Erina are a race of small, inoffensive hedgehog people who inhabit the Old Margreve Forest in the Midgard setting for Pathfinder and Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, and could be considered a spiritual update of the long-forgotten Hurgeons. Though their druidic leaders claim that the race has an ancient history, they are very similar to halflings in that they have long held a "live and let live" policy towards the world at large, and thusly have largely gone unnoticed - despite their stated curiosity about the world around them.
The erina pursue a simple life of hunter-gathering and subsistence agriculture, cultivating roots and fruits whilst also hunting for insects and small fish or animals with their spears. They are a highly communal race who dwell in large groups that inhabit labyrinthine underground burrows, which contain a dizzying number of tunnels and chambers with multiple camouflaged entrances and exits. Invading an erina burrow is a nightmarish experience, as the little defenders burrow over, under, and beside their enemies with alarming speed, striking from a freshly dug hole before retreating to safety. Certain fey sometimes live alongside or even amongst erina communities.
As is typical for races built around the "reclusive woodsy forest-dweller" archetype, erina favor the druid and ranger classes, and are deeply suspicious of arcane magic, which mostly manifests amongst their numbers as sorcerers and warlocks - outside of the rare halfling-esque "too curious to remain in the woods!" erina or an erina seeking to confront some great threat to their home region, most erina adventurers are arcanists who have been promptly expelled from their home community.
Erina speak their own language, a series of whirring sounds punctuated by clicks. Erina can also communicate with other erina using only twitches of the nose and whiskers, though this old non-verbal language has fallen out of fashion in recent generations. Most burrows have at least one member who speaks the Common tongue. Erina names translate very poorly into other languages. When outside erina lands, the hedgehog-folk tend to adopt names with long, open vowel sounds. These sounds are rare in their own language and bring pleasure to their ears. Erina are certain to extend the vowel sounds in their names when introducing themselves.
The Erina debuted as a playable race in the Margreve Player's Guide, alongside the Alseid and the Piney. They were reprinted in the Tome of Heroes, and gained a subrace in the Book of Ebon Tides; the Shadow Realm-dwelling Spiritfarer Erinas. These descend from erinas who were snatched away by the Shadow Fey as servants, a role to which they quickly proved poorly suited due to their wanderlust and ability to tunnel away from overly demanding overlords.
5e PC Stats[edit | edit source]
Common Erina
- Ability Score Increase: +2 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom or Charisma
- Size: Small
- Speed: 25 feet
- Darkvision 60 feet
- Hardy: You have Poison Resistance and Advantage on saving throws against Poison.
- Spines: While you are grappling a creature or while a creature is grappling you, it takes 2 (1d4) piercing damage at the start of your turn.
- Keen Senses: You have Proficiency in Perception.
- Digger: You have a Burrow speed of 20 feet, but can only burrow through earth and sand, not substances like mud, snow or rock.
Spiritfarer Erina
- Ability Score Modifier is +2 Wisdom, +1 Dexterity OR +1 Charisma
- Size: Small
- Speed: 25 feet
- Darkvision 60 feet.
- Digger: You have Burrow 20, but can only dig through earth and sand, not mud, ice or rock.
- Quills: When you successfully hit a target within 5 feet with a melee attack, that target also takes +3 (+1d6) Piercing damage.
- Sharp Instincts: You can't be surprised, except when incapacitated by something other than nonmagical sleep.
- Spirit Tongue: You can cast the Message cantrip. From 3rd level, you can cast Charm Undead (as Charm Person, but only targets undead, not humanoids) 1/day. From 5th level, you can cast Enthrall 1/day. All of these SLAs use Wisdom as their SAS.