Arbites Exaction Squad

Whenever a particular individual(s) has either got off planet or there is a serious investigation that goes beyond normal authorities. The Adeptus Arbites would decide to action a very special type of Arbites squad that specialises in these type of roles. They are called the Arbites Exaction Squad.
Overview[edit | edit source]
After two decades of their absence, the Judge Dredd knock-offs finally got their first modern rendition in Kill Team: Soulshackle. Exaction Squads are pretty specialised, even by the standards of an Arbites. These aren't your typical Grandma garden-variety Arbites Enforcer mind you. Their duties include off-world investigation, infiltration, exfiltration as well as off-world enforcement, so Exaction Squads develop specialist skills including medical treatment and comms interception. Imperial governors can call on their local Exaction Squad to deal with the emergence of unsanctioned psykers and Chaos cults. Threats that are typically too unorthodox and beyond the capability of a normal Enforcer Security Force.
Members of an Exaction Squad[edit | edit source]
In combat, there are various disciplines that members of an Exaction Squad could master. Each of these disciplines form an Arbites that is specialised in its given role. These are:
Proctor-Exactant[edit | edit source]
The Prostate-Exactant Proctor-Exactant is the big black G of an Exaction Squad. The Dreddest of Judge Dredd LARPers.
The Proctor-Exactant spends plenty of time bellowing into his Nuncio-Aquila – basically a flying megaphone – and he even gets a choice of helmet crest to look impressive from the front and the side.
As the top skull cracker of DA LAWWW, the Proctor-Exactant is pretty well dressed and armed. Outside of his gaudy Hydraphur Judge's Armour, the Proctor-Exactant can be armed with the aforementioned flying karaoke machine alongside a Combat Shotgun and a Repression Baton. Or clip the baton to his belt, and trade the shotgun in for a hefty Dominator Maul and assault shield – and allow the eagle-headed drone to float on its own base, where it can also be used as a game token.
On the Kill-Team tabletop, Proctor-Exactants are your leader. Comes with either the base Vigilant's shotgun and repression baton or a melee-dependent dominator maul and a repression shield, making them a meaner Subductor thanks to the maul having Lethal 5+ and Stun and a super-defensive shield. Their bigger specialty is the Nuncio-Aquila which they can deploy as an extra action, forcing anyone within 3"/square of it performing objective actions to spend another AP to pull it off. Though the combat potential is something that hinges on loadout, this does give consistent denial for any objectives since it can't be hurt.
They are classified under as a Combat, Staunch and Marksman unit.
Alternate Proctor-Exactant
Castigator[edit | edit source]
The Castigator is the second in command of an Exaction Squad and an all-round badass.
Castigators should not be confused with the tank of the same name, a super-rare semi-heretical Titan of the same name, nor the names of two unrelated weapons. Instead, this Castigator is a stone-cold close-combat assault monster. These are the kind of guys who use their own handcuffs as makeshift nunchucks. And we are not joking on that statement. Just look at the model.
They are armed with an Arc Maul, a Repression Baton, a Combat Shotgun and a Autopistol. Whilst Subductors are just there to cockblock, Castigators as their name implies, are there to rush-in and beat the absolute hell out of a target. They are very identifiable as their Hydraphur Judge's Armour have a unique helmet which makes them look like they are wearing gimpsuits; ironic given the primary enemy they are facing in Soulshackle. They can also be identified by the white cuff symbol on their right chest piece.
On the Kill-Team tabletop, Castigators are the hard-ass of the group, gaining not only a 6+ FNP but also the ability to ignore any penalties to their stats. Their Excruciator Maul is more than a step up from the base Vigilant's baton with 4/4 Damage with Rending and Stun for some fierce crits. They also come with their own special manacles they can use to effectively arrest enemies with 10 wounds or fewer as if they had that item. This makes them excellent for locking down melee monsters like Legionary Butchers and Tyranid Warriors. Yeah, I know, it is pretty funny imagining a space cop subduing and arresting a posthuman superman and a giant killer bug-lizard with simple handcuffs.
They are classified under as a Combat and Staunch unit.
Vigilant[edit | edit source]
Vigilants are the bog-standard Arbites troop from an Exaction Squad.
They are one of the most common types of Exaction Arbites, with the other being the Subductors. Vigilants act as the general mooks in an Arbites kill team. They are trained to flush out and flank their targets in disadvantageous positions, whilst supporting their more specialised colleagues via fire support. Definitely the more generalised and flexible members of the team.
To aid in their flexibility, Vigilants typically wear Hydraphur Judge's Armour and arm themselves with Combat Shotguns, Grenade Launchers, Webbers an holstered Autopistol and a Repression Baton. This actually makes them quite lethal in close-quarters combat. Although they start to suffer at longer ranges, so they may need to be supported by their Subductor buddies for additional cover.
On the Kill-Team tabletop, Vigilants are your basic goons who are as tough as the Breachers and Kasrkin, though they're more akin to the former thanks to their shotguns. These shotguns are the same in that they have dedicated range bands, but these pack more of a punch, with its close-range profile being locked on 4 damage and short-range being locked to 2 damage. The compromise is that their melee weapon, a mere baton, is now much weaker at only 2 damage.
They are classified under as a Marksman and Staunch unit.
Subductor[edit | edit source]
The other bog-standard Arbites troop from an Exaction Squad.
Subductors, like their Vigilant kin, are one of the most common types of Exaction Arbites. Whilst Vigilants act as mobile shock troops, the role of a Subductor is comparatively more simple in doctrine. These guys are your shield huggers, the one who are always at the front of the team meant to take in punishment from afar. As such, they are one of the most important members of an Exaction Squad.
Due to their assault shields, Subductors are close-combat specialists, even more so than the already close-ranged happy Vigilants. To aid in their role, they wear Hydraphur Judge's Armour and are all armed with a Arc Maul to stun and incapacitate their target, or go completely lethal and zap them to oblivion. They are also armed with a holstered Autopistol and a Repression Baton in case they lost their primary weapon.
For their more hippie cousins, see here: Palanite Subjugator
On the Kill-Team tabletop, Subductors are the big wall of the team, given a shock maul and riot shield for high defense against guns. In combat, it's better than the base Vigilant with a 4/4 damage and your pick between either Stun for offensive edges or a defensive mode that treats you as the attacker and makes each parry block two hits so you can bat aside power fists. With the fact that you can grab so many of them, you can easily set up a good wall to block early firing lines while your other troops cover other objectives before closing in to lock down enemies.
They are classified under as a Combat and Staunch unit.
Arbites Gunner[edit | edit source]
The heavy weapons guy of the team.
An Arbites Gunner or simply known as just the Gunner, are the dudes and dudettes that carry around sufficient firepower. One must take note that an Exaction Squad is first and foremost, a law-enforcement agency. As such, most of their weapons are suited for close-range combat, where busting into doors within an enclosed space is considered standard practice. However, in cases where they simply need to crush a whole host of targets or the targets themselves are packing, this is where the Gunner comes in.
A Gunner's primary job is equalize the uneven pressure placed upon an Exaction Squad. Therefore, they carry around heavy-duty Terminator-fucking weapons considered overkill on normal targets, like Meltaguns or horde clearing weapons like a Heavy Stubber and Heavy Webber. They definitely have the most diverse collection of arms to choose from, and that is not considering their standard secondary Autopistol and Repression Baton. Now that's a whole lot of gun.
On the Kill-Team tabletop, Gunners are your special-weapons goon, sadly without the cool shit like meltas and plasma despite having models for it. Your strongest weapon is instead the Grenade Launcher, which provides decent damage and AP1, but sadly doesn't benefit from Ruthless Efficiency. The Heavy Stubber has Fusillade and Ceaseless, making it ideal for covering a lot of things but Heavy means that the gunner will be stuck in the backlines. The Webber is your most accurate gun and has Lethal 5+ to set off Stun more easily, but it's short-ranged and has abysmal damage.
They are classified under as a Marksman and Staunch unit.
With Heavy Webber
Malocator[edit | edit source]
One of the two investigative arms of the Squad.
Malocators are Arbites who specialise in evidence-extraction and cleaning. They are the squad's primary detective that is meant to better contextualise the nature of the crime scene. Ergo, they are an important intelligence gathering member as without them, no one has any idea on which clue leads to where.
Due to their nature, Malocators aren't primary combat specialists. This is not to say they are useless, as they are an Arbites trained like all of the rest with their Autopistol and Repression Baton. But what this means is that their resources are better suited for other things outside of combat. To aid in their task, Malocators are all equipped with a bio-sample extractor and scanner. Their specialty means that Malocators often work closely together with their Revelatum buddies.
On the Kill-Team tabletop, Malocators are special support units that comes with some sort of auspex they can use as an action to mark an enemy they can see, letting any other operatives score an automatic hit when they attack the mark. This combined with the 1 AP discount when they perform one objective action makes them the go-to guy when you're on a mission that requires a lot of special actions.
They are classified under as a Scout and Staunch unit.
Revelatum[edit | edit source]
One of the two investigative arms of the Squad.
Revelatums are Arbites who specialise in judging whether the acquired target is bullshitting or not. They are the squad's primary interrogators that are meant to extract answers from their target and cipher truth from fiction. They therefore has a more 'hand-on' approach to any captured persons of interests, and are willing to go the extra step in torture if needed.
Due to their nature, Revelatums aren't primary combat specialists. This is not to say they are useless, as they are an Arbites trained like all of the rest with their Stub Gun and Repression Baton. But what this means is that their resources are better suited for other things outside of combat. To aid in their task, Revelatums are all equipped with a soulguilt scanner to judge the target's sincerity. Now what the proverbial fuck a 'soulguilt scanner' means, we have no idea. But what we do know is that Revelatums often work together with their Malocator buddies.
They are best identified by their weird lollipop symbol on the right chest piece on their Hydraphur Judge's Armour.
For all intents and purposes, they share some career overlap with the Chasteners. Although the latter is more non-combative than the former.
On the Kill-Team tabletop, Revelatums are some sort of scouting cop, meaning that they can make a free flying move before the game starts. They're equipped with a scope-pistol, giving you a long-ranged gunner that deals 3/1 damage with MW2 on crits. They also have a special mark that lets them pick out enemies within 6"/pentagon and let other operatives within 3"/square of them count the marked enemy as being under the Engage order, which is great for flushing out any cover-campers.
They are classified under as a Scout and Marksman unit.
Arbites Marksman[edit | edit source]
Sometimes, the Arbites need to deal with enemies from long range. For this purpose, the Marksmen make use of Executioner Shotguns, shotguns that are customized to also act like sniper rifles by removing the scatter and adding a scope.
Whilst one may wonder about the logic behind turning a weapon meant for close-quarters combat into anything resembling precision handling, this isn't as absurd as one might expect. Shotguns are renown for their versatility in real life; being relatively simple to make and maintain, as well as being able to fire multiple type of shells and is pretty accurate and long-ranged contrary to mainstream depiction. I mean yeah, it ain't no dedicated marksman rifle, but real-life Shotguns don't magically become useless beyond 10 meters. So turning a shotgun into a DMR isn't that outlandish. The superstructure is already there, you just need some better rifling and the proper ammunition to transform it into one, which would make it pretty economical for the Arbites as they don't need to scrounge for an STC (And resources) for one.
These sniper shotguns, while undeniably effective against any lightly-armored foes and especially against any demagogue that hides behind their herd, are not quite as potent as a true sniper rifle or a long-las. But hey, it is at least better than nothing.
On the Kill-Team tabletop, Marksmans are your dedicated sniper, with a literal fucking sniper-shotgun. While Heavy and a bit lacking at 3+ BS and 3/1 damage, it packs a punch with MW3 crits and if you spend an action with aim you can also give it Balanced and No Cover so you can aim at anything anywhere. As such, they're not really there to straight-up kill something outright, but more to finish off an injured enemy so that the others can move on and get to the next target.
They are classified under as a Marksman unit.
Chirguant[edit | edit source]
The chief medic of an Exaction Squad.
Chirguant should not be confused with the similarly named and similar work of a Chiurgeon. Chirguants, as field medics, are one of the most important members of an Exaction Squad. Their in-depth knowledge in medical science makes them crucial to not only healing their injured colleagues back to health, but also a target that has his/her's teeth knocked out by a Revelatum.
Due to their nature, Chirguants aren't primary combat specialists. This is not to say they are useless, as they are an Arbites trained like all of the rest with their Combat Shotgun, Autopistol and Repression Baton. But what this means is that their resources are better suited for other things outside of combat. To aid in their task, Chirguants all carry a medi-pack which contains all the essential materials needed to ensure that nearly all forms of injuries can be counteracted.
They are best identified by their white cross on their chest piece.
On the Kill-Team tabletop, Chirguants are you dedicated medic, complete with the ability to heal 2d3 wounds on a nearby operative. Also comes with the basic ability to resurrect a fallen ally, restoring them to 1 wound before sending them off. Considering your troops are only as strong as guardsmen, keeping them alive is a big deal.
They are classified under as a Staunch and Scout unit.
Leashmaster[edit | edit source]
The guy in charge of dogsitting the team mascot.
The Leashmaster brings with him the noble R-VR Cyber-mastiff. Unlike most other animal companions in Kill Team, this half-machine hound is well-trained enough to take certain mission actions – namely Gather Evidence, a special Tac Op for Exaction Squads.
The doggo even comes with build options of his own – a pair of precious little carry-bags to ferry around globs of torn flesh and spent shell casings.
In the case of the Leashmaster himself. He wears Hydraphur Judge's Armour and is armed with a Stub Gun, a Combat Shotgun and a Repression Baton. Pretty stock-standard overall. But without him, commanding the Cyber-Mastiff becomes a whole load harder. He is identifiable by the white K9 logo on his right chest piece.
On the Kill-Team tabletop, Leashmasters specially tasked for leading the Cyber-Mastiff since they can be activated at the same time. The Leashmaster can set their dog to one of three different attack modes (Relentless on weapons, +2"/circle movement or +1 to saves) when the game begins and can swap out the mode for free if the dog's within 6"/pentagon of them, making it more versatile than you'd expect.
They are classified under as a Staunch and Scout unit.
Forces of the Adeptus Arbites | |
Command: | Arbites Judge |
Troops: | Arbites Enforcer - Arbites Exaction Squad Chastener - Cult-Stalker - Cyber-Mastiff Malifixer - Mortiurge - Slate-Agent Suffering Marshal - Verispex |
Walkers: | Sentinel |
Vehicles: | Chimera - Leman Russ Battle Tank Repressor - Rhino |
Flyers: | Nuncio-Aquila - Valkyrie |
Spacecraft: | Punisher-class Strike Cruiser |
Allies: | Enforcer Security Force |