Basic Close Combat Weapons
These are the non-powered and overall basic and simple close combat weapons used by the Imperium and Cultists from the Forces of Chaos.
Combat Knife[edit | edit source]

The most simple, widespread and ubiquitous CCW ever. During the time of the Great Crusade, combat blades were a catch-all category which described a variety of lethal hand-to-hand weapons favoured by the Space Marine Legions, the exact form varying from Legion to Legion by its culture and tradition. They ranged from heavy razor-edged chain-bayonet, to adamantine gladius and Thule-alloy battle-axes that would be too heavy for an unaugmented human to wield.
Most Combat Knives are used as a bayonet for Imperial Guardsmen's flashlights, although their effectiveness is pretty subpar in an age of power armored roid monsters. Thus it is used against Grots and Tau.
The edges are mono-molecular, though, hence the nickname "molly blade".
Astartes Combat Knife[edit | edit source]

Combat Knives for the SPESS MEHREENS. Of course, due to their size, they are actually considered as a short sword by Human standards. Astartes Combat Knives comes in all shapes and sizes, and are often the standard issue CCW of Tactical Squads. Tough and thick, these knives are designed for in-close fighting and are often the last weapon a Space Marine will use when all others have run out of ammunition or power.
They are best seen in the Space Marine Video Game where Titus is so awesome that merely stabbing an Ork in the head causes it to blow the fuck up.
The Astartes part 4 animation shows what a Space Marine is capable of with this.
Mono-Hook[edit | edit source]
Mono-Hooks despite its name, isn't a weapon made out of a single hook blade. Rather, Mono-Hooks are so named due to being sharpened to a monomolecular edge like those of a Monomolecular Sword.
They are still relatively basic and simple weapons however, as they are only used by Ash Waste Nomads of Necromunda, and only by the Nomad Chieftan. They resemble more like a un-powered Power Klaw and is fitted on like a glove weapon; akin to that of Edward Scissorhands.
Due to their small size, Mono-Hooks on the Necromundan tabletop is swifter and easier to use than the Chain Lance, with a shit ton of attack potential. However, it lacks the same levels of versatility and balls-out damage than the latter.
Repression Baton[edit | edit source]
Repression Baton are one of the most common 'non-lethal' close-combat weapons used by the Adeptus Arbites, especially for the Arbites Exaction Squad.
Acting more as a secondary weapon in situations where an Arbites' Shock Maul or Arc Maul either ran out of energy, damaged or lost. A Repression Baton is nothing more than a good ole' fashioned metal beat stick that is used to either bludgeon and beat down targets into submission or to death like those you find in real-world police departments.
Against the average joe, a Repression Baton is not too bad of a cudgel for it is inexpensive, simple, requires very little-to-no maintenance and does its job quite well. They start to suffer, of course, when up against more dangerous and advanced foes. Still, this poor man's maul is better than nothing.
Night Reaper[edit | edit source]

The smallest of the Catachan Knives.
Smaller than other typical designs, the blackened blade of the Night Reaper is especially suitable for infiltration and night missions, when light reflecting from a blade can mean the difference between life and death.
The blade itself is triangular in shape, so they get a slightly bigger hole in them when stuck. Catachans are also known to poison these knives using one of the many venoms native to their nightmarish world, making them even more deadly.
Catachan Fang[edit | edit source]

Measuring up to twenty inches of gleaming steel, the Catachan Fang is the most common type of knife used by the Catachan regiments. It is renowned as a symbol of the Catachan Jungle Fighters across a thousand systems and is equally useful for cutting your way through jungle or enemies of humanity.
This knife is also used for settling disputes between Catachans: one knife is placed in the center of a fighting pit and the combatants must each strive to get hold of it. The duel ends when one fighter draws blood, but some duels still end with death.
Devil's Claw[edit | edit source]

Now THIS is a knife. Named after the Catachan Devil - the fearsome predator of the Catachan jungles, this is the largest type of the traditional knives of Catachan. Anywhere between three and four feet long, the Devil's Claw is closer to a sword than a knife. Rather, it is literally a shortsword.
The blade is hollow and half filled with mercury to give it greater swinging power. It is used mainly on the battlefield in close quarters and it has even achieved a fearsome reputation amongst Orks, who call it 'Da Cutta'. Catachan Power Swords are often identical in design to the Devil's Claw. The elite Catachan Devil Squads are also partly named after these knives, which they wield in battle.
Sword[edit | edit source]

The basic non-powered sword found on every single planet in the galaxy. It is relatively easy to manufacture and even untrained fighters can use it in battle with some degree of success. Swords can range from mass-produced blades of cheap metal to lightweight high-quality version or even elaborate versions made from Tyranid talons. As expected, designs tend to vary when it comes to swords; from the usual feudal-style knightly swords to fancy officer's sabres you'd most likely see in the hands of a commissar or sergeant (if a Chainsword isn't available).
However, as with most melee weapons, it is the skill of a user rather than the actual weapon that determines the winner of combat. The sword is perhaps the most widely used weapon in the Galaxy that can be found in the hands of any servant of the Imperium or follower of Chaos as well as many Xenos races.
A sword for the Sisters of Battle alongside some Chainswords.
Flail[edit | edit source]

The Flail is a primitive close combat weapon common on feral and feudal worlds of the Imperium. They usually consist of one or more heavy spiked balls attached to the weapon's pole and, while difficult to wield, they are capable of inflicting terrible wounds.
Flails are often used as a weapon to go around the protective cover of shields whilst crumpling and deforming armor, breaking bones and lacerating exposed flesh. Of course, it is wise to not get hit by your own flail due to the mechanics of its nature.
Feral Orks are known to sometimes use oversized versions of these.
Maul[edit | edit source]
A Maul or otherwise known as a Mace, Trench Maul or a Club is a type of bludgeoning weapon and a cousin of the Flail. The Maul is nothing more than a piece of heavy metal or object attached to a piece of stick. Compared to the Flail, the Maul is infinitely more easier to handle and master, although it lacks the unorthodox shield-evading capabilities of the Flail.
Next to the Spear, the Maul is one of the oldest and most simplistic close-combat weapons ever known. This thing is so god damned primitive that Feral Orks mass produce these things like Choppas.
As a result of how simplistic their design are, they proved popular with downtrodden individuals like Chaos Cultists for example. Although more industrialised factions like the Death Korps of Krieg are known to favour them over the basic knife (don't let the Shovel jokes fool you), which checks out considering their inspirations. Their mauls appear to be designed after the famous WWI trench mauls, consisting of a simple wooden handle with a heavy gear for the mace head.
Axe[edit | edit source]

An Axe is a specialized version of utility axe used as a primitive close combat weapon. It sports a brutal blade, used both as a tool and weapon. Because of its function, axes are far more versatile than swords, being able to both function as a weapon whilst being used to chop down trees and other materials into smaller and more manageable pieces.
While it generally does not have the reach of a sword and lacks its ability to parry away blows, a strike from an axe will generally create a more lethal effect when it lands, ripping apart flesh and shattering bone with ease.
Axes are usually found on feudal or Feral worlds, but many heretics also value their simplicity and brutality. It is perfect for untrained warriors as the only training an axe wielder needs is two things. First, how to swing it without letting the weight unbalance or injure you. Second, hit the enemy until they are dead.
Hammer[edit | edit source]

The Hammer or otherwise known as the Warhammer is a primitive weapon - basically a larger version of the regular hand tool, using a massive weighted end to inflict a harder and deadlier blow. Warhammers are common on primitive worlds and, as they can be carried openly by workers, they are doubly useful for heretics plotting raids against the Imperium. Many Imperial servants also favor war hammers as an enduring symbol of the Emperor's righteous justice.
The hammer is truly effective when it is mechanized and is surgically mounted onto a living person. This is done quite often by the Guilds of Hive cities to Pit Slaves who will be put to work in mines or foundries. When these slaves escape, they will often join up with any of the numerous criminal gangs present in the underhives of such planets as Necromunda where they can use these Hammers with devastating efficiency. The sheer pile-driving force of such a mass of pneumatically-driven steel is enough to shatter the most veteran gangers' defenses and knock them senseless to the ground.
Spear[edit | edit source]

The basic Spears and/or Halberds are primitive pole weapons common on Feudal Worlds where they are used to impale mounted fighters or their steeds. These weapons are favored due to their long reach and armor-piercing impact of their weapons.
They are in fact, arguably one of the most ancient forms of weapons, in which many stone age tribes fashion them out of sharpened stone, bones and wood. Various versions of these weapons are occasionally used throughout the Imperium and by some Xenos races.
Boning Sword[edit | edit source]
The hilariously unfortunately named Boning Swords is a type of tool meant to cut apart meat and slice through bone. It is basically just a fancier name for a bonesaw and it is usually found in meat abattoirs or in Grinder Guilds to make corpse starch.
The serrated edge of these swords are very pronounced as these cutting teeth are meant to more efficiently saw through bone. However, its large teeth does make it poor as a weapon as it may snag on loose material like clothing or wiring. Granted, it does leave nasty wounds that will hemorrhage the target. Nevertheless, they remain brutal but simple tools to use, and given their nature, the Corpse Grinder Cults absolutely adore these things.
On the tabletop, this is the go-to weapon for Grinder Initiates, who are probably the only members of a Corpse Grinder Cult who will be engaged long enough for the opponent to strike back. A solid secondary weapon for any fighter, provided they’ve decided to resist the allure of paired cleavers. A quick note: many non-CGC players scramble to buy these things from the Trading Post ASAP because they’re that good. You cannot go wrong here.
Calvary Sabre[edit | edit source]
Of all the technological kickassery the Adeptus Mechanicus usually hoard for themselves, for some reason, a humble sabre seems to be the close combat weapon of choice for the Serberys Raiders. Granted, this shit is master-crafted with some exotic material, but you would expect the AdMech to turn this into a Power weapon eh? But maybe not, as if it can do the job well enough then adding a power field generator would be a waste and waste is heresy.
Nevertheless, at the very least, the Serberys Raiders are at least smart enough to use this as a secondary backup weapon rather than a primary weapon.
Crunchwise, these are S+1, AP-1, D1 weapons. The weapon itself is fine, though the targets that the Raiders want to use it against are few.
Incensed Mace of the Righteous[edit | edit source]
A very unique weapon used only by the Novitiate Preceptor for some reason and should in no way be confused with other Mace of the Righteous used by the Dogmata.
The Mace of the Righteous (Or as we should now call as the Incensed Mace of the Righteous to avoid confusion with the other Mace of the Righteous) is for all intents and purposes, a giant bonk stick mixed with an incense. Although it is not listed as a power weapon, the fact that it is technically lit up, means that it can make enemies catch on fire. Oh yes, our first flaming CQC weapon. This is quite honestly befitting for the Sisters, although it is strange that no other Sisters of Battle unit would want to carry this hefty stick.
Crunchwise, the Incensed Mace of the Righteous is a weapon which is a 4 dice, 3+, 5/5, Inferno 2 and Stun. This gives you power weapon level damage output which also Stuns a model and sets it on fire. It is for now, exclusive to Kill Team.
Seriously though, whoever was that dimwit who thought it was a good idea to have a different close combat weapon with the exact same name from the exact same army needs to get hit in the dick.
Nemesii Blade[edit | edit source]
Nemesii Blades are swords that are wielded by the Imperium's Adamus Assassins and is considered as the Adamus' primary weapons, with blade being paired in conjunction with a Needlespine Blaster. The only thing we know about this weapon is that, due to its shape, it is most likely a single-bladed weapon like a Katana.
It is unknown if the Nemesii Blade is considered a form of power weapon, since the weapon is only seen sheathed. Given the sheer amount of head chopping the Adamus assassins must have done during the Horus Heresy, conventional wisdom goes to it being a power weapon with the sheer amount of traitor Astartes being present in the Heresy.
However, since it is yet unproven, for the sake of the wiki, it is placed here until more info can be found out.
Falax Blade[edit | edit source]
Possibly the most simple and mundane weapon used by the Rampagers.
Falax Blades is one of a group of weapons called the Caedere Weapons and used exclusively by the World Eaters Rampagers. Caedere Weapons is less of a distinct family of weapons and more of a name denoting their gladiatorial origins from NuceriaTM. Akin to how only the province of Champagne is allowed to call their sparkling wine Champagne and no one else, only with more RIP AND TEAR of course.
Falax Blades are always wielded in pairs for twice the choppiness. They resemble giant Kukris and function basically the same; bypassing shields and chopping shields to pieces. Falax Blades are possibly made out of some sort of adamantium or diamondine as it is not known whether they are powered. Given the World Eaters' allergic reaction to Power Weapons, it is likely they are unpowered master crafted swords.
Crunchwise, these are S+1 AP5 Specialist Weapons with Duellist's Edge (1) and Rending (4+) that always come in pairs, so you will be claiming the +1 attack bonus. As such, they are probably the most versatile choice. Rending (4+) actually means most of your wounds will be at AP2, since ones and twos will most often just result in fails. The Duellist's Edge bonus means you will probably be striking earlier in challenges. While the fact they are Rending and not Breaching means they will perform the same or better than Meteor Hammers and Excoriator Chainaxes against light vehicles and Dreadnoughts.
Renderizer[edit | edit source]
What happens when a bunch of 'humans' decided their take on an Ork Choppa.
Renderizers are the big brother of the Pulverizers and are enormous, ECKSW BAWKS HUEG serrated greataxes wielded by nearly everyone from House Goliath in Necromunda. From the greatest Overtyrants to the limpiest of Forge-Borns. These things would have made themselves home within the confines of either a Khornate Cult or an Ork warband.
Although it is described as 'serrated', it would be more accurate to call these things as 'toothed embedded', as the models we see are as sharp as a brick, and is often decorated with molded teeth for cutting power. If the Orks were to see this, they would have most likely named this as an honoury Choppa.
On tabletop, they are unwieldy, but the vastly increased Strength and Damage mean that additional weapons will not be needed. Moreover, they are also quiet affordable so use them.
Commune Blade[edit | edit source]
Large ECKS BAWKS HUEG broadsword wielded only by the Blessed Blades of a Dark Commune. Commune Blades is considered as a symbol of office within the Lost and the Damned, and are finely crafted compared to the rest of the junk that these murderhobos are generally equipped with. They are around 6-7 feet long, which makes these swords have an absurdly long reach and are covered in Chaos iconography.
It is unknown if they are a Power Weapon, although given how shit poor a Chaos Cult is, it is likely they are just normal swords made of really good material and is absurdly sharp.
Crunchwise, They are AP-3, D2 with S scaling of 4. They are actually not that bad all things considered and they are able to carve up a decent chunk of an MEQ squad in melee. Definitely the most useful weapon of a Dark Commune.
Charnabal Sabre[edit | edit source]
Charnabal Sabres are master-crafted swords used often by Imperial nobles and anyone smug enough to warrant wielding such a weapon. It is one of the few Imperial close combat weapons that follows the Eldar principle on the reliance on speed and dexterity rather than brute force for its lethality. Despite being conventional sabres, these things are so fucking good and so fucking sharp that it somehow rivals a Power weapon in cutting power. This is technically possible for a curved, mono-molecular blade if you move it swiftly enough and it at the optimum angle for whatever shape the surface you are striking is and if you understand the materials' strengths and weaknesses well enough. Which a well-trained duelist should know.
The Charnabal Sabre's origins can be traced back to the ancient dueling societies, assassin cults and bloody vendettas of the Terran Court during the Age of Strife. The pure metal of these blades was press-folded and stamped scores of times over before being micro-serrated with a fractal-sharp edge. The master swordsmiths of Terra were each said to have their own rituals of forging, impressing a distinct pattern in each bespoke blade as legible as a signature to those with the wit to read them.
Due to their status as essentially being That Guy of conventional swords, it is no surprise that the Emperor's Children loved the hell out of this thing, with the Palatine Blades loving them the most. They were primarily used during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy eras of the late 30th and early 31st Millennia. The reason why they aren't seen that often nowadays could possibly be its constant linkage with the Emperor's Children's personal pleasure dildo.
Human sized Charnable.
Barb-Hook Lash[edit | edit source]
The Barb-Hook Lash is one of a group of weapons called the Caedere Weapons and used exclusively by the World Eaters Rampagers. Caedere Weapons is less of a distinct family of weapons and more of a name denoting their gladiatorial origins from NuceriaTM. Akin to how only the province of Champagne is allowed to call their sparkling wine Champagne and no one else, only with more RIP AND TEAR of course.
Resembling nothing more than a chain with an anchor hook attached to one end. The Barb-Hook Lash is both an incredibly simple and basic weapon by design, and an exceptionally difficult and complex weapon to master. Only effective when swung in momentum; it takes years to master such weapons without accidentally caving your skull in. But a combination of reach and its unorthodox and unpredictable swing makes this weapons exceptionally effective against shield-hugging pansies. Its hooked anchor is most likely made out of either adamantium or plasteel and is able to puncture power armour with sufficient force.
Crunchwise, these things are AP5 with Two-Handed, Fleshbane, Reach (1) and Rending (5+). It's a bit better against dealing with armour now and with Reach bumping your Initiative, this can help you score a hit in edgewise against more durable foes. However, you're still suffering for most of the time you fight marines. Against daemons, it's a bit better.
Meteor Hammer[edit | edit source]
The more bone-shattering cousin of the Barb-Hook Lash, the Meteor Hammer is one of a group of weapons called the Caedere Weapons and used exclusively by the World Eaters Rampagers. Caedere Weapons is less of a distinct family of weapons and more of a name denoting their gladiatorial origins from NuceriaTM. Akin to how only the province of Champagne is allowed to call their sparkling wine Champagne and no one else, only with more RIP AND TEAR of course.
The Meteor Hammer is nothing more than a super-enlarged flail without a solid handle. Like the Barb-Hook Lash, the Meteor Hammer is both an incredibly simple and basic weapon by design, and an exceptionally difficult and complex weapon to master. Only effective when swung in momentum; it takes years to master such weapons without accidentally caving your skull in. But a combination of reach and its unorthodox and unpredictable swing makes this weapons exceptionally effective against shield-hugging pansies. Its heavy spiked ball is dense enough to crumple power armour and shatter bone into dust with a single swing.
Crunchwise, these are S+2 AP4 with Two-Handed, Breaching (5+) and Reach (1). The only weapon that's suffered a definite downgrade in the update, with Breaching making it ineffective against vehicles and losing Concussive. That said, you hit first anyway due to Reach, so losing the old Concussive (reduce enemy to I1) doesn't hurt that much. Not having new Concussive (reduce enemy WS by 1) does hurt, but you can't have everything.
Frag Lance[edit | edit source]
The literal poor man's version of the Hunting Lance. The Frag Lance is literally nothing more than a Frag Grenade mounted on a long stick. Primarily used by riders of the Ridge Walkers who like to cosplay as medieval knights from ancient Terra, they prove to be an effective one-use weapon in surprise assaults (Don't ask us how the riders avoid shrapnel from the exploding grenade, those bargain bin AT-RT chicken walkers ain't protecting much).
Since they lack the reinforced explosive tip of the more technologically refined Hunting Lance, the Frag Lance makes a poor choice when it comes to penetrating light armour or power armour. But since nearly everyone in Necromunda does not wear anything more than Flak Armour, it remains a cheap but effective weapon of war.
Like their more modern counterpart, the Frag Lance comes in many flavours depending on the type of grenade it has been duct taped to.
Rules-wise, the Frag Lance has a S rating of E and a L rating of 2" when it comes to range/reach. In terms of its attacking power, when primed, it is a S+1, Strength 4, AP-1, D1 weapon with a Blast radius of 3". Not too shabby when it comes to maiming not only the target but his ally beside him/her. After it explodes, the lance is still usable since there is enough of a metal pole to be used as a staff. Its attack rates it as a S+1, Strength S, D1 staff. Not that great, but what do you expect? You're using a literal metal stick.
Hunting Lance[edit | edit source]

Hunting lances are single-use weapons employed by Rough Rider Squadrons of the Imperial Guard. The lance is effectively a nine foot long shaft with a shaped explosive tip. When the lance impacts with an enemy the tip explodes, increasing the killing power already behind the lance. Once used, however, the lance is rendered useless for the remainder of the battle.
These weapons are advanced versions of those used for hunting big game on the primitive worlds the Rough Riders themselves are often recruited from. They are particularly effective against riotous mobs or compact hordes of infantry. When used properly, they can prove to be more effective against heavily armored troops than a standard lasgun. In game terms, this is demonstrated by the hunting lance's ability to bypass armor saves when the unit charges.
The Hunting Lance has a variety of different heads for different uses such as:
- Inferno Tip: consists of a broad, blunt head, designed to impact as much surface area of the target as possible, rather than to puncture armour. When the lance impacts a target, promethium canisters affixed below the blade expel their contents in a burst of white-hot flame.
- Krak Tip: Consisting of a shaped charge similar to that of a krak grenade, a hunting lance krak tip explodes with even more devastating effect than the standard hunting lance charge, making its use preferable against resilient enemies such as Orks.
- Melta Tip: Devastating to armored targets, they are extremely heavy due to the explosive reactive charge. Aim and poke at the side armor of any vehicle and watch it explode into metallic chunks.
- Plasma Tip: Only used in dire circumstances by regiments with deep ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus. When a hunting lance plasma tip impacts a target, it triggers a containment breach of the volatile energies stored within. As with all plasma weapons, they are of dubious reliability.
- Poison Tip: Useful against xenos opponents. These tips are filled with advance and deadly neurotoxins, poisons and venoms from a host of animals and plants collected by the Imperium. These tips is most effective against monstrous creatures such as Tyranids and Squiggoths.
- Shock Tip: Used when the Imperial Guard seeks to take prisoners, it delivers a crippling electric charge. However, there is a chance that a prisoner would die due to a weak heart or the tip has been overcharged. Could also be used to stun and incapacitate a valuable target.