The Barghesi are a xenos species living in the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy, in a region known as the Grendl Stars, formerly known as Sanguinius' wings due to the cartographical layout of its fourteen stars.
This xeno is well known in the galaxy due to its unusual strengths, brutality and aggressiveness. The White Scars and Iron Lords have fought these aliens on multiple occasions, as well as the Emperor's Children, and they have always proved to be a considerably tough opponent to beat. Dark Eldar usually capture them as a special show for their gladiatorial arenas, their bloodlust always a massive spectacle. Their fame has reached a point that many Inquisitors of the Ordo Xenos are trying to exterminate this species to avoid the Tyranid fleets near the Grendl Stars absorbing their DNA and becoming an even more dangerous threat.
If the Barghesi remain confined to Grendl Stars it is because the Iron Lords have ensured so for three milennia already, having set up ancilliary star-forts near each of the fourteen stars in order to monitor the Barghesi domain. The idea behind this 'Iron Grip' strategy was to keep the xenos contained until the Imperium could muster a crusade fleet big enough to destroy them once and for all. Not enough forces could be spared however, and with the coming of the Great Rift, it is unlikely that such a crusade will be coming anytime soon.
Fan Pictures of potential appearance[edit | edit source]
Below are some fan-pictures of what people believe Barghesi may look like. One artist believed they'd look like enemies from an id software game like Quake or Doom.