
Synessa aka The Voice of Slaanesh is a new Greater Daemon of Slaanesh character made for Age of Sigmar introduced in the Broken Realms Saga
Age of Sigmar[edit | edit source]
The tale of Synessa and their siblings birth is a tale in and of itself.
One that starts with Morathi being snubbed of godhood when she was reborn after the destruction of The Old World, and continues when her Son with Teclis and Tyrion subdued and trapped Slaanesh and trapped them between realms to liberate the Elven souls Slaanesh consumed during the destruction of the World that Was. Morathi at the time had possession of the Heart of Khaine and intended to use it alongside a glut of Chaos follower souls and a big ol' ritual to ascend of to ill-gotten godhood alongside her formerly elven peers. The lynch pin of this plan was opening up Slaanesh and consuming the souls of all Past Elven kings touched as the were by Asuryan. But when she reached the soul of her former love, Aenarion, she hesitated. Aenarion in response kicked Morathi in the ass SO HARD it split her in two and also tore a chunk off of Slaanesh for good measure.
This chunk, bathed in the energy of Morathi's ritual, became a protean entity known as The Newborn. It sailed though the realms leaving glittering trail behind it like some sort of Hellraiser version of Nyancat. Slaanesh's followers from across the Realms saw that sex stained rainbow and followed it to where The Newborn landed and beheld the the birth of two new daemons of their chosen god. Synessa and their twin Dexcessa.
Where as Dexcessa was the physical violence of their "Mothers" Synessa is the seductive mysticism. Capable of both bolstering Slaanesh's forces with honeyed words alone, they can also reduce their enemies to ash in a torrent of magical might. Slaanesh may be locked away from both their followers and their fellow gods, but through The Twins they're might is now felt throughout the Realms once more.