Charnel Throne

The Charnel Throne is a terrain piece for Age of Sigmar belonging to the Flesh-Eater Courts army.
The Legend[edit | edit source]
Age Of Sigmar[edit | edit source]
There's more than one of these, its a more generic kind of landmark. Any time there is enough bodies laying around the local Strigoi Abhorrant Ghoul King may decide, in his/her madness, to start building shit out of them. The Flesh-Eater Courts are full of insane Vampires Soulblight and mortals who think that they're lords and ladies and courtiers and other sophisticated upper class types when in reality they're deformed monsters in rags devouring corpses and snarling, so in the mind of the Ghoul King they are assembling some kind of regal throne befitting their station made from exotic wood and gilded pieces. In reality, its a fucking pile of bones stuck together with who knows what in the vague shape of a throne and heraldry, with the model in the kit sitting at the top of a ruined building of some kind belonging to Bretonnians some dead civilization given the heavy use of the fleur-de-lis, although its the kind of kit where creativity in putting the calcium chair on whatever the fuck you want is encouraged. The bottom of which lies a pile of corpses, mostly skeletal and some with some flesh still on them (possibly seen as some kind of food storeroom in the delusional mind of the Ghoul King).
The magics exuded by the Charnel Thrones draw the Ghoulishly-inclined to them, acting as the most likely reason for an army to gather, and otherwise empowering them.

Warhammer Fantasy[edit | edit source]
While not actually appearing in WFB, there's nothing particularly Age Of Sigmar about the piece. Given the use of bones in the construction of the Mortis Engine/Coven Throne, as well as the appearance of Vampire Count battering rams and siege towers in Total War: WARHAMMER its fairly in-line with what you could expect to exist in the hands of pretty much any of the Vampire Bloodlines (maybe polished up and gilded for the ass of a Lahmian, maybe with some lab equipment below for a Necrarch). That said, the Strigoi didn't have the madness that makes them think they're dandy boys and gussied girls. The desperate ones would be more likely to chew any and all bones for that last bit of delicious marrow gelatin inside, and the ones who had access to means are more likely to live like they're still alive the way that Gashnag, The Black Prince does. That said, the things will probably be reused in The Old World and as stated previously there's nothing uniquely AoS about it. Just like how Witchfate Tor somehow survived into AoS, Charnel Thrones probably existed in WFB.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
Real-life Inspiration[edit | edit source]
While initially resembling one of the more creative and interesting models to come out of Age Of Sigmarines Sigmar, the Charnel Throne is copied from a real-life location. Specifically an installation in the Sedlec Ossuary in Kutná Hora in the Czech Republic, one of the old world (not that Old World) places where the local priests got enough bones overflowing below the church for some of the more batshit fucking insane creatively-inclined to start moving them upstairs as artwork/interior decoration.
The real life piece.
More of Sedlec. Note the bone urns which "resemble" the Endless Spells of the
StrigoiFlesh-Eater army.