Chronicles of Aeres
The Chronicles of Aeres is a third-party setting for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition published by Dueling Dragon Adventures, inspired by the classical Heroic Fantasy and High Fantasy works of the 70s and 80s.
In its corebook, its themes are summarized as:
- The Small vs. The Strong
- Magic vs. Ignorance
- The Noble Monster
- The Temptations of Honor
The World of Aeres[edit | edit source]
Aeres is a young world, as such things go; the gods were walking the lands of men only a few centuries ago. The past century, the so-called "Heroic Age", is the most tumultuous time; only a few months ago (as the corebook is set), the legendary "Dragon of Darkness" was defeated by the draconic protector of Aeres, Saeyos the Silver Champion, after she was was awakened by an unlikely alliance of mortal heroes. The result is a setting of turmoil, as malevolent powers that had flourished under the reign of the Dragon of Darkness struggle to cling to what they had, whilst more benevolent forces seek to rebuild and push the malign influences from the land.
The Immordran[edit | edit source]
The gods of Aeres are beings known as the Immordran, titanic entities that emerged from the swirling storms of aether that made up all of existence at the dawn of everything and gave solid form to all things. Unlike in other worls, the Immordran mostly appear as titanic animals rather than humanoids, with only Gipta, Aeolas and Orthrak appearing as humans... well, okay, Orthrak appears as a demonic figure, half-skeleton and half-shadow fiend, but still.
Eros, The Bastion of the Sun: Courageous god of Light, the Harvest, Craftsmanship and Fraternity.
Karadas, The Bronze Ox: Stubborn god of Stone, Fire, Steam, Wrath and the Vault.
Lornifas, the Nest Watcher: Gentle Goddess of the World Tree, Maternity, Color and Curiosity.
Ardrisyr, the Hawk of the Boughs: Fierce goddess of the Wild Hunt, the Forest, Wind, and Natural Beauty.
Tolgamyr, the Lord of Beasts: Wild God of the Rhythm of Nature, Abundance, Animal Instinct and Transformation.
Brena the Imp: Trickster God of Illusion, Theatre, Mischief, Riddles and the Sky.
Gipta, Maiden of Fate: Twilight goddess of Fortune-Tellingr, Luck, Starlight and Music.
Aeolas the Chronicler: Stoic god of Dreams, Eternal Knowledge and Wisdom, and Imagination.
Orthrak the Dreamstalker: Grim God of Nightmares, Fear, Shadow, Hunger and the Murky Depths.
Races[edit | edit source]
Aeres is a race of diverse lifeforms, and many of them are playable. When it comes to mechanics, one unusual thing about the setting is that it takes an approach to racial ability score modifiers halfway between "early" 5e and its later "Lineage" systems; races come with a Natural Aptitude (a +2 modifier to one of three ability scores), and can then place a +1 modifier on any other score they like.
Also, there's a houserule in place that further modifies the Small size: it grants +1 to AC and a +4 bonus to Stealth checks, but inflicts a -4 penalty on special attacks like Grapple and reduces their weight capacity by -25%. The designer evidently hadn't quite studied how skills work in 5e.
Lore-wise, the peoples of Aeres are divided into two groups; the "atherborn", who were created by the various early members of the Immordran and the "wilderkind", the assorted beastfolk created by the Immordran called Tolgamyr.
Humans are the oldest race in Aeres, the first of the "aetherborn" to be created by the Immordran at the dawn of time. Human PCs can come from one of three distinct ethnicities, or they can be from one of the "lesser" peoples, in which case they use the Variant Human stats from the PHB. All of the following lineages can take +2/+1 to any ability score combo they choose, are Medium sized, and have a speed of 30 feet.
- The Erosir are a rare folk these days, being a lineage of people with a direct blood-heritage to the Immordran Eros, who once ruled over the human nations of Ares as god-touched kings and queens. They have these racial traits:
- Commanding Aura: Advantage on Persuasion checks.
- Power of Disbelief: Immune to Enchantment spells of 3rd level or lower, Advantage on saves against Charmed caused by 4th level or higher spells.
- Heirlooms of Antiquity: Start play with a magical weapon or armor; this item has 5 "charges" that can be invoked to make it function as a +1 weapon/armor, with drained charges recovering after 3 days; the bonus increases by +1 at levels 5, 10 and 15, and from 15th level it permanently functions as a +4 weapon/armor).
- The Ormurians are the descendants of the most talented witches and sorcerers of the dying days of the Erosiryn throne, who abandoned their homeland and headed west, ultimately settling in the barrens of Ormurin.
- Runes of Strange Power: Expertise in Arcana, reroll 1s on Arcana checks.
- Whispers of the Necropolis: Resistant to Necrotic damage, cannot become undead.
- Thralls of Everlasting Storm: Can cast Shocking Grasp as if a Wizard of the same character level 1/day, can channel this spell via a weapon attack by using a bonus action.
- The Hesmoorians are the horse-riding, spear-wielding northmen of Aeres.
- Stewards of the Earth: Advantage on Animal Handling and Survival.
- Horse Masters: Ignore the first Dexterity save to stay mounted of a turn, gain +1 to attack and spell attack rolls whilst mounted, gain Advantage on Dex saves whilst mounted.
- Heroic Gambit: Spend a reaction at combat's start to automatically gain first initiative, as well as Advantage on Dex saves and Disadvantage on enemy attack rolls until the end of your next turn; can be used 1/short rest.
Dwarves, like most races in the Chronicles of Aeres, are divided into two subraces.
- The northern Gray Dwarves are your typical mountain-dwelling, mead-brewing forge-masters whose great kingdoms have been largely shattered by goblins and other horrors.
- Natural Inclination: Constitution, Strength or Wisdom.
- Medium size
- Speed 25 feet.
- Forge-Wizards: Can identify Rare or lower category magical items instantly, free proficiency with Smith's and Mason's tools.
- Mead Muddled: Can't get drunk, Advantage on saves vs. Poisoned, free proficiency with Brewer's Supplies.
- Song of Stone: 1/day, can entrap a Medium or smaller target within 60 feet in a ring of seven stone pillars for 1 minute or until they pass a DC 18 Str check to break free; this can be dodged with a DC 12 Dex save.
- The western Frostvaegyr descend from a splinter faction of dwarven mystics who devoted themselves to studying the enigmatic magics of runefrost.
- Natural Inclination: Strength, Dexterity or Wisdom.
- Size Medium,
- Speed 25 feet.
- Wisdom of the Winter: Advantage on Wisdom or Arcana checks to harness Rune Stones, Advantage on Survival checks.
- Born from Fire & Ice: Resistant to Cold, immune to Exhaustion caused by exposure to cold or other ice-related effects.
- The Oath of Frost: 1/day, grant yourself and your allies within 30ft +1d4 Cold damage to attacks & spells as well as +1 AC for 3 turns; bonus damage increases by +1d4 at levels 5, 10 and 15.
Kobolds are a race of small reptilian humanoids descended from the draconic Immordran Lornifas. Males often sport tufts of wispy fur on their chins, down the backs of their hairs, or on the elbows. Females tend to sport bright and colorful aquamarine, gold or amber feathers on their heads and manes of them down their necks.
- Mystic Kobolds were created by Lornifas to be nurturers and protectors of aether and secrets. They dwell deep in crystal-filled enchanted caverns, and are widely characterized as excitable, friendly, and curious.
- Natural Inclinations: Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom.
- Size Small.
- Speed 30 feet.
- Darkvision 60 feet,
- Spirits under the Mountain: Advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics checks, Advantage on Herbalism and Survival checks made in natural underground locations.
- For One And For All: allies within 5ft gain +1 AC and +1 to all saves; you suffer -1 to all saves and AC if more than 60ft from an ally.
- Out of Sight, Out of Mind: 1/short rest, you can make your hide blend in, chameleon style, for 10 minutes; if moving, this grants Advantage to Stealth; if standing still, you become Invisible.
- Stygian Kobolds are grim, brutish, aggressive, stoic and tactiturn kobolds from the noxious realm of Grimgril, a swamp infamous for its abundance of poisonous creatures and deadly predators. They relish in their own ability to survive and endure.
- Natural Inclination: Strength, Constitution, Dexterity.
- Size: Small.
- Speed: 25 feet.
- Lurkers of Blackwater: Swim speed 20 feet, ignore swamp-based difficult terrain.
- Coiled Marsh Vipers: Can use Thieves Tools with proficiency to set traps, gain advantage on checks to set traps, start with the materials for 3 traps.
- Venomous Ichor: 2/day, as a free action, apply a dose of venom to a weapon and let it inflict +1d6 Poison damage for 2 turns; damage goes up +1d6 at levels 5, 10 and 15, target can resist the poison with a Con save of DC 10 + your level.
Elves are probably the most traditional of the races in Aeres. They are unusually short-lived for the genre, only living about 200-300 years (same as dwarves) - they seem more long-lived because they remain physical young and hearty until their dying days.
- Silverleaf Elves are short, forest-dwelling elves created by Ardrisyr to protect the forests from despoilment by humanity.
- Natural Inclination: Dexterity, Constitution or Wisdom.
- Size: Medium.
- Speed: 30 feet.
- Wardens of the Leafborn: Advantage on Natures check in woodland and forests, Advantage on History checks connected to Silverleaf Forest, Advantage on Perception and Investigation checks made to study natural objects within or aspects of woodlands and forests)
- Gale of the Hawk: in the first turn of combat, gain +15ft speed, don't incur attacks of opportunity for moving past foes, and gain Advantage on a Dex check or save)
- Shadows of the Trees: 1/day, if in a woodland or forest, you can cast Pass Without Trace, self only, without requiring concentration).
- Twilight Elves are a shadow-infused offshoot of the Silverleaf elves who inhabit the mystical forest of Thuldruun and focus on the study of magic and dreams.
- Natural Inclination: Dexterity, Intelligent or Wisdom. ::Size: Medium.
- Speed: 30 feet.
- Shadowy Mysticism: Advantage on Arcana, perception and Investigation checks made to discern the nature of magical items/creatures/spells.
- Beyond the Veil of Worlds: Advantage on saves vs. Enchantment spells equal to or lower than your level, attacks and spells that inflict Psychic damage suffer a to-hit penalty equal to your Proficiency bonus.
- Shadows of Dreams: Misty Step 1/short rest.
- Darkvision 60 feet.
Because of their shared nature as aetherborn, humans can freely interbreed with both elves, creating Half-Elfs, and dwarves, creating Half-Dwarfs, which are collectively nown as Half-Bloods. To represent these mechanically, pick a Human, Elf or Dwarf race of your choice and add these traits:
- Half-Elf: Advantage on Arcana, History and Religion checks relating to elfen artifacts/locations/objects, Disadvantage on Persuasion and Deception checks made in any human-populated location directly east or northeast of Taldorius on the world map.
- Half-Dwarf: Advantage on Arcana, History and Religion checks relating to dwarfen artifacts/locations/objects, Disadvantage on Persuasion and Intimidation checks made in any dwarf-populated location directly north, west or northwest of Taldorius on the world map.
Gnomes in Aeres take on two very distinct forms.
- The Draemyr are mischievous, fun-loving and magically adept beings created by the trickster-god Brena in order to "improve" upon Ardrisyr's elfs. Draemyr resemble child-sized elves with hair the color of leaves or forest flowers, as well as a single random bestial trait, such as horns, a tail, or wings. At the DM's discretion, such traits may give a very minor ability, such as fangs or claws that let you do 1 point of piercing/slashing damage with unarmed strikes, or wings that let you knock 10 feet off of all falling distances.
- Natural Inclination: Dexterity, Intelligence or Wisdom
::Size: Small
- Speed: 25 feet.
- Brena's Wisdom: Add Proficiency bonus to Investigation checks, reroll natural 1s on Investigation checks made against illusions)
- Trickster's Flight: Advantage on Dex saves against spells and attacks)
- Rune-Quest: you begin play with a stone talisman bearing the power of a random rune, which can be triggered 1/day.
- The Drauglir are "dark" gnomes; descendants of foolish draemyr who were swayed to the cause of the evil Vulgraks, only freed recently when the Dragon of Darkness was defeated. Their immersion in dark magic has warped their forms, giving them a distinctly goblin-like appearance.
- Natural Inclination: Strength, Constitution or Intelligence,
- Size: Small,
- Speed: 25 feet.
- Darkvision 60 feet
- Luster of Silver & Gold: Advantage on Investigation checks to find & disarm traps on treasure chests, you can Identify any Uncommon or lower magical item as per the Gray Dwarf.
- Ichor of the Beast: Immune to Bestow Curse, Advantage on all saves against Necromancy spells of your level or lower.
- Obsidian Form: 1/day, gain the benefits of Stoneskin and Immunity to Fire for 1 minute.
Halflings in Aeres were created by the Maiden of Fate, Gipta, as secret weapons against the powers of darkness. She forged them by merging her powers with essence of the draemyr gnomes and the Erosian humans. When her plan for them came to fruition, however, the halflings quarreled over what to do in the face of the encroaching evil, and ultimately split into the two subraces that exist today.
- Hinterfolk are descended from those halflings who chose to stand and fight, earning great favor from Gipta for their resolve and courage.
- Natural Inclination: Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma. ::Size: Small.
- Speed: 25 feet.
- Rough Riders (Advantage on Con saves, Con checks, and Insight checks)
- Keep Calm & Soldier On (Evil beings suffer Disadvantage on Intimidation checks against you; you have Advantage on saves vs. Fear, if Frightened you can still willingly approach your target)
- Twist the Threads of Fate (1/day, you or an ally within line of sight can reroll a failed attack roll, saving throw or ability check; if the original roll was made with dis/advantage, then you can reroll both dice)
- Wanderlings descend from the halfing soothseers diviners and mystics who chose to flee when the darkness invaded their land, believing that one can't fight fate. They've been running ever since.
- Natural Inclination: Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma.
- Size: Small.
- Speed: 25 feet.
- Wanton Wisdom (Advantage on History and Religion checks)
- Never an Idle Hand (Advantage on Investigation checks made to discern the workings of mechanical devices, can use Thieves Tools to salvage clockwork traps or locks and rebuild them)
- Scions of Fate (1/day, can automatically draw and benefit from a card from the Deck of Fates).
Finally, there are the wilderkind; beastfolk created by the Lord of Beasts, Tolgamyr. There are eleven different species of wilderkind, consisting of:
- Bjornvir (bearfolk)
- Draconvir (dragonkin)
- Ekornvir (squirrelfolk)
- Grevinvir (badgerkin)
- Kaeninvir (rabbitfolk)
- Klovir (catfolk - specifially wildcats)
- Mustvir (weaselfolk and otterfolk)
- Raevir (foxfolk)
- Rattevir (ratfolk)
- Ravenvir (ravenfolk)
- Ulvir (wolfkin)
For simplicity's sake, the mechanics of these races are largely boiled down; only the draconvir, rattevir and ravenvir have their own unique statblocks. "Generic" wilderkind are broken into two subraces; Stalwarts (badgerkin, bearfolk, wolfkin) and Fleet-Footed (squirrelfolk, rabbitfolk, wildcatfolk, weaselfolk/otterfolk, foxfolk).
- Natural Inclinations: Stalwarts are Strength, Constitution or Charisma; Fleet-Footed are Dexterity, Constitution, or Intelligence.
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 ft
- Beastfriend: A wilderkind can communicate with animals of their breed (bjornvir with bears, ulvir with wolves, etc) as per Speak With Animals.
- Natural Weapons: A wilderkind can make a claw attack (1d4 slashing) or a bite attack (1d4 piercing) as a melee attack with a 5ft range. For Stalwarts, they use Str modifier + Proficiency bonus on attack rolls and add Str modifier to damage. For Fleet-Footed, they use Dex modifier + Proficiency bonus on attack rolls and gain no bonus damage.
- Secrets of the Wild: Advantage on Nature and Survival checks, Advantage on Investigation, Perception and Insight checks based on scent and hearing.
- Spirit of the World Tree: Wilderkind must make a saving throw with Advantage against any directly targeting Transmutation spell cast on them. This includes beneficial spells cast by the wilderkind or their allies! If voluntarily targeted by a Transmutation spell, the wilderkind must pass a Con save (DC 8 - spell level) to be affected; failure means the spell fails and the wilderkind cannot try to accept a Transmutation spell again until they complete a short rest.
- The Savage Hunt: Stalwarts only. Once per target, you can deal a Critical Hit on a 17+.
- Nine Lives: Fleet-Footed only. Once per encounter, you can use a Bonus Action to Disengage; using this trait also automatically frees you from being grappled.
Rattevir defy many of the stereotypes of ratfolk, being slow-breeding and intensely loyal.
- Natural Inclination: Dexterity, Wisdom or Intelligence
- Size: Small or Medium
- Speed: 30 feet
- Twitchy Instinct: Advantage on Stealth Checks, Advantage on Investigation, Perception and Insight checks baseds on scent and hearing.
- Natural Weapons: As per Fleet-Footed Wilderkind.
- Beastfriend: As per Wilderkind.
- Spirit of the World Tree: As per Wilderkind.
- Strength of Heart: Once every 3 days, if within 60 feet of allies you consider close friends, you can cause an attack that would reduce them to 0 HP to instead reduce them to only 1 HP.
Ravenvir are the descendants of Tolgamyr's raven associates Irun (Intellect) and Irumyr (Wisdom), charged by the Lord of Beasts to explore the world and bring him all the knowledge they can find.
- Natural Inclination: Dexterity, Wisdom or Intelligence
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet
- Beastfriend: As per Wilderkind.
- Spirit of the World Tree: As per Wilderkind.
- Gaze Beyond Sight: Add Proficiency bonus to Perception checks involving sight, which stacks with class bonuses. You can perceive and identify creatures and objects at twice the normal distance.
- Feather-Light Step: So long as you are only carrying 30 pounds or less of gear, you double your jumping distance, halve all falling damage, and gain Advantage on Dex saves against threats that begin 20ft or further away from you.
- Wisdom of the Twin Ravens: Once per day, you can use a bonus action to repeat a single action you undertook in the last 8 hours. If this extra action is a spell, until you reach 6th level, that spell can’t exceed 3rd level; from 6th to 10th character level, the spell can be 4th level; and from 11th level onward, you can repeat up to a 5th level spell for free.
Draconvir may share the basic outline of the wilderkind, being a blending of human and dragon, but they are not true wilderkind; their genesis wasn't in the whims of Tolgamyr, but instead in the dark sorceries of the Vulgraks. The original draconvir were transformed from humans to create an army of draconic soldiers to serve Kalkuriath, the Dragon of Darkness; such was their power that the forces of good decideod to fight fire with fire. Using volunteers, they fused them with the essence of the Silver Champion Laedrethor, the mighty good dragon who defeated Kalkuriath, and thus created an opposing force to Kalkuriath's spawn.
- Argent Draconvir are the spawn of Laedrethor, and as such are welcomed by all save the most xenophobic or foolish.
- Natural Inclination: Strength, Constitution or Charisma
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet
- Teeth Like Swords, Claws Like Spears: An argent draconvir can make a claw attack (1d4 slashing) or a bite attack (1d4 piercing) as a melee attack with a 5ft range. For this attack, they use Str modifier + Proficiency bonus on attack rolls and add Str modifier to damage.
- Armor Like Tenfold Shields: +1 AC against slashing and piercing attacks; this increases to +2 at 5th level and +3 at 9th level. Also, you are Resistant to Fire.
- Majestic Visage: You have Advantage on Intimidation checks against targets whose level/CR is equal to or lower than your level.
- Spirit of the World Tree: As per Wilderkind.
- Flames of Laedrethor: As an action, unleash a 15ft cone breath weapon once per short rest. Damage from this attack is 3d6 Radiant Fire damage (targets can halve this damage with a successful Dex save against DC 8 + your Con modifier + your Proficiency bonus), and it ignites flammable targets, causing them to take a further 1d4 damage per turn until extinguished. Base damage increases to 5d6 at 5th level, 8d6 at 9th level, and 12d6 at 13th level.
- Tainted Draconvir are the creatues of Kalkuriath, who were largely freed of his influence on their minds when their "patriarch" was destroyed. Unfortunately, despite no longer being compelled to serve evil, they are reviled by most, leaving them bitter, sorrowful, and in many cases with little choice but to return to the darkness.
- Natural Inclination: Strength, Constitution or Intelligence
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet
- Natural Weapons: A tainted draconvir can make a claw attack (1d4 slashing) or a bite attack (1d4 piercing) as a melee attack with a 5ft range. For this attack, they use Dex modifier + Proficiency bonus on attack rolls.
- On Wings of Doom: Once per short rest, a tainted draconvir can fly for up to 3 turns with a fly speed of 20ft. Attempting to fly again without resting allows them to only fly for 1 turn and gives them a level of Exhaustion.
- Once-Invincible Hide: You have Resistance to Lightning damage and to Thunder damage, gain a +1 bonus to saves against spells (+2 at 5th level, +3 at 9th level), but are Vulnerable to Radiant damage.
- Vicious Visage: Against Good-aligned targets, you add your Proficiency bonus to Intimidation checks (stacks with class bonuses).
- Spirit of the World Tree: As per Wilderkind.
- Breath of Death: Once per short rest, you can exhale a 5ft wide, 30ft long line of destructive energy. Targets caught in the attack 2d6 damage that is considered Fire, Thunder and Lightning, and must pass a Con save (DC 8 + your Con modifier + your Proficiency bonus) or be Stunned for 1 turn. Damage increases to 3d6 at 5th level, 5d6 at 9th level and 7d6 at 13th level.
Forbidden Races[edit | edit source]
As wide as the PC racial options are in Aeres, there are a few races that the DM is advised to prohibit:
- Tieflings and Aasimar don't exist because the iconic fiends and angels of D&D don't exist here.
- Goblinoids (and Orcs, which are a branch of the goblinoid family tree here) are pretty much universally evil, and whilst there could be good specimens, the race has such a universally negative reputation as cannibalistic savages that worship dark powers that they'd basically be killed on sight.
- Gnolls are magic-spawned, inherently evil monsters, and superfluous with the Ulvir anyway.
- Minotaurs, satyrs and fauns actually do exist, but they're native to a different continent and being saved for future expansions.
- Lizardfolk, tortles and grippli (or other frog-folk) don't exist on Aeres, althoug they could represent one-of-a-kind wilderkind.
Races of Astreas[edit | edit source]
Across the sea from Areas lies the dark and cursed land of Astreas, which is home to its own unique Human subrace - the Atrathians, as well as four races of unique beastfolk; tribes who were corrupted by the powers of the mad immordran Drakmorla, but not to the extent of joining her legions of Horg -the Always Chaotic Evil Chaos-warped mutant man-beasts of Asreas.
Arathians are a blocky, sinewy, hardy human subrace with mostly ashen or dusk-colored hair, ruddy complexions, and eyes that vary from sky blue to dark olive. They share very distant bloodlines with the humans of Aeres, being linked to the elder human bloodline of the Jaermoorians, but have developed f or generations in isolation and so are far more racially homogenous in stature and demeanor.
- Natural Inclinations: Strength, Constitution, Charisma
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet
- Withstand the Fall of Time: Your Unarmored AC is 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Proficiency bonus. In the case of a class-based unarmored AC modifier, take the higher value.
- Stronger Than Ice, Stronger Than Stone: You have Proficiency with Athletics, and Advantage on Strength checks used to break, topple or destroy inanimate objects.
- One By One: Choose either the Blind to Death trait or Blaze of Steel trait. Whichever you choose, you don't gain access to it until 3rd level. Both abilities can be used 1/short rest, increasing to 2/short at at 9th level and 3/short rest at 15th level.
- Blind to Death: Invoke this ability to force an opponent re-roll a single offensive dice roll against you (attack roll, damage roll, or otherwise), and take the result you choose.
- Blaze of Steel: Invoke this ability to re-roll a single offensive dice roll of yours (attack roll, damage roll, or otherwise), and take the result you choose.
The Froskvir are a race of humanoid frogs who once inhabited a beautiful jungle realm called Elusius... before the coming of the mad immordran warped their home into a dark and twisted bog. Whilst some of their people have gone mad and become little better than the Sorcerer-Queen's Horg servants, most Froskvir are wise, peaceful-natured mystics who carefully cultivate the untainted magical flows of their swampy homeland.
- Natural Inclination: Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet
- Earthblooded: You have Advantage on saves vs. non-magical diseases.
- Slurping Tongue: You can freely grab or move tiny objects from up to 2 feet away, thanks to your prehensile tongue.
- Amphibian Grace: You can remain submerged in water without needing to breathe for (Constitution score) minutes, at which point you start holding your breath. You also take no movement penalties from watery or muddy terrain. So long as you are not wearing Heavy Armor, you double the distance for your Long Jumps and High Jumps. So long as you are barefoot, you have a Swim speed of 30 feet.
- The Pulse of the Land: YOu have Proficiency with Nature, and can re-roll natural 1s on Nature checks made in swamp environments.
- Wild Swamp Spirits: From 3rd level, once per short rest, you can invoke one of three racial magics:
- Aetherian Gust: As a bonus action, blast a target within 10 feet with powerful winds. The target must pass a Constitution save (DC 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier) or be pushed back 10 feet. From 9th level, the pushback is 15 feet. From 15th level, a target pushed back by Aetherian Gust is also knocked prone if they are Medium or smaller.
- Sinking Depth: As an action, turn any natural earthern terrain within your line of site into a 15ft wide pit of sucking mud. Medium or smaller creatures treat this sucking mud as Difficult Terrain. The diameter increases to 25ft at 6th level, and 40ft at 9th level.
- Stinging Deluge: As a bonus action, unleash a 1-ft cone of high-velocity brackish water. Attack using Proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. Targets hit by it take 1d4 Bludgeoning damage. The size (+5ft) and damage (+1d4) increase at levels 6 and 9.
The Sliskvir are a race of lizardfolk with featrues similar to claw-killer dinosaurs. Once, they were a proud human civilization known as the Strythians, who were warlike and bloodthirsty despite inhabiting the paradise of Strythe, the Valley of Life. Since the Sorcerer-Queen burned the once-verdant plains into the barren, rocky Desolation of Astreas and warped them into man-beasts, their savagery has only increased, with many others regarding them as little better than the Horg. The Sliskvir care nothing for the opinions of the weak; they are beings of pure passion, recognizing only the laws of the wilderness and the needs of the pack.
- Natural Inclinations: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet
- Sun-Parched Hide: You automatically succeed on your first saving throw against Exhaustion caused by weather exposure.
- Life Finds A Way: You can add your Proficiency bonus to any Survival check made in wastelands, barrens or deserts. If you already have Proficiency with Survival, you double your bonus in this areas.
- Spring-Coiled Haunches: You add +10 feet of movement to any Dash action.
- Natural Weapons: You can choose to attack with finger-claws (1d4 Slashing), bite (1d4 Piercing) or toe-mounted sickle-claw (1d6 Slashing, Crits on a 19-20). You add your Proficiency bonus to any attack with these natural weapons, and add Strength bonus to both attack rolls and damage rolls. However, you suffer a -1 penalty to Stealth checks due to the uncontrollable clicking of your sickle-claw.
- Murderous Hunter: From 3rd level, once per encounter, you can evoke the Murderous Hunter technique. This lets you Dash towards an enemy as the first movement action during your turn (Spring-Coiled Haunches adds +10ft to this distance). If you successfully close on your target, you add your Proficiency bonus on your first attack roll against the charged target (this stacks with your weapon proficiency, if any). Finally, you can then use a bonus action to attack with your sickle-claw.
Arrogant, haughty and obsessed with the rule of the law, in many ways the Orinvir are a borderline parody of the proud clans of Keras-Thul they once were, who descended from Eros-worshipping Jaermoorians. Viewing their transformation into half-man half-eagle creatures as a blessing, the Orinvir may seem easy to ridicule for their pomposity and braggadociousness, but one must remember that their fighting skills are all too real, and have preserved their lands from all outside threats for countless centuries.
- Natrual Inclination: Dexterity, Constitution or Intelligence
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet
- Natural Weapons: You can use either your hands or feet to make claw attacks; treat as Unarmed Strikes (apply Proficiency bonus) keying off of Dexterity that do 1d4 Slashing damage.
- Warcry of the Everlasting Sky: By spending a bonus action to let out an ear-piercing avian shriek, you can grant yourself Advantage on an Intimidation check.
- Eternal Command of Eros: You Have Proficiency with Persuasion, and Persuasion or Intimidation checks made against you by Evil-aligned creatures or character have Disadvantage.
- WIngs of the Sun: You have a Fly speed of 60 feet. However, you can only fly for a number of turns per short rest equal to your Constitution score. Landing and then taking flight again counts as 1 turn. Armor does not inherently affect your ability to fly, but can lower your flight speed, as per the usual Encumberance rules.
Classes & Subclasses[edit | edit source]
Aeres of course has some new crunchy class related goodness to go with its racial offerings.
New Classes[edit | edit source]
Witches are the oldest of the magical classes in Aeres, hailing from the ancient Age of Mysticism, when mortals first learned to draw upon thge magical powers of the trees, rivers, and the celestial bodies. Mechanically, they're a strange blending of Druid and Warlock, with a faux-Half-Caster chassis; they learn spells at every level starting from 1st level, but their spells max out in potency at 6th level. The Aeresian witch is the only unique class in the setting with subclasses, at least so far.
Alchemists are a strange blending of Transmuter and Elementalist with a dash of Evoker, focused on the idea of using the magical energies of the Three Primes focused through potions and rune sigils to shape, create, change and destroy elemental matter.
Dreamcallers are the most enigmatic and mystical of all the magical practices of Aeres. The closest thing to psions in the setting, dreamcallers draw their power from the Plane of Dreams, allowing them to wield dreams as strange neo-living creatures, part spirit and part illusion. Like their Witchy counterparts, they are basically Half-Casters, gaining only up to the 6th level of spellcasting despite gaining spells at all levels.
Restricted Classes[edit | edit source]
Monks don't exist here.
Rangers cannot take celestials, fiends or fey as their favored enemy.
Due to how dragons work in Aeres, only Draconvir can take the Draconic Sorcerer subclass.
New Mechanics[edit | edit source]
The Chronicles of Aeres have an abundance of new mechanics to try and make their setting more flavorful. These include rules based on the nature of magic as an expression of the mystical element aether, rules for earning (and losing) divine favor, and rules for temporarily gaining the powers of the mysterious rune-stones scattered around the world.