Fallen Camelot

Fallen Camelot is a third-party setting for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition released by Realmswarp Media as the first of their Cities of Myth multiverse. As its name implies, it takes place on a plane that is described as Arthurian Britain, after the death of King Arthur. In his absence, Morgan Le Fae has conquered much of the land, twisting the magic of the realm into a festering wound and filling the land with anarchy, monsters and suffering.
Despite what you might think, this setting is actually largely free of Christian elements, focusing instead on the more ancient pagan roots of the British Isles and largely removing gods and alignment from the picture. Instead, a system of "Values" (also sometimes referred to as "Virtues") is used in their place - spiritual callings that effectively replace alignments, which consist of Authority, Balance, Chaos, Death, Growth, Knowledge, Love, Stoicism, or Zealotry. Celestials are souls whose dedication to their value in life saw them transcend upon their death into a higher being, whilst Fiends are those souls who have lived to actively defile and revolt against a single Value over many lives.
Races[edit | edit source]
Celestial-Blessed: An Aasimar analogue, these are otherwise normal mortals blessed in the womb by a Celestial, imbuing them with an intuitive bond to their defining Value that allows them to draw power from this connection. A Blessed PC gets +2 Charisma and +1 to either Wisdom or Constitution, is a Medium humanoid with 30 feet speed and normal vision, and have the racial traits Clarity of Mind (advantage on saves vs. Charm and on Insight checks to discern if you are being lied to or manipulated), Heavenly Touched (Resistance to Radiant damage), and Champion of Virtue. This final feature gives the Blessed a cantrip, a 1st level spell from 3rd level, and a 2nd level spell from 5th level depending on their associated Value; these spells use Charisma as their spellcasting ability score, the non-cantrip spells are usable 1/day, and going against the Value will result in them being made inoperable until the Blessed makes amends. You know, that shitty Paladin rule that everybody hated? The spells for each Value are thus:
- Authority: Guidance, Command, Enhance Ability
- Balance: Mending, Protection from Evil & Good, Lesser Restoration
- Chaos: Minor Illusion, Disguise Self, Alter Self
- Death: Chill Touch, Inflict Wounds, Gentle Repose
- Growth: Druidcraft, Goodberry, Continual Flame
- Knowledge: Message, Identify, Zone of Truth
- Love: Guidance, Sanctuary, Aid
- Stoicism: Resistance, Detect Evil & Good, Calm Emotions
- Zealotry: Vicious Mockery, Hellish Rebuke, Hold Person
Dragon-Claimed: A former mortal chosen as an agent, champion or lackey of a dragon for whatever reasons the dragon chose. They are imbued with draconic essence, warping into a Half-Dragon-like version of themselves. A dragon-claimed always has a vestigial tail, as well as wings, claws and scales - they are divided into subraces based on which of these three traits are prominent enough to be useful, as the other two will instead be functionally vestigial. A dragon-claimed gets +2 Charisma, is a Medium sized creature with a base speed of 30 feet and normal vision, and has the traits Dragon's Fortitude (spend a reaction to reroll a failed Con save 1/rest), Guileful Tongue (proficiency in Deception, double proficiency bonus for Deception checks made to disguise or lie about your identity), and Magical Identity (cast Disguise Self with a 8 hour duration 1/day). Their subraces have the following traits:
- Clawed: +1 Str, Claw Attack (1d4+Str mod Slashing unarmed strikes), Climb speed 20 feet
- Scaled: +1 Constitution, Regenerative Scales (1/day, as a short rest, regain HP equal to 1/2 your Con score), Adaptive Scales (when you finish a long rest, choose one damage type from the following and gain Resistance to it until your next long rest - Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Necrotic, Nonmagical Bludgeoning, Nonmagical Piercing, Nonmagical Slashing).
- Winged: +1 Dexterity, Fly speed of 30 feet, can't wear Medium or Heavy armor, Light armor costs twice as much, Wing Shield (when not flying, 1/rest, you can React to a ranged weapon attack or spell by gaining 3/4 cover until the start of your next turn).
Faeborn: The Half-Fey of Fallen Camelot, divided into Daylight (Seelie) and Darklight (Unseelie) subraces. Daylight Faeborn typically have "vibrant" skin colors (rich creams, tans and brown, with undertones, highlights or flourishes), floppy or drooped ears, and golden, silver or grey eyes. Darklight faeborn typically have "pallid" skin (ashen gray or undertones of yellow, green or brown), forked or fanned ears, and red, purple or orange eyes with sideways slit pupils. A faeborn has +2 Wisdom, is a Medium creature with base speed 35 feet and Darkvision 60 feet, and has the racial trait Shield of Avalon (1/day, automatically succeed on an Int/Wis/Cha save vs. magic).
- Daylight: +1 Str, Apex of the Sun (resistance to Radiant damage, but only during the day) and Daylight Magic (Sacred Flame cantrip, Faerie Fire 1/day at 3rd level, Flaming Sphere 1/day at 5th level, Wisdom as SAS).
- Darklight: +1 Dex, Apex of the Moon (resistance to Radiant damage, but only during the night) and Darklight Magic (Druidcraft cantrip, Fog 1/day at 3rd level, Moonbeam 1/day at 5th level, Wisdom as SAS).
Fiend-Scourged: Somewhere between a tiefling and a revenant (or a 5e revival of the obscure Hellbred race from 3.5), a fiend-scourged is a mortal being who lived at least one life consistently and willingly betraying values that they swore to uphold. As a result, they are reborn upon their death in a twisted incarnation of themselves and with a dark knowledge in the depths of their souls; live a better life, one in which they must uphold the values they betrayed, or come back again and again. As a fiend-scourged lives more lives in defiance of their original blasphemy, they become increasingly monstrous-looking, whilst lives lived upholding their once-broken virtues decrease their transformation into monsters. Ultimately, either they complete their redemption and are allowed to die a final time, or they defiantly uphold their damnation, especially since a fiend-scourge remembers all of its past lives perfectly. Common features of a truly monstrous fiend-scourged include completely golden, violet or red eyes, vampire-like fangs, hairlessness, skin that is either stretched taut over or sags from the bones, and veins that glow with sickly light beneath their skin. A fiend-scourged PC has +2 Intelligence, +1 Constitution, and is a Medium creature with 60ft Darkvision and 30ft base speed. Their racial traits are Cursed Soul (make a DC 15 Con save against nonmagical damage that would take you to 0 HP; success means you are left at 1 HP, failure means you fail a death saving throw, you are also immune to aging), Fiend Blood (1/rest you can sacrifice 1d6 HP to make your next attack deal +2d6; this powerup lasts for 1 minute before fading) and Past Life Experience (Advantage on Intelligence checks to recover knowledge from your past lives).
Giant-Blooded: Exactly what it says on the tin, giant-blooded are the Half-Giants of Fallen Camelot, if perhaps used a little more like Half-Orcs. +2 Constitution, +1 Strength, Medium size plus Powerful Build, normal vision, 35 feet base speed, and the racial features Thick Skin (reduce non-magical physical damage by 1/2 your Constitution modifier) and Giant Grip (Versatile weapons do their higher damage even when used 1-handed).
Classes & Subclasses[edit | edit source]
Fallen Camelot is home to its own unique class, the Leyfinder, a kind of Sorcerer-Warlock hybrid that doesn't cast spells, but instead relies on a wide variety of "Deviations", similar in nature to the warlock's Invocations. It's also home to a wide variety of subclasses for core D&D 5e classes.
- The College of Fools is the Jester, obviously
- The College of Legends represents the historian-entertainers of Albion, whose stories amuse and also preserve the oral history of the Fallen Camelot world.
- The Courtly Love Cleric Domain is devoted to the pure spirituality of love itself. Not to say that they shun the physical pleasures of love, but they encourage people to embrace its spiritual side and to temper passion with discipline and discretion.
- The Henge Cleric Domain seeks to preserve the "henges", the sacred stone monuments that surmount burial mounds and aid to preserve the peace between the living and the dead.
- The Circle of Avalon represents a druidic order dedicated to safeguarding the fey kingdom of Avalon by any and all means necessary.
- The Circle of Wastes is a fallen druid who has dedicated themselves to guarding and succoring the corrupted regions that appear when leyline energies are twisted and warped.
- The Champion of Judgement is a warrior-judge seeking to usher souls onto their final fate.
- The Dragon Slayer is an elite monster hunter specializing in taking down the most powerful of monsters.
- The Way of the Stoic seeks power and enlightenment through the shunning of emotions and the embrace of logic and reason above all else.
- The Way of the Winery views the making and consuming of wine or other spirits as a sacred act, and strive to prevent others from abusing the sacred libation.
- The Oath of Annihilation is a harsh but well-intentioned executioner, seeking to purify the land and hasten its recovery by rooting out and destroying the fallen, corrupt and diseased.
- The Oath of the People is a leader of men and a shepherd of civilization, seeking to guard and nurture people and bring them together against the threads of a darker world.
- The Fae Wanderer is a traveling warrior who freely explores the mysterious and haunted lands of the fey, learning to both combat their trickery and to use their magic to their own ends.
- The Forgotten Traveler is a nomad without a past, somebody who has willfully forsaken everything they were to embrace the potential of a new life on the road.
- The Black Knight is a fearsome warrior-rogue who combines enhanced martial training with ruthless pragmatism.
- The Vagabond has judged the nobles of the land and found them wanting. Tearing down the arrogant, the corrupt, the venal and the dominant is their greatest urge, and they are specially trained in how to battle knights.
- The Chosen Monarch is a Sorcerer whose power comes from destiny itself, which has chosen them to become a leader in some fashion. Not necessarily a great mage-king, but definitely a leader of some description.
- The Corrupted Soul has been marked from their very soul by the tainted magics born from corrupted leylines, allowing them to summon forth that taint in the form of warlock spells and tendrils of seething corruption.
- The Dissident is a warlock dedicated to serving as a voice of chaos and ruin. Whether from their own anarchist leanings or at the behest of some other destroyer of the rule of law, these warlocks are imbued with the power to topple kingdoms, break promises, and poison leaders.
- The Immortal Knight is a cosmic force for justice and purity, one that strives to correct corruption and other imbalances in the cosmic order, especially those stemming from fouling the leylines. Warlocks sworn to this patron seek to use that power to purge taint and evil, granting them some almost Paladin-like abilities.
- The Court Mage is a wizard who has deigned to act as counsel to kings and a major figure in the politics of their local region.
- The Student of Merlin is an heir to the magical knowledge and wisdom of Merlin, the great dragon mage who founded Camelot through his tutelage of King Arthur.