Codex - Angry Marines: /tg/'s 8th Edition

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Anyone reading this page who sees a grammatical or spelling error is welcome to correct it; due to the codex’s size, proofreading is rather difficult and some things don’t get picked up when I put the page through Word to spellcheck it.
Expansions and relevant pages[edit | edit source]
- Tactics - Angry Marines: A guide to how to use each angry marine weapon, relic, warlord trait and unit in the codex.
- Codex - Angry Custodes: The codex for the more golden and angry cousins of the angry marines.
- Ashes of Yggdrasil: An expansion for the Angry Marines and tg tyranids codex, with the main theme being fire. Lots and lots of fire.
- Kill Team - Angry Marines: A kill team supplement for the angry marines.
- Codex - Officio Iratus: The angry pseudo inquisition/assassins/adeptus ministorum codex, for all the units which exist in the angry universe but are not angry marines.
Army Rules[edit | edit source]
Universal[edit | edit source]
- And They Shall Know No Fear: More like: AND THEY SHALL FUCK YOU UP!!!
- This unit can re-roll failed Morale tests.
- Dual Melee Weapons: Bekuz moar choppy iz alwayz a gud fing.
- If a model with this special rule is equipped with two of the same Melee weapon, you can add 1 to its Attacks characteristic.
- FUCK THE BOLTER!!!: While other chapter’s marines will spend decades honing their skills with the bolter with stationary drills, indoctrination, strip cleaning, combat drills etc, the angry marines... don’t. They see the bolter as a means of keeping the enemies heads down and a crude club at best, and a “WASTE OF FUCKING SPACE AND WEIGHT WHICH I COULD USE TO CARRY A FUCKING TWO BY FOUR!!!” As such, Angry Marines are nowhere near as well drilled in using the bolter as their cousin chapters. Or at least, not as well drilled in the bolters conventional uses...
- All ANGRY MARINEs gain this special rule. Any such model armed with a weapon from the Bolt Weaponry list may fire their Bolt weapon at an enemy unit even if that enemy unit is 1” or closer to the firing unit, or if the enemy unit is 1” or closer to another friendly unit, but at a -1 to hit. The following types of unit do not suffer a -1 to hit:
- -A unit that did not move during its previous Movement phase.
- In addition to this, any model armed with a Bolt Pistol may make an additional attack with the following profile each time it fights:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Pistol Butt Melee Melee User 0 1 Subtract 1 from the hit rolls for this weapon.
- You can add 1 to the Attack characteristic of all models in this unit if they charged in the previous Charge phase.
- SHOCK ASSAULT BITCHES!!!: Deep within the MAXIMUM FUCK battle barge inside a sound proof chamber Temperus Maximus was disturbed from his meditation/shouting practice. Noticing that the shouting chamber was no longer vibrating on its housing, Maximus’ aid entered the room with the chapter master's post shouting drink of rusty nails and hot chocolate. Upon the entering the sacred chamber the aid was greeted with a troubling sight. That of the chapter master sitting quiet, with a contemplative look on his face. “My Lord!” Stuttered the aid “What is wrong? Are your Primaris augmentations troubling you again?” Maximus did not respond for a long time, simply staring at the deck plating, which after five minutes of the chapter masters glare had started to melt.
- “FETCH ME THE FUCKING CODEX!!!” Said the chapter master in his indoor voice, just as the aid was wondering whether they should fetch an apothecary. “THE CUNT GIRLYMAN HAS DECIDED THAT VANILLA MARINES AREN’T CHOPPY ENOUGH!!! THE CODEX NOW REQUIRES AN... IMPROVEMENT!!!”
- When an ANGRY MARINE unit charges, is charged or performs a heroic intervention it adds 1 to its attack characteristic for the following fight phase.
Detachment Rules[edit | edit source]
- If your army is Battle-forged, you can add 1 to all models in this units' Attacks characteristic for the duration of the Fight phase if it charged, or performed a heroic intervention in the preceding Charge phase. In addition to this, hit rolls of 6+ made in the fight phase count as 2 hits.
- Combat Dicktrics: HA HA HA!!! MADE YOU FUCKING SAY DICK!!!
- If your army is battle forged then all ANGRY MARINEs units gain this special rule. During turn 1 then all units are affected by “THE FUCKERS ARE THAT WAY!!!”
- THE FUCKERS ARE THAT WAY!!!: Turn 1-2. While this doctrine is active, ANGRY MARINEs units add 1” to their movement and advance distances.
- INTO THE BREACH YOU PUSSIES!!!: Turn 2-4. While this doctrine is active, ANGRY MARINEs may charge after advancing.
- RUN THEM DOWN!!!: Turn 5+. While this doctrine is active, whenever an enemy unit would retreat from combat from an ANGRY MARINEs, the ANGRY MARINEs unit can immediately make a round of close combat attacks against the retreating unit as if it was its Fighting phase, but with a -1 to hit.
- Desert Fangs Tactics: Because some people refuse to get with the times and get FUCKING LIVID!!!
- If your army is Battle-forged, add 1 to the Attack characteristic of all models in a unit if they charged in the previous Charge phase.
- THIS SHIT'S OURS NOW, FUCKERS!!!: Although the Angry Marines have the best men "BETTER THAN THOSE GIRLY ULTRASMURFS!!!", and they have the best equipment (stolen or cobbled together out of duct tape and rage made solid), and they have the best war cry apart from "WAAAAGGGHHHH" *BLAM* Heresy! what they do lack, is the numbers of other armies. And this makes them angry to no end (scientists are trying to find the end to their anger, but it has a habit of bending space time and imploding their minds), as some pansy army of flashlight wielders or Tyranids can just sit on an objective and laugh as the Angry Marines cut them down by the hundreds and still lose. The solution, "STEAL THEIR FUCKING FANCY PANTS OBJECTIVE AND BEAT THE CAMPING TWATS OVER THE HEADS AS WELL!!!"
- If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units in Angry Marines detachments gain this ability. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls the objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal. In addition, if an Angry Marines Troop unit contests an objective in a turn in which it charged then each model in that unit counts as 2 models instead of 1 for determining which player controls that objective.
Stratagems[edit | edit source]
If your army is Battle-forged and includes any Angry Marines Detachments (excluding Auxiliary Support Detachments, because ONLY THE WEAK USE THEM!!!), you have access to the Stratagems shown here. These reflect the unique "strategies" used by the Angry Marines on the battlefield.
- Use this Stratagem at the end of the Fight phase. Select a friendly Angry Marines Infantry or Biker unit - that unit can immediately fight for a second time.
- BENEVOLENCE OF THE TOASTER GOD!!! (1 CP): Although not your normal Mechanicus adept, some of the Angry Tech-Priests do worship the Omnissiah (or the “TOTALLY NOT VOID DRAGON CUNT WHO MAKES OUR FUCKING FLESHLIGHTS (COUGH) I MEAN TOASTERS WORK!!!), and as in the grim darkness of the 41st millennia, the warp is a thing their prayers and holy insults may occasionally be answered. If such a Priest is ever caught doing this they’ll be given a non-negotiable invitation to play a game of kick the flaming horror to death while naked and covered in promethium, a threat which ensures that “THE TOASTER FUCKERS REMEMBER TO BE ANGRY ALL THE TIME!!! NOT PROSTRATING TO THE MECHANICUS FUCKS!!!”
- You can use this Stratagem when an Angry Marines Vehicle unit from your army suffers a mortal wound. Roll a D6 for that mortal wound, and each other wound inflicted on this unit for the rest of this phase: on a 5+ that mortal wound is ignored.
- COME BACK HERE, YOU COWARDS!!! (2 CP): "WHY ARE THEY FUCKING RUNNING AWAY?!!!!" an Angry Marine once asked when a squad of weaboo battle suits disengaged him from melee. "IF ONLY THERE WAS A WAY TO STOP THESE FUCKERS FUCKING PISSING OFF FROM MELEE, WHICH IS THE MOST HONOURABLE FORM OF COMBAT!!!". After a bit of messing about the Angry Tech Marines found out that the arbitrary spending of a currency called "command points" could prevent their foes from running away from melee, allowing the EMPRAH'S finest to "GIVE THE FUCKING HERETICS A RANGE OF NEW HOLES TO SHIT OUT OF!!!"
- Use this Stratagem whenever an enemy unit would attempt to Fall Back, that unit must instead remain stationary and suffers one mortal wound. "NICE TRY DIPSHITS!!!"
- COVER IS FOR PUSSIES!!! (1 CP): Only cowards would hide in ruins rather than run screaming towards enemy.
- Use this Stratagem when an Angry Marines Infantry unit Advances. That unit can still Shoot and Charge this turn but cannot get the benefits of cover until the start of your next turn. This Stratagem overrules the "Cloud of Black Smoke", "Black Smoke" and "Pyromaniac Brothers" special rules.
- Cover them! (1 CP): If it wasn't for the Angry Marines, each and every Angry Serf would probably be spending their last days in an inquisitorial sterilisation camp with their balls/ovaries cut off/out. Because of this lack of sterilisation, the Angry Serfs are eternally grateful, but as they're all angry dicks, they can only show this appreciation by "Shooting the absolute shit out of those fuckers who are shooting at our guys!"
- Use this Stratagem immediately after an enemy unit within 12" of a friendly Angry 'Serfs unit declares overwatch against a friendly Angry Marines Infantry unit - that Serf' unit can immediately shoot at that enemy unit as if they were Shooting an overwatch themselves. The 'Serf' unit Shooting/overwatch is resolved before the overwatch of the enemy unit.
- DEATH IS NOT AN EXCUSE!!! (1 CP): While other chapters might use advanced cocktails of drugs to get one last fight out of a fallen dreadnought, the Angry Marines prefer to simply throw insults at their fallen dreadnoughts "IS THE PUSSY TIN CAN TAKING A LITTLE NAP?!!!" Any dreadnought worth his power feet (and who isn't atomised, but even then, they'll still bloody try) will then proceed to get back to his feet, as by the god-emperor he's not going down until he dishes out the last insult and kick to the balls.
- Use this Stratagem when a friendly Belligerent Engine or Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought is slain and does not Explode but before it is removed from the battlefield. place this model on its side instead of removing it. Then roll a D6 at the beginning of your next turn. On a 4+, the model regains D3 wounds, and is placed as close to it previous position as possible while remaining more than 1" from any enemy models. On a 1-3 the Belligerent Engine or Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought is destroyed (remove it as normal).
- DROP PODS ARE FOR PUSSIES!!! (1 CP): Angry Marines lack the discipline and patience to wait around in a Drop Pod before SKULLFUCKING SOME FUCKING HERETIC!!!. As a result, many Angry Marines favour the use of Angry Rhino's shot down from a Battle Barge towards the enemy instead of using a Drop Pod. The added bonus of this is that Angry Rhino's fucking love to be used as drop pods
- Use this Stratagem when you set up an Angry Rhino, with only Adeptus Astartes Angry Marines Infantry units embarked on it. Instead of deploying it, you can set up the unit in high orbit instead of being placed on the battlefield. At the end of any of your movement phases roll a D6; on a 1 the Angry Rhino is assumed to have blown up in the atmosphere, killing all inside it, reove the Angry Rhino along with any units embarked within it. On a 2+ however, set up the Angry Rhino more than 9" away from any enemy models. The vehicle then suffers D3 mortal wounds and may not charge this turn (but it may still shoot), and the unit embarked inside it may then immediately disembark, but they must be set up more than 6" away from any enemy models (any models that cannot be set up because there is not enough room are slain), and may still shoot and charge in the following Phases (Bonus points if you play ride of the Valkyries while doing this, no points if you waste 300 points in matched play trying to do this though).
- EAT MY FUCKING GRENADE BITCH!!! (1 CP): "I CAN'T THROW MY FUCKING GRENADE!!!" screamed one marine "WHICH ONE OF YOU FUCKS THREW A GRENADE BEFORE ME? IT WAS MY FUCKING TURN TO SHOVE A GRENADE DOWN A TYRANID'S THROAT!!!" A not uncommon sound to be heard in a battlefield where the Angry Marines have been deployed, as some law of the universe (probably Tzeentch's fault) dictated that a unit may only throw one grenade at a time. But like any law, if the Angry Marines try/swear profusely enough, the law decides that maybe it shouldn't apply to the Angry Marines at this particular moment, thus allowing every marine to take their grenades, and rather literally shove it down somebody else’s throat.
- Use this Stratagem before an Angry Marines Infantry unit from your army shoots or fires Overwatch. Up to ten models in the unit that are armed with Frag and Krak grenades can throw a grenade this phase, instead of only one model being able to do so.
- Explosive Demise (2 CP): Angry Marines don’t like to die. Not because they fear death, but because they get really pissed off when their enemy is still alive.
- Use when an Adeptus Astartes Angry Marines Infantry unit would be slain by losing 5 or more models. Every unit within 2D6” of that slain unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. These 5 or more models may only include models lost in the fight, shooting or overwatch phases, models lost in the morale phase do not count.
- FLAKK MISSILE!!! (1 CP): While every other army in the Imperium uses shaped charges surrounded a hard case to form shrapnel as their flak missiles, the Angry Tech-Priests ran out of such advanced tech millennia ago. Instead, they take a bucket, fill it with nails and gunpowder, and strap it to a normal missile. It's crude even by orks' standards, but it's more effective than trying to hit aircraft with 2x4's.
- You can use this Stratagem just before a friendly Angry Marines Infantry model attacks a unit that can Fly with a Missile Launcher. Make a single hit roll with the weapon this phase, however, add 1 to the hit roll and, if the attack hits, the target suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- FUCKING SNEAKY BACKSTABBING ASSHOLES!!! (1 CP): "SNIFF" goes/shouts one Angry Marine. "WHATS UP WITH YOUR NOSE YOU MUPPET?!!!" Bellows another. "I SMELL WARDEN CHEESE WHICH WOULD MAKE A TAU FAGGOT JIZZ HIS FRILLY PANTIES!!!" Shouts the first Angry Marine. In unison, both marines turn around and proceed to make Swiss cheese out of the Ultrasmurfs/World Eater wannabes/Tau pussies/pointy-eared faggots which were trying to sneak up behind them. The lesson. DON'T BE A CHEESY, WARDIAN PRICK YOU FUCKING "THAT GUY"!!!
- Use this Stratagem immediately after your opponent sets up a unit that is arriving on the battlefield as reinforcements within 12" of one of your Angry Marines Infantry units. Your unit can immediately shoot at that enemy unit as if it were the Shooting phase, but you must subtract 1 from all the resulting hit rolls.
- GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!!! (2 CP): The uncontrollable anger and hatred of the Angry Marines leave their minds open to psychic influence. However, anyone who dares to fuck with their minds risks serious mental damage.
- Use this Stratagem when an enemy attempts to manifest a psychic power that targets an Angry Marines unit. The power is automatically manifested but the Psyker unit that manifested the power takes D3 mortal wounds.
- HELLFIRE SHELLS (1 CP): Adamantium duct tape has so many uses, one of the finest is to take a squad’s worth of Dakka, duct tape it together, and point it at the enemy, and watch them either shit themselves in fear or laughter.
- Use this Stratagem just before an Angry Marines Infantry model attacks with a Heavy bolter or Power Heavy Bolter. Make a single hit roll with that weapon this phase, however, if the attack hits, the target suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- HERESY!!! (2 CP): Although Angry Marines "FUCKING DESPISE THOSE RETARDED FUCKTARDS!!!"/Inquisitors, they do admire their overactive exterminatus hands. And although the Angry Marines consider the use of such tricks to cause the destruction of whole planets wasteful, they consider the spastic hacking motion an excellent method for removing the horns of a Bloodthirster with a chainsword.
- Use this Stratagem when an Angry Marines unit is chosen to attack in the Fight Phase. Each time you roll a hit roll of 5+ for a model in this unit during this Phase, it can, if it was targeting a Chaos unit, immediately make an extra attack against the same unit using the same weapon. These extra attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks.
- HE'S FUCKING BURNY, HE CAN BE IN CHARGE!!! (1 CP): The black brothers have many things going for them, they're almost impossible to hit, burny as fuck and being punched by them is like being hit repeatedly by hot irons. What they don't have, however, is leadership, someone to beat them around the heads and say "WE'RE GOING TO FUCKING BURN THOSE FUCKS OVER THERE SO GET FUCKING MOVING!!!", and so when the Black Brothers feel that they could do with someone with a bit of tactical know-how they simple borrow/kidnap a fellow Angry Marine captain who happens to also like setting things on fire.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle begins. Select an Angry Marines Character from your army armed with either a Hand Flamer or Combi-Flamer (or The combi-combi flamer). That model gains the Black Brother Keyword and the Burning Weapons and Black Smoke special rules for the duration of the battle (see black brothers' datasheet for the rules).
- Honey Badger Bait (3 CP): Even Angry Marines don’t want to attract Mutant Honey Badgers. Even newly minted angry marines have heard the stories about them burrowing up through toilets while you were sitting on them. But they do appreciate that if they don’t want the mutant monstrosities around, then their enemy most certainly does not. So the angry marines have concocted a bait which will lure out any nearby Mutant Honey badgers, put it into an easy to carry, throw (and incredibly airtight) grenade-like container, which they then throw at any enemy too stubborn to be removed by the usual punching and abuse. Carriers of such grenades are also thoroughly versed in their correct usage: 1. Pull the pin from a grenade. 2. Throw the grenade at what you want to seriously mess up. 3. Run the fuck away. Very fast. 4. Keep running.
- At the beginning of your shooting phase, select an Angry Marines Character armed with a weapon with the Grenade Type. Replace all its grenade-type weapons' profiles with the following:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Honey Badger Bait 8" Grenade D3 - - - This weapon does no damage. However, if a unit is hit at least once by this weapon, set up a MUTANT HONEY BADGER model 9” to 12” from the hit unit and 9” to 12” from the firing unit. If neither of these conditions can be met, the MUTANT HONEY BADGER is instead slain. The created MUTANT HONEY BADGER does not cost any points or power points.
- ONLY IN DEATH DOES THE RAGE END!!! (2 CP): No Angry Marine ever expects to die, like Orks, they assume that only others around them die because they weren't ANGRY enough. So, when an Angry Marine is sitting/shitting (or both) on death's door, he is so incomprehensibly angry that nothing can stop him from delivering the Emperor's fury one final time.
- Use this Stratagem when an Angry Marines Character is slain; that model musters one last surge of RAGE! before succumbing to its wounds, and can immediately either shoot as if it were your Shooting phase, or fight as if it were your Fight phase (this Stratagem overrules the "Angry Astartes Banner" or "Banner of the Raging Desert" special rules).
- Orbital barrel of FUCK YOU!!! (4 CP): Temperus Maximus has the authority to call down a Strike Cruiser from orbit to crush his pathetic foes, literally. The location of the shipyard which produces this "ship-based" ammunition is unknown, however, and where the Angry Marines find the manpower and materials to build fleets of ships for the Chapter Master to fire at targets defies logic and common sense.
- This Stratagem can be used once per battle if you have Chapter Master Temperus Maximus in your army and he is on the battlefield (and not embarked inside Transport). Instead of shooting with his weapons, roll a D6 for every unit on the battlefield (do not roll for units that are embarked inside Transports). Subtract 1 from the result if the unit being rolled for is an Infantry Character unit and add 1 to the result if the unit being rolled for is a Infantry unit that is not a Character. On a 4+, the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- RAMPAGE!!! (1 CP): Nothing gets the blood pumping (apart from drugs, skittles and the threat of chaos/furries) like a good old fashioned, head-on charge into the enemy. The Angry Apothecaries also recommend it to remove wrinkles, headaches, sore backs, cancer, head trauma and lesser forms of death, in fact, a good old fashioned charge will make even the most ancient of Angry Marines feel like he's only just gone through his initiations (he will also be bloody, bruised and swearing, also just like after he finished his initiations).
- Use this Stratagem in any Fight phase if an Angry Marines Character from your army has charged during the Assault phase. Add D3 to the Attacks characteristic of that model for the duration of the Fight phase.
- RELICS OF RAGE!!! (1-3 CP): "GIVE ME ONE YOU OMNISSIAH BASTARD!!!" Is a common sound to be heard before a battle, with every Angry Marine worth his cigar wanting the flashiest bit of adamantium to "FIST THE FUCKERS BACK TO THE EYE OF TERROR!!!". The idea that only one Angry Marine at a time could take one of the chapters FLASHY BITZ always confused the Angry Marines, so they decided "FUCK IT!!!" (Not literally, that would be *BLAM* Heresy!) and started letting multiple relics out at a time, as long as they were returned free of blood and brains.
- Use this Stratagem before the battle. Your army can have one extra Angry Marines ArteFUCKt for 1 CP, or two extra Angry Marines ArteFUCKts for 3 CPs. All the Angry Marine Relics that you include must be different and be given to different Angry Marines Characters.
- RUN THEM OVER!!! (1 CP): It is not only Astra Militarum who are crazy enough to run over the enemy and CRUSH THEM BENEATH THEIR GRINDING TREADS!!!
- Use this Stratagem at the start of your Charge phase. Select an Angry Marines Vehicle unit (which is not a Rage Speeder Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought or a Belligerent Engine) from your army. That unit can charge even if it Advanced this turn. In addition, in the following Fight Phase, attacks made by that unit hit on a 2+.
- THINK YOU SMART FUCKER?!!! (1 CP): There is no problem which can't be solved by vast amounts of your chosen explosive, even if that problem is that the enemy has just destroyed your metal box. So, the Angry Marines decided that if they were going to go down, it would be on their terms, and those terms would be
in style"FUCK YOU HERETIC!!!"
- You can use this Stratagem just before a friendly Angry Marines Vehicle model must roll to see if it explodes. it explodes on a 2+ instead of on roll of 6.
- Wildfire (1 CP): Whenever the Angry Marines encounter an enemy entrenched in a position they want they ask themselves a question. Do they really need said position? Regardless of the answer, they send the coordinates of the enemies position to a Whirlwind Cremator, who ensures that the enemy, their cover, and everything around it, is on fire. Not a subtle approach but even the most ardent pacifist will admit that the results look fucking awesome.
- Use this Stratagem in the Shooting phase just before a Whirlwind Cremator shoots. Instead of shooting with any of its weapons, select a piece of terrain on the battlefield, each model inside that piece of terrain is automatically hit by a shooting attack resolved at Strength 6, AP -2 and Damage 2 and they do not get the benefits of cover against it.
- YOU AND WHAT ARMY DICKHEAD?!!! (1 CP): Angry Marines miss the day when their deep striking foes might die in transit, as there are few things funnier than watching 400 points worth of terminator appear 200 metres off the ground and land with a satisfying BOOM!!! Unfortunately, now everyone gets a 100% successful deep strike, so the Angry Marines now deploy Angry Serfs' behind enemy lines to pour sugar in their fuel tanks, tie commanders shoelaces together and fill terminator helmets full of custard. It may only delay their cheesy opponent for so long, but by then the Angry Marines will have made deck chairs out of their opponents' corpses, and will be patiently waiting for the arrival of "THE REST OF THE WARDIAN, COVERCAMPING PRICKS!!!"
- Use this Stratagem when an enemy unit would arrive from reserve, that unit instead does not arrive and must wait until next turn to be deployed. You cannot use this Stratagem more than once on the same unit.
- YOU TAKE THAT FUCKER, WE TAKE THESE FUCKERS!!! (1 CP): As glorious as a full-frontal charge can be, with a tide of yellow, red and profanity roiling over the enemy ( those zoggin EMPRAH'S boiz certainly know ows to be choppy ), even a psyche as angry as the Angry Marines can appreciate that one giant hammer isn't always the solution. Sometimes, lots of smaller hammers beating the shit out everyone at once is a much more efficient solution, and ensures that every marine has someone to bash over the head.
- Use this Stratagem at the start of any of your Movement phases. Select a friendly Angry Marines unit with the Combat Squads special rule that has 10 models. That unit is immediately split into two separate units, each containing 5 models.
Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]
An Angry Marines Warlord cannot get the Inspiring Leader warlord Trait in the Rule book on page 186. If the Warlord of your army is an Angry Marines Character you can pick their Warlord Trait from the Angry Marine Warlord Traits table seen below.
- Your warlord may re-roll all failed wound rolls.
- 2: Psychic Nutcase:
- This warlord adds 2 to its psychic tests and deny the witch rolls, and knows one extra power from any psychic discipline it knows, but suffers perils in the warp from double 2’s, as well as double 1’s and 6’s.
- 3: GET OVER HERE YOU FUCK!!!: This warlord looks at the two dice that everyone else has to roll for a charge and said “FUCK THAT SHIT!!!”
- Your warlord charges D6+6" instead of 2d6" and may reroll charge distances.
- 4: IT’S KINDA FUN!!!: Although a very rare occurrence, some Angry Marines prefer ranged weapons over melee ones. In their private quarters their chainsaws sit gathering dust while their bolt weapons sit shiny, and in excellent working order.
- Your Warlord may exchange one of his weapons (that is not Grenades) with an item from the Special Weapons or Ranged Weapons lists, free of charge. In addition, add 1 to this models hit rolls with ranged weapons, and they may still shoot with their ranged weapons even if they have Advanced earlier that turn. If they do so, you must subtract 1 from any hit rolls they made when firing these weapons this turn; unless it's an Assault weapon, in that case, you must not subtract anything from any hit rolls it made when firing it this turn.
- If your Warlord has less than half of his starting number of wounds left (rounding up), increase its movement and attack characteristic by 2.
- In the enemy Movement Phase, choose an enemy Character which is within 1" of your warlord, that character cannot Fall Back in this movement phase. In addition, if an enemy Character within 1" of your Warlord in the Fight phase, the enemy character will always fight last, regardless of wether or not it charged in the preceding charge phase.
Iratomancy Discipline[edit | edit source]
As is well known and documented, the warp is affected and mirrors the thoughts and actions of those in the real world, regions of disease become Nurgle’s playground, and downtown Amsterdam becomes Slaanesh’s bedroom in the warp. Then in the case, what are regions in the warp like which are influenced by the Angry Marines? Nobody knows, as much as Khorne would like to benefit from the Angry Marines they are far too zealous and emprah-bothering for him to feed on their energies, and nobody (alive at least) has entered Angry Marine warp space to find out what it’s like and what daemons live there.
Either way, Angry psykers draw on Angry warp energies to fuel their power, but are not solely reliant upon it, being angry enough themselves to provide power for any spell they may wish to cast, and in a fair few cases, spells from the Iratomancy discipline is simply the psyker cursing incredibly loudly at his target. Why such psykers suffer perils in the warp is still unknown, but it is theorised that they simply shout so loud that they temporarily lose their voice and have to sit down for a while, not something they would willingly admit.
Before the battle, generate the psychic powers for Psykers that can use powers from the Iratomancy Discipline using the table below. You can either roll a D6 to generate their powers randomly (re-roll any duplicate results), or you can select the psychic powers you wish the psyker to have.
- 1: FUCK HEAT!!!
- Warp Charge: 6
- The Angry Marines dislike their weapons exploding and killing them. Not only is it a waste of good "ANGRY BASTARDS!!!" But it gets in the way of their desire to spam the trigger on their plasma weapons like a spastic ork on cocaine.
- If manifested, select a friendly Angry Marines unit with at least one weapon from the Plasma Weaponry list. The targeted unit may re-roll all failed hit rolls for weapons with plasma in its name (or is agreed with your opponent that it is a plasma weapon, despite not having plasma in the name), until your next Psychic phase, even on Overwatch.
- 2: FFFFFFFF...!!!
- Warp Charge: 6
- Angry Marines often find themselves outnumbered by their foes, which isn't a problem for them as it means that there's plenty of heads to bash. But sometimes they are so numerous that even an Angry Marines would be dragged down by sheer weight of numbers without some extra help.
- If manifested, choose an Angry Marines Infantry unit within 12" of the psyker, that unit adds one to its attack characteristic until your next Psychic phase. If that unit fights during the Fight phase against a unit which outnumbers them, then it adds two to its attack characteristic instead. If the unit is outnumbered two to one or more, it adds three to its attack characteristic instead. This Psychic Power is not cumulative with the RIP AND TEAR!!! and ALL THE RAGE!!! Psychic Powers.
- Warp Charge: 8
- The psyker bellows at nearby Angry Marines to "GET YOUR FUCKING ACTS TOGETHER!!! I'VE SEEN TAU FAGGOTS FIGHT FUCKING BETTER THAN YOU ARE RIGHT NOW!!! YOU'RE NOT GIVING THE BASTARDS A LIGHT SPANKING AND SOME FUCKING FOREPLAY!!! JUST HIT THE FUCKERS YOU LAZY BASTARDS!!!" Although not really a psychic power, it still has the desired effect of making nearby Angry Marines frothing at the mouth psychos (even more than usual) to an extent that even Savlar Chem Dogs will say "
Jesus Christ*BLAM*HERESY! God Fucking Emperor, they're a bit over the top aren't they?" - If manifested, until your next Psychic phase all Angry Marines Infantry units within 6" of the psyker add 1 to their attack characteristic and add 1 to their wound rolls in the Fight phase. This Psychic Power is not cumulative with the FFFFFFFF...!!! and ALL THE RAGE!!! Psychic Powers.
- Warp Charge: 5
- There are very few minds which are more potent, belligerent or stubborn than those of an Angry Marine, let alone an Angry Marine psyker. Such a psyker can simply throw his will at an any enemy psyker, distracting them and those around them with a range of insults which they can't get out of their heads.
- If manifested, choose an enemy Psyker unit within 24" of the caster. Until your next Psychic phase that Psyker and all Psyker units within 6" of it suffer -1 to their manifestation and deny rolls. This power may target Characters even if they’re not the closest unit.
- 5: ALL THE RAGE!!!:
- Warp Charge: 6
- The psyker removes any remaining veneer of normality from his target, revealing the pure, unadulterated hatred within. Watching a librarian go from a red and yellow psychopath, screaming profanity left, right and centre while mowing down his foes, to a red and yellow psychopath, whose screams of profanity literally rupture brain cavities and who mows down his foes with eyes of burning fire, is enough to make even an Angry Marine go "SHIT THAT GUYS ANGRY, OI MINDFUCKER, FUCKING DO ME NEXT!!!"
- If manifested, choose an Angry Marines Character within 9" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, add 1 to that Character's Toughness and Attack characteristics, and enemy units within 3" of it must subtract 1 from their Leadership characteristic. This Psychic Power is not cumulative with the RIP AND TEAR!!! and FFFFFFFF...!!! Psychic Powers.
- Warp Charge: 7
- No Angry Marine wants to see a good source of RAGE wasted, especially when the results of throwing an Angry Marine captain at a unit of orks is "FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!". So, the psyker imparts part of his hatred for the enemy into a nearby unit, who then proceed to pick up the nearest head of command (it could be a land raider for all they fucking care) and lob said commander at the enemy.
- If manifested, select an Angry Marines Infantry unit (which is not a Character) within 24" of the psyker and that has at least one Angry Marines Character unit (which is not a Biker or Monster) within 6" of it. The unit in question then may "throw" that nearest Angry Marines Character unit toward the nearest enemy unit. To do so, move the character 6D6" towards the nearest enemy unit and the thrown character suffers one mortal wound; it may end this move within 1" of the enemy unit and if it does, it counts as a successful charge (NOTE: that enemy unit may not Overwatch). The enemy unit then suffers D3 mortal wounds. The unit which "threw" the character and the thrown character, may not shoot in the following Shooting Phase, but may still charge in the Charge Phase.
Litanies of Hatred and Vitriol[edit | edit source]
If your army is battle forged all Angry Chaplains may chant/rant and rave one Litany of Hatred and Vitriol at the start of your movement phase. The litany's effects lasts until the start of your next Movement phase.
- When a Angry Marines Infantry unit within 3” of the user of this Litany makes a hit roll of 6+ with a ranged weapon, that attack scores 2 hits instead of 1.
- Angry Marines Infantry units within 3” of the user of this Litany may move and advance twice in their Movement phase instead of only once. However, any units which do this may not shoot or charge for the rest of the turn.
- All Angry Marines units with 3” of the user of this Litany may only lose 1 model in the morale phase.
Specialist Detachments[edit | edit source]
Specialist detachments allow you to build your army around a certain theme and provide you with access to unique warlord traits, relics, stratagems and psychic powers, at the cost of restricted unit composition.
Captain Fuckingham’s Fan Club (1 CP)[edit | edit source]
All Angry Primaris units in this Specialist Detachment gain the Captain Fuckingham’s Fan Club keyword.
- Use this Stratagem at the beginning of any phase. Until the end of that phase, Angry Primaris units within 6” of CAPTAIN TANTRUMUS FUCKINGHAM ignore damage received on a 5+ on a D6.
Warlord Trait:
- Secret Codex Reader: Although all primaris marines are screened for suitable levels of rage before they are let out into combat, some angry primaris marines still (super duper secretly) read and follow the codex adeptus astartes. Although widely regarded as toilet paper at best, such primaris marines understand that the codex does have a few useful things to say on a few topics, and have learnt to share such knowledge with their fellow marines in a manner which they find palatable. “COURAGE AND HONOUR YOU FUCKTARDS!!!”
- Your Warlord and friendly Angry Primaris units with 6” of it may retreat from combat and then either fire their weapons in the following shooting phase at a minus 1 to hit, or charge in the following charge phase.
- Properly Functioning Iron Halo: The angry marines are not known for their high quality, functioning relics. Iron halos, in particular, do not survive the millennia well, being used for everything from bottle openers to honey badger litter box cleaners.
- A model with this relic has a 4++ invulnerable save and adds 1 to its armour save rolls. If this model already has an invulnerable save then it may instead add 1 to its invulnerable save rolls. However, all non-Angry Primaris units within 6” subtract 1 from their leadership characteristic.
Melee-only Mob (2 CP)[edit | edit source]
All infantry units armed only with non-standard melee weapons and pistols in this Specialist Detachment gain the Melee-only Mob keyword.
Some angry marines feel that the chapter is beginning to include too many ranged weapons in their arsenal. Such marines like to talk about the good old days of the chapter (back before they had a codex) when the only thing an angry marines had to fight with was his trusty chainsword, another trusty chain sword, and whatever loose limbs he could find lying around that he could get a good swing with.
Warlord Trait:
- Happy Go Choppy: Some Angry Marines are capable of being choppy all day. While some like to punch, others kick, or stomp, or bludgeon, some simply want to take a sharp(ish) object and hack away at something. Such angry marines aren’t even that foul mouthed, they are quite content to cut, hew and slice all day. Although clearly an admirable desire, most angry marines find such individuals...a bit weird.
- Each hit roll in the fight phase of 6+ made by your Warlord counts as 3 hits instead of 1 (this overrides the extra attacks created by hits of 6+ from ALWAYS ANGRY!!!). In addition to this, any melee weapons this unit possesses which would provide an additional attack/s as one of their abilities provide an extra attack on top of the number of extra attacks the weapon would normally provide. However, a unit with this trait may not use any ranged weapons it is equipped with.
- Furious Strikes (1 CP):
- Use this Stratagem during the Fight phase. Select a Melee-only Mob unit; reduce that unit's weapon skill by 1 (eg. A 3+ weapon skill would become a 4+ weapon skill). However, hit rolls of 6+ made by that unit generate an additional hit and improve the Ap of that attack by 1.
- Irate Bastard (1 CP):
- Before the battle begins choose a Melee-only Mob Character in your army. That Character gains the Irate Bastard keyword and ignores all negative modifiers to its hit rolls.
- The Butcher’s Chainsaws: A bloody and rusted chainsaw found deep within the armoury of the MAXIMUM FUCK. Nobody knows who it belonged to (other than it had to be an angry marine because of its red and yellow paint job), but along the weapons side are tallies, counting the tens of thousands of creatures the weapon has killed, and despite the weapons disrepair, it still cuts through flesh like it wasn’t there. Angry Marine officers are reluctant to carry such a weapon, because, although it is certainly an incredibly powerful item, they are worried what the original owner might do to them if they come back and find someone else using it.
- Model with two Chainsword or Mastercrafted Chainsword only. The Butcher’s Chainsaws replaces the bearer's two Chainswords or Mastercrafted Chainsword with the following profile.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
The Butcher’s Chainsaws | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 2 | When the bearer of this relic fights in the fight phase they may make 4 additional attacks with this weapon. In addition to this, add 1 to the hit rolls made for attack with this weapon. |
Psychic Power:
- Psychic Steroids:
- Warp Charge: 7
- A power which has been made illegal in competitions because of the large numbers of casualties it causes, and because “ANGRY MARINES DONT NEED FUCKING STEROIDS TO KICK ASS!!!”
- If successfully manifested, select a Melee-only Mob infantry unit within 12” of the caster. Until the end of your turn, that unit may charge after advancing and rolls an additional dice when advancing or charging and discards the lowest dice. However, at the end of your turn roll a D6 for each model in the unit; on a 1 that model suffers a mortal wound. If any models are lost then the unit must take a morale test at minus 1 leadership.
The Burners of the Codex (1 CP)[edit | edit source]
All Black Brother units in this Specialist Detachment gain the The Burners of the Codex keyword.
The Black Brothers find it hard to mingle amongst other angry marines. It’s not that their achievements and profanity aren’t appreciated. They are. Black brothers are seen as complete badasses by other angry marines. It’s just... that much fire is difficult to be around. Black brothers insist on going around in full power armour constantly on fire, charing furniture and flesh alike. This means that even in conventional/non-black brother armour you can only have a 2-second conversation with a black brother marine while running away from them, or via a megaphone, due to the risk of being cooked alive. This means that in battle the black brothers are kept away from the normal, angry marines forces wherever possible in order to reduce unnecessary injuries.
Warlord Trait:
- Internal Furnace: The highest-ranking Black Brothers have internal biology more akin to a combustion engine, with blood vessels pumping molten hate, their digestive system converting food into vitriol, and their lungs scorching the very air they breathe. Upon death, such individuals do not die... quietly.
- When a unit with this trait is slain, every unit within 3D3" suffer D6 mortal wounds.
- The Eternally Burning Codex: A copy of the Codex Astartes which, for whatever reason, won't burn. It is on fire, but while all other codexes will be nought but ash after five minutes, this codex just sits there. On fire. For a while the black brothers threw all the fire they had at the codex to try and reduce it to soot and randomly floating CO2 molecules, they used flamers, meltas, jet packs, Molotov’s. They even extended the definition of “fire” temporarily to include short-range plasma weaponry, but not even ionised gas could destroy the book. Thankfully, however, the codex also serves as an effective melee weapon and as an encouragement to all black brothers in range to “BURN FUCKING BETTER YOU BASTARDS!!!”
- Models with a Power Bat Only. The Eternally Burning Codex replaces the bearer's Power Bat and has the following profile:
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
The Eternally Burning Codex | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 3 | Friendly The Burners of the Codex units that are within 3" of the bearer of this Relic add 1 to the number of hits caused by all their weapons which automatically hit their target. |
Psychic Power:
- Purifying Thoughts of Fire and Fury:
- Warp Charge: 7
- If manifested select a friendly unit within 6” of the caster which is equipped with weapons which automatically hit their target. That unit improves the Strength and Ap of these weapons by 1.
The Silent Ones (1 CP)[edit | edit source]
All Silencer and Terminator units in this Specialist Detachment gain the The Silent Ones keyword.
Normal Angry Marines can find the silence of terminators and silencers rather unnerving. They find something weird about seeing a marine in the red and yellow of their chapter making no noise whatsoever, just glaring from behind glowing eye lenses.
Warlord Trait:
- Especially Silent: Silencers and terminators take their silence another step further, mastering the art of moving silently, breathing silently, farting silently, to the point that their silent deadliness has a measurable effect on the warp.
- Psychic powers manifested within 18” of your Warlord automatically fail. In addition to this, this model knows the Sucking Darkness psychic power in addition to all its other powers and gains the Null keyword if it did not already possess it.
- xxx
- Sergeant Shitbucket’s Bucket of Shit: The “banner” of the now-deceased Sergeant Shitbucket, a terminator from the battle barge, CONSIDERABLE SHOUTING, where he met his awesome demise, by jumping out of his battle barge in low orbit and plummeted to the planet below to impact upon a particularly stubborn demon prince. The truly amazing death of the Sergeant and his decisive defeat of the demon prince has firmly secured Shitbuckets name on the angry marine list of most awesome and badass deaths of all time (for reference, he is just below battle brother dick slapper on the list, who died by shitting a krak grenade into the mouth of a hive tyrant). In his fond memory, an angry marine may choose to carry Shitbuckets bucket of shit into battle, although few choose to these days, as the bucket does smell particularly rancid.
- Attacks against the bearer of this relic suffer -1 to hit. In addition to this, enemy units with 3” of this model suffer -1 to their leadership characteristics.
Psychic Power:
- Sucking Darkness:
- Warp Charge: N/A
- The most potent bulls are capable of channelling the emptiness of their psychic presence at their enemies, resulting in terror amongst the nulls foes as the background hum of the universe simply...vanishes.
- This psychic powers may only be cast by a model with the Null keyword and does not count towards the maximum number of psychic powers this model may cast in a turn. If manifested, pick the nearest enemy unit and roll 2D6 and compare the result with its leadership characteristic of the nearest enemy unit. If the value exceeds that unit's leadership characteristic then it has to subtract 1 from its leadership characteristic until the start of your next psychic phase. Repeat this process until the enemy unit has suffered minus 4 to its leadership characteristic or you fail the roll.
Titanic Throng (1 CP)[edit | edit source]
All Titanic units in this Specialist Detachment gain the Titanic Throng keyword.
It’s hard to truly mingle and be part of a group of people when you ride a 10-meter tall metal monster into battle. The world feels so small, it’s players so squishy and their firepower so...weak. It’s an understandable but dickish viewpoint which is held by the truly colossal units within the Angry Marines.
Warlord Trait:
- Truly Massive: Some titans are just head and shoulders more massive than their brethren. Maybe they were just built larger, or perhaps their original owner may have modified them with additional ablative armour, or maybe the Titan has just spent too long eating tyranid super heavies.
- Add 6 to your Warlord's maximum wound characteristic. In addition, your Warlord ignores damage received on a 5+, but has to subtract 4” from its movement characteristic.
- Colossal Chain Flail:
- Titanic Throng model with Thunderstrike Gauntlet only. The Colossal Chain Flail replaces the bearer's Thunderstrike Gauntlet and has the following profile:
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Colossal Chain Flail (Swing) | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | D3 | Make 3 hits rolls for this weapon. Damage inflicted by this weapon passes on over to other models in the targeted unit. |
Colossal Chain Flail (Strike) | Melee | Melee | X2 | -4 | 6 | Subtract 1 from the hit rolls for this weapon. |
Angry Marine Equipment[edit | edit source]
The Angry Marines mainly employ the standard weapons of the Adeptus Astartes, but they also possess a number of exotic and unusual weapons.
Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Adamantium 2”x4” with a nail through it: A special weapon only reserved for the elite of the Angry Marines, rare due to the sheer effort of getting a nail into a piece of Adamantium. The thing that all melee weapons aspire to be, brutal, simple and terrifying in equal measure, not that you'll have time to appreciate it if your heads on the receiving end of its swing.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Adamantium 2”x4” with a nail through it Melee Melee +2 -4 D3 -
- Chainweapons:
- Chainsword: For those wishing to see the Angry Marines for themselves then your common or garden variety of marine will be carrying two of these (disclaimer, visiting the Angry Marines for sightseeing purposes may result in severe blood loss, blunt force trauma to the head, chainsaws up your anus up to and including total existence failure, you have been warned).
- Chain-Axe: Khorne gets a slight boner when he sees the Angry Marines rock up with some of these, them he gets sad and pumps iron for a few years as he remembers that "WE ANGRY MARINES FUCKING HATE THOSE WORLD EATERS!!! THEY ONLY CARRY ONE MELEE WEAPON!!! THAT KHARN CUNT IS PRETTY FUCKING ANGRY THOUGH!!!"
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Chainsword Melee Melee User 0 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Astartes Chainsword Melee Melee User -1 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Chain-Axe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 - Archeotech Chainsword Melee Melee +1 -2 2 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Chain Glaive (Sweep) Melee Melee User -1 1 When fighting with this profile, each hit counts as 2 hits instead of 1. Chain Glaive (Strike) Melee Melee +4 -3 2 -
- Lightning Claw: The classic "I don't care what toughness you have, I'm just going to keep rerolling my wound rolls until you die from blood loss or boredom" weapon, even more potent with that strength 5 the Angry Marines are running around with.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Lightning Claw Melee Melee User -2 1 You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. If a model is armed with two Lightning Claws, each time it fights it can make 1 additional attack with them.
- Power Weapons:

- Power Chair: Same power as the power bat and power wrench but with a bashing effect. First started with an Angry Marine Initiate who was having a fight with another Initiate who used a chair, used all energy from the power bat, and smashed the initiate in the head. This was then developed into the Angry Marine arsenal. To this day the unconscious initiate is still in the med bay of strike cruiser "DIPSHIT" because "HE IS A FUCKING PUSSY WHO CANNOT FIGHT HIS WAY OUT OF HIS SLEEP, SLANNESHI-SLEEPING-SLOTH-SHITE!"

- Power Bat: For when you can't be fucked with dealing with swarms of guardsmen.
- Power Chair: For those times when you just really need to wound titans on 3+, bonus points if you destroy a titan by having a marine hack away at its ankles with one of these.

- Power Feet: Power Feet are weapons in the shape of the boots of Power Armor, sized up to disruptor energy fields commonly found in Power Fists.
- Power Fist: Only works if you laugh maniacally and shout "ITS FISTING TIME!!!" Or "I CAST FIST!!!"
- Power Sword: For when you can't be fucked with dealing with power armor.

- Power Wrench: For those bipolar moments when neither a sword or a bat will do the job.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Power Axe Melee Melee +1 -1 D3 - Power Bat Melee Melee +2 -1 1 - Master-Crafted Power Bat with a Nail through It Melee Melee +2 -2 2 - Power Boots Melee Melee +3 -2 D3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 2 from the hit roll. Power Chair Melee Melee +7 -2 2 A model can only carry one Power Chair. Power Feet Melee Melee +2 -2 2 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 2 from the hit roll. Power Fist Melee Melee x2 -3 D3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Power Sword Melee Melee +1 -3 1 - Power Wrench Melee Melee +2 -1 D3 -
- The Bag of Dylad: A Mastercrafted Adamantine Sack of Power Doorknobs.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities The Bag of Dylad Melee Melee +3 -2 D3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll, each hit with this weapon counts as D2 hits. In addition, any wound rolls of 6+ made for this weapon cause D3 mortal wounds instead of the normal damage.
- The Hell Glove:
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities The Hell Glove Melee Melee +5 -3 D3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll.
- The Fang of RAGING Desert:
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities The Fang of RAGING Desert Melee Melee +4 -4 4 Subtract 1 from invulnerable save rolls made against this weapon. If you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts 2D3 mortal wounds instead of its normal damage; 4 if the target is a Daemon or a Psyker.
- Thunder Hammer:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Thunder Hammer Melee Melee x2 -3 D3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll.
Ranged Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Angry Grappa: To put it simply, an angry grappa is just a huge harpoon gun with an adamantium chain and a powerful motor, used to tow the Belligerent Engine itself close to big things like tanks or monsters.
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Angry Grappa 12" Assault 1 8 -4 1 If this weapon managed to remove one wound from either a Monster or a Vehicle, the bearer may re-roll charge distances if it charges that model.
- Assault Cannon:
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Assault Cannon 24" Heavy 6 6 -1 1 -
- Autocannon:
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Autocannon 48" Heavy 4 7 -1 2 -
- Bolter Weapons:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Bolt Pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 - Boltgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 - Bolt Rifle 30" Rapid Fire 1 4 -1 1 - Auto Bolt Rifle 24" Assault 3 4 0 1 - Storm bolter 24" Rapid Fire 2 4 0 1 - Hurricane Bolter 24" Rapid Fire 6 4 0 1 - Master-crafted Heavy Bolt Pistol 18" Pistol 2 4 -1 2 - Heavy Bolter 36" Heavy 3 5 -1 2 - Power Heavy Bolter 36" Heavy 3 5 -1 2 - Heavy Bolter Gatling Gun 24" Heavy 6 5 -1 2 - Heavy Bolter Gatling Cannon 30" Heavy 12 5 -1 2 -
- Combi Weapons:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Combi-bolter (Boltgun) 24" Rapid Fire 2 4 0 1 - Combi-flamer (Boltgun) 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 - Combi-flamer (Flamer) 12" Assault D6 4 0 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Combi-melta (Boltgun) 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 - Combi-melta (Meltagun) 12" Assault 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, change this weapons damage to D6+2. Combi-plasma (Boltgun) 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 - Combi-plasma (Plasma Gun) 24" Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 This weapon can be supercharged by the bearer before firing. If they do so, increase the Strength and Damage characteristic of the weapon by 1 this turn. On any hit rolls of 1 when firing supercharge, the bearer is slain after all of the weapon's shots have been fired.
- Flame Weaponry:
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Hand Flamer 12" Pistol D6 3 0 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Flamer 12" Assault D6 4 0 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Heavy Flamer 12" Heavy D6 5 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target.
- Grenades:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Frag Grenade 6" Grenade D6 3 0 1 - Krak Grenade 12" Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 - Fragstorm Grenade Launcher 18" Assault D6 4 0 1 Blast Krakstorm Grenade Launcher 18" Assault 1 6 -1 D3 -
- Heavy Stubbers:
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Heavy Stubber 36" Heavy 3 4 0 1 A unit that suffer an unsaved wound from this weapon has to subtract 1 from its hit rolls in the subsequent Fighting phase. Ironhail Heavy Stubber 36" Heavy 3 4 -1 1 A unit that suffers an unsaved wound from this weapon has to subtract 1 from its hit rolls in the subsequent Fighting phase. Rageus Ironhail Heavy Stubber 36" Heavy 3 4 -1 1 Blast. When resolving an attack made with this weapon, add 1 to the hit roll if the target can Fly; otherwise subtract 1 from the hit roll. A unit that suffers an unsaved wound from this weapon has to subtract 1 from its hit rolls in the subsequent Fighting phase.
- Laser Weaponry:
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Lascannon 48" Heavy 1 9 -3 D6 - Las-talon 24" Heavy 2 9 -3 D6 -
- Melta Weaponry
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Infernus Pistol 6" Pistol 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, change this weapons damage to D6+2. Meltagun 12" Assault 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, change this weapons damage to D6+2. Multi-melta 24" Heavy 2 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, change this weapons damage to D6+2.
- Missile Weaponry:
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Icarus Rocket Pod 24" Heavy D3 7 -1 2 Blast Missile Launcher (Frag Missile) 48" Heavy D6 4 0 1 - Missile Launcher (Krak Missile) 48" Heavy 1 8 -2 D6 - Typhoon Missile Launcher (Frag Missile) 48" Heavy 2D6 4 0 1 - Typhoon Missile Launcher (Krak Missile) 48" Heavy 2 8 -2 D6 - Hunter-killer Missile 48" Heavy 1 10 -2 D6 The bearer can only shoot with each Hunter-killer Missile it is equipped once per battle.
- Onslaught Gatling Cannons:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Onslaught Gatling Cannon 24" Heavy 6 5 -1 1 - Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon 30" Heavy 12 5 -1 1 -
- Plasma Weaponry:
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Plasma Pistol (Standard) 12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - Plasma Pistol (Supercharge) 12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 If any hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. Plasma Gun (Standard) 24" Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 - Plasma Gun (Supercharge) 24" Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 If any hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. Plasma Cannon (Standard) 36" Heavy D3 7 -3 1 - Plasma Cannon (Supercharge) 36" Heavy D3 8 -3 2 If any hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon. Heavy Plasma Cannon (Standard) 36" Heavy D3 7 -3 1 - Heavy Plasma Cannon (Supercharge) 36" Heavy D3 8 -3 2 If any hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon, the bearer is destroyed after shooting with this weapon.
- Rocket Fisters:
- Rocket Fister: To get around the standard Angry Marines terrible skill with a gun, the Tech priests created a weapon which allowed a squaddie to still punch things, but at range. The person wielding the weapon simply punches towards an enemy which is out of range and the weapon fires a fist towards said enemy, punching the enemy. Despite this however, the weapon doesn’t see much use simply because punching people at range is nowhere near as satisfying as punching them over and over again with your actual fists.
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Points Per Weapon Rocket Fister 18" Assault 1 8 -3 D3 When rolling to hit with this weapon, use the bearer's "WS" instead of its "BS" and subtract 1 from the hit roll. If the target is within half range of this weapon, change this weapon's Type to Assault 2. 13 Heavy Rocket Fister 30" Heavy 1 8 -3 D3 When rolling to hit with this weapon, use the bearer's "WS" instead of its "BS" and subtract 1 from the hit roll. If the target is within half range of this weapon, change this weapon's Type to Heavy 2. 13

- Rocket Propelled Chainsaw:

Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Rocket Propelled Chainsaw 48" Heavy 1 10 -4 D3 This weapon can only be fired once per battle.
- "Smoke" Launcher:
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities "Smoke" Launcher 12" Heavy 2D3 4 -1 1 -
- The Hell Glove:
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities The Hell Glove 12" Pistol 3 4 -1 2 -
- The Sandstorm Assault Cannon:
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities The Sandstorm Assault Cannon 24" Assault 5 6 -1 2 -
- Universal Door Opener:
Weapons Range Type S AP D Abilities Universal Door Opener 8" Assault 2 6 -1 2 If the target is within half range, change this weapon's Type to Pistol 4, add 1 to this weapon's Strength characteristic and hit rolls, and change its AP to -2.
ArteFUCKts[edit | edit source]
If your army is led by an Angry Marines Warlord, you may give one of the following Angry Marines ArteFUCKts to an Angry Marines Character in your army. Special Characters such as Chapter Master Temperus Maximus already have BADASS WARGEAR, so they do not need more BADASS WARGEAR; they cannot be given any of the following Relics.
Note that some weapons replace one of the Character's existing weapons. When this is the case, you must, if you are playing a matched play game or are otherwise using points values, still pay the cost of the weapon that is being replaced. Write down any Angry Marine Relics your Characters may have on your army roster.
- Roll of Emergency Purity Seals
- Fluff:
- One of the roles of a chief Reclusiarch is to ensure that the chapter remains full of nice, good, emperor bothering space marines, and not spikey, tentacle creatures wearing power armour. Chief Reclusiarch Mofo doesn't really give a shit as "ANY PUSSY WHO WOULD JOIN CHAOS IS A WORLD EATER WANNABE!!! NOT A FUCKING ANGRY MARINE!!! NOW PISS OFF IM WATCHING SOME FUCKING QUALITY CARTOONS!!!"
- However, despite the fact that Angry Marines are as likely to fall to chaos as a grot is likely to defeat a dreadnaught, the Chief Reclusiarch services are still required, mostly in the blessing of random shit the marines have found to make sure that the inquisitors don't get any exterminatus based ideas. Even this minor task is too much for Mofo's non-existent patience, so he took a roll of standard, two-ply imperial toilet paper, screamed at it "YOU ARE BLESSED YOU INANEMATE PIECE OF SHIT!!!" And drew a small angry face on the first sheet.
- This roll of emergency purity seals/blessed bog roll was then slammed into the face of the first Angry Marine demanding his bolter or power wrench to be blessed and followed by a bellow which was felt by a nearby battle barge "BLESS IT YOURSELF YOU CUNT WEASEL!!!" Despite the rolls unassuming appearance, it does provide significant protection to anything a sheet is slapped onto, in fact, each sheet shouts "YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED, NOW STOP FUCKING MOANING!!!" After being used, but what's most remarkable is that the roll hasn't run out, being destroyed after many millennia of use and still has the same angry face on the first sheet.
- In the direst of situations, it can even be used to wipe your arse, and marines who have done so say that "MY SHIT HOLE HAS NEVER FELT SO CLEAN!!! IT WAS LIKE WIPING MY ARSE WITH A FIELD FULL OF BUNNIES!!!" Mofo refuses to create more rolls for chapter wide, even imperium wide, use, arguing that (after he had shoved Fagbasher up the arse of the inquisitor stupid enough to ask) "ANY CUNT WHO NEEDS EXTRA PROTECTION FROM CHAOS IS A FUCKING TYRANID LOVING WHORE!!! NOW PISS OFF, IM STILL FUCKING WATCHING SOME QUALITY CARTOONS!!!"
- At the beginning of each of your turns, choose a friendly Angry Marines unit within 3" of the bearer of this Relic. Until the start of your next turn, that unit cannot suffer any negative modifiers to its hit or wound rolls and their Leadership or Toughness characteristics.
- Sergeant Greenhands's SANCTIFIED Big Choppa: If you want to know more about this weapon, look at "The Green-Hands Heresy" on the Angry Marines Lore page.
- Model with a Power wrench only. Sergeant Greenhands's SANCTIFIED Big Choppa replaces the bearer's Power Wrench and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities Sergeant Greenhands's SANCTIFIED Big Choppa Melee Melee +3 -3 2 Add 1 to any wound rolls this weapon makes against any Ork unit.
- The Codex Angry Marines:
- Fluff:
- While most codices were written or printed by hand or machine, the codex angry marines was forged (although it wouldn't be surprising if the codices of the iron hands or the salamanders are forged as well). Made from a slap of steel adamantium alloy which had been pissed on for seven days and seven nights and the pages and spine were carved from the block by a team of Angry Marine Mindfuckers, using nothing but profanity, and the occasional bolter round. The crude simulacrum of a book was then brought before the Angry Marine chapter master, Temperus Maximus, for he had been ordered by the inquisition, the Adeptus Ministorum and terra, the high lords and, worst of all, the ultramarines, to make the Angry Marines codex compliant.
- Maximus admired the slab of metal before him, it would be a fitting vessel for his rules to his battle brothers, and a giant middle finger to everyone else, as they never said whose codex the Angry Marines had to abide by. Flicking/snapping open the book with a quick curse which could still be heard in the cargo bays the chapter master glared at the metal page, melting words into it through sheer, undiluted contempt, drops of alloy dripping from the book to sizzle on the floor. Finally, his work done, Maximus leashed in his rage and closed the book, pausing only to read the rapidly cooling words, which said;
- Opening the doors to his chambers carrying the book, Maximus found a riot (one of the technical terms for a gathering of Angry Marines, another being an arse kicking) of silent Angry Marines outside. "SO, WHAT DOES IT SAY?!!!" Shouted one with unaccustomed politeness and reverence, while the others waited for the chapter masters response. There was the pause as Maximus considered, only to get angry with himself for needing to pause, he raised the book high above his head, and brought it crashing down on the questioning marines armoured brow, sending him crashing through five floors to land in a wrathful heap. Then, fixing those amassed before him with a steely gaze which left a few temporarily blind, Temperus Maximus gave his response, in a bellow which could be heard back on terra, "YOU CUNTS SHOULD ALREADY KNOW WHATS WRITTEN IN THE FUCKING BOOK YOU COCKSUCKING, WEABOO, DEAMON FONDLING FAGGOTS!!!". The assembled marines didn't hesitate in their response, even the marine who had been smashed through the floor
- The resulting fight lasted several years and resulted in a death toll in the billions, but the Angry Marines didn't care, and they carried the Codex Angry Marines with them every cockshot of the way, as a reminder that they didn't need some Ultrasmurf faggot to tell them who they are and what to do, but mostly to "BEAT SOME FUCKING INQUISITORS WITH THE LITERAL FUCKING BOOK!!!" It has gotten to the point that the book itself hurls insults at the enemy, and the odd bolter shell, and maybe the odd lightning bolt, but that sort of thing stops once you apply a fresh purity seal.
- There is a worry however that, as the book contains at least twenty blank pages, that the book may write in itself, an idea which has everyone, except the Angry Marines, absolutely shitting their collective pants. What might a book given semi sentience by an entire chapter’s rage write in itself? The main theory is that the book will write some brand-new curses (and by that, curses unknown to the Angry Marines, the galactic guardians of the offensive word), curses which will probably be specifically insulting to ultramarines, or perhaps the 40k universes equivalent of the word Belgium. Either way, any new words must remain unknown to the universe at large to prevent galactic level recreations of the "Raiders of the lost ark" final scene, thankfully though, the book is protected/owned by the FUCKING ANGRY MARINES, meaning that a force the size of every black crusade combined would be needed to wrest it from their adamantium grip.
- Models with a Power Bat Only. The Codex Angry Marines replaces the bearer's Power Bat and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities The Codex Angry Marines Melee Melee +2 -1 2 Any friendly Angry Marines Infantry units that are within 3" of the bearer of this Relic may add 1 to their hit rolls and may re-roll all failed hit rolls.
- The Combi-combi Flamer
- Fluff:
- Before he died, Master of the Armory Enfurus Ragman (MAY HE KICK BALLS AND SCREAM FOR FUCKING ETERNITY!!!) had been working on improving the standard combi flamer, a weapon much-admired/used excessively while screaming at the enemy, due to the large amounts of Dakka it could produce. Ragman desired to increased said amounts of Dakka (and maybe while he was at it add some blades or big steel rods to make it choppy as well), but was struggling to do so (like many who had come before him before they were killed by the Mechanicus for crimes against the Omnissiah).
- It was on a normal, rage-filled night, Ragman was in the armoury holding a combi flamer and a roll of duct tape. He looked at the flamer, and then to the duct tape, then to the flamer, then back again, and that is when genius struck. He took the flamer, and wrapped it in several rolls of duct tape and fired it at the nearest object (a servitor as it happens). The gun (although it was now definitely a better gun because it was covered in duct tape) was no darker than before (even if it had annihilated the servitor), and so Ragman went on a "MOTHERFUCKING, AND TOTALLY JUSTIFIED RAMAGE!!!" Through the armoury. Later he realised he folly, and this time duct-taped two combi flamers together, and thus, the Combi-Combi Flamer was born.
- Unfortunately, Ragman died before achieving the ultimate goal of making the flamer also choppy (duct-taping a chainsword to it) or before he could make more combi-combi flamers, otherwise the Angry Marines would have eradicated all heresy a long time ago.
- Models with a Combi-Flamer only. The Combi-combi Flamer replaces the bearer's Combi-Flamer and has the followinf profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities The Combi-combi Flamer (Twin Boltgun) 24" Rapid Fire 2 4 -1 1 - The Combi-combi Flamer (Twin Flamer) 8" Assault 4D3 4 0 1 This weapon automatically hits its target.
- The Doom Guy Gun
- Fluff:
- A "gift" (left behind) weapon given to the Angry Marines by the honorary Angry Marine, Doom Guy, when he appeared on the battle barge Maximum Fuck while it was passing through the warp. The gun (after being analysed by angry Tech-Priests) was found to have the highest density of Dakka per kilogram, but it only worked when the wielder was moving at top speed, and it fired even faster when firing at daemons.
- The Doom Guy gun was once brought to battle against the orks, who, upon seeing the gun and recognising its power, immediately surrendered to the Angry Marines (producing a level of confusion in the Angry Marines which created such a strong backlash of confusion in the warp that it prevented Tzeentch from pulling off a "Just as planned" large enough from destroying terra). When asked afterwards why they had surrendered, the ork war boss replied "So much Dakka. What can one do against such flashy bitz."
- Models with a Storm Bolter only. The Doom Guy Gun replaces the bearer's Storm Bolter and has the following profile:
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities The Doom Guy Gun 24" Assault 4 5 -1 2 This weapon may only fire if the bearer advanced earlier that turn. When shooting with this weapon, ignore any negative modifier to your hit rolls. If its target is a Daemon, change this weapon's Type to Assault 6.
- The Head of Ward
- Fluff:
- A relic from before the unification wars, the shrunken head of the fifth (sixth) chaos god. The head sits impaled on a wooden stick and has a large cock and balls drawn on its forehead in permanent marker, from the remains of the heads neck droops a thick clump of fur, described by ancient texted as the "Crown of the neckbeards", which is said to have been awarded to the fifth/sixth chaos god for fucking over an ancient tabletop game. The head has been in the possession of a number of different parties such as (but not limited to) the ultramarines (who built a shrine to it and masturbated to it), Nurgle (as even he found it vile to gaze upon), the Eldar (who used its space and time warping aura to be complete dicks) and the pretty marines (who put makeup on it). The last owner was Slaanesh (who used it as a fleshlight) until it was swept up by the currents of the warp into the battle barge Litany of Litany’s Litany, where the Angry Marines attempted to destroy it, only to find it indestructible.
- Ever since that day, the Angry Marines have been trying to get rid of the disgusting head, but even something as terrifying as Matt Ward's head, still has its uses, mostly by warping space and time around those chapters and species he had once fucked over.
- Disconcerting, the head also whispers heretical ideas in the dark of night, despite how much constructive criticism/rage the Angry Marines throw at it, things like "the Ultramarines are the only true space marines" and "why don't you guys team up with the Necrons" or, worst of all "the baby carriers weren't a bad idea, it's not me who designed the fucking things". The whispers can be heard in a hundred-mile radius (even in the vacuum of space) and resulted in many sleepless nights (WHO FUCKING NEEDS SLEEP!!!) for the nearby Angry Marines until someone came up with the bright idea of keeping the head next to the Codex Angry Marines, an arrangement which results in the head crying softly, and while this crying can still be heard a hundred miles around, the moans of one of the imperium’s greatest foes is a lullaby to everyone's ears.
- Friendly Angry Marines units that are within 24" of the bearer of this Relic, can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1, against any models in any army Matt Ward has fucked up (at some point in time), which are the following armies: Blood Angels, Necrons, Grey Knights, Asuryani and fucking ULTRAMARINES.
- The Looted, Looted, Looted, Pretty Marines "WARGH MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Banner:
- Fluff:
- A banner which was once owned by the pretty marines, at the time, called the "Notice Me Senpai" banner, it provided space warping properties of the same manner used by deamonettes to hide their crab claws, granting all pretty marines around it incredible beauty and two-inch-thick plot armour, as it effectively made all pretty marines within its range main characters in an anime, so how could they die. Unfortunately (for the pretty marines at least) the orks don't give a shit about anyone else's plot armour apart from their own (and Yarrick’s, da greatist an orkiest humie eva!) and proceeded to brutalise the pretty marines with their long, hard shafts/Choppas, and took the banner for themselves.
- The banner was used for quite some time by ork commandos, who used its powers to make them look absolutely fabulous (or at least good looking enough to a guardsman who hasn't had sexual contact with another human for months) and thereby sneak up on enemy positions. Those they snuck up on could still see the orks but would be too busy having awkward boners etc to notice, boners which they would die with as the commandos chopped them to pieces. Over time, however, the banner began to lose its strength, being replaced more and more by Waaagh energies, and although it still provided a healthy glow to the orks (5/10 while drunk), it was no longer enough to hypnotise the enemy, resulting in the commandos being curb-stomped by a squad of stormtroopers, and the banner was then taken by the inquisition.
- Thankfully, the inquisitor in possession of the banner was well travelled and cunning enough to know that xenos tech should not be dismissed out of hand (do the, how do you say it? Funky monkey) and so started experimenting on the banner, to find out how it could be both orky and pretty at the same time. However, the inquisitor made a grave mistake of being within one hundred light-years of the Angry Marines during the two years of the completion of the Codex Angry Marines, and thus became one of the many inquisitors who "WAS BEATEN OVER THE FUCKING HEAD BY THE LITERAL FUCKING BOOK!!!" And thus, finally, the banner fell into the hands of the Angry Marines, who used it (during their two-year "book tour") for their own amusement, as anyone within its range would start talking orky (DIS FUKIN BANNER IZ DA FLASHIEZT!!! WE SHODA KRUMPED DAT INQUISITOR GIT FOR IT BLOODY AGES AGO LADZ!!!).
- Over time however, like every other piece of influence before it, the orky powers around the banner started to diminish, to be replaced by "RAGE MOTHERFUCKER!!!" to the point that the Angry Marines started carrying their "FUCKIN FLASHY BANNER!!!" into battle, to great effect, as it carried Pretty, Waaagh and Angry energies within it, making everyone around it "DA ANGRIEST, DA ORKIEST AND DA PRETTIEST SONS O FUCKIN BITCHES IN DA FUCKIN GALAXY!!!! WARGH MOTHER FUCKERS!!!"
- Angry Primaris Ancient Lieutenant or Silencer Ancient models only. The looted, looted, looted, Pretty Marines "WARGH MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Banner replaces the bearer's Angry Astartes Banner or Banner of the Raging Desert special rule with the following: ' Angry Marines Infantry units within 6" of the bearer of this banner gain +2 to their Leadership and may re-roll charge distances. In addition, on a turn in which any Angry Marines Infantry units within 6" of the bearer of this banner make a successful charge, you can make 1 additional attack in the Fight Phase with all models in that unit. This Relic is not cumulative with the Angry Astartes Banner or Banner of the Raging Desert abilities.)'
- The Storm Shield Surfboard
- Fluff:
- The anger child between a squad of Angry Terminators and an Angry Tech-Priest, while the Angry Marines were fighting daemons of Slaanesh on an ice world. At the best of times terminators are slow and purposeful, put them on a planet which is covered in a metre and a half of snow, and they might as well make them stationary. Angry Terminators are not calm beings at the best of times, but dump them in a snowdrift and have deamonettes dance around and taunt them, then you get to exploding levels of RAGE (many battle brothers were lost to such deviant tactics, MAY THEY KICK BALLS AND RAGE FOR FUCKING ETERNITY"). Such rage would also have a dramatic effect on the terminator armour, as marines would claw their way out in the nude to "FUCKING FIST THOSE DEAMONETTE SLUTS!!! HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING FUCKED BY A CHAINSWORD!!!" (Ow do it harder you're making me so god damn horny BLAM). Terminator armour is rare at the best of times, even more so in a chapter which uses them to walk into Lascannon fire for "SHITS AND GIGGLES MOTHERFUCKER!!!", and such damage makes the Angry Tech-Priests so angry that they can be used to melt glaciers.

- So, an "alliance" was formed based on the desire to a. Get to the enemy faster and b. To not ruin terminator armour while doing so, between a five-man terminator squad, and the Tech-Priest Jordy Motherfucker, who was originally from the water covered angry world of Spectoris. After much arguing and fighting (the equivalent of a polite hello followed by tea and biscuits for the Angry Marines) Jordy suggested the use of one of the terminators' storm shields as a sled to slide over the ice slopes, in imitation of a water-based pastime from his homeworld. "But how do we make it travel uphill or over long distances?" Pondered Motherfucker out loud (being an Angry Tech-Priest, Jordy only spoke in lower case most of the time). "PUT SOME FUCKING ROCKETS OR MELTAS ON THE FUCKING BACK YOU IDIOT!!! YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE THE FUCKING CLEVER ONE AROUND HERE!!!" Replied one of the Angry Terminators, who proceeded to take his storm shield and hammer some rockets onto the back of his power hammer. Then, taking a run-up, said terminator jumped onto his storm shield and powered up the rockets.
- When they found the terminator ten miles away (by following the trail of decapitated, mutilated and fisted deamonettes) at the bottom up an icy hole all he would say was "I'M FUCKING DOING THAT AGAIN!!!" as he kept trying to remount his now drained storm shield. Since then, the Storm Shield Surfboard has been fitted with improved fuel tanks, more reliable/non-exploding rockets, an Angry levitation system (borrowed) from the Angry Repulsor tank, a front edge force field for added decapitation, cup holders and a tv which plays constant runs of an old earth show called "Scooby-Doo", a show which is believed to be the very same "FUCKING QUALITY CARTOONS!!!" That Reclusiarch Mofo has been watching for all this time. Nobody has yet been able to create more Storm Shield Surfboards, as the board is more owned by a single marine who refuses to let anyone else use/play with it, meaning that for someone else to use it, say a tech priest, he will either have to wait for the current "owner" to die, become incapacitated in some way, or have the board confiscated by a mob of Angry Tech-Priests or a high-ranking chapter member.
- Infantry models without the Jump Pack keyword with a Storm Shield only. The Storm Shield Surfboard replaces the bearer's Storm Shield. A model equipped with the Storm Shield Surfboard gains a 12" movement characteristic and the Fly keyword and has a 3+ invulnerable save against attacks made in the Fight phase. If this model successfully charges a unit, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Other Wargear[edit | edit source]
Weapon | Points
Per model |
Turret-mounted MAXIMUM Angry Marine Launcher | 30 |
Two Sponson-mounted FUCK launchers | 15 |
- Dozer Blade: Why is it only Astra Militarum that can get Dozer blades to their Vehicles?
- If a vehicle with a Dozer blade charges in the Charge Phase, add 1 to hit rolls made for it until the end of the ensuing Fight Phase.

- Cigar: The Angry Marines enjoy a good smoke; it keeps them focussed under fire. Although what it is they smoke in order to get an effect with space marine physiology is unknown.
- A model with this item may add 1 to its Leadership.
- Sticky Web Cannon: During one of the expeditions deep into enormous chapter armoury angry techmarines found few ancient-looking containers with so-called "web pistols" - archeotech weapon, known to cover its target in sticky glue to tie down its movement. Unable to recreate ancient technology in such a compact form, they still managed to make dreadnought-sized web cannon and stick it on the most furious of Belligerent Engines to ensure no one could escape their wrath.
- Assault Launchers: A simple name to describe a wide variety of system, from metal spikes which fly out of their containers when the wielder impacts with an enemy, to bundles of grenades primed to explode at precisely the correct moment. Whatever it may be, they’re all thing the Angry Marines starch to their vehicles to cause added damage on the charge.
- Storm Shield: Terminators are bloody slow, which just adds to the boiling rage of a terminator. So those terminators who want to get to a fight alive (although carrying two melee weapons is always preferable) carry storm shields, or (in some cases) big hunks of metal stolen from bullgryns or orks, which are far cheaper, and most of the Angry Marines proper storm shields were shattered from being used too often to apply blunt force trauma to an enemy’s head.
- A model with a Storm Shield has a 3+ invulnerability save.
- Camo Cloak: No self-respecting Angry Marine would ever be seen wearing a camo cloak, hiding in cover is for tau and faggots (effectively one and the same), and the cloaks are very restrictive and only come in black (a colour which is inferior to red and yellow). The equivalent of scouts amongst the Angry Marines are forced to wear them so that “THEY CAN SNEAK UP ON THE FUCKING ENEMY WHILE WE CHARGE THE CUNTS FROM THE FRONT!!!” But also, because the Angry Marines don’t want to waste new initiates, really angry people are hard to come by so the higher-ups will put a certain amount of care into new recruits, like a parent forcing a child to put on a raincoat before going outside “PUT THIS ON YOU CUNT, YOU’LL CATCH A FUCKING BULLET TO YOUR FUCKING SKULL OTHERWISE!!!”
- Angry Marine Launchers: The greatest and most controversial of all the Angry Marines "unique" weapons, as it allows marines to be launched over long distances to impact with a nice solid BOOM into their enemies. On the other hand, some poor fuck has to fire the weapon at the enemy and be left behind, alone and without anything to punch (FUCKING PUSSY!!! HE SHOULD STOP COMPLAINING AND PUNCH THE FUCKING GROUND AND BE FUCKING THANKFUL WE DIDN'T LEAVE HIM CHAINED UP!!!).
- A unit with this equipment gains the Rocket Propelled Angry special rule:
- -Rocket Propelled Anger: Flying grenades will make people run for cover, missiles will result in the activation of void shields, cyclonics will have all nearby praying to their gods. Only the sight of Angry Marines soaring through the sky, trailing fire and profanity, will cause all those in sight to despair and abandon all hope, for they know that they are well and truly fucked.
- In the Assault phase, chose a single Angry Marine Infantry unit (that doesn't also have the Jump Pack, Terminator or Black Brothers keyword) that consists of X* models or less that is within 3" of an Angry Devastator Squad with one or more Portable Angry Marine Launchers; that unit may charge any enemy unit within 24" (instead of within 12") and may roll 4D6 when making its Charge move (instead of 2D6). If the charging unit ends its charge move within 1" of the enemy unit, all models in both the charged and charging unit suffer a hit resolved at Strength 5, AP 0 and Damage 1. If the Angry Devastator Squad fires itself, it loses all its Portable Angry Marine Launchers in the process because they are to be left behind, also nominate one poor Asshole who is left behind because SOMEONE NEEDS TO PULL THE FUCKING TRIGGER, that model is removed as a casualty as it scuttles of the battlefield raging on about what a fucking asshole you are for choosing him.
- *X is 2 if the Angry Devastator Squad has only 1 Portable Angry Marine Launcher. X is 5 if this unit has only 2 Portable Angry Marine Launchers; X is 7 if the unit has only 3; X is 10 if the unit has 4 Portable Angry Marine Launchers.
- In the Assault phase, chose a single Angry Marine Infantry unit (that doesn't also have the Jump Pack, Terminator or Black Brothers keyword) that consists of X* models or less that is within 3" of an Angry Devastator Squad with one or more Portable Angry Marine Launchers; that unit may charge any enemy unit within 24" (instead of within 12") and may roll 4D6 when making its Charge move (instead of 2D6). If the charging unit ends its charge move within 1" of the enemy unit, all models in both the charged and charging unit suffer a hit resolved at Strength 5, AP 0 and Damage 1. If the Angry Devastator Squad fires itself, it loses all its Portable Angry Marine Launchers in the process because they are to be left behind, also nominate one poor Asshole who is left behind because SOMEONE NEEDS TO PULL THE FUCKING TRIGGER, that model is removed as a casualty as it scuttles of the battlefield raging on about what a fucking asshole you are for choosing him.
- Auxiliary Grenade Launchers: Often described as "THE BEST FUCKING THING THE GIRLY MARINES BROUGHT WITH THEM!!!", as up until now, Angry Marines could only use grenades at very short ranges, which makes them furious because grenades are awesome. The auxiliary grenade launcher gives a marine (effectively) an under-slung missile launcher, and although they cannot run and fire them (HUGE FUCKING DESIGN FLAW!!!) it's still incredibly amusing to fire grenades at enemies the other side of the battlefield.
- If a model is armed with an Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, increase the Range of any Grenade Weapons they have to 30".
- Plutonium Bolter Shells: Angry Marines may not be the biggest fans of ranged weapons, but ranged weapons which reduce their enemies to feeble foes.
- This may only be taken by a unit equipped entirely with Bolt weapons. An enemy unit which receives damage from a unit equipped with Plutonium Bolter Shells in the Shooting or Overwatch phase reduce their toughness by 1 until the next turn.
- Ranged Weapon Force Field:
- A model equipped with a ranged weapon and no other melee weapons. A model equipped with a Ranged Weapon Force Field counts as being equipped with a Power Bat, but subtracts 1 from its hit rolls in the fight phase.
- Irrate Warding Sigils: Red graffiti painted on by a Mindfucker provide additional protection over the normal red graffiti.
- A unit equipped entirely with this equipment has a 6+ invulnerability save and may deny 1 psychic power each psychic phase as of it were a psyker.
Angry Marines Armoury List[edit | edit source]
Angry Sergeant Equipment[edit | edit source]
- Chainsword - free
- Chain-Axe - 1 pts.
- Hand Flamer - 6 pts.
- Infernus Pistol - 20 pts.
- Lightning Claw - 8 pts.
- Plasma Pistol - 5 pts.
- Power Bat - 4 pts.
- Power Chair - 10 pts.
- Power Fist - 9 pts.
- Power Sword - 4 pts.
- Power Wrench - 5 pts.
Angry Terminator Heavy Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Assault Cannon - What bolters become if you rape them as children and they grow up seeking revenge (before anyone gets any ideas, don't try and sodomise a bolter, your squishy parts are very susceptible to being damaged by 50mm grenades). - 22 pts.
- Heavy Flamer - Like a normal flamer, but heavy, meaning that you can't run and shoot it, something the Angry Marines consider a huge design flaw. - 14 pts.
Belligerent Engine Equipment[edit | edit source]
- Assault Cannon - 44 pts.
- Heavy Plasma Cannon - 32 pts.
- Multi-Melta - 22 pts.
- Twin Autocannon - "zog, therez too much Dakka!" - 20 pts.
- Twin Heavy Bolter - Twice as shooty. - 20 pts.
- Twin Heavy Flamer - Twice as burny. - 28 pts.
- Twin Heavy Rocket-fister - Twice the fisting, same sized package. - 26 pts.
- Twin Lascannon - Twice the levels of "FUCK YOU ARMOUR!!!" - 50 pts.
Heavy Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Assault Cannon - 22 pts.
- Heavy Bolter - What bolters normally grow up to be if they’re not sexually abused as children. - 10 pts.
- Heavy Rocket-fister - As cool as the rocket fister is, some feel that it’s not powerful enough, especially when compared to the melee hurt senior Angry Marines can throw out. Queue the heavy rocket fister, a device which hits like a Lascannon, but is still user friendly to the more distance challenged Marines. - 13 pts.
- Lascannon - The big brother of the Lasgun who turns up if you keep calling his siblings flashlights, right after he’s finished eating a land raider for breakfast. - 25 pts.
- Missile launcher - A fairly dull weapon until you realise that it can shoot frag and Krak missiles, for those times when you’re unsure if you want to anally abuse the guardsman, or sodomise the land raider to the point that the Mechanicus sends assassins after you. - 20 pts.
- Multi-Melta - Almost identical to the normal Melta except for the greater range which was the only real downside to the Melta. - 22 pts.
- Plasma cannon - The usual plasmary goodness with added range and Dakka. - 16 pts.
Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Chainsword - free
- Chain-Axe - 1 pts.
- Power Bat - 4 pts.
- Power Chair* - 10 pts.
- Power Sword - 4 pts.
- Power Wrench* - 5 pts.
Serf Equipment[edit | edit source]
- Melee:
- Chainsword - free
- Power Bat - 4 pts.
- Power Fist - 12 pts.
- Power Sword - 4 pts.
- Ranged:
- Boltgun - free
- Hand Flamer - 6 pts.
- Infernus Pistol - 20 pts.
- Plasma Pistol - 5 pts.
Special Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Flamer - If an Angry Marine is given the choice between a flamer or a Boltgun, he will take the flamer every time, not only is it more dakkery, but the ork levels of accuracy possessed by the Angry Marines matters not when it's flames you are shooting. - 6 pts.
- Meltagun - 14 pts.
- Plasma Gun - 11 pts.
- Rocket-fister - 13 pts.
Vehicle Wargear Options[edit | edit source]
- Dozer blade* - 5 pts.
- Rocket Propelled Chainsaw - 6 pts.
- "Smoke" Launcher - 11 pts.
- Storm Bolter - 2 pts.
* may not be taken by a Killdozer
Veteran Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Adamantium 4x2 with a nail through it* - 16 pts.
- Chainsword* - free
- Chain-Axe* - 1 pts.
- Lightning Claw - 8 pts.
- Power Axe - 5 pts.
- Power Bat - 4 pts.
- Power Chair* - 10 pts.
- Power Fist - 9 pts.
- Power Sword - 4 pts.
- Power Wrench* - 5 pts.
- Thunder Hammer - 16 pts.
* may not be taken by a Black Brother
Units[edit | edit source]

HQ[edit | edit source]
Angry Primaris Ancient Lieutenant[edit | edit source]

A rare individual, a Primaris marine who has been deemed angry enough to be made a lieutenant, a rare occurrence amongst the Angry Marines due to their intense distrust of anything FAGGOTY/Girlyman related. However, such individuals are far more understanding and caring of their battle brothers compared to proper Angry Marine lieutenants. While the only encouragement a normal Angry Marine lieutenant will give to one of his squaddies is a curse and a kick to the balls, followed by high leading a charge into massed bolter fire, the Primaris equivalent will only lightly curse and a give a smack around the head of any complaining marine, followed by a saying about the emperors will, and (if things are really tough) a quick look in the codex Astartes/emergency bog roll for some advice on his current predicament.
If caught reading the codex Astartes (or at least not immediately using the page he just read to wipe his arse) no amount of rank can save his behind from being kicked across the battlefield. Such Primaris lieutenants found doing this will generally find themselves (after regaining consciousness) at the heart of a dreadnought.This unit contains 1 Angry Primaris Ancient Lieutenant (Power Rating 6.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Primaris Ancient Lieutenant | 6" | 2+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 3+ | 88 |
- Auto bolt rifle
- Bolt pistol
- Frag Grenades
- Krag grenades
Special Rules:
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Angry Astartes Banner: A ragged and tattered standard which the Angry Marines keep fighting for because “WE’VE DONE SO FOR FUCKING CENTURIES SO WHY STOP FUCKING NOW!!!”
- Angry Marines units within 6" of any friendly Angry Primaris Ancient Lieutenant add 1 to their Leadership. In addition, roll a dice each time a Angry Marines Infantry model is destroyed within 6" of any friendly Angry Primaris Ancient Lieutenant, before removing the model as a casualty. On a 4+ that model musters one last surge of anger before succumbing to its wounds; it can either shoot with one of its weapons as if it were the Shooting phase, or make a single attack as if it were the Fight phase.
- Angry Precision: Because even a hammer can be used as a scalpel sometimes (the author of this fluff does not advise using a hammer to perform brain surgery.
- You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for friendly Angry Marines units that are within 6" of this model.
- This model may swap its Auto Boltrifle with one of the followings:
- Power Bat - 4 pts.
- Power Sword - 4 pts.
- Power Wrench - 5 pts.
- Faction: Imperium, Angry Marines
- HQ, Infantry, Character, Angry Primaris, Angry Primaris Ancient Lieutenant
Angry Captain[edit | edit source]

Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Captain | 6" | 2+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 3+ | 77 (+19 with Jump Pack) |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Master-Crafted Chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 2 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
Power Feet | Melee | Melee | +2 | -2 | 2 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 2 from the hit roll. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains a single Angry Captain. (Power Rating 5)
- Boltgun
- 2 Master-Crafted Chainswords
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Boltgun with an item from the Ranged Weapons list.
- This model may replace one of its Master-Crafted Chainswords with a Storm Shield, and/or it may replace one or both of its Master-Crafted Chainswords with items from the Veteran Melee Weapons list.
- This model may take a Jump Pack (Power Rating +1) if it does, its Move characteristic is increased to 12" and it gains the Jump Pack and Fly Keywords.
- This model may take Power Feet (Power Rating +1)
- This model may take a Cigar
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Storm Shield
- Jump Pack Assault
- RITES OF ANGER!!!: Essentially the captain grabbing an enemy and shouting, while kicking said enemy repeatedly in the balls “SO THIS IS HOW YOU FUCKING HIT THE CUNTS, DO I NEED TO FUCKING EXPLAIN THIS AGAIN?!!!”
- You can re-roll all hit rolls of 1 made for Friendly Codex - Angry Marines units that are within 6" of this model.
- Twisted Lump of Metal:Nobody's quite sure what this once was. Some theorize is was formerly an Iron Halo; others claim it had to be a Rosarius stolen from a Chaplain from a... lesser... Chapter. In any case, it suffered one too many blows protecting the Captain, but it still (somehow) works, even though it spits sparks and smoke with every impact.
- This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
- If this model has Power Feet; in the Fight phase after all his attacks have been resolved. he can make D3 additional attack with his Power Feet.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Angry Captain
Angry Captain in Terminator Armour[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Captain in Terminator Armour | 5" | 2+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 8 | 2+ | 95 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Storm bolter | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Kragstorm grenade launcher | 18" | Assault 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Power sword | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 1 | - |
Chainfist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 2 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Composition: This unit contains a single Angry Captain in Terminator Armour. (Power Rating 7)
- Storm bolter
- Power sword
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Storm bolter with a Chainfist or an item from the Veteran Melee Weapons list.
- This model may replace its Power sword with a Storm Shield, Chainfist or an item from the Veteran Melee Weapons list.
- An Angry Captain in Terminator Armour with a Chainfist can also be equipped with a Wrist-mounted Kragstorm grenade launcher.
- This model may take a Cigar
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Storm Shield
- Teleport Strike
- RITES OF ANGER!!!:Essentially the captain grabbing an enemy and shouting, while kicking said enemy repeatedly in the balls “SO THIS IS HOW YOU FUCKING HIT THE CUNTS, DO I NEED TO FUCKING EXPLAIN THIS AGAIN?!!!”
- You can re-roll all hit rolls of 1 made for Friendly Codex - Angry Marines units that are within 6" of this model.
- Twisted Lump of Metal:Nobody's quite sure what this once was. Some theorize is was formerly an Iron Halo; others claim it had to be a Rosarius stolen from a Chaplain from a... lesser... Chapter. In any case, it suffered one too many blows protecting the Captain, but it still (somehow) works, even though it spits sparks and smoke with every impact.
- This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Angry Captain, Terminator
Angry Captain on Bike[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Captain on Bike | 14" | 2+ | 4+ | 5 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 8 | 3+ | 90 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Twin Boltgun | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Master-Crafted Chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 2 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make1 additional l attack with this weapon. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains a single Angry Captain on Bike. (Power Rating 6)
- Boltgun
- 2 Master-Crafted Chainsword
- Frag and Krag grenades
- Space Marine Bike with a Twin Boltgun
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Boltgun with an item from the Ranged Weapons list.
- This model may replace one of its Master-Crafted Chainswords with a Storm Shield, and/or it may replace one or both of its Master-Crafted Chainswords with items from the Veteran Melee Weapons list.
- This model may take a Cigar
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Storm Shield
- Turbo-Boost
- RITES OF ANGER!!!:Essentially the captain grabbing an enemy and shouting, while kicking said enemy repeatedly in the balls “SO THIS IS HOW YOU FUCKING HIT THE CUNTS, DO I NEED TO FUCKING EXPLAIN THIS AGAIN?!!!”
- You can re-roll all hit rolls of 1 made for Friendly Codex - Angry Marines units that are within 6" of this model.
- Twisted Lump of Metal:Nobody's quite sure what this once was. Some theorize is was formerly an Iron Halo; others claim it had to be a Rosarius stolen from a Chaplain from a... lesser... Chapter. In any case, it suffered one too many blows protecting the Captain, but it still (somehow) works, even though it spits sparks and smoke with every impact.
- This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Biker, Character, Angry Marine, Angry Captain
Angry Chaplain[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Chaplain | 6" | 2+ | 5+ | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 72 (+18 with Jump Pack) |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Crozius Iratus | Melee | Melee | +2 | -1 | 2 | Angry Chaplains has a 6+ invulnerable save, and has a
3+ invulnerable save against attacks made in the Fight phase. |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | D3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Power Feet | Melee | Melee | +2 | -2 | 2 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 2 from the hit roll. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains a single Angry Chaplain. (Power Rating 5)
- Bolt pistol
- Crozius Iratus - NOTE: Angry Chaplains don't use Rosariuses, CAUSE ONLY FAGGOTS WEAR FLASHY TRINKETS.
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Bolt pistol with an item from the Ranged Weapons list.
- This model may take a Jump Pack (Power Rating +1) if it does, its Move characteristic is increased to 12" and it gains the Jump Pack and Fly Keywords.
- This model may take Power Feet (Power Rating +1)
- This model may take a Cigar
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Jump Pack Assault
- You can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight Phase for Friendly Codex - Angry Marines units that are within 6" of this model.
- Litany of Profanity:The Angry Chaplain's oratory skills are not only used to inspire their brothers to RIP AND TEAR, but also to offend and mock their enemies. Even mindless Tyranids and undead Necrons are mentally crushed by the constant stream of curses an Angry Chaplain yells in battle.
- Any enemy unit within 6" of this model must subtract 1 from their Leadership. (this ability is not cumulative with the "Do you want to build a human centipede" and the "RAAAGGE of the chapter" Abilities - the "RAAAGGE of the chapter" ability takes precedence).
- If this model has Power Feet; in the Fight phase after all his attacks have been resolved. he can make D3 additional attack with his Power Feet.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Angry Chaplain
Angry Chaplain on Bike[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Chaplain on Bike | 14" | 2+ | 5+ | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 97 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Twin Boltgun | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Crozius Iratus | Melee | Melee | +2 | -1 | 2 | Angry Chaplains has a 6+ invulnerable save, and has a
3+ invulnerable save against attacks made in the Fight phase. |
Power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | D3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains a single Angry Chaplain on Bike. (Power Rating 6)
- Bolt pistol
- Crozius Iratus - NOTE: Angry Chaplains don't use Rosariuses, CAUSE ONLY FAGGOTS WEAR FLASHY TRINKETS.
- Frag and Krag grenades
- Space Marine Bike with a Twin Boltgun
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Bolt pistol with an item from the Ranged Weapons list.
- This model may take a Cigar
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- You can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight Phase for Friendly Codex - Angry Marines units that are within 6" of this model.
- Litany of Profanity:The Angry Chaplain's oratory skills are not only used to inspire their brothers to RIP AND TEAR, but also to offend and mock their enemies. Even mindless Tyranids and undead Necrons are mentally crushed by the constant stream of curses an Angry Chaplain yells in battle.
- Any enemy unit within 6" of this model must subtract 1 from their Leadership. (this ability is not cumulative with the "Do you want to build a human centipede" and the "RAAAGGE of the chapter" Abilities - the "RAAAGGE of the chapter" ability takes precedence).
- Turbo-Boost:When this model Advances, add 6" to its Move characteristic for that Movement Phase instead of rolling a dice.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Biker, Character, Angry Marine, Angry Chaplain
Black Brother Captain[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Black Brother Captain | 6" | 2+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 3+ | 80 (+17 with Jump Pack) |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy Flamer of Wrath | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below.
this weapon automatically hits its target. | |||||
- Standard | 8" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
- Superheated | 8" | Heavy D6 | 6 | -2 | 2 | if you roll 1 when you determine the number of attacks this weapon has,
the bearer is slain immediately. |
Composition: This unit contains a single Angry Captain. (Power Rating 5)
- Heavy Flamer of Wrath
- And they Shall Know No Fear
- Burning WeaponsIf an enemy model suffers any unsaved wounds from any weapons this unit has but is not slain; at the end of the Phase, roll a D6; on a 6, the target suffers a mortal wound.
- Flamers of Wrath:Due to wielding flamers and being covered in flames themselves the Black Brothers are always followed by a large cloud of black smoke. While this makes them easy to track, hitting the individual Brothers is a difficult task made more difficult the more Brothers are part of a squad.
- your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls that target this unit; as long as a Black Brothers unit contains at least 5 models, your opponent must subtract 2 from all hit rolls made by ranged weapons that target this unit, instead of 1. In addition, all hit rolls made of 6 that target this unit will always hit (regardless of modifiers).
- Pyromaniac Brothers: if this unit is within 3" of any friendly Fiery Aggressor unit that contains 3 or more models; this unit receive the benefits of cover, even if they are not in cover.
- Superior Burner:
- A unit with this rule does not roll dice to determine how many shots are produced by its weapons that produce a random number of shots, it’s weapons automatically fire the maximum number of shots.
- NEED A LIGHT?!!!: Black Brothers are so eager for battle, that they jump out of Thunder Hawks, and use their flamethrower's powerful thrust to descent (relatively) safely on the heads on sorry fucker’s underneath them, while setting everything on fire.
- During deployment, if the entire unit has Jump Packs, two Hand Flamers of Wrath, a Heavy Flamer of Wrath, and/or a Flamer of Wrath, you can set them up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement Phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. in the following Shooting Phase, double the Range of all their Hand Flamers of Wrath, Heavy Flamers of Wrath, and Flamers of Wrath.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Angry Captain
Masters of Mindfuckery[edit | edit source]
A librarian is responsible for the guarding and maintaining arcane knowledge, guiding new psychic recruits and generally being a stoic and reliable figurehead for the chapter to rally around when their services are most needed. The mindfuckers on the other hand... well, their name should give it away. A mindfucker doesn’t give a shit about books unless they’re very specific guides on “HOW TO FUCK UP YOUR FOES BY JUST USING YOUR PUSSY ASS MIND!!!”, they don’t care about new recruits (who are mostly expected to figure things out for themselves with a slap around the head an a instruction to “NOT PLAY WITH THE FUCKING DEMONS!!!”) and the rest of the chapter would be ashamed and angry with themselves if they ever had to rely on the services of a mindfucker.
Mindfuckers have one task, to fuck minds. Not in a slaaneshy way mind you. Their job is to do what an angry marine would do with their fists, teeth, chainsaws, bolters, battle barges etc, using just (although a thunder hammer does help) their minds. And all things considered (the lack of training, extreme emotions of anger and skittle overdosing) the mindfuckers are very good at it, but it would be a lie to say that they were only “offensively” based, as they are capable of “supporting” their fellow angry marines. Admittedly, this support is to make their fellow angry marines better fighters or to get to their enemies faster, but this is not common knowledge as no mindfucker would ever admit to performing such “PUSSY ASS TASKS SUCH AS HELPING YOUR USELESS EXCUSES FOR CEREMITE FUCK WEABOOS BETTER!!!”
Master of Mindfuckery[edit | edit source]

Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Master of Mindfuckery | 6" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 88 (+28 with Jump Pack) |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power Feet | Melee | Melee | +2 | -2 | 2 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 2 from the hit roll. |
Force axe | Melee | Melee | +1 | -2 | D3 | - |
Force stave | Melee | Melee | +2 | -1 | D3 | - |
Force sword | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | D3 | - |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains a single Master of Mindfuckery. (Power Rating 6)
- Bolt pistol
- Force stave
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Bolt pistol with an item from the Ranged Weapons list.
- This model may replace its Force stave with a Force axe or Force sword.
- This model may take a Jump Pack (Power Rating +1) if it does, its Move characteristic is increased to 12" and it gains the Jump Pack and Fly Keywords.
- This model may take Power Feet (Power Rating +1)
- This model may take a Cigar
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Jump Pack Assault
- NUT CRACKING!!!:If this model has Power Feet; in the Fight phase after all his attacks have been resolved. he can make D3 additional attack with his Power Feet.
Psyker: This model can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. it knows the "MIND BULLETS!" Smite power and two psychic powers from the Iratomancy discipline. |
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Master of Mindfuckery, Psyker
Master of Mindfuckery on Bike[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Master of Mindfuckery on Bike | 14" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 108 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Twin Boltgun | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Force axe | Melee | Melee | +1 | -2 | D3 | - |
Force stave | Melee | Melee | +2 | -1 | D3 | - |
Force sword | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | D3 | - |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains a single Master of Mindfuckery on Bike. (Power Rating 8)
- Bolt pistol
- Force stave
- Frag and Krag grenades
- Space Marine Bike with a Twin Boltgun
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Bolt pistol with an item from the Ranged Weapons list.
- This model may replace its Force stave with a Force axe or Force sword.
- This model may take a Cigar
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Turbo-Boost
Psyker: This model can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. it knows the "MIND BULLETS!" Smite power and two psychic powers from the Iratomancy discipline. |
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Biker, Character, Angry Marine, Master of Mindfuckery, Psyker
Angry Apothecary[edit | edit source]
Angry Apothecaries are not normal doctors by any stretch of the imagination, they carry no medical toolkit around with them, instead they have a tool belt loaded with duct tape and bags of skittles (the latter for his own consumption as “DEAD PATIENTS ARE REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING AND I NEED TO GET MY SUGAR FIX SOMEHOW OR ELSE I’LL STARTING FUCKING UP THE ENEMY USING A CORPSE AS A BAT!!!”), and instead of a standard injector gun they carry a HUGE FUCKOFF NEEDLE (the actually technical term for it in Angry medical literature) filled with a green fluid, believed to be metaphorical piss and vitriol made real and solid (and maybe some real piss as well) which the apothecary uses to stab patients which won’t stop moaning about their lost head or some other nonsense.
But none of these things are the true hallmarks of an Angry Apothecary, any Angry Marine can go around duct taping their own limbs back on or squirting random fluids (did someone say squirting? BLAM, FUCK OFF SLAANESH!!!). What truly makes an Angry Apothecary the forefront of Angry medicine, is their ability to insult a corpse so much that the corpse stands back up and picks a fight with the good doctor, and yes the patient may need to be killed again if the Apothecary decides to punch the patient back a little too hard, but modern medicine can’t be entirely perfect. It is not known whether the insults are invoking a spiritual response from the corpse (the recently departed spirit/warp energy which was the corpse comes back to its body out of sheer anger), or whether punching someone when insulted is so deeply programmed into the mind of an Angry Marine that even when dead they can react with muscle memory.
But the Angry Apothecary never gets thanked for his work, only ever insulted, which makes him even angrier and thereby making it easier to insult the next patient/corpse.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Apothecary | 6" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 3+ | 50 (+17 with Jump Pack) |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
HUGE FUCKING NEEDLE | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | - |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains a single Angry Apothecary. (Power Rating 5)
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Bolt pistol with an item from the Veteran Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons lists.
- This model may replace its HUGE FUCKING NEEDLE with an item from the Veteran Melee Weapons list.
- This model may take a Jump Pack (Power Rating +1) if it does, its Move characteristic is increased to 12" and it gains the Jump Pack and Fly Keywords.
- This model may take a Cigar
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Jump Pack Assault
- An Angry Apothecary can never be a Warlord.
- SEE THAT GUY? FUCK HIM!!!:While lacking true leadership qualities, Angry Apothecaries are still able to inspire their fellow battle brothers to fight with higher zeal, mostly by nagging them to the point that other Angry Marines will fight with intensified fury JUST TO HAVE THIS DICKHEAD SHUT THE FUCK UP.
- Friendly Adeptus Astartes Codex - Angry Marines Infantry and Biker units increase their Strength characteristic by 1, whilst they are within 6" of any Angry Apothecary (This ability has no effect on any Angry Apothecary).
- Adamantium duct tape and "STAND STILL AND LET ME STAB YOU!!!": at the end of your Movement phase an Angry Apothecary can attempt to heal a single model. To do so, select an Adeptus Astartes Codex - Angry Marines Infantry or Biker unit within 3" of him. If that unit contains a wounded model, it is healed and immediately regains one lost wound (D2 lost wounds is regained if this model has a HUGE FUCKING NEEDLE). a unit can only be target of the "Not" proper medicine, Adamantium duct tape and "STAND STILL AND LET ME STAB YOU!" or GET THE FUCK UP abilities once in each turn.
- GET THE FUCK UP!!!:A skill that leaves even the most ancient of Magos Biologis puzzled, Angry Apothecaries are somehow capable of insulting their patients to health and even to back life. Whether a true, expletive-ridden miracle of the Emperor, or simply their patients refusing to die out of sheer anger; none can say. Anyone bold and foolish enough to ask ends up on the questioned Apothecary's fist for "BOTHERING ME WITH OBVIOUS FUCKING QUESTIONS".
- Instead of using the "STAND STILL AND LET ME STAB YOU!" ability you can use this ability Instead. at the end of your Movement phase an Angry Apothecary can attempt to heal a single model. To do so, select an Adeptus Astartes Codex - Angry Marines Infantry or Biker unit within 3" of him. if the chosen unit contains no wounded models but one or more of its models have been slain during the battle, roll a D6. on a 5+ a single slain model returned to the unit with 1 wound remaining. a unit can only be target of the "Not" proper medicine, Adamantium duct tape and "STAND STILL AND LET ME STAB YOU!" or GET THE FUCK UP abilities once in each turn.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Angry Apothecary
Angry Commissar[edit | edit source]
The Angry Marines respect very few things. Among these are anger, zeal, killing power, and, perhaps most importantly, cursing ability. Any who earn the respect of the Angry Marines in all four categories are allowed to tag along, just as long as they KEEP THE FUCK UP! This means that, on many occasions, the Angry Marines Chapter has picked up strays from the battlefield: Lone Wolves that love black humour, broken infantry regiments that have held out for 20 years against Chaos on their own, and the occasional ganger that was too old to induct officially. However, the largest category is, by far, the Angry Commissars.
Angry Commissars aren't really needed in the Chapter, as Angry Marines have no reason to run away or PUSSY SHIT LIKE THAT. However, the Imperial Guard practically forces them on the Chapter, since they're... too good.. at keeping the FUCKING COWARDS with SHIT FOR BRAINS in line. Indeed, it is whispered that, if such a Commissar was not picked up by the Angry Marines, he would eventually turn to the worship of Khorne. Of course, that would make them significantly less badass (indeed, it would put them at roughly the same level as those FUCKING WORLD EATERS WANNABES), which cannot be allowed to happen, so they are "gifted" to the Angry Marines Chapter. Here, they guide others who have been picked up by the Chapter, as well as daring the Angry Marines to ever greater levels of ANGRY BADASSITUDE (after all, no Angry Marine wants to be outdone by some fucker that isn't even an Angry Marine).Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Commissar | 6" | 2+ | 4+ | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 4+ | 50 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains a single Angry Commissar. (Power Rating 4)
- Bolt pistol
- Chainsword
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace his Bolt pistol and/or Chainsword with items from the Serf Equipment list.
- Any Friendly Adeptus Astartes Codex - Angry Marines units within 6" of a Friendly Angry Commissar can re-roll wound rolls of 1, as they attempt to show up the PUSSY WANNABE ANGRY COMMISSAR that's TOO FUCKING OLD FOR THIS SHIT ANYWAY.
- An Angry Commissar can never be a Warlord.
- HERESY!!! BLAM!!!: Angry marine commissars are famous for their reflex’s when it comes to dealing with anyone with heretical ideas.
- Serf and Angry Gang units within 6" of a Friendly Angry Commissar can never lose more than 2 models as the result of any single failed morale test.
- Aura of BOLT PISTOL TO THE FACE!!!: An angry man with a gun standing behind you is a surprisingly compelling argument against desertion.
- Serf and Angry Gang units within 6" of a Friendly Angry Commissar can use the Angry Commissar's Leadership instead of their own.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Infantry, Character, Serf, Commissar, Angry Commissar
Angry Captain Satchel[edit | edit source]
Satchel is the seemingly invulnerable Captain of the 2nd Company, a man with balls even harder and larger than the sack full of doorknobs he carries. And he needs those balls, as for whatever reason, The Bag of Dylad he carries has been cursed (blame Tzeentch, it's always his fault), a curse which has claimed every other person who has carried it. Not Satchel though, so far he has survived:
- a fight with a Blood Thirster (it's said that Satchel carries around one of its chopped off horns inside his bag of doorknobs.
- being set on fire by the sisters of battle (an event which Satchel said was "ONLY A MINOR FUCKING NUISANCE!!!")
- having his toilet turn out to be a scout titan (CREEEEEEEEDDDD) while he was using it, thankfully his huge shits burnt through the titan’s hull, immobilising it before it could cause any damage.
- being "accidentally" ejected into the vacuum of space by Reclusiarch Mofo for interrupting him "WATCHING THE FUCKING QUALITY CARTOONS!!!" He had been watching at the time.
- an arm wrestle with Sly Marbo, a wrestle he lost (of course), but the fact that losing didn't shatter him into a million tiny pieces has deemed him worthy enough for Sly Marbo to add his number to his phone (Sly Marbo doesn't need a phone, he simply visits you in your dreams and beats up your dreams).
- and, last but not least, having sex with a deamonette. The deamonette refuses to talk about the incident (something Slaanesh really wants to hear about/masturbate to), only commenting that Satchel is into some really weird shit involving his bag of doorknobs. When asked how he survived, Satchel replied "BECAUSE MY DICKS A FUCKING AP1 WEAPON BITCH!!!"
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points (Including wargear) |
Angry Captain Satchel | 6" | 2+ | 4+ | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 3+ | 135 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
The Bag of Dylad | Melee | Melee | +3 | -2 | D3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll, each hit with this weapon counts as D2 hits. In addition,
Any wound rolls of 6+ made for this weapon cause D3 mortal wounds instead of the normal Damage. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains only Angry Captain Satchel. (Power Rating 8)
- The Bag of Dylad - is a Mastercrafted Adamantine Sack of Power Doorknobs.
- Frag and Krag grenades
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- All damage suffered by Satchel is halved (rounding up).
- CAN NEVER FEEL ANY FUCKING PAIN!!!: Pain is just weakness leaving the body, which Captain Satchel then passes onto the poor sod he’s beating.
- Roll a D6 each time this model loses a wound; on a 4+ the damage is ignored, and that wound is not lost.
- RITES OF ANGER!!!: Essentially the captain grabbing an enemy and shouting, while kicking said enemy repeatedly in the balls “SO THIS IS HOW YOU FUCKING HIT THE CUNTS, DO I NEED TO FUCKING EXPLAIN THIS AGAIN?!!!”
- You can re-roll all hit rolls of 1 made for Friendly Codex - Angry Marines units that are within 6" of this model.
- Mastercrafted Twisted Lump of Metal: Rumoured to be the remains of Rogal Dorn's iron halo which was dislodged into the emperor’s eye socket, how the fuck Satchel got hold of such a relic, and (even more impressively) damage it to the point that it only gives a 4+ save instead of a 3+, nobody fucking knows. The only person who does know the Lump of Metals origin (apart from Satchel himself), is Temperus Maximus, and that's only because Satchel lost to him during a ten-day long thumb war.
- This model has a 4+ invulnerable save.
- Bearer of the Bag: Captain Satchel is the longest ever bearer of the Bag of Dylad, which seems to have a curse that attracts the bearer's killer. Satchel has survived the curse so far, because FUCKING CURSES ARE FOR FAGGOTS WHO SUCCUMB TO PUSSY-ASS THINGS LIKE DEATH!!! Still, the Bag has malevolence of its own, almost an Angry Marine bound within it, and it will be Satchel's undoing. He knows this, and he will go down fighting.
- Before the battle, randomly select an enemy Character; Satchel can re-roll any failed hit and wound rolls against the selected enemy Character, and the selected enemy Character can re-roll any failed hit and wound rolls against Satchel.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Angry Captain, Satchel
Brother Captain Especially Quiet[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Sandstorm Silencer | 6" | 2+ | 2+ | 4 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 2+ | 180 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Rapid Fire pistol | 12" | Pistol 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | If the target is within half range of this weapon,
change this weapon's Type to Pistol 4. |
Imperium Maximus | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 2 | - |
AECOS | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make D3 additional attack with this weapon.
When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Composition: This unit contains Brother Captain Especially Quiet.
- Wrist-mounted Rapid Fire pistol
- Imperium Maximus
Wargear Options:
- None
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Desert Fangs Tactics
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Teleport Strike
- Daemons and Witches Worst Nightmare: The arrival of a Silencer in Sandstorm Terminator armour is akin to the arrival of a tyranid hive fleet, the warp becomes quiet and still, demons start to wither or vanish entirely, and psykers become unable to wield their powers. During the sudden calm (and in completely silence) the Silencer begins to go to work, until there is nothing left.
- Any enemy Psyker units within 12" of this model must subtract 1 from their Deny the witch and Psychic tests. In addition, any enemy Daemons units within 3" of this model must subtract 1 from their invulnerable save.
- Silence in the Warp: All Null’s are considered abhorrent by demons and psykers, as they cut them off from the warp, leaving them cut off from their sources of power, with even normal mortals feeling uneasy in their presence. Silencer’s are the same in this respect, but they also muffle the rage of Angry Marines nearby, as the marines in question are calmed by their aura, and sense that the ancient figure before them is one of their progenitors, and thus show them as much respect as an Angry Marine is capable of.
- Any Daemon and Psyker units within 6" of this model must subtract 1 from their Leadership. In addition, any units within 2" of this model will not get any benefits for the following abilities: ALWAYS ANGRY, NOT ANGRY ENOUGH, NOT A REAL ANGRY MARINE and STONE-COLD ANGER.
- Silencer: The Desert Fangs were created by the Emperor to be to be blanks, being who had no presence in the warp, making them vital in the battle against demons and psykers.
- This model can attempt to deny one Psychic power in each enemy Psychic Phase, as if he were a Psyker (He is the complete opposite of a Psyker). As another addition, add 1 to any Deny the Witch roll he makes.
- Null-Aura:
- This model can never be the target of any Psychic powers.
- Sandstorm Terminator Armour:
- This unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines, Desert Fangs
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Sandstorm Silencer, Terminator, Blank/Null
Captain Bat Shit Insane[edit | edit source]
Sometimes, Space Marines just go a bit crazy. It can be seen in a number of other chapters for a variety of reasons, such as the space wolves wulfen or the blood angels who fall to the red thirst. The angry marines are no exception, but unlike other chapters where their insanity comes from a genetic fault or warp influence the angry marines just go insane because of perfectly normal reasons. A marine may receive a frag cannon to the head and after some apothecary time may only have a horrible scar to show for it, but finding out that their personal skittle supply is gone may turn him into a drooling psycho. Captain Bat Shit Insane is such a marine. One day he was fine, performing his captaincy duties. The next he found that a set of honey badgers had filled his power armour helmet with fresh fecal matter. It is theorised that having poo cripple down his suit and into his ears was more than sufficient to break the captain.
Since then Bat Shit Insane was useless as a captain, spending his time being general madder than a barrel of skinned honey badgers. On the battlefield however this insanity makes the captain unmatched in combat, just don’t expect him to do anything else or to stop fighting.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Captain Bat Shit Insane | 7" | 2+ | - | 5 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 3+ | 140 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Archeotech Chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 2 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
Power Feet | Melee | Melee | +2 | -2 | 2 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 2 from the hit roll. |
Composition: This unit contains a single Angry Captain. (Power Rating 7)
- 2 Archeotech Chainswords
- Power Feet
Wargear Options:
- None
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Skill through Insanity: What looks like random flailing with his chainswords are, in fact, perfectly timed attacks and parrys, designed to catch the enemy off guard. Or at least that is what Bat Shit tells us...
- This unit may reroll all failed hit rolls and hit rolls of 6+ made by this unit automatically wound. However, a unit with this rule may never be your warlord or take warlord traits.
- Twisted Lump of Metal:Nobody's quite sure what this once was. Some theorize is was formerly an Iron Halo; others claim it had to be a Rosarius stolen from a Chaplain from a... lesser... Chapter. In any case, it suffered one too many blows protecting the Captain, but it still (somehow) works, even though it spits sparks and smoke with every impact.
- This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.
- If this model has Power Feet; in the Fight phase after all his attacks have been resolved. he can make D3 additional attack with his Power Feet.
- Flurry of Chainswords:
- Attacks against this model suffer a minus 1 to hit, and for every failed hit roll of 1 made against this unit by an enemy unit in the fight phase that enemy unit suffers a mortal wound. In addition, roll a D6 for every other unit within 3” of this unit at the start of each turn. On a 4+ that unit takes a mortal wound.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Angry Captain
Captain Tantrumus Fuckingham (Angry Marines First and Only Primaris Captain)[edit | edit source]
Back in the early days of the Primaris marines, the Angry Marines would accept them to do tasks that they couldn't be bothered to do and as training dummies. Over time however the Primaris marines started to lose their veneer of calm and self-control, until finally, one of them snapped, that first Primaris marine to snap, was Tantrumus Fuckingham.
In part, thanks to Fuckingham snapping, Primaris marines are now accepted into the Angry Marines, or rather, the angry ones are, as Fuckingham showed the Angry Marines that Girlyman's toys could actually put up a decent fight and captain Tantrumus is now seen by the Angry Primaris marines as someone to aspire to, someone who can bitch back against the rank and file marines.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points (Including wargear) |
Captain Tantrumus Fuckingham | 6" | 2+ | 3+ | 4 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 9 | 3+ | 160 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
the Hell Glove (ranged) | 12" | Pistol 3 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
the Hell Glove (Melee) | Melee | Melee | +5 | -3 | D3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Master-Crafted Power bat with a nail through it | Melee | Melee | +2 | -2 | 2 | - |
Composition: This unit contains only Captain Tantrumus Fuckingham. (Power Rating 8)
- The Hell Glove - this weapon is made up of three bolt pistols welded onto a power fist.
- Master-Crafted Power bat with a nail through it
- the Twisted Lump of his Iron Halo
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Twisted Iron Halo Lump:
- Tantrumus Fuckingham has a 5+ invulnerable save.
- Rites of Tantrums:Although Fuckingham is somewhat respected and admired by normal Angry Marines, he is seen as a God amongst Primaris Marines, and they will fight as if in the presence of a Primarch to ensure that “WE DON’T FUCKING SHOW OURSELVES UP INFRONT OF THE BOSS!!!”
- You can re-roll all hit and wound rolls of 1 for Friendly Angry Primaris units that are within 6" of this model. In addition, you can re-roll all hit rolls made in the Fight Phase, for Friendly Codex - Angry Marines units that are within 6" of this model.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Primaris, Tantrumus Fuckingham, Angry Captain, Mk X Gravis
Chief Mindfucker Moarfistin[edit | edit source]

Moarfistin is the Chief Mindfucker of the Angry Marines, the equivalent of a Chief Librarian of an Astartes chapter. Due to a tragic incident involving a Nurgle cult unleashing a plague at his home colony, Moarfistin was driven to insanity, but this was also when he discovered his latent abilities as a psyker and was picked up and immediately recruited by the Angry Marines. Having risen very quickly up through the chapters ranks and now possessing his own battle barge (Considerable Shouting) Moarfistin decided to start his very own crusade against the [tau] and founded his very own company, the Somethingth Company, which was made up of all the Angry Marines nearby who didn’t have anything better to do, and felt like a road trip to fuck up some xenos was an excellent idea.)
Unfortunately for Moarfistin his route across the galaxy has been made even more difficult due to the formation of the Cicatrix Maledictum, the galaxy wide shit hole which now bisects, intertwines and flat out covers Moarfistin’s route. This has him furious on multiple levels as firstly “FUCKING CHAOS SHIT EATING CUNTS!!!”, secondly “THE FUCKING NURGLINGS ARE GETTING IN THE WAY OF ME FISTING SOME VAGINA FISH!!! And thirdly “NOW I HAVE TO START ANOTHER FUCKING CRUSADE!!! I DON’T HAVE FUCKING TIME FOR THIS!!!” As it stands, Moarfistin and his crusade are sitting right in the middle of the galactic tear in the maelstrom, and has the choice of setting up camp and simply cruising up and down the Maledictum fighting anything and everything he finds, or to ignore the galaxy wide toilet and keep on ploughing through to tau territory.
Being the smart and proactive psychic nut case that he is, Moarfistin has decided to do both, and currently has his crusade raiding and pillaging all nearby daemon worlds, cultist hideouts and chaos space marine vessels to build a brand-new battle barge named the “Suicidal Insanity”, and has split his crusade down the middle, with the Suicidal Insanity staying behind to perform a crusade up and down the Maledictum, while Considerable Shouting continues onto the Tau worlds.
This still leaves the issue of who is to command the Suicidal Insanity while Moarfistin goes vagina hunting, and too this end he gathered all the Angry Marines together under his command into the mess hall of the Considerable Shouting. “ALRIGHT YOU SACKS OF FUCKING GROZ MANURE!!!” He bellowed at the collected marines “LAST ONE STANDING GETS TO BE IN CHARGE OF THE NEW SHIP!!!” He had barely finished saying “in charge” before (in true Angry marine style) the Angry Marines started fighting, with broken bottles, power bats, honey badgers, power feet and even other Angry Marines being used as bludgeoning tools.
Having seen this display plenty of times before, Moarfistin joined in for a few minutes to knock out a few marines that he just didn’t like them retired to his quarters, knowing that the entire company of marines would be fighting for quite a while, and even a good fight gets boring when it’s been going for several days. 2 days, 9 hours, 23 minutes, 6 seconds and three massive shits later, Moarfistin returned to the mess hall to see who was left standing, passing down the corridors filled with bruised, battered and swearing marines being patched up with duct tape, to find only two marines left still punching each other in their now shattered helmets. “WILL YOU FUCKING HURRY UP YOU CUNTS!!!” He shouted at the two remaining marines “I’VE GOT SOME WEEABOOS TO GO AND FIST BEFORE SLASNESHMAS COMES AROUND AGAIN!!!” The arrival of Moarfistin had roused the marines capable of being roused, who formed a circle around the fighters to add their insults to the fight “FUCKING KICK HIS NUTS!!!” “IVE SEEN ELDAR PANSIES PUNCH BETTER!!!” “CAN YOU FUCKING HURRY UP, SO WE CAN FUCKING EAT!!!” The added insults had the desired effect, as both fighters pulled back their right legs and simultaneously delivered savage kicks to the others privates, instantly knock both of them over into moaning heaps on the floor. “FUCK THIS SHIT!!!” Exclaimed Moarfistin “I CAN’T BE FUCKED WAITING AROUND FOR YOU TO FIGHT AGAIN!!! YOUR NOW BOTH THE CAPTAINS OF THE NEW COMPANY NOW I’M OFF TO KICK SOME TAU IN THE CUNTS!!!”
And just like that, Moarfistin continued his journey (he is now fighting his way through the outskirts of tau space) leaving the two new company captains (now named Tweedle Dick and Tweedle Cunt) on the Suicidal Insanity in charge of the (aptly named) “WHY DO WE HAVE TO FOLLOW THOSE CUNTS?!!!” Company. While Moarfistin’s crusade can be kept track of via the trail of destroyed (and fisted) tau worlds, nothing is currently known of the Suicidal Insanity and it’s two captains, but it is assumed that continued their crusade instead of punching each other for all eternity.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points (Including wargear) |
Chief Mindfucker Moarfistin | 6" | 2+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 2+ | 155 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Fisting Stick | Melee | Melee | +3 | -3 | D3 | - |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Supercharged Plasma Charger | 12" | Assault 2 | 8 | -4 | 2 | For each hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound
after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved. |
Composition: This unit contains only Chief Mindfucker Moarfistin. (Power Rating 8)
- Fisting Stick
- Supercharged Plasma charger
- Frag and Krak Grenades
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Disruptively Angry Influence:Because Moarfistin does not wear a psychic hood, his soul is constantly exposed in the warp, especially when he draws power from it. Fortunately for him and unfortunately for any warp denizen and psyker around him, opening his mind and soul to the warp also causes his unfalthering anger to spill into the warp, disrupting the immidiate area and causing a very powerful psychic scream, which is about equivalent of an exploding sun in his case. This causes psykers to recoil in terror and even disrupting daemons that have entered realspace.
- At the start of each of your Psychic phase; roll a D6 for every Daemon or Psyker unit that are within 9" of Moarfistin (do not roll a D6 for Moarfistin himself). add 1 to the result if the unit being rolled for is a Daemon Psyker unit. On a 5+, the unit being rolled for suffers a mortal wound. In addition this unit has a 4+ invulnerability save.
- You may add 1 to any wound rolls Moarfistin makes against Nurgle units.
- FUCKING MIND BULLETS!!!:Instead of summoning warp lightning or some similar nonsense, Moarfistin literally summons FUCKING DAKKA FROM THE WARP!!! Which he then directs at his foes, who proceed to turn into bloody, Swiss cheese (I’M FUCKING LOOKING AT YOU YOU FUCKING WARDIAN, INVULNERABILITY SAVE,COVER CAMPING CUNTS!!!)
- When Moarfistin attempt to maniest the Smite psychic power, it has a Warp Charge Value of 6 rather then 5. Additionally, the target unit suffers D6 mortal wounds instead of D3 (whether or not the result of the Psychic test is more then 10).
- Indiscriminate RAGE OF FURY!!!: Moarfistin’s psychic fury must have an outlet and failing to cast any power causes a fuck ton of frustration to violently spew forth from his eyes. His opticians tried to examine him to see what was causing the problem, needless to say, Moarfistin now has a new opticians who now wears a welding mask whenever examining him.
- Each time Moarfistin fails to manifest a Psychic Power (This also include when the enemy Denys the Psychic Power), randomly select a unit (Friend or Foe (or himself)) that are within 9" of Moarfistin, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- No Psychic Hood:Moarfistin does not wear a Psychic hood. He deems it unnecessary as: "I DON'T NEED A GOOFY LOOKING MAGIC HAT TO PROTECT ME FROM HERETICAL BULLSHIT!".
- you must subtract 2 from Deny the witch tests taken for Moarfistin. However, you can add 1 to any Psychic tests taken for Moarfistin and may reroll a single dice roll of 1 each time he attempts to manifest a psychic power.
- Unassailable Mind: mind is virtually unapproachable by the warp, due to the fact that his anger burns anyone out or drives them irredeemably insane (Even by daemonic standard) the moment they try.
- Roll a dice each time Moarfistin suffers Perils of the Warp; on a 5+ he do not suffer Perils of the Warp. In addition, if Moarfistin suffers the Possession result from Terrors of the Warp in the Psychic Maelstrom battlezone, subtract 1 from the 2D6 result. as yet another addition, Moarfistin can not be the target of the "Daemonic possession" Chaos Daemons Stratagem.
Psyker: Moarfistin can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to Deny two psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. it knows the "MIND BULLETS!" Smite power and two psychic powers from the Iratomancy discipline. |
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Master of Mindfuckery, Moarfistin, Psyker
Commissar Fuklaw[edit | edit source]
Commissar John Fuklaw is a commissar serving with the Angry Marines, he holds the rare and distinguished honour within the Imperium for being one of the few non-Astartes and non-serf humans to serve with a Space Marine chapter. His assignment to the most belligerent Astartes chapter in the Imperium has nothing about the chapter's morale issues and more of it being the only place where his indiscriminate, seething anger can be handled and vented.
Commissar Fuklaw is now a very angry old fart with a Power arm, who has to use his Master-Crafted Chainsword as a cane and his Commissar-Cane when he walks, but he doesn't let this stop him. He likes long walks in the park murdering defenceless Eldar, driving/riding tanks to the shops (DRIVE ME CLOSER, I WANT TO HIT THEM WITH MY SWORD!!!) and evenings spent glaring at the moon/s until the moon looks away in fear or explodes from the undiluted RAGE being channelled at it. It is even said that he is looking for someone to spend his wrathful, twilight years with someone "THAT ISN'T ANOTHER COCK SUCKING ANGRY MARINE!!!" and can help him truly understand what it is like to share his hateful pursuits with someone else. Unfortunately, he will never succeed (which pisses him off, which also pleases him) as the only woman in the galaxy as angry and violent as him (who isn't a demon, or an Angry Marine in drag) is Ephrael Stern, and even she scares Fuklaw (also Stern doesn't go for guys who don't follow the path of the swole).
To compensate for this, Fuklaw has finally accepted the long-standing invitation to join Creed, commissar Yarrick and Sly Marbo for their weekly poker game, unofficially called “THE MANLIEST FUCKS IN THE GALAXY TO NOT WEAR POWER ARMOUR!!!”. He has not accepted the invitation up to this point because he’s still annoyed with Creed for turning his cigar into the barrel of a Baneblade (CREEEEEEEDDDDDDDD!!!), and Sly Marbo still refuses to pay Fuklaw the ten pounds he owes him for winning that staring competition (Sly Marbo still insists that it was actually the universe which blinked). Surprisingly, Fuklaw and Yarrick get on exceptionally well, as the two admire each other’s truck sized adamantium balls, that and the two were friends back when they were in the academy, if things had turned out differently it could have been Fuklaw running Armageddon....which is a scary thought. Fuklaw has accepted the invitation as long as they agree to use adamantium playing cards, as anything else would just burn out of sheer fear by being touched by him.

Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points (Including wargear) |
Commissar Fuklaw | 4" | 2+ | 3+ | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 4+ | 130 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Death stare | 3" | Pistol 1 | 4 | -2 | 1 | - |
Commissar-Cane | 18" | Assault 1 | 4 | -1 | 2 | If the target is within half range, change this weapon's Type to Assault 2,
and add 1 to this weapon's Strength. |
Fuklaw’s Chainsword | Melee | Melee | +2 | -2 | 2 | - |
Composition: This unit contains only Commissar Fuklaw. (Power Rating 7)
- Death stare (in the literal sense of the word.)
- Commissar-Cane (a Master-Crafted Shotgun Cane.)
- Fuklaw’s Chainsword
- A Bolt pistol.
- Aura of Fuklaw: Nobody ever flees while Fuklaw’s around, some saw it’s due to the respect he garners, others say that it’s his imposing statue which inspire his troops to fight to the bitter end, most soldiers however, say that it’s the commissars hand twitching next to his bolt pistol, and a gaze so hate filled and disdainful that it can punch through power armour.
- Friendly Codex - Angry Marines units within 6" of Fuklaw can re-roll failed Morale tests and cannot suffer any negative modifiers to their Leadership characteristic.
- BLAM!!! HERESY!!!: Only Fuklaw is enough of a badass to execute Angry Marines. Correction, Fuklaw is the only person who would a. Even consider such a thing b. Attempt to execute an Angry Marine and c. Survive the act.
- In the Morale phase, any Friendly Imperium units that is not a Character or a Vehicle, that are within 6" of Fuklaw, must make a Morale test regardless of whether it has lost models or not early that turn, and if it makes a roll of 6 (regardless of modifiers) will always result in at least one model being slain. In addition, If a Friendly Imperium Psyker unit, that has 3 or less wounds left (all the wounds each model has in the unit put together), suffers Perils of the Warp whilst within 6" of Fuklaw, they are also executed before anything untoward can happen - the power they were attempting fails, and the Imperium Psyker unit is slain as a result of Commissar Fuklaw's old trusted Bolt pistol to the head; units within 6" of them do not suffer D3 mortal wounds.
- DRIVE ME CLOSER, I WANT TO HIT THEM WITH MY SWORD!!!: Commissar Yarrick may ride resplendent on his Fortress of Arogance into battle to inspire his troops, but Fuklaw can be seen cling to the side of even a scout sentinel, swing his sword like a maniac to mow down pacing heretics.
- If Fuklaw is embarked on a Transport that is not a Flyer; In the Charge Phase, the Transport must try to charge the closest enemy unit if possible. In addition, in the Fight Phase, the Transport may make 3 additional attacks using Fuklaw's Weapon Skill and Strength characteristics and using his's melee weapon.
- FUCK HERETICS!!!: Such is the anger that Commissar Fuklaw has against xenos, mutants and heretics, that he and any unit led by him will fight with redoubled fury against these enemies of the Emprah (as far as Fuklaw is concerned, anyone opposing him is at least one of the three).
- You can re-roll any failed wound rolls in the Fight Phase for Friendly Imperium units that are within 6" of Fuklaw.
- Twisted Lump of Metal: An unrecognizable lump of metal that either used to be a Rosarius or an Iron Halo. Fuklaw refuses to disclose what it truly is, saying: WHO THE FUCK CARES? NOW SHUT UP WHILE I BEAT THIS SLAANESHI FUCKER TO DEATH WITH IT. Whatever it is, it still confers protection upon the wearer as it did when he first received it.
- Fuklaw has a 5+ invulnerable save.
- This old fart just will not die: Although it is rare, some of the galaxies most powerful foes have at one time or another have levelled a bolt pistol at Fuklaw, pulled the trigger, and watched the aged commissar fall to the ground. Their triumph is cut short however when they realise that a chainsword has been violently shoved up their anus, upon which they realise that Fuklaw wasn’t dead, they’d only succeeded in making him even angrier...
- Each time Commissar Fuklaw is slain; place this model on its side instead of removing it. At the start of your next turn, roll a D6; on a 4+, he regains D3 wounds, and Fuklaw is placed as close to his previous position as possible while remaining more than 1" from any enemy models. if the roll is a 1,2 or 3 Fuklaw will not wake up before the battle is over (remove him as normal).
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Commissar, Angry Commissar, Fuklaw
Cunt Pounder, the Angry Marines first Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought[edit | edit source]
The product of combining a murderous dreadnought gifted to the Angry Marines (an actual gift and not a Bloody Magpie 'gift') by the Black Templars (THOSE SILENT ANGRY CUNTS) after it has killed several of its pilots, and the mangled remains of the primaris marine Alfion, after he had suggested that the Angry Marines could use the codex astartes for something other than wiping their arses. The dreadnought was then given the nickname of “Cunt Pounder” due to its violent tendency to punch its enemies' faces out and their cunts in (repeatedly), and was responsible for the destruction of the feral world of Allanus by punching its way through the Black Legion Warband that was there, through the planet's crust and out the other side, in such a display of fury and beautiful destruction that even Angry Marines fear him.
On the battlefield, Cunt Pounder can often be seen (if you're not dead yet at least) violently arguing with itself, as its pilot and machine spirit simultaneously try to insult, maim, kill and mind fuck the other to pieces, but don’t assume that he is defenceless at this point, as the dreadnought is more than capable of postponing its argument with itself to pound your cunt into the ground if your interupt its suicidal arguing.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points (Does not Include wargear) |
Cunt Pounder | * | * | * | 7 | 7 | 15 | * | 8 | 3+ | 200 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS | A | MAXIMUM
8-15+ | 8" | 2+ | 4+ | 4 | 4+ |
4-7 | 6" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 5+ |
1-3 | 4" | 4+ | 6+ | 6 | 6+ |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolter Gatling cannon | 30" | Heavy 12 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Storm bolter | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
THE CUNT POUNDER!!! | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | D6 | if you roll a hit roll of 6+ made for this weapon, you can immediately make another attack with
THE CUNT POUNDER!!!, though these additional attacks cannot generate any further attacks. |
Heavy flamer | 8" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | this weapon automatically hits its target. |
Macro Plasma Incineragetor | - | - | - | - | - | When attacking with this weapon,choose one of the profiles below. |
-Standard | 36" | Heavy D6 | 8 | -4 | 1 | - |
-Supercharged | 36" | Heavy D6 | 9 | -4 | 2 | For each hit roll of 1,
the bearer suffers 1 mortal woundafter all of this weapon's shots have been resolved. |
Composition: This unit contains only Cunt Pounder. (Power Rating 11).
- Heavy bolter Gatling cannon
- Heavy flamer
- 2 Storm bolter
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Heavy bolter Gatling cannon with a Macro Plasma Incineragetor.
- Explodes: BOOM BITCH!!!
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
- TOO FUCKING DESTRUCTIVE!!!:Angry Marines love a fight, they'll be the first to admit it (generally while punching you in the face), but they like there to be something left after said fight, there's no point starting a bar fight for example, if you end up burning the place down, where are you supposed to drink afterwards? Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought's are the guys who would burn the pub down, and then proceed to keep punching the ashes because of something they may have done to offend him. This problem gets exponentially worse the more dreadnoughts the Angry Marines bring to a fight, it's all well and good defeating the daemons, but if there are two dreadnoughts drilling a hole to the planets core by fighting each other, creating a brand-new volcano which destroys the hive city the marines were defending, then even the Angry Marines that things may have got a bit counterproductive ("BUT FUCKING AWESOME!!!").
- After one too many planets were destroyed, the Angry Marines grudgingly agreed that no matter how cool the results may be, it's probably better to never have two Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought's in the same place (unless they’re all drunk in which case it's a fun way to pass by a Saturday night):
- You may only have one Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought in your army, unless your army's Total Power Rating greater than or equal to 90. (UNLESS YOU AND YOUR OPPONENT AGREE THAT IT WOULD BE FUCKING AWESOME TO JUST FIELD AN ARMY OF THE FUCKERS).
- In the Charge Phase, this model must try to charge the closest enemy unit if possible.
- Roll a D6 each time this model loses a wound; on a 5+ the damage is ignored, and that wound is not lost.
- YOU THINK I CAN’T FUCKING HIT YOU THERE!!!:There is no hiding from Cunt Pounder’s fury by throwing, say, hordes of conscripts at him as a distraction, he will always get you in the end.
- Cunt Pounder can shoot its Shooting weapons while it is within 1" of an enemy unit, but when it does so, it must target the closest enemy unit and subtract 1 from the hit rolls. NOTE: In such circumstances, Cunt Pounder can shoot its Shooting weapons even if other friendly units are within 1" of the same enemy unit.
- IT’S NOT MISSING IF YOU FUCKING HIT SOMETHING!!!:Cunt Pounder never “misses”, he will always hit something, whether it be the enemy, other Angry Marines or himself it doesn’t matter because he intends to punch EVERYTHING!!! Including himself.
- Failed hits made by this unit in the fight phase automatically hit a friendly unit within 1". Randomly determine which unit is hit if there is more then one. If vthere are no friendly units within 1" of Cunt Pounder, the 'hits' hits Cunt Pounder instead.
- At the end of an enemy Shooting phase, this model may Shoot with one of its weapons as if it were Shooting an overwatch, at Each enemy unit that has shot at this model and made it lose at least one wound as a result of it this phase.
- MAXIMUM CUNT PUNCHING!!!:Cunt Pounder does not take kindly to those who deal damage too him, sending him into “MAXIMIUM CUNT PUNCHING MODE!!!”
- At the beginning of each Battle Round you must roll a D6; If this roll's result is the same or higher than the one on the table Damage table, Cunt Pounder will face punch itself and suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, on a Battle Round it does not face punch itself it may make an make 1 additional attack Each time it fights.
If Cunt Pounder is your warlord, he must have the"OH NOW IT'S ON YOU COCKSUCKER!!!" Warlord Trait.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Vehicle, Character, Angry Primaris, Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought, Cunt Pounder
Dick Haggard[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points (Including wargear) |
Dick Haggard | 6" | 2+ | +4 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 2+ | 70 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Knuckle Dustered Fists | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | D3 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make D3 additional attacks with this weapon. |
A FUCKING ROCK!!! | 6D3" | Assault 1 | User | 0 | D2 | A hit roll of 6+ with this weapon deals D2 mortal wounds instead of normal damage. |
Composition: This unit contains only Dick Haggard. (Power Rating 5)
- Nuckle Dustered Fists
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Master of FIST FIGHTS!!!: Dick Haggard distains the use of all weapons other than his fists.
- You can re-roll all failed hit and wound rolls of 1 or 2 for this units Knuckle Dustered Fists. In addition, if you roll a wound roll of 6+ for His fists, it is resolved at AP -4 and Damage 3.
- FUCK YOU CHAOS LAND RAIDER!!!:After Dick Haggard saw a fucking Chaos Cultist got a land raider to explode just by throwing a rock at it, he decided to do the same to all Chaos Land Raiders.
- If Dick Haggard throws A FUCKING ROCK!!! against any VEHICLE, a wound roll of 4+ deals a D2 mortal wounds instead of a wound roll of 6+.
- Roll a D6 each time this model loses a wound; on a 5+ the damage is ignored, and that wound is not lost.
- I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS FUCKING SHIT, SIR!!!:Dick Haggard refuses to guard a Captain, feeling that the Chapter Master is the only one truly deserving of his FUCKAWESOME FISTS!
- Dick Haggard cannot be embarked on a Transport with one or more Angry Captains embarked on it. In addition, roll a dice each time Chapter Master Temperus Maximus loses a wound whilst he is within 6" of Dick Haggard; on a 2+ Dick Haggard will intercept that hit - Chapter Master Temperus Maximus does not lose a wound but Dick Haggard suffers a mortal wound.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Dick Haggard
Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third, Master of the Armoury[edit | edit source]
Originally from one of the many hive cities of Armageddon and originally called Yarrick Smith the third, Yarrick was “adopted” by the Angry Marines after they crushed his family home, his family and (more importantly) his shed filled with all his tools and machinery of the omnisiah, with a deep striking Angry Rhino. In retaliation Yarrick dismantled the armour of two of the marines and inflicted multiple broken bones to the 12 Angry Marines who had been in the rhino, who (after observing/being subjected to his violence and cursing) renamed the boy Mightilypissedoff and “adopted” the now orphan into the chapter.
After a millennium as an Angry Tech Priest he found his opportunity to escape and learn more about machines through a “cultural exchange” with the Mechanicus, as the chapter was sorely lacking Tech priests who knew how to repair things via methods other than blunt force trauma. And so Mightilypissedoff travelled to Mars and after another millennium achieved the rank of enginseer and became the head of a titan manufactorum, until another opportunity presented itself. The death of the old Master of the Armoury, Enfurious Ragman’s death, and a chance to destroy the Angry Marines from within, the very people who had robbed him of his old life.
The Mechanicus also saw this as an opportunity to destroy the Angry Marines for their crimes against the omnisiah, and dispatched Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third to acquire the role, and either destroy the Angry Marines or make them obey the will of the omnisiah. After getting the role (uncontested, as nobody wanted to oppose the crazy bastard) and to the great annoyance and surprise of the Mechanicus, pissedoff loved his new role and lost all desire to annihilate his adoptive chapter, as now he could pretty much do whatever he likes with machines and there are never shortages of fights to throw himself at.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third | 6" | 2+ | 3+ | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 8 | 2+ | 150 (Including wargear) |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Multi-Use Launcher | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. | |||||
- Ordinary Wrench | 18" | Pistol 1 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
- Frag Grenade | 24" | Assault D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
- Krag Grenade | 12" | Assault 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
- Melta Bomb | 8" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | Roll two dice when determining damage for this weapon and discard the lowest value when attacking VEHICLEs. |
Servo-arm | Melee | Melee | X2 | -2 | 3 | Each servo-arm can only be used to make one attack each time this model fights.
When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
the Hell Glove MK2 (Melee) | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | D3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
the Hell Glove MK2 (ranged) | 24" | Rapid Fire 6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit rolls. |
Composition: This unit contains only (name) Master of the Armoury. (Power Rating 8)
- Servo-arm harness which is comprised of four Servo-arms.
- the Hell Glove MK2 - is made up of three boltstorm welded onto a Power Fist.
- Wrist-mounted Multi-Use Launcher
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Stay away from MY MACHINES!!!:
- At the end of the Shooting phase, if a Friendly Angry Marine Infantry unit (which is not Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third) is within 6" of at least one Friendly VEHICLE and is also within 12" of Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third; roll a D6. on a 5+ the Angry Marine unit suffers a mortal wound. (If there is more than one Friendly Angry Marine Infantry unit within 6" of at least one Friendly VEHICLE and is also within 12" of Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third, roll only for the unit closest to Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third.)
- Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third may re-roll all failed wounds against VEHICLES, and deals double damage against models with the TITANIC VEHICLEs.
- At the end of your Movement Phase this model can repair a single Angry Vehicle within 1". That model regains D6 lost wounds. A model can only be repaired once per turn.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Techmarine, Angry Marine, Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third
Sergeant Asshole McCuntsface[edit | edit source]

The greatest "infiltration" specialist the Angry Marines have, a being so blunt, straightforward and unsubtle that his immense overtness becomes the peak of covertness. The greatest sneakers and covert specialists in the galaxy cannot understand how he does it, the Ork kommandos are so incredibly confused by the fact that he's not purple but still sneaking that they're unable to stop him, the Alpha Legion assume that his vox enhanced shouts of "WE ARE FUCKING SNEAKING HERE!!! THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE SO STOP LOOKING THE FUCK OVER HERE!!!" are a ploy to distract them from the real threat (thus resulting in their dismemberment), while groups like the Imperial Guard just watch on in disbelief as the two metre tall, red and yellow shouting marine tiptoe towards them.
McCuntface has (by his own admission) lots to learn however, as he has yet to test his "sneaking" technique against the Tyranids (he is particularly looking forward to sneaking up on a Lictor), Necrons (Trazyn the Infinite in particular would like to "aquire him") and the Eldar, the latter of which he believes will the easiest to sneak up on as (to quote) "THEY'RE ALL SUCH STUCK UP ARSEHOLES TOO BUSY BUTTFUCKING EACH OTHER TO PAY FUCKING ATTENTION TO ANYTHING ELSE!!!"
Cuntface has (even over his short time with the Angry Marines) managed to garner a rather large following from his fellow battle brothers, partially out of respect for his combat prowess and infiltration skill, but mostly because “WATCHING THE SNEAKY FUCK TIPTOEING AROUND AND KICKING PEOPLE IN THE BALLS IS FUCKING HILRARIOUS!!!”Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points (Including wargear) |
Sergeant Asshole McCuntsface | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 3+ | 80 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
The Murder Knife | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | add 1 to any wound rolls this weapon makes against any Infantry, Swarm or Biker models. |
Heavy Bolt Pistol | 12" | pistol 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Shock grenade | 6" | Grenade D3 | * | * | * | A Shock grenade doesn't inflict any damage. Instead, each time a Shock grenade hits an enemy Infantry unit, it is stunned until the end of the turn
it cannot fire Overwatch and your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for the unit. second and subsequent hits from a Shock grenade have no additional effect. |
Composition: This unit contains a single Angry Primaris Ancient Lieutenant. (Power Rating 6)
- Heavy Bolt Pistol
- The Murder Knife
- Shock grenades
- Frag and Krag grenades
- Grapnel Launcher
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Enemy units must subtract 1 from their Leadership if they are within 3" of any Angry Reiver Squads
- Do you want to build a human centipede?:You can re-roll all hit rolls of 1 made for Friendly Angry Reiver Squads that are within 6" of this Sergeant Asshole McCuntsface. In addition, Enemy units must subtract 1 from their Leadership if they are within 6" of Sergeant Asshole McCuntsface. (this ability is not cumulative with the "Litany of Profanity" and the "RAAAGGE of the chapter" Abilities - the "RAAAGGE of the chapter" ability takes precedence).
- WE ARE SNEAKING, NOTHING TO FUCKING SEE HERE!!!:The Sargent is very picky and thorough when it comes to the troops that follow him, ensuring that all Reivers around him are drilled in the correct manner of tip toeing and that they can shout to at least 120 decibels, guaranteeing that all enemy soldiers nearby know exactly where the Reivers are "NO YOU FUCK NUGGET!!! KEEP READING YOUR TOILET PAPER WHILE I SNEAK BEHIND YOU TO KICK YOU IN THE CUNT!!!"
- When a enemy unit chooses an Angry Reiver Squad unit as their target in the Shooting phase, roll a D6; on a 5+ they can not shoot at the targeted Angry Reiver Squad this Shooting phase, but they may choose another target to shoot at instead there is not an Angry Reiver Squad unit.
- Master MOTHER FUCKING SNEAKER!!!:Cuntsface is a true genius when it comes to “sneaking”, employing massive speakers to shout across the battlefield or directly informing enemy command via vox that “I’M FUCKING SNEAKING!!!”, making absolutely sure that every sentient (and non-sentient) creature in the sector knows that the Sergeant is most certainly sneaking, and that you should therefore look the other way.
- Add 1 to the roll for Angry Reiver Squad's "WE ARE SNEAKING, NOTHING TO FUCKING SEE HERE!!!" ability when ther are within 6” for Sergeant Asshole McCuntsface.
- Grapnel Launcher:
- When this unit move, do not count any vertical distance he move against the total he can move that turn (i.e. moving vertically is free for this model). In addition, during deployment, you can set up this unit behind enemy lines instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can join the battle - set it up within 6" of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9" away from any enemy models.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Primaris, Angry Reiver Squad, Sergeant Asshole McCuntsface
Sergeant Sky Shitter[edit | edit source]
Sergeant Sky Shitter is a single model. They are equipped with Thunder and Lightning.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Inceptor | 12" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 3+ | 130 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Thunder and Lightning | - | - | - | - | - | When during this weapon, choose one or both weapon profiles to fire. If you fire both then subtract 1 from the hit rolls. |
-Thunder | 18" | Assault 6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
-Lightning | 18" | Assault 2D3 | 8 | -3 | 2 | For each hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound
after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved. |
-Underslung Chainsword | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | - |
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Jump Pack Assault
- Heavy and Angry: Half a tonne of Angry Marine hitting you at hundreds of miles an hour is detrimental to your health.
- Roll a dice each time an Angry Inceptor finishes a charge move within 1" of an enemy unit; on a 6, that unit suffers a mortal wound.
- Surprise Arrival:
- After the Angry Inceptor Squad is placed on the battlefield; All models within 12" of the Angry Inceptor Squad (and the Angry Inceptor Squad themself), will immediately suffer one wound each. (These wounds are resolved at AP 0 and Damage 1).
- The Heaviest and Angriest around:
- ANGRY MARINE INFANTRY with the FLY keyword within 6” of this unit may reroll hit rolls of 1. In addition to this, Angry Inceptor units within 6” of this unit have their Heavy and Angry ability activate on a 5+ on a D6, instead of a roll of a 6.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Primaris, Jump Pack, Fly, Mk X Gravis, Angry Inceptor, Character, Sergeant Sky Shitter
Chapter Master Temperus Maximus[edit | edit source]

The Chapter Master of the Angry Marines, Master of RAEG over all Angry Marines, and living embodiment of the Angry Primarch's middle finger to the enemies of mankind. Temperus Maximus' rage cannot be easily translated into table top games without the table breaking and the plastic miniatures fleeing in terror. His legacy of hatred is a testimony to his chapter. He is entombed in Dreadnought Terminator armour not for punishment, nor for his own protection, but for the safety of his comrades lest he explode with rage. This latter part has the Inquisition very interested, as they are always looking for new and innovative ways of performing exterminartus, and despite the cost of firing a chapter master at a planet it would probably result in fewer, warp related side effects than the other available methods. This plan however, is currently sitting filed away in a deep, dark archive where nobody will find it, as when Maximus got wind of the proposed plan he decided to give the responsible inquisitors a visit to discuss its finer details. He did this by pulling his battlebarge alongside the inquisitorial one, entered a torpedo tube, and fired himself at the opposing ships bridge.
When an angry terminator squad was eventually sent onto the ship to “retrieve” their chapter master, they found him on the remains of the ships bridge, enlightening the inquisitors onboard, via the use of swings of the codex angry marines to their behinds.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points (Including wargear) |
Chapter Master Temperus Maximus | 5" | 2+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 7 | 5 | 9 | 2+ | 220 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
POWER BOOTS | Melee | Melee | +3 | -2 | D3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 2 from the hit roll. |
Rip and Tear (Ranged) | 18" | Assault 4 | 4 | -1 | 2 | - |
Rip and Tear (Melee) | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 2 | - |
Composition: This unit contains only Chapter Master Temperus Maximus. (Power Rating 12)
- RIP AND TEAR -These are the personal WMDs of Temperus Maximus himself, crafted by refined hatred, forged by the furnace of pure rage, and embedded with the most pissed-off machine spirits in existence. These are a matched pair of Unique chainfists.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Teleport Strike
- Sub-sonic Battle-cry:
- Friendly Codex - Angry Marines units that are within 6" of this model, cannot be affected by negative modifiers to their Leadership.
- Adamantium Cigar:The Adamantium Cigar is the Chapter Master's personal badge of manliness and badassery, an heirloom from the Angry Primarch himself.
- Temperus Maximus can never fail any Morale tests and friendly Codex - Angry Marines units within 6" add 1 to their leadership charecteristic.
- Titanic Might and Balls of Adamantium:Chapter Master Temperus Maximus is a hard fucker to kill. Nothing more can be said about that. And he doesn't even use an Iron Halo or Storm Shield!
- This unit has a 4+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, all damage suffered by Temperus Maximus is halved (rounding up).
- You can re-roll any failed hit rolls for Friendly Angry units that are within 6" of this model.
- RIGHT IN THE NUTS FUCKER!!!:Whenever an opponent fails to land an attack on Temperus Maximus in close combat, the Chapter Master responds with a swift but very painful kick to their balls with his master crafted POWER BOOTS for their incompetence, debilitating even enemies without balls or genitals to start with.
- In the Fight phase after all his attacks have been resolved. he can make D6 additional attack with his POWER BOOTS.
If Chapter Master Temperus Maximus is your warlord, he must have the"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I AM?!!!" Warlord Trait.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Chapter Master Temperus Maximus, Terminator
Temperus Maximus, The Absurdly Miffed[edit | edit source]
Maximus can be a little trigger happy when it comes to firing battle barges at planets. In fact, anything that he can’t kill himself he will kill by proxy by firing a battle barge at it, on the sound reasoning that if he can’t kill it then it’s probably best to go for overkill. However, some enemies are particularly stubborn and long lived, such as the demon princes of nurgle, and it was against such a demon prince on one fine day during the plague wars in the ultima segmentum that Maximus realised that this was going to be one of those rare days where he was going to need a little more fire power. Up in orbit, the first “disposable” battle barge received the chapter masters coordinates, and the simple order to crash land onto said coordinates, and after pausing long enough for the marines and crew onboard to either grab drop pods, angry rhinos or simply cling to the battle barges hull, the battle barge began its rapid decent to terra firma.
However, once the battle barge hit and Maximus brushed himself down, he was greeted by the sight of the nurgle demon prince doing the exact same thing. But this wasn’t the first time this kind of thing had happened to the angry marines, and so he simply called down another, slightly larger, battle barge onto his position. And once the ringing in his ears had died down and he’d dragged himself up on his aching feet, Maximus thought “HE MUST BE FUCKING DEAD THIS TIME!!!” No such luck this time either, the demon prince was still there, as ugly as ever. And so, faced with a foe which had taken two battle barges to the face, the chapter master did the only logical thing, and called down his own (and largest) ship, the MAXIMUM fuck.
At this point Maximus was knocked out (one of the few times in his life this has happened), and awoke six months later, in a bed in an apothecary, surrounded by uncharacteristically concerned Angry Marines. It is unknown precisely what happened next, but it is assumed that one of the angry marines present them informed the chapter master that after calling down three battle barges the ultramarines has arrived, whereupon they “rescued” the chapter master and converted him into a primaris marine. It is then further assumed that the chapter master then looked down upon his newly modified form, to then see the other thing that papa smurf had given him. A giant, blue tattoo of the symbol of the ultramarines. And the final icing on the shit sandwich? Papa smurf himself had signed beneath the tattoo the words “courage and honour”.
All of this is assumed, as everyone who actually witnessed this event was left out cold when the completely naked chapter master “exploded” with fury, blowing out a chunk of the battle barge. This happened again after the chapter master was retrieved (screaming insults) from deep space and told that the tattoo couldn’t be removed as the ultramarines had seen fit to incorporate the tattoo into his organs as well. Unable to undo the damage done to himself the chapter master now roams the galaxy with his newly rebuilt battle barge fighting everything he can find, and hunting down any ultramarine apothecaries in the hope of finding a way to undo the damage they had done to him.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points (Including wargear) |
Temperus Maximus, The Absurdly Miffed | 6" | 2+ | 4+ | 5 | 5 | 8 | 6 | 9 | 2+ | 270 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
POWER BOOTS | Melee | Melee | +3 | -2 | D3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 2 from the hit roll. |
Rip and Tear (Ranged) | 18" | Assault 4 | 4 | -1 | 2 | - |
Rip and Tear (Melee) | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 2 | - |
Furious Glare | 6” | Assault 2D6 | 4 | -1 | 1 | This weapon automatically hits its target. |
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Sub-sonic Battle-cry:
- Friendly Codex - Angry Marines units that are within 6" of this model, cannot be affected by negative modifiers to their Leadership.
- Adamantium Cigar:The Adamantium Cigar is the Chapter Master's personal badge of manliness and badassery, an heirloom from the Angry Primarch himself.
- Temperus Maximus can never fail any Morale tests and friendly Codex - Angry Marines units within 6" add 1 to their leadership charecteristic.
- YOU DID FUCKING WHAT?!!!:Temperus Maximus was not happy about being turned into a primaris, to the point that those around him are unable to adequately describe his fury.
- Temperus Maximus, The Absurdly Miffed has a 4++ invulnerability save and ignores damage taken on a 5+. In addition to this, he may charge even after advancing, but may never be the target of stratagems.
- You can re-roll any failed hit rolls for Friendly Angry units that are within 6" of this model.
- RIGHT IN THE NUTS FUCKER!!!:Whenever an opponent fails to land an attack on Temperus Maximus in close combat, the Chapter Master responds with a swift but very painful kick to their balls with his master crafted POWER BOOTS for their incompetence, debilitating even enemies without balls or genitals to start with.
- In the Fight phase after all his attacks have been resolved. he can make D6 additional attack with his POWER BOOTS.
- When this model is slain it deals D6 mortal wounds to all units within 2D6”.
If Temperus Maximus, the Absurdly Miffed is your warlord, he must have the"OH NOW IT'S ON YOU COCKSUCKER!!!" Warlord Trait.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Chapter Master Temperus Maximus, Primaris
The Guardians of Fury[edit | edit source]
During the glory days of the Great Crusade, where the legions roamed across the galaxy to reclaim the lost worlds of humanity, and during the Horus Heresy, where those same legions tore the same galaxy apart, each legion had their elites of the elite. These came in the form of Cataphracti terminators, the most elite of marines clad in the finest armour the galaxy had to offer (outside of custodian plate) and wielding terrifying weapons, often unique to their legion. Such marines were often the bodyguard for their respective primarchs, the death shrouds for Mortarion, the Phoenix guard for Fulgrim, the Justarions for Horus, and the same was true for the Angry Marines parent legion, the Desert Fangs.
Back in the day, these were silencer marines, hewing the psychic abominations and demons who arose to challenge the Imperium, appearing on the field of battle in the lightning crack and flash of a teleportation beam, accompanying the psychic anathema that was their primarch, Ragnous Rageous. After the heresy however, and the splitting of the legions and the formation of the angry marines these elites terminator forces almost entirely disappeared, their plates and bearers sundered, or whisked off to vaults or the eye of terror. Of their original Cataphracti elite the angry marines have only five pieces left, who make up the Guardians of Fury, who’s job it is the guard angry marine commanders. Not that such individuals need defending in the conventional sense, they are more than capable of dealing with threats directly in front of them, it is threats from the sides and rear which they struggle with.The Guardians of Fury is made up of at least 2 models and may contain up to 5 models. Each model is armed with a Chain Glaive, a Flamer and POWER BOOTS.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points (Including wargear) |
Guardian of Fury | 4" | 2+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 2+ | 70 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
POWER BOOTS | Melee | Melee | +3 | -2 | D3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 2 from the hit roll. |
Chain Glaive | When fighting with this weapon choose one of the following profiles. | |||||
-Strike | Melee | Melee | +4 | -3 | 2 | - |
-Sweep | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | When fighting with this profile, each hit counts as 2 hits instead of 1. |
Flamer | 8” | Assault D6 | 4 | - | 1 | This weapon automatically hits its target. |
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Teleport Strike:
- If your army is Battle-forged, this unit can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight Phase.
- Cataphracti Terminator Armour: The toughest and slowest armour the angry marines have. Only the most furious individuals can make it move fast enough to keep up with their battle brothers.
- A model with this rule has a 4++ invulnerability save, but halves advance distances (rounding up).
- A model with this rule may charge even after advancing, and a unit with this rule may make D2 extra attacks each time it fights in the fight phase, D3 if it charged in the same turn.
- Whenever an ANGRY MARINE CHARACTER (other than another GUARDIAN OF FURY) take a hit within 3” of a model with this rule roll a D6. On a 2+ the model with this rule takes the hit instead. If the unit is a CHAPTER MASTER or PRIMARCH then do not roll to see if the hit is transferred, it is instead automatically transferred. Attacks made against this unit or transferred to this unit may not be transferred to other units, and damage may not be transferred from this unit to other units. In addition to this, this unit may never be your warlord.
- FUCK DOORS!!! FUCK TANKS!!! AND FUCKING NUT CRACKING!!!: Power Feet come with their own cogitators and micro thrusters, allowing them to initiate semi guided. powerful kicks to the bollocks even while their wearer is swinging a chainsword.
- In the Fight phase after all this unit’s attacks have been resolved. it can make 2 additional attack with its Power Feet with all models in the unit. In addition, if this unit roll a wound roll of 6+ with Power Feet, it inflicts 1 mortal wound in addition to its normal Damage.
- No Avenue of Escape: As with all the legions of old, if you ever ended up against their cataphracti elite you were as good as dead.
- Enemy units subtract 1 from their invulnerability save rolls while within 1” of a unit with this rule.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Cataphracti Terminator, Guardian of Fury
Reclusiarch Mofo[edit | edit source]

Reclusiarch’s are the senior Chaplains of any given Adeptus Astartes Chapter. Their normal non-combat duties are to shape and guide the spirituality of their battle brothers, lead the daily rites of the chapter, train new chaplains and oversee the Reliquary, the holy sanctum within a chapter fortress-monastery where all the chapter relics are kept. As far as Mofo is concerned, the only thing he does as a Reclusiarch is being the senior Chaplain, train new Chaplains, and not much else. His view over other duties, respectively, is that: "ALL THESE FUCKNUTS ARE TOO LOYAL TO EVER BE BUTT-BUDDIES WITH THOSE CHAOS FUCKS ANYWAY", "OUR DAILY RITES JUST INVOLVE THESE ASSTARDS HITTING EVERYTHING WITH A POWERBAT. LIKE THEY ACTUALLY NEED SUPERVISION FOR THAT", and "DO I LOOK LIKE THAT OLD FART, FUKLAW? SOME DIPSHIT SERVITOR OR SOME SERF CAN DUST OFF A FEW HUNKS OF METAL.". Battle is the only place where Mofo does not slack in his duties, as the Emperor's and the chapter's rage made-manifest. Armed with his sacred Crozius named "Fagbasher", Mofo has cracked thousands upon thousands of skulls and crushed even more minds through his sheer skill in profanity, in his centuries of service, striking fear into virtually anything.
Perhaps one of his most revered feats of skill is defeating the foul Black Legion Dreadnought known as "Thragarkis, the twice living" in single combat. What makes this feat even more amazing is that he did away with using his Crozius, instead tearing Thragarkis out of his sarcophagus by punching it with his bare power-armoured fists until it buckled and weakened, and then headbutting him repeatedly until he died.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points (Does not include wargear) |
Reclusiarch Mofo | 6" | 2+ | 5+ | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 3+ | 125 (+15 with Jump Pack) |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Fagbasher | Melee | Melee | +2 | -1 | 2 | Wound rolls of 6+ made for this weapon, it inflicts 1 mortal wound in addition to its normal Damage. |
Master Crafted Vox Amplifier | - | - | - | - | - | When firing this weapon choose one of the profiles to use. |
-YOUR ALL PILES OF SHITE!!! | 24" | Assault D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
-PISS OFF I’M WATCHING CARTOONS!!!! | 12" | Grenade D6 | 3 | - | 1 | Units hit by this weapon subtract 2” from their charge distances in the following charge phase. This reduction does not stack with copies of itself. |
Composition: This unit contains only Reclusiarch Mofo. (Power Rating 7)
- Fagbasher
- Master-Crafted Vox Amplifier
Wargear Options:
- This model may take a Jump Pack (Power Rating +1) if it does, its Move characteristic is increased to 12" and it gains the Jump Pack and Fly Keywords.
- This model may replace its Bolt Pistol with a Hand Flamer, a Plasma Pistol, a Infernus Pistol or a Storm bolter.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Jet Pack Assault
- RAAAGGE of the Chapter:Reclusiarch Mofo is the personification of the righteous anger of the Angry Marines, driving unfathomable fear in the hearts of their enemies, whatever they might be:
- Any enemy unit within 6" of this model must subtract 2 from their Leadership. (this ability is not cumulative with the "Litany of Profanity" and the "Do you want to build a human centipede" Abilities - the "RAAAGGE of the chapter" ability takes precedence).
- I'M NOT GOING DOWN LIKE THAT YOU FUCKFACE!!!:Reclusiarch Mofo decided a long time ago that he would only accept dying one way, which he wrote down on a piece of paper, wiped his arse with said paper, and then shoved it down the throat of a dying carnifex, before promptly smashing it's skull in with his Crozius. So until someone figures out what form of death the Chaplain will accept Mofo will simply refuse to die while screaming “BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME DIPSHIT!!! NOW ITS YOUR FUCKING TURN!!!”
- Roll a D6 each time this model loses his final wound; on a 3+ the damage is ignored, and that wound is not lost.
- Exhaustively Comprehensive Litany of Most Profane Expletives:Reclusiarch Mofo has spent centuries mastering the curses and insults of every race and creed out there, somehow including the Tyranids and Necrons, and combines this with his fearful oratory skills to really TELL THOSE FAGGOTS THAT WE'RE GONNA FUCK THEM UP HARD in a language they can clearly understand.
- All Friendly Codex - Angry Marines units within 6" of Mofo can use his Leadership instead of their own.
- YOU BETTER HIT THEM YOU ASS-STRUMMING RETARDS!!!:With a curse and a threat to rip out their spines so he can beat them to death for their failure in hitting shit for the Emprah, the Reclusiarch can "motivate" Angry Marines to hit with better accuracy.... OR ELSE!
- All Friendly Codex - Angry Marines units within 6" of Mofo, add 1 to their hit rolls in the Shooting Phase and may re-roll any failed hit rolls in the Fight phase.
- Fagbasher: Both a symbol of office and a terrifying weapon fitted with a potent force field.
- A unit with this rule has a 5+ invulnerability save and a 3+ invulnerability save in the fight phase.
- If you choose to take the Roll of Emergency Purity Seals relic in your army it must be given to this unit. However, if this unit has the Roll of Emergency Purity Seals you may use the relic twice each turn instead of once each turn.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Mofo, Angry Chaplain
Troops[edit | edit source]
Angry Ganger Squad[edit | edit source]
Angry Marine recruits are gathered into squads known as angry Gangs. Roughly similar to other chapters scout squads, Gangs fill the same niche of stealth and infiltration, albeit it's less, 'shoot from cover' and more 'kicking the fucker when he's not looking!!' Angry Gangers lack the full anger of 'proper' marines so they're notably less loud. It's rumoured that Angry Gangers become full marines only when they're angry enough to 'BREAK THE FOURTH WALL WITH SHEER ANGER AND SPEAK ONLY IN CAPs LOCK!!!!'. That information however comes from a possibly insane master of Mindfuckery whom the inquisition manged to bribe into writing the Angry Marine's index Astartes article.
Full angry marines rarely have the skill to work with the Angry Gangers, seeing them as 'USELESS STEALTHY FUCK UPS!!' and having little desire to join in the 'hide and seek games' of the Gangers. Imperial guard Commissars are drafted, or shoved, into the squad, to keep the little 'FUCK UPS' in line until they can become proper marines.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Ganger | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 4+ | 11 |
Ganger leader | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 4+ | 11 |
Very irritated Commissar | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 8 | 4+ | 20 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolter | 36" | Heavy 3 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Astartes shotgun | 12" | Assault 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | If the target is within half range, add 1 to this weapon's Strength. |
Sniper rifle | 36" | Heavy 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon may target a Character even if it is not the closest enemy unit. If you roll a
wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. |
Combat knife | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Missile launcher | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. | |||||
- Frag missile | 48" | Heavy D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
- Krag missile | 48" | Heavy 1 | 8 | -2 | D6 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Ganger leader and 4 Angry Gangers (Power Rating 5). It can include up to 5 additional Angry Gangers (Power Rating +3) or up to 10 additional Angry Gangers (Power Rating +6). it can also replace (only) one Angry Ganger with a very irritated Commissar (Power Rating +1).
- Boltgun
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- The Ganger leader and/or very irritated Commissar may replace their Bolt pistols and/or Boltguns with items from the Serf Equipment list.
- Any model may replace his Boltgun with a Sniper rifle, an Astartes shotgun or a Combat knife
- one Angry Ganger may replace his Boltgun with a Heavy bolter or a Missile launcher
- Any model may take a Camo cloak.
- When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from the enemy deployment zone.
- Camo Cloaks: You can’t hit what your can’t see. Although, the maxim is somewhat ruined by the fact that what you can’t see is swearing at the fact that they have to stay unseen.
- If every model in a unit has a Camo cloak you can add 2 to saving throws made for models in the unit when they receive the benefits of cover, instead of 1.
- Combat Squads: Ten angry marines is a lot of pissed off. It's like a goddamn sack of badgers. So, when you accrue a squad of ten, it's only natural that you be allowed to split them into two five-man units.
- Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, an Angry Gang Squad containing 10 models may be split into two units, each containing 5 models. an Angry Gang Squad containing 15 models may be split into three units, each containing 5 models.
- HERESY!!! BLAM!!!: Angry marine commissars are famous for their reflex’s when it comes to dealing with anyone with heretical ideas.
- As long as this unit contains a very irritated Commissar; this unit can never lose more than 2 models as the result of any single failed morale test.
- As long as this unit contains a very irritated Commissar, this unit can re-roll failed Morale tests.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
(Ganger leader and Angry Ganger) Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Gang, Angry Ganger Squad
(very irritated Commissar) Keywords: Infantry, Commissar, Serf, Angry Ganger Squad
Angry Intercessor Squad[edit | edit source]

Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Intercessor Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 17 |
Angry Intercessor | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 17 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Auto bolt rifle | 24" | Assault 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Power sword | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 1 | - |
Power wrench | Melee | Melee | +1 | -2 | 1 | - |
Power bat | Melee | Melee | +2 | -1 | 1 | - |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Angry Intercessor Sergeant and 4 Angry Intercessors (Power Rating 6). It can include up to 5 additional Angry Intercessors (Power Rating +5).
- Bolt rifle
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- Any model may replace his Bolt rifle with an Auto bolt rifle.
- Any model may take an Auxiliary Grenade Launcher.
- The Angry Marine Sergeant may take a Power sword, a Power wrench or a Power bat.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Combat Squads:Ten angry marines is a lot of pissed off. It's like a goddamn sack of badgers. So, when you accrue a squad of ten, it's only natural that you be allowed to split them into two five-man units:
- Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, an Angry Intercessor Squad containing 10 models may be split into two units, each containing 5 models.
- Auxiliary Grenade Launcher:OW YOU THINK YOU CAN HIDE BEYOND 6" BITCH?!!! THINK AGAIN!!!
- If a model is armed with an Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, increase the Range of any Grenade Weapons they have to 30".
- We only follow Captain Medina! I mean Tantrumus Fuckingham!!!:WE DON'T TAKE ORDERS FROM YOU SHITHEAD UNLESS THE FUCKING CAPTAIN TELLS US TO!!!
- you may only have this unit in your army if it also contains Tantrumus Fuckingham.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Primaris, Angry Intercessor Squad
Angry Squad[edit | edit source]
The bulk of the Angry Marine chapter are formed of Angry marines. When the Angry marines assault the enemy a foaming tide of yellow Ceramite and an endless tirade of profanity impacts the enemy formation. But as much carnage as the Angry Marines can wreck, their mindless anger can lead them to getting out of control and being baited out of formation by canny foes and destroyed in detail. This is one reason why the Angry Marines hate Eldar so much since, 'YOU CAN NEVER CATCH THE FUCKERS!!'. In this situation it's up to the Angry Sergeant's to bash their brothers' heads together to try and contain and focus their anger till it's primed to blow, and blow in the right direction. Without their Sergeants, Angry Marines are explosive. With them, they're shaped charges of unyielding hate and rage.
At least, this was the case before the arrival of Girlyman’s snowflake Marines, the intercessors. The intercessors were designed by Crawly Mc Guffinface to be improvements over standard Marines, and as such are harder, faster, stronger and so far stuck up Girlyman’s arse that the most emperor bothering of imperial fists would be proud. Anger and rage were not characteristics deemed necessary however, and as such even the angriest of intecessors sent to the Angry Marines are below par, and are therefore just world eater wannabes (THEY USE FUCKING BOLTERS!!! WORLD EATER IS TOO GOOD FOR THE FUCKING CUNTS!!!). These unwanted marines are dumped in Angry Squads, as whatever happens is a win situation, if the Primaris marines go on to show that they do actually have suitable adamantium genitalia then they can be put to use, if not then they just get shot by the enemy. And many intercessors go on to commit great feats of fury, not being driven by their own inbuilt anger, but instead made furious by the sheer contempt and distain given to them by normal Angry Marines.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Marine | 6" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 3+ | 12 |
Angry Marine Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 12 |
Angry Intercessor | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 17 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Bolt rifle | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Angry Marine Sergeant and 4 Angry Marines (Power Rating 5). It can include up to 5 additional Angry Marines (Power Rating +4). it can also replace (only) one Angry Marine with an Angry Intercessor (Power Rating +1).
- Bolt rifle (only Angry Intercessor)
- Boltgun (only Angry Marine Sergeant and Angry Marines)
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- Any Angry Marine and/or Angry Marine Sergeant may replace his Bolt pistol with a Chainsword.
- The Angry Marine Sergeant may replace his Bolt pistol and Boltgun with items from the Angry Sergeant Equipment list.
- The Angry Marine Sergeant may take a Cigar
- one Angry Marine may replace his Boltgun with an item from the Special Weapons list.
- one Angry Marine may replace his Boltgun and/or Bolt pistol with items from the Melee Weapons list.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Combat Squads:Ten angry marines is a lot of pissed off. It's like a goddamn sack of badgers. So, when you accrue a squad of ten, it's only natural that you be allowed to split them into two five-man units.
- Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, an Angry Squad containing 10 models may be split into two units, each containing 5 models.
- Welcome to the Angry Marines, Newbie:
- Angry Intercessors are Angry Primaris Marines but for rule purposes, Angry Intercessors are Angry Marine (not Angry Primaris).
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Marine, Angry Squad
Cock Knockers[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Knocker | 6" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 3+ | 12 |
Knocker Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 12 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power Feet | Melee | Melee | +2 | -2 | 2 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 2 from the hit roll. |
Master Key
sawed off shotgun |
6" | Assault 1 | 4 | 0 | 1 | If the target is within half range, change this weapon's Type to Pistol 2, add 1
to this weapon's Strength characteristic and hit rolls, and change its AP to -1. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Knocker Sergeant and 4 Knocker (Power Rating 7). It can include up to 5 additional Knockers (Power Rating +7).
- Power Feet
- Chainsword
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- Any model may take a Master Key sawed off shotgun.
- The Knocker Sergeant may replace his Chainsword with an item from the Angry Sergeant Equipment list.
- The Knocker Sergeant may take a Cigar
- For each five models in the unit, one Knocker may replace his Chainsword with an item from the Melee Weapons list.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Combat Squads: Ten angry marines is a lot of pissed off. It's like a goddamn sack of badgers. So, when you accrue a squad of ten, it's only natural that you be allowed to split them into two five-man units.
- Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, a Cock Knockers unit containing 10 models may be split into two units, each containing 5 models.
- FUCK FACE FUCKERS!!!: The Cock Knockers have spent so many battle in space, that they've developed a sort of reverse Stockholm syndrome so that they find the 'FACE FUCKING BUGS!!' worse than anything else.
- If this unit attacks any Genestealer Cult units in the Fight phase, you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for those attacks.
- FUCK DOORS!!! FUCK TANKS!!! AND FUCKING NUT CRACKING!!!: Power Feet come with their own cogitators and micro thrusters, allowing them to initiate semi guided. powerful kicks to the bollocks even while their wearer is swinging a chainsword.
- In the Fight phase after all this unit’s attacks have been resolved. it can make 2 additional attack with its Power Feet with all models in the unit. In addition, if this unit roll a wound roll of 6+ with Power Feet, it inflicts 1 mortal wound in addition to its normal Damage.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Marine, Cock Knockers
Elites[edit | edit source]
Angry Reiver Squad[edit | edit source]
And that is the Angry Reivers in a nutshell, Angry Marines never really got the idea of sneaking (a quality they share, like many of the qualities, with orks), with the closest they ever get being running across an open field towards enemy positions like Sir Lancelot in the Holy Grail. And the Angry Reivers aren't much better sneakers either, as an individual angry enough to be accepted by the Angry Marines (even if they are girlymans toys) are unlikely to be any good at sneaking either. There are however, two things that the Angry Reivers do far better than their normal chapter counterparts, firstly they can hide in plain sight of the enemy. (although hiding is the wrong word as the enemy simply refuses to believe that there are a bunch of three-metre-high marines painted red and yellow, tip toeing towards them while occasionally shouting "WE ARE FUCKING SNEAKING!!! NOTHING TO SEE HERE!!!") Secondly, the Angry Reivers are far better at fear tactics, while a normal Reiver will flay the corpses of his enemies, Angry Reivers will make a human centipede out of their enemies while they're still alive and then display said arrangement to all nearby squads while screaming "THERE'S PLENTY MORE ROOM AT BOTH ENDS FOR ALL YOU PRICKS IF YOU WANT TO JOIN IN!!!"
All of this makes Angry Reivers one of the more accepted Primaris units within the Angry Marines as they act suitably angry, and they're fucking hilarious to watch, as even a squad of Hellblasters will cheer up after watching a group of Angry Reivers playing volleyball with balls made of still screaming chaos cultists.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Reiver | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 16 |
Angry Reiver Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 16 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Combat knife | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. |
Heavy Bolt Pistol | 12" | pistol 1 | 4 | -1 | 1 | - |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Shock grenade | 6" | Grenade D3 | * | * | * | A Shock grenade doesn't inflict any damage. Instead, each time a Shock grenade hits an enemy Infantry unit, it is stunned until the end of the turn
it cannot fire Overwatch and your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for the unit. second and subsequent hits from a Shock grenade have no additional effect. |
Composition: This unit contains 4 Angry Reivers and 1 Angry Reiver Sergeant. (Power Rating 5)
- Heavy Bolt Pistol
- Combat knife
- Frag and Krag grenades
- Shock grenades
Wargear Options:
- All models in the unit may take a Grapnel Launcher.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- When a enemy unit chooses an Angry Reiver Squad unit as their target in the Shooting phase, roll a D6; on a 5+ they can not shoot at the targeted Angry Reiver Squad this Shooting phase, but they may choose another target ot shoot at instead there is not an Angry Reiver Squad unit.
- Enemy units must subtract 1 from their Leadership if they are within 3" of any Angry Reiver Squads
- Grapnel Launchers:
- When models with Grapnel Launchers move, do not count any vertical distance they move against the total they can move that turn (i.e. moving vertically is free for these models). In addition, during deployment, you can set up this unit, if it is equipped with grapnel launchers, behind enemy lines instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can join the battle - set it up within 6" of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9" away from any enemy models.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Primaris, Angry Reiver Squad
Angry Veteran Squad[edit | edit source]
Despite the sheer amount of anger and conflicts which get thrown at an Angry Marine, your bog-standard trooper can be expected to live for a surprisingly long time, mostly because they don't leave Angry Marines in units of one (fucking space wolves), go into the warp without their gellafields on (ultramarines, although a normally dull warp trip can be legitimately spiced up by letting some daemons on board) or have any unfortunate genetic problems (blood angels). During this extra time alive enjoyed/HATED by the Angry Marines they learn a few extra things about fighting, come up with some new curse words (an Angry Marine rite of passage) and rack up a kill count which would make a Deathwatch Marine go "steady on mate!". The most important thing they learn (as far as battlefield skill goes) is how to shoot straight (i.e. upgrading from orks to guardsmen) and gain a greater appreciation for guns, allowing the more experienced Angry Marines to carry more interesting varieties of Dakka and actually hit their target most of the time instead of just using their Bolters as clubs.
These older and more travelled marines become Angry Veterans, and are often used as body guards for high ranking Angry Marines, not so much because they need protecting from the enemy, but more because the higher ups have a bad habit of running straight into enemy battle lines which would almost certainly kill them (ONLY PUSSIES DIE, ANGRY MARINES SIMPLY FUCKING RAGE QUIT BECAUSE THE CUNTING ENEMY WON'T STOP HIDING IN THEIR METAL BAWKES!!!"Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Veteran | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | 14 (+3 with Jump Pack) |
Angry Veteran Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 14 (+3 with Jump Pack) |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Angry Veteran Sergeant and 4 Angry Veterans (Power Rating 8). It can include up to 5 additional Angry Veterans (Power Rating +8).
- Chainsword
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- The Angry Veteran Sergeant may take a Cigar
- Any model may replace their Chainsword with a Storm Shield, or an item from the Special Weapons, Ranged Weapons or Veteran Melee Weapons lists.
- Any model may replace their Bolt pistol with an item from the Veteran Melee Weapons list.
- The entire unit may take Jump Packs (Power Rating +1 for a 5-strong unit, or +2 for a 10-strong one). If they do, their Move characteristic is increased to 12" and they gain the Jump Pack and Fly Keywords.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Jump Pack Assault
- Storm Shield
- Combat Squads:Ten angry marines is a lot of pissed off. It's like a goddamn sack of badgers. So, when you accrue a squad of ten, it's only natural that you be allowed to split them into two five-man units.
- Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, an Angry Squad containing 10 models may be split into two units, each containing 5 models.
- Roll a dice each time a friendly Codex - Angry Marines Character loses a wound whilst they are within 3" of this unit; on a 2+ a model from this squad can intercept that hit - the character does not lose a wound, but this unit suffers a mortal wound.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Marine, Angry Veteran Squad
Angry Veteran Squad on Bikes[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Veteran Biker | 14" | 3+ | 4+ | 5 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | 36 |
Angry Veteran Biker Sergeant | 14" | 3+ | 4+ | 5 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 36 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Twin Boltgun | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Angry Veteran Biker Sergeant and 4 Angry Veteran Bikers (Power Rating 12).
- Space Marine Bike with a Twin Boltgun
- Chainsword
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- The Angry Veteran Biker Sergeant may take a Cigar
- Any model may replace their Chainsword with a Storm Shield, or an item from the Special Weapons, Ranged Weapons or Veteran Melee Weapons lists.
- Any model may replace their Bolt pistol with an item from the Veteran Melee Weapons list.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Storm Shield
- Combat Squads:Ten angry marines is a lot of pissed off. It's like a goddamn sack of badgers. So, when you accrue a squad of ten, it's only natural that you be allowed to split them into two five-man units.
- Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, an Angry Squad containing 10 models may be split into two units, each containing 5 models.
- Roll a dice each time a friendly Codex - Angry Marines Character loses a wound whilst they are within 3" of this unit; on a 2+ a model from this squad can intercept that hit - the character does not lose a wound, but this unit suffers a mortal wound.
- Turbo-Boost:
- When this unit Advances, add 6" to its Move characteristic for that Movement Phase instead of rolling a dice.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Biker, Angry Marine, Angry Veteran Squad
Angry Primaris Apothecary[edit | edit source]
Although deemed angry enough to become an Angry Marine, the Primaris apothecaries have been getting into trouble as they haven't been using "proper medicine" on their injured battle brothers. Instead of using duct tape, WD40 and insults, they have been using drugs, complicated medical devices and even pain killers, none of which are particularly angry.
However, the Angry Primaris Apothecaries have spent hundreds of years on mars training to be proper medical professionals, so "HE'S NOT ABOUT TO START FUCKING LISTENING TO THE ANGRY CUNTS, ILL FUCKING DRUG MY PRICK OF A PATIENT HOWEVER THE FUCK I LIKE!!!" Some Angry Marines will even refuse to let themselves be treated by such a doctor, as they view anything that isn't duct tape and insults to be pseudoscientific bollocks, but if you've lost half your blood and an arm there's only so much an Angry Marine can do to stop the doctor from using his potions to make him better.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Primaris Apothecary | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 60 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
NEEDLE pistol | 3" | pistol 1 | 4 | -3 | 2 | - |
Bolt Pistol Rifle | 16" | pistol 1 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains a single Angry Primaris Apothecary. (Power Rating 4)
- NEEDLE Pistol
- Bolt Pistol Rifle
- Frag and Krag grenades
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- "Not" proper medicine:
- At the end of your Movement phases, an Angry Primaris Apothecary can attempt to heal a single model. select an Codex - Angry Marines Infantry or Biker unit within 3" of the Apothecary. If that unit contains a wounded model, it immediately regains D2 lost wounds. if the chosen unit contains no wounded models but one or more of its models have been slain during the battle, roll a D6. on a 4+ a single slain model returned to the unit with 1 wound remaining. If the Apothecary fails to revive a model he can do nothing else for the remainder of the turn (shoot, charge, fight, etc.) as he recovers the gene-seed of the fallen warrior. a unit can only be target of the "Not" proper medicine, Adamantium duct tape and "STAND STILL AND LET ME STAB YOU!" or GET THE FUCK UP abilities once in each turn.
- When this model attempt to heal an Angry Primaris unit it regains an additional wound, or you may add 1 to the dice roll to bring a slain model back to life.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Primaris, Angry Primaris Apothecary
Angry 'Serfs'[edit | edit source]

A lot of things piss the angry marines right off. Chaos, Xenos, Slaanesh, running out of tacos on taco nights, but one thing that really gets them mad are the Grey Knights. More accurately it's not the knights per se but their 'holier-than-thou-you've-seen-us-we-kill-you' attitude. This often means that 'TOO MANY GOOD FUCKING MEN DIE!!!' by imperial hands instead of 'FIGHTING THE GOD DAMN ENEMY!!' This leads directly to the tension between the two chapters. This also means that after a long fight against chaos where soldiers would normally be liquidated for having seen chaos in all its power the angry marines put their power feet down and take over responsibility for all the surviving guardsmen. In fact, one-chapter legend says that power feet were invented to crush inquisitors' toes even through their power armour so as to distract them long enough to evac guardsmen.
After a gruelling testing period to make sure they're free of taint, the angry marine induct them as SERFS OF THE ANGRY MARINES!! To get around the stupid fucking rules about space marines leading guardsmen, they give them enough commissars to make sure they 'DON'T FUCKEN COWARD OUT' and throw away their 'FUCKING FLASHLIGHTS' so they can actually hurt stuff! Then they can get shipped off to some other war zone where they do the BORING SHIT of shooting the enemy and defending landing zones and doing stuff the angry marines don't want to, with the expectation that the angry marines will have to come running 'TO SAVE THEIR FUCKING ASSES AGAIN' the second anything sneezes at them. However, more than one angry captain has been surprised at the competence of these serfs. For no one (NO ONE YOU FUCKTARD !) holds the line like the Angry serfs, who are ever-thankful for their rescue from the Inquisitorial firing squads they were destined for, simply for fighting the greatest foe that has beset humanity.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Serf | 6" | 4+ | 3+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 4+ | 8 |
Angry Serf Sergeant | 6" | 4+ | 3+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 4+ | 8 |
irritated Commissar | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 8 | 4+ | 18 |
Serf Heavy Weapon Team | 6" | 4+ | 3+ | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 4+ | no additional points cost. |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Angry Serf Sergeant and 9 Angry Serfs (Power Rating 6). it can also replace (only) one Angry Serf with an irritated Commissar (Power Rating +1).
- Angry Serf:
- Boltgun
- Frag and Krag grenades
- Angry Serf Sergeant and irritated Commissar:
- Chainsword
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- The Angry Serf Sergeant and/or irritated Commissar may replace their Bolt pistols and/or Chainswords with items from the Serf Equipment list.
- two Angry Serfs may form a Serf Heavy Weapon Team who must take an item from the Heavy weapons list.
- up to three other Angry Serfs may replace their Boltgun with an item from the Special Weapons list.
- Commissar Supervision:
- As long as this unit contains an irritated Commissar, this unit can re-roll failed Morale tests.
- HERESY!!! BLAM!!!:
- As long as this unit contains an Irritated Commissar; this unit can never lose more than 2 models as the result of any single failed morale test.
- If this unit is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls the objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. if an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
(Angry Serf Sergeant, Angry Serf and Heavy Weapon Team) Keywords: Infantry, Serf, Angry 'Serfs'
(irritated Commissar) Keywords: Infantry, Commissar, Serf, Angry 'Serfs'
Silencer Ancients[edit | edit source]
The decision to modify the desert fangs gene seed into what we know as the Angry Marine gene seed was not taken lightly, desert fangs were all-natural nulls, being who produce no psychic energy and act as black holes to psychic energy around them. But such a power made the desert fangs too much of a target, and so those remaining desert fangs marines left after the Horus heresy became a forgotten breed of warrior, to be replaced by the Angry Marines. Those remaining fangs have spent the last ten thousand years fighting a never-ending war against chaos in the eye of terror with their Primarch Rachnus Rageous, but occasionally one of these ancient marines is found by the Angry Marines, where they are called silencer ancients.
By all accounts the silencer ancients should have been rejected by the Angry Marines as they only show normal marine levels of rage and fury, but something (perhaps a receptor built into their gene seed that recognises a silencer) prevents the Angry Marines from calling them out for their pitiful levels of fury. These individuals then exist like ghosts amongst the Angry Marines, never truly accepted but never rejected, like silent guardians, protecting their “chapter” from threats they lack the subtlety to deal with themselves. Also, its always fun to watch some fuckers get impaled on a banner.Silencer Ancient[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Silencer Ancient | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 80 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Spear Banner | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | On a turn in which a model with this weapon make a successful charge,
add 1 to this weapons Strength and Damage characteristics. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains a single Silencer Ancient. (Power Rating 8)
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and Krag grenades
- Spear Banner - it’s a Banner with a Spear head as its Banner foot. This weapon was made so it was easy to "PLANT THE GREATNESS OF THE IMPERIUM INTO THE ENEMY!"
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Bolt pistol with an item from the Veteran Melee Weapons or Ranged Weapons lists.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Desert Fangs Tactics
- Banner of the Raging Desert:
- Codex - Angry Marines units within 6" of any Silencer Ancient gain +1 to their Leadership. In addition, roll a dice each time a Codex - Angry Marines Infantry model is destroyed within 6" of any Friendly Silencer Ancient, before removing the model as a casualty. On a 4+ that model musters one last surge of anger before succumbing to its wounds; it can either shoot with one of its weapons as if it were the Shooting Phase, or make a single attack as if it were the Fight Phase.
- Silence in the Warp: All Null’s are considered abhorrent by demons and psykers, as they cut them off from the warp, leaving them cut off from their sources of power, with even normal mortals feeling uneasy in their presence. Silencer’s are the same in this respect, but they also muffle the rage of Angry Marines nearby, as the marines in question are calmed by their aura, and sense that the ancient figure before them is one of their progenitors, and thus show them as much respect as an Angry Marine is capable of.
- Any Daemon and Psyker units within 6" of this model must subtract 1 from their Leadership. In addition, any units within 2" of this model will not get any benefits for the following abilities: ALWAYS ANGRY, NOT ANGRY ENOUGH, NOT A REAL ANGRY MARINE and STONE-COLD ANGER.
- Silencer:
- This model can attempt to deny one Psychic power in each enemy Psychic Phase, as if he were a Psyker (He is the complete opposite of a Psyker). as another addition, add 1 to any Deny the Witch roll he makes.
- Null-Aura:
- This model can never be the target of any Psychic powers.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines, Desert Fangs
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Silencer Ancient, Blank/Null
Silencer Ancient on Bike[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Silencer Ancient on Bike | 14" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 105 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Twin Boltgun | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Spear Banner | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | On a turn in which a model with this weapon make a successful charge,
add 1 to this weapons Strength and Damage characteristics. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains a single Silencer Ancient on Bike. (Power Rating 9)
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and Krag grenades
- Spear Banner - it’s a Banner with a Spear head as its Banner foot. This weapon was made so it was easy to "PLANT THE GREATNESS OF THE IMPERIUM INTO THE ENEMY!"
- Space Marine Bike with a Twin Boltgun
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Bolt pistol with an item from the Veteran Melee Weapons or Ranged Weapons lists.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Desert Fangs Tactics
- Turbo Boost
- Banner of the Raging Desert:
- Codex - Angry Marines units within 6" of any Silencer Ancient gain +1 to their Leadership. In addition, roll a dice each time a Codex - Angry Marines Infantry model is destroyed within 6" of any Friendly Silencer Ancient, before removing the model as a casualty. On a 4+ that model musters one last surge of anger before succumbing to its wounds; it can either shoot with one of its weapons as if it were the Shooting Phase, or make a single attack as if it were the Fight Phase.
- Silence in the Warp: All Null’s are considered abhorrent by demons and psykers, as they cut them off from the warp, leaving them cut off from their sources of power, with even normal mortals feeling uneasy in their presence. Silencer’s are the same in this respect, but they also muffle the rage of Angry Marines nearby, as the marines in question are calmed by their aura, and sense that the ancient figure before them is one of their progenitors, and thus show them as much respect as an Angry Marine is capable of.
- Any Daemon and Psyker units within 6" of this model must subtract 1 from their Leadership. In addition, any units within 2" of this model will not get any benefits for the following abilities: ALWAYS ANGRY, NOT ANGRY ENOUGH, NOT A REAL ANGRY MARINE and STONE-COLD ANGER.
- Silencer:
- This model can attempt to deny one Psychic power in each enemy Psychic Phase, as if he were a Psyker (He is the complete opposite of a Psyker). as another addition, add 1 to any Deny the Witch roll he makes.
- Null-Aura:
- This model can never be the target of any Psychic powers.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines, Desert Fangs
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Biker, Character, Angry Marine, Silencer Ancient, Blank/Null
Sandstorm Silencer[edit | edit source]
Before the Horus Heresy, the Desert Fangs stood as one of the founding chapters, and thus had vast resources at their disposal, and they used these resources to enhance their abilities as nulls, cementing their standing as the best hunters of demons and psykers in the galaxy (second only perhaps to the Sisters of Silence). The pinnacle of this development was the Sandstorm pattern of Terminator armour, armour which not only enhanced the null effect of those wearing it, but also incorporated the predecessors to power feet, The Mk1 Auxillary Extremity Calitrating Oppugn System, and all of this in a package which still allowed levels of dexterity normally reserved to those wearing power armour. With the conversion of the Desert Fangs to the Angry Marines, this ancient pieces of technology went from being merely rare, to mythical status, and the bearers of such relics have become so accustomed to using them that the armour becomes a second skin to a level that even the black carapace system used by normal marines resembles a drunk man trying to perform keyhole surgery while wearing boxing gloves.
Unlike normal silencers, marines wearing the sandstorm dreadnought armour do not stay with the Angry Marines for prolonged periods of time, instead, choosing to arrive just before an engagement the Angry Marines are set to take part in, annihilate any opposition, then disappear back into the galaxy to find some more demons to banish/brutalise with power swords.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Sandstorm Silencer | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 2+ | 120 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Rapid Fire pistol | 12" | Pistol 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | If the target is within half range of this weapon,
change this weapon's Type to Pistol 4. |
Power sword | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 1 | - |
Chainfist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 2 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
AECOS | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make D3 additional attack with this weapon.
When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Composition: This unit contains a single Angry Captain in Terminator Armour. (Power Rating 10)
- Wrist-mounted Rapid Fire pistol
- 2 Power swords
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace both of its Power swords with two Chainfist or two items from the Veteran Melee Weapons list.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Desert Fangs Tactics
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Teleport Strike
- Daemons and Witches Worst Nightmare: The arrival of a Silencer in Sandstorm Terminator armour is akin to the arrival of a tyranid hive fleet, the warp becomes quiet and still, demons start to wither or vanish entirely, and psykers become unable to wield their powers. During the sudden calm (and in completely silence) the Silencer begins to go to work, until there is nothing left.
- Any enemy Psyker units within 12" of this model must subtract 1 from their Deny the witch and Psychic tests. In addition, any enemy Daemons units within 3" of this model must subtract 1 from their invulnerable save.
- Silence in the Warp: All Null’s are considered abhorrent by demons and psykers, as they cut them off from the warp, leaving them cut off from their sources of power, with even normal mortals feeling uneasy in their presence. Silencer’s are the same in this respect, but they also muffle the rage of Angry Marines nearby, as the marines in question are calmed by their aura, and sense that the ancient figure before them is one of their progenitors, and thus show them as much respect as an Angry Marine is capable of.
- Any Daemon and Psyker units within 6" of this model must subtract 1 from their Leadership. In addition, any units within 2" of this model will not get any benefits for the following abilities: ALWAYS ANGRY, NOT ANGRY ENOUGH, NOT A REAL ANGRY MARINE and STONE-COLD ANGER.
- Silencer: The Desert Fangs were created by the Emperor to be to be blanks, being who had no presence in the warp, making them vital in the battle against demons and psykers.
- This model can attempt to deny one Psychic power in each enemy Psychic Phase, as if he were a Psyker (He is the complete opposite of a Psyker). As another addition, add 1 to any Deny the Witch roll he makes.
- Null-Aura:
- This model can never be the target of any Psychic powers.
- Sandstorm Terminator Armour:
- This unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines, Desert Fangs
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Angry Marine, Sandstorm Silencer, Terminator, Blank/Null
Angry Terminator Squad[edit | edit source]
Though a loyal chapter, the Angry Marines suffer from an incredible level of internal strife and in-fighting, as without the release of their rage that is given through the almost ritualistic clubbing to death of an enemy the Angry Marines will often turn on each other. Generally, this is all in good fun since nobody turns a power field on when they're 'CLUBBING A FELLOW ANGRY MARINE!!' However, sometimes the fun of 'BASHING SOME FUCKER'S HEAD IN JUST FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES' can get a tad intense and occasionally personal. The largest intra-chapter squabble they Angry Marines have ever seen is known as Battle of the Fuckin' Flyin' Monkey Wrench, and it was actually an attempted Coup d'état by the chapter's very own tech marines.
Having endured for centuries the maltreatment of holy equipment such as plasma guns, bikes but most of all of the sacred Tactical Dreadnought Armour, the Angry Techmarines had had 'QUITE E-FUCKINING-NUFF' and they plotted rebellion. After a battle against bugs that lasted about a week too long and featured one too many cases of Angry Marines ripping apart their armour in the midst of battle to beat the enemy to death with a pauldron or two, the chapter's techmarines just snapped. They'd had more than enough, more than even an Angry Marine should have to deal with; they were, in fact 'TOTALLY FUCKING HONKED OFF!!!'. Once the remains of the chapter had returned to the Fortress of FUCK-ALL, the techs awoke every Belligerent Engine in the chapter's basement, donned their power feet, girded their loins, opened every Holy Can of Wup-Ass in the sacred armoury and started smashing every brother who had ever mistreated their Wargear, which was to say, every last one of them.
The fight quickly exceeded even this chapter's level of depravity and destruction, forcing Temperus Maximus to step in 'TO STOP THE WHINNY-ASS BABY'S FROM FIGHTING!!' Even with his direct intervention the fight continued for two weeks. The climax of the battle came when the (then) Master of the Armory Furytus fought Temperus in single combat and losing.
In the aftermath of the revolt, Temperus demanded that Furytus step down, but Furytus refused, and the techmarines sided with their master by refusing to fix or repair anything. In the face of Temperus' unholy anger the techmarines fell back, or in Temperus words, 'THEY PUSSIED THE FUCK OUT'. They fell back to the armoury where they held out for over a year. Meanwhile the Angry Marines still had jobs to do, asses to kick and fuck-all to give to the enemies of the Emprah!
However, after a year the Angry Marines were brought to a standstill as their armour broke apart, their guns (what few they had) ran out of ammunition, their tanks had no fuel, and the coffee had run out. Temperus, in a rare display of diplomacy, met Furytus half way.
Furytus stood down from his post, allowing Enfurus Ragman to take the position and the Angry Marines would agree to treat their Wargear better. They would even agree to consign the use of Terminator armour to those brothers who had shown they could take care of their equipment... of course should they ever backslide they will get fed to Techmarines and their Belligerent Engines.
Once they are so restricted on the means of venting their rage, those marines who wear Terminator armour get so mad, so unendingly violent, that they get calm. Silently they stride forward, their rage solidified into an icy-cold fire with the strength of diamonds that burns in their chests. Those enemies fleeing from the terminators' brethren often run toward them, thinking that these silent warriors will have mercy where the screaming ones will not, and in a sense they're right. They get the mercy of a quick death.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Terminator | 5" | 3+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 8 | 2+ | 28 |
Angry Terminator Sergeant | 5" | 3+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 2+ | 28 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Storm bolter | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Power sword | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 1 | - |
Chainfist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 2 | When attacking with this weapon,
you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Cyclone missile launcher | When attacking with this weapon,
choose one of the profiles below. | |||||
- Frag missile | 48" | Heavy 2D3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
- Krag missile | 48" | Heavy 2 | 8 | -2 | D6 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Angry Terminator Sergeant and 4 Angry Terminators (Power Rating 14). It can include up to 5 additional Angry Terminators (Power Rating +14)
- Storm bolter
- Power sword
Wargear Options:
- The Angry Terminator Sergeant may take a Cigar
- Any model may replace his Storm bolter with a Chainfist or an item from the Veteran Melee Weapons list.
- Any model may replace his Power sword with a Storm Shield, Chainfist or an item from the Veteran Melee Weapons list.
- For each five models, one Angry Terminator may take a Cyclone missile launcher or replace his Storm bolter with an item from the Angry Terminator Heavy Weapons list.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Teleport Strike
- Storm Shield
- If your army is Battle-forged, this unit can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight Phase.
- Crux Terminatus:
- All models in this unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.
- Combat Squads:Ten angry marines is a lot of pissed off. It's like a goddamn sack of badgers. So, when you accrue a squad of ten, it's only natural that you be allowed to split them into two five-man units.
- Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, an Angry Terminator Squad containing 10 models may be split into two units, each containing 5 models.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Marine, Terminator, Angry Terminator Squad
Belligerent Engine (Dreadnought)[edit | edit source]
Belligerent Engines are siege walkers, analogous to the Dreadnoughts of other Space Marine chapters. Within the Angry Marines, however, the requirement for interment into a Dreadnought Sarcophagus is laxer compared to other chapters. While other chapters will only put heroes of the chapter in a Dreadnought, Angry Marines will inter any battle brother than shows exceptional rage, considering anyone who GETS SO FUCKING ANGRY THAT THEY EXPLODE as a hero of the chapter. Also, while most Astartes consider being entombed into a Dreadnought to be an honour as they are able to serve the Emperor, even after death, Angry Marines consider this the SINGLE MOST FUCKING PISS-OFF THING EVER. Unable to feel the thrill of tearing out their enemy's spine and using it to beat another enemy to death and being trapped inside a sardine can, this leaves the Marine inside eternally frustrated and turns their former volcano-esque anger into something close to a star about to go supernova, finding killing the enemies of man in the most brutal ways imaginable as the only outlet for their overflowing and ever-growing rage.
This leads to all Belligerent Engines to be highly effective and terrifying but unstable siege engines, blindly charging into enemy ranks to KILL THOSE FUCKING FUCKS SHOOTING AT ME or unloading their payload of weapons with frightening effect.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Belligerent Engine | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 7 | 7 | 8 | 4 | 8 | 3+ | 60 |
REALLY FUCKING PISSED OFF Belligerent Engine | * | * | * | 7 | 8 | 10 | 4 | 8 | 3+ | 100 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS | Advance move | Charge move |
6-10+ | 6" | 2+ | 3+ | D6 | 2D6 |
3-5 | 2D3" | 3+ | 4+ | 1+D3 | 2D3 |
1-2 | D3" | 4+ | 5+ | D3 | D3 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Rocket Propelled Chainsaw | 48" | Heavy 1 | 10 | -4 | D3 | This weapon can only be fired once per battle. |
Angry Grappa | 12" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | 1 | If this weapon managed to remove one wound from either a Monster or a Vehicle, the bearer may re-roll charge move distances if it charge the Monster or Vehicle. |
Storm bolter | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Dreadnought combat weapon | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 3 | - |
Tearing claw | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 3 | the bearer gets +1 to its Attack characteristic for every lost wound (up to +6 to its Attack characteristic); If the bearer has two Tearing claws, it will get +2 instead of +1. |
"Siege" Drill | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 4 | When this weapon managed to remove 4 or more wounds from a Transport in a Fight Phase, each passenger of the Transport suffers a hit resolved at Strength 5, AP -1 and Damage 1 if the bearer of this weapon has a Heavy flamer on the same arm as the "Siege" Drill; if the bearer instead has a Meltagun on the same arm as the "Siege" Drill, one passenger (chosen by the enemy) suffers a hit resolved at Strength 8, AP -4 and Damage D6.
if this model has 2 "Siege" Drills and managed to remove 8 or more wounds from a Transport in a Fight Phase with them, each passenger suffers a D3 hits resolved at Strength 5, AP -1 and Damage 1 if the bearer of this weapon has 2 Heavy flamers; if the bearer instead has 2 Meltaguns, 2 passengers (chosen by the enemy) suffers a hit resolved at Strength 8, AP -4 and Damage 2D3; if the bearer instead has both a Meltagun and a Heavy flamer, each passenger suffers a hit resolved at Strength 5, AP -1 and Damage 1 and one passenger (chosen by the enemy) suffers a hit resolved at Strength 8, AP -4 and Damage D6. |
Heavy flamer | 8" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | this weapon automatically hits its target. |
Meltagun | 12" | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. |
Composition: This unit contains a single Belligerent Engine (Power Rating 8). the Belligerent Engine May be upgraded to a REALLY FUCKING PISSED OFF Belligerent Engine (Power Rating +2)
- 2 Dreadnought combat weapons
- 2 Storm bolters
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace each of its Storm bolters with either a Heavy flamer or a Meltagun.
- This model may replace each of its Arms (one Arm consists of 1 Dreadnought combat weapon and 1 Storm bolter) with an item from the Belligerent Engine Equipment list.
- This model may replace one or both of its Dreadnought combat weapons with either a Tearing claw (Long sharp blades which replace a powerful fingers of dreadnought fist are not as good at punching through armour, but they tear even the heaviest infantry like it's nothing) or a "Siege" Drill ("Siege" Drills obviously are designed to crack open the bunkers and other buildings, and then rip to shreds every fucking coward who was hiding inside).
- This model may one of the following carapace-mounted weapons: A Sticky web cannon, an Angry Grappa, Assault Launchers or 2 Rocket Propelled Chainsaws.
- Dual Melee Weapons
- REALLY FUCKING PISSED OFF Belligerent Engines only. Roll a D6 each time this model loses a wound; on a 6 the damage is ignored, and that wound is not lost.
- Explodes:
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 3" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Assault Launchers:
- If this model is equipped with Assault Launchers and finishes a charge move within 1" of an enemy unit, roll a D6. On a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Sticky Web Cannon:
- If this model is equipped with a Sticky Web Cannon, in your Shooting phase, you may choose an enemy Infantry unit within 8" of this model to be the target of its Sticky Web Cannon. if you do so, that enemy unit must subtract 3 from its Move characteristic, and subtract 2 from its Advance and Charge roll, and subtract 1 from its hit rolls until the beginning of your next Shooting phase.
- In the Charge Phase, this model must try to charge the closest enemy unit if possible.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Vehicle, Angry Marine, Belligerent Engine
Techmarines[edit | edit source]
Techmarines have a strange place within the Angry Marines Chapter. The main issue is that no Angry Marine has the patience to become a Techmarine, so all of the Chapter's Techmarines are stolen borrowed from other Chapters. Unfortunately, this means that the Techmarines only have average levels of holy anger and righteous zeal (although this alone means they have little in common with the emotionally blunt and monotone Techmarines from their parent Chapter). However, this does have its uses; their more clinical attitude means they often act as intermediaries in joint combat actions, as the Captains are usually too busy CRUSHING FUCKING HERETIC HEADS to come to the meetings. While their brothers are disdainful of their lack of "proper" anger, they are respectful of the skill of the Techmarines, as the children of the Omnisiah can bring war machines back to life with a single well-placed smack (and a curse, of course!). Because of this skill, Techmarines have a surprisingly high status in the Chapter, where others of a similar level of anger would be left behind as WORLD EATER PUSSY WANNABES. However, the Angry Marines still won't listen to the Techmarines' complaints about the rampant destruction of Chapter property; indeed, the return to the armoury after battle is one of the few times the Techmarines of the Chapter match the fury of their battle-brothers.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Techmarine | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 8 | 2+ | 45 |
Techmarine on Bike | 14" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 2+ | 70 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Twin Boltgun | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Conversion Beamer | 42" | Heavy D3 | 6 | 0 | 1 | Attacks from a Conversion Beamer that target enemies at over half its range
are resolved at Strength 8, AP -1 and Damage 2. |
Handheld Plasma Cutter | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. | |||||
- Standard | 6" | Pistol 1 | 7 | -3 | 1 | - |
- Supercharge | 6" | Pistol 1 | 8 | -3 | 2 | On a hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers a mortal wound. |
Servo-arm | Melee | Melee | x2 | -2 | 3 | Each servo-arm can only be used to make one attack each time this model fights.
When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Thunder Hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Power Jackhammer | Melee | Melee | +2 | -1 | 1 | Attacks from a Power Jackhammer against an enemy Vehicle
are resolved at Strength +3, AP -3 and Damage 3. |
Power wrench | Melee | Melee | +1 | -2 | 1 | - |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
- Techmarine unit contains a single Techmarine. (Power Rating 5)
- Techmarine on Bike unit contains a single Techmarine on Bike. (Power Rating 6)
- Bolt pistol
- Servo-arm
- Power wrench
- Frag and Krag grenades
- Space Marine Bike with a Twin Boltgun - (Techmarine on Bike)
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Bolt pistol with a Handheld Plasma Cutter, or an item from the Ranged Weapons list.
- This model may replace its Power wrench with a Power Jackhammer or a Thunder Hammer.
- This model may take a "Servo"-harness, which comprises an additional Servo-arm.
- If this model has a "Servo"-harness, he may replace both his Servo-arms with two Conversion Beamers (Power Rating +1)
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Turbo Boost: Angry Techmarine on a Bike only.
- If your army is Battle-forged, units with this ability Has a default strength characteristic of 5.
- At the end of your Movement Phase this model can repair a single Angry Vehicle within 1". roll a D6. on a result of 1, 2, 3 or 4 the Vehicle model regains 1 lost wound; on a result of 5, 6, 7 or 8 the Vehicle model regains 2 lost wounds; on a result of 9+ the Vehicle model regains 3 lost wounds. A model can only be repaired once per turn.
- If this model has a Power wrench, add 1 to the dice result.
- If this model has a Handheld Plasma Cutter, add 1 to the dice result.
- If this model has a Thunder Hammer, add 2 to the dice result.
- for each Servo-arm this model has, add 1 to the dice result.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
(Techmarine on Bike) Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Biker, Character, Techmarine
(Techmarine) Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Character, Techmarine
Kill-a-Tors[edit | edit source]
When a member of the Adeptus Sororitas first sees a Kill-a-Tor, she usually assumes that the Angry Marines are performing (illegal) Arco-flagellation without the consent of the Ecclesiarchy or the Inquisition. However, before the Battle Sisters gets a chance to declare them heretical and attempt to set them on fire, a nearby Inquisitor or an Angry Commissar will kindly inform them that Kill-a-tors are the unfortunate failed Angry Marines aspirants. These aspirants do not fail due to any kind of lack of angry, however; instead, they are SO FUCKING ANGRY that their implants explode out of sheer rage. Rather than waste such a potent source of anger, the Angry Marines turn their failed aspirants into Kill-a-Tors, so even the failures may massacre xenos until death takes them.
This is not entirely correct. Kill-a-Tors are massive combat servitors, armed with massive, blunt weapons, including (but not limited to) chain flails, oversized power fists, giant mallets, and (in at least one recorded instance) an adamantium 2x4 with a ridiculously large iron nail through it. The servitors have been genetically engineered to massive size, plus they all have such a look of indescribable rage on their face that their angry marine masters are quite proud. AND THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE FAGGY MOTHERFUKIN' RULES THE REST OF THESE PANSYASSES ARE FORCED TO FOLLOW!!!Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Kill-a-Tor | 6" | 4+ | - | 5 | 5 | 3 | D6+1 | 6 | 4+ | 28 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power sword | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 1 | - |
Power wrench | Melee | Melee | +1 | -2 | 1 | - |
Power bat | Melee | Melee | +2 | -1 | 1 | - |
Lightning claw | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon. |
power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | D3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Chainfist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 2 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Thunder hammer | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Adamantium 4x2 with a nail through it | Melee | Melee | +2 | -4 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 3 Kill-a-Tors (Power Rating 6). It may contain up to 3 additional Kill-a-Tors (Power Rating +5) or up to 6 additional Kill-a-Tors (Power Rating +10).
- 2 Power swords
Wargear Options:
- Any model may replace his 2 Power swords with 2 Power wrenches’, 2 Power bats, 2 Lightning claws, 2 power fists, 2 Chainfists or 2 Thunder hammers
- one Kill-a-Tor in your army may replace his 2 Power swords with an Adamantium 4x2 with a nail through it.
- Dual Melee Weapons
This unit never has to take Morale tests.
- Kill-a-Tors units improve their Weapon Skill to 3+ and roll two dice when determining their number of attacks and discard the lowest dice, whilst they are within 6" of any friendly Codex - Angry Marines Techmarines. In addition, in the start of any of your Movement phases, if a Kill-a-Tors unit is not within 6" of any friendly Codex - Angry Marines Techmarines; they must Move or Advance towards the closest enemy unit. and in the start of any of your Charge phase, if a Kill-a-Tors unit is not within 6" of any friendly Codex - Angry Marines Techmarines; they must try to charge the closest enemy unit if possible.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Kill-a-Tors
Fiery Aggressor Squad[edit | edit source]
It’s not just normal marines who have a slightly more... warm and fiery side (pyromaniacs tick), Primaris marines who are brought to the Angry Marines also occasionally show such tendencies, with them being found hiding under their beds with boxes of matches and paper. Those who are caught are given a smack around the head and a kick to their balls, but those who are found hiding under their beds with a box of matches setting fire to copies of the codex Astartes... well they are also knocked around a bit, but the more congratulatory kind of violence “WE KNEW YOU WEREN’T A COMPLETE PUSSY YOU BASTARD!!!”
Such Primaris marines are then brought to the hiding places of the Fiery Aggressors, who’s main job (when not directly required for battle) is to hunt down and burn every copy of the codex Astartes they can find. For this purpose, they are trained by the Black Brothers the finer arts of setting themselves and others (mostly others) on fire, but why can’t the Black Brothers perform such an important task? Because any properly coded compliant chapter who hears that the Angry Marines are visiting will hide any copies away (the same applies if the space magpies visit). But Angry Primaris marines do not carry the same stigma as normal Angry Marines, so they can get close enough to “FUCKING BURN EVERYTHING!!!”
Any codex’s they don’t burn they steal and grind down to add to the fuel which goes in their Molotov cocktails and flamers, so even if they’re not burning copies of the codex directly (say actually fighting the enemy) they’re still actually burning the codex Astartes. Because of this they consider themselves the truest Angry Marines, a point which results in a lot of fights with the other Angry marines to determine who actually is the truest angry marine, although people can’t decide if it’s the best swearer, the best fighter, the one who has the greatest impact on the warp or the person who best does all of those things (sly Marbo is considering the fight, if only to be crowned the truest angry marine for the shits and giggles).Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Fiery Aggressor | 5" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 58 |
Fiery Aggressor Sergeant | 5" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 58 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Fiery Fists | Melee | Melee | X2 | -3 | D3 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Molotov cocktail launcher | 18" | Assault 2 | 3 | 0 | 1 | Each successful hit roll with this weapon causes D3 hits rather than 1; if the target is a Swarm unit or
contains 6 or more models, each successful hit roll with this weapon causes D6 hits rather than 1 or D3 . |
Fiery Flamers | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. | |||||
- lesser flames | 6" | Pistol 2D3 | 3 | 0 | 1 | This weapon automatically hits its target. |
- Standard | 8" | Assault 2D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon automatically hits its target. |
- Superheated double flames | 8" | Heavy D6 | 6 | -2 | 2 | if you roll 1 when you determine the number of attacks this weapon has,
the bearer immediately suffers a mortal wound. This weapon automatically hits its target. |
Composition: This unit contains 2 Aggressors and 1 Aggressor Sergeant. (Power Rating 8)
- Fiery Flamers
- Fiery Fists
Wargear Options:
- Any model may take a Molotov cocktail launcher.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- If an enemy model suffers any unsaved wounds from any weapons this unit has but is not slain; at the end of the Phase, roll a D6; on a 6, the target suffers a mortal wound.
- Cloud of Black Smoke: The sheer of fire produced by the Black Brothers not only serves to burn their foes. It also serves to hide their presence in colossal plumes of smoke. Downside is that you always know that they're in the rough direction of the smoke.
- Your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls that target this unit; as long as a Fiery Aggressor unit contains at least 3 models, they receive the benefits of cover, even if they are not in cover. In addition, all hit rolls made of 6 that target this unit will always hit (regardless of modifiers).
- Firestorm: Don't ask why the Fiery Agressors can fire their weapons twice if they don't move, no one knows.
- Models in this unit can fire twice if they remained stationary during their turn (including when firing Overwatch).
- Pyromaniac Brothers: There is a kinship between the Black Brothers and the Fiery Aggressors, a kinship which is not seen anywhere else in the Angry Marines between normal, and Primaris Marines.
- If this unit is within 3" of any friendly Black Brother unit that contains 5 or more models; your opponent must subtract 2 from all hit rolls made by ranged weapons that target this unit, instead of 1.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Primaris, Mk X Gravis, Fiery Aggressor
Black Brothers[edit | edit source]
Fresh meat Angry Marines have little time for anything which isn’t a melee weapon, why spend your time missing with guns at range when you can get up and close and have a guaranteed chance of “”SKULLFUCKING YOUR CUNTING ENEMY WITH A CHAINSWORD!!!” But as an Angry Marine gets older and more experienced/go from orks to guardsmen ballistic skill, they learn that hitting things of fun, but shooting stuff is also fun, and so they start experimenting. Those who developing a liking for flame throwers/were already pyromaniacs, will gravitate towards the black brother, amongst whom they will find no shortage of flamers, guns that shoot fire, and Melee Weapons that are on fire. Such marines become to obsessed with fire that their jet packs are not powered by plasma cores which super heat gas to provide lift, but are just massive flamethrowers strapped to their backs. Their obsession with flames also impacts the planet itself, as the vast amounts of fuel they burn will raise any planets temperature they are on by several degrees due to the global warming effect, something the black brothers are thrilled about because “IT’S LIKE WE’RE BURNING THE FUCKING HERETIC PLANET AS WELL AS THE FUCKING HERETICS!!! WHO FUCKING LIKES A COLD PLANET ANYWAY?!!!”
In the current age of girlymans crusade, the Black Brothers spend most of their time incinerating the hordes of Nurgle, as a squad of flames totting psychopaths is about the nearest thing to guaranteeing that an area is free of disease (and nurglings) short of exterminartus. The sisters of battle have taken rather a shine to the black brothers, as they too are insane psychopaths with a fetish for flamethrowers and an unwavering obsession with the Emprah. This... appreciation, is however, one way, as the black brothers are fucking terrified of the sisters of battle (THE BITCHES DONT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER, IVE GOT AN AWKWARD BONER WHICH IS CUTTING THROUGH MY COCKING POWER ARMOUR, FUCKING FLY YOU BASTARDS, FLLLLLYYYYYY!!!!"
This results in squads of black brothers flying away at top speed, being chased by rhinos of sisters of battle in full red rage, intent on sharing the "emperors blessing" ("Get back here burner boys, we're all dying to get you out of your power armour, ARE YOU NOT FUCKING LISTENING TO ME?!!!")

Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Black Brother | 6" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | 20 (+3 with Jump Pack) |
Black Brother Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 20 (+3 with Jump Pack) |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Hand Flamer of Wrath | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below.
this weapon automatically hits its target. | |||||
- Standard | 6" | Pistol D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
- Superheated | 6" | Pistol D6 | 4 | 0 | 2 | Roll a D6 each time you fire this weapon,
on a roll of 1, the bearer is slain immediately. |
Flamer of Wrath | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below.
this weapon automatically hits its target. | |||||
- Standard | 8" | Assault D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
- Superheated | 8" | Assault D6 | 5 | 0 | 2 | if you roll 1 when you determine the number of attacks this weapon has,
the bearer is slain immediately. |
Heavy Flamer of Wrath | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below.
this weapon automatically hits its target. | |||||
- Standard | 8" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
- Superheated | 8" | Heavy D6 | 6 | -2 | 2 | if you roll 1 when you determine the number of attacks this weapon has,
the bearer is slain immediately. |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Black Brother Sergeant and 4 Black Brothers (Power Rating 10). It can include up to 5 additional Black Brothers (Power Rating +11 per model).
- Hand Flamer of Wrath
- Boltgun
- Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- The Black Brother Sergeant may take a Cigar
- For each five models in the unit, one model may replace his Hand Flamer of Wrath and Boltgun with a Heavy Flamer of Wrath.
- any model may replace its Boltgun with a Hand Flamer of Wrath.
- any model may replace its Hand Flamer of Wrath with a Flamer of Wrath, or an item from the Veteran Melee Weapons list.
- The entire unit may take Jump Packs (Power Rating +1 for a 5-strong unit, or +2 for a 10-strong one, or +3 for a 15-strong one). If they do, their Move characteristic is increased to 12" and they gain the Jump Pack and Fly Keywords.
- And they Shall Know No Fear
- Burning WeaponsIf an enemy model suffers any unsaved wounds from any weapons this unit has but is not slain; at the end of the Phase, roll a D6; on a 6, the target suffers a mortal wound.
- Flamers of Wrath:Due to wielding flamers and being covered in flames themselves the Black Brothers are always followed by a large cloud of black smoke. While this makes them easy to track, hitting the individual Brothers is a difficult task made more difficult the more Brothers are part of a squad.
- your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls that target this unit; as long as a Black Brothers unit contains at least 5 models, your opponent must subtract 2 from all hit rolls made by ranged weapons that target this unit, instead of 1. In addition, all hit rolls made of 6 that target this unit will always hit (regardless of modifiers).
- Pyromaniac Brothers: if this unit is within 3" of any friendly Fiery Aggressor unit that contains 3 or more models; this unit receive the benefits of cover, even if they are not in cover.
- NEED A LIGHT?!!!: Black Brothers are so eager for battle, that they jump out of Thunder Hawks, and use their flamethrower's powerful thrust to descent (relatively) safely on the heads on sorry fucker’s underneath them, while setting everything on fire.
- During deployment, if the entire unit has Jump Packs, two Hand Flamers of Wrath, a Heavy Flamer of Wrath, and/or a Flamer of Wrath, you can set them up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement Phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. in the following Shooting Phase, double the Range of all their Hand Flamers of Wrath, Heavy Flamers of Wrath, and Flamers of Wrath.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Marine, Black Brother
Mutant Honey Badger[edit | edit source]
Once upon a time, Angry Marine ships were full of honey badgers. After their initial founding, you could find honey badgers nesting anywhere they could fit, even setting up in unoccupied suits of power armour (the smell of honey badger urine left by a nesting honey badger in a set of power armour used to be used to drive marines to the heights of ferocity and anger). However, in recent times all the honey badgers have disappeared (to the relief of everyone’s genitals), leaving the angry marines battle barge ducts silent, and mostly urine free. Where the honey badgers have gone and why is known only by a small handful of marines, but they are forever bound to the battle barges they once called home (or at least squatted in), and every so often a honey badger will attempt to travel back to its original home. Most of these badgers die, but some of these Mustelidae survive the journey, but they arrive... changed.
Such badgers become mutated by the warp and anger, twisting them into hunched, hulking monstrosities, becoming even more agressive than normal but, strangely, such rare individuals still behave (mostly) like their smaller brethren, sleeping mostly, urinating in power armour, drinking vast quantities of booze and generally not giving a shit. However, if disturbed of being generally pissed off they will go on a rampage, slaughtering everything they come into contact with, fighting toe to toe with the mightiest of warriors the angry marines have to offer.A Mutant Honey Badger is a single model. It is armed with Ravenous Jaws and Sharp Claws.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Mutant Honey Badger | 6" | 2+ | - | 7 | 6 | 7 | 1+2D6 | 6 | 4+ | 75 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Ravenous Jaws and Sharp Claws | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | D3 | Hit rolls of 6+ with this weapon deals D3 mortal wounds instead of normal damage. |
- Burrow In: Mutant Honey Badgers are at home clawing their way through the innards of a ship in search of nesting places, food and strong alcohol. Such behaviour can also be applied to surprise attacks behind enemy lines by burrowing up through the ground, right into some poor sods genitals.
- During deployment, you can set up this unit deep underground instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement Phases this unit can dig up onto the battlefield - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models.
- Ravanous Appetite: Honey Badgers are famous for their appetite, mutant honey badgers even more so.
- At the beginning of each turn this unit heals 1 previously lost wound. In addition to this, each time this unit slays an INFANTRY orBIKER model it regains 1 previously lost wound. If this model instead slays a MONSTER model then it instead regains D3 previously lost wounds.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Monster, Angry Marine, Mutant Honey Badger
Fast Attack[edit | edit source]
Rage Speeders[edit | edit source]
Land speeders are delicate and fragile fast attack platforms armed with heavy weapons that are reliant on speed to get into the right place. The Angry Marines took one look at that and said, 'FUCK THAT SHIT'. The only thing they approved of was the speed, so they took the standard land speeder and turned it into a supersonic battering ram with the goal of 'TURNING THOSE FUCKERS INTO PASTE!!'
Competition to man Rage Speeders is fierce as every angry marine worth his rage salivates at the idea of kicking a heretics balls so fast he can't hear you scream FUCK YOU! till you were kicking the balls in of the guy behind him. Before a battle starts Rage speeder pilots often have to beat their brothers away with a power bat in order to remind them 'I'M FUCKING DRIVING!!!' the alterations to the land speeders chassis are considered techno-heresy by some. One tech-priest once said 'It's machine spirit scares me. It's just sits there like a wild animal eyeing me like I'm it's next meal all the while it's growling. Endlessly, growling.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Rage Speeder | 20" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 5 | 6 | 2 | 7 | 4+ | 50 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolter | 36" | Heavy 3 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Assault cannon | 24" | Heavy 6 | 6 | -1 | 1 | - |
Multi-Melta | 24" | Heavy 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | If the target is within half range of this weapon,
roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. |
Heavy Flamer | 8" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | this weapon automatically hits its target. |
Sonic Battering Ram | Melee | Melee | 7 | -2 | 1 | This weapon profile may only be used by attacks generated by the SUPER SONIC BATTARING RAM!!! ability. |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Rage Speeder (Power Rating 7). It can include up to 2 additional Angry Bikers (Power Rating +7 per model).
- Chainsword
- Heavy bolter
Wargear Options:
- Any model may replace its Chainsword with an item from the Veteran Melee Weapons list.
- Any model may replace its Heavy bolter with a Multi-Melta or a Heavy flamer.
- Any model may take an Assault cannon, a Heavy flamer, a Heavy bolter or a Multi-Melta
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- If a model in this unit is reduced to 0 wounds, that model will explode as the fuel on board detonates; when it explodes, before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark, each unit within 6" suffers a mortal wound.
- FUCK THE SOUND BARRIER!!!:There are no breaks when your travelling faster than the speed of sound, there is only impact.
- Rage speeders can still charge in the Charge Phase, even if it Advanced earlier that turn.
- On a turn in which a unit of Rage Speeders finishes a charge move within 1" of an enemy unit, you can make D3 additional attacks in the Fight Phase with each model in the unit, and each Rage Speeder suffers a mortal wound. If this unit Advanced earlier that turn, you can make D6 additional attacks (instead of D3) in the Fight Phase with each model in the unit, and each Rage Speeder suffers a mortal wound. All attacks generated this way use the “Sonic Battering Ram” weapon profile.
Transport: Each Rage Speeder model can Transport a single Angry Marine, Infantry, Character model. It cannot Transport Angry Primaris, Terminator or Jump Pack models. |
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Vehicle, Transport, Fly, Angry Marine, Rage Speeder
Angry Inceptor Squad[edit | edit source]
When they first arrived in the chapter the inceptor’s were overnight all made into intercessors, not because they were actively demoted, but because overnight all their fancy new jet packs were “acquired” by other Angry Marines for their own use. The next morning the inceptors woke up to be greeted to the sight (and impacts) of dozens if not hundreds of Angry marines flying around the battle barge “DELIVERING KICKS TO THE BALLS AT MACH 3 BITCHES!!!” And generally causing slightly more mayhem than usual. This was only stopped once the Angry Tech Priests heard of what was happening, who proceeded to shoot down (IN THE MOST FRIENDLY FUCKING MANNER POSSIBLE!!! YOU’LL ONLY BE MISSING A FEW FUCKING LIMBS!!!) the aerial Angry Marines with Icarus cannons, and then removed the jet packs from the marines backs with chain swords. Despite this however, jet packs were stolen from the inceptors on several other occasions, resulting in one night where the Angry Tech Priests duct taped/super glued/bolted the inceptors jet packs to their original owners.
This (as you can imagine) has made the inceptor’s exceptionally angry and distrustful of all angry Marines, especially as now they have to do everything and go everywhere while wearing their jet packs (DO YOU REALISE HOW DIFFICULT IT IS TO SHIT WEARING ONE OF THESE LUMPS OF CRAP?!!! ESPECIALLY IF YOU FLIP THE ON SWITCH WHILE REACHING FOR THE BOG ROLL!!!) but this has made them very adept at using them, often using them to hover down corridors, leaving all four of their limbs (and head) free for the action of “CONTINUOUSLY PUNCHING AND KICKING A FUCKING ANGRY MARINE!!!”. Normal Angry Marines now stay as far away from the inceptors as possible because of this, although some of them accept the challenge, saying that fighting an inceptor is like “FIGHTING A FLOATING FUCKING OCTOPUS MADE OUT OF STEEL, DON’T KNOCK IT BEFORE YOU’VE... AH SHIT WHERE DID HE COME FROM?!!! FUCK HE’S GOT MY LEG!!!” Such Marines are found hours later battered, bruised, and with their underwear pulled up and over their heads (along with suffering from first degree profanity burns).Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Inceptor | 10" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 25 |
Angry Inceptor Sergeant | 10" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 25 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Assault bolter | 18" | Assault 3 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
RAGING PLASMA EXTERMINATOR | 18" | Assault D3 | 8 | -3 | 2 | For each hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound
after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved. |
Composition: This unit contains 2 Angry Inceptor’s and 1 Angry Inceptor Sergeant. (Power Rating 11), it can include up to 3 additional Angry Inceptor’s 3 power points each.
- 2 Assault bolters
Wargear Options:
- All models in the unit may replace their 2 Assault bolters with 2 RAGING PLASMA EXTERMINATORS.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Jump Pack Assault
- Heavy and Angry: Half a tonne of Angry Marine hitting you at hundreds of miles an hour is detrimental to your health.
- Roll a dice each time an Angry Inceptor finishes a charge move within 1" of an enemy unit; on a 6, that unit suffers a mortal wound.
- Surprise Arrival:
- After the Angry Inceptor Squad is placed on the battlefield; All models within 12" of the Angry Inceptor Squad (and the Angry Inceptor Squad themself), will immediately suffer one wound each. (These wounds are resolved at AP 0 and Damage 1).
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Primaris, Jump Pack, Fly, Mk X Gravis, Angry Inceptor Squad
Angry Assault Squad[edit | edit source]

The chapters most vanilla form of death from above and everyone knows it. “WHAT’S IT LIKE BEING THE MARINE EQUIVILENT OF HETEROSEXUAL SEX IN THE MISSIONARY POSITION YOU DICK!!!” “WHY WOULD WE USE YOU WHEN WE COULD USE THE GUYS WHO A LITERALLY ON FUCKING FIRE THE WHOLE TIME?!!!” Or “YOU GUYS REALLY GOT FUCKING LEFT BEHIND IN 8TH EDITION!!! WHAT’S IT LIKE TO BE STILL STUCK IN 2015?!!!” And the Angry Assault Marines know it, up until recently their only competition were the black brothers, who were at least cool and didn’t bitch at you when they beat you in a fight, now the fucking interceptors have turned up in on fire and no fire variants, and they’re just Angry pricks, like toddlers who have just learnt a bad word from their brother and are using it every chance they get.
This just makes the Assault Marines even angrier, “IF WE’RE GOING TO BE VANILLA, WE’RE GPING TO BE THE BEST FUCKING, VANILLA SEX YOU’VE EVER FUCKING HAD!!! WE’LL FIST YOU SO HARD WITH OUR CHAINSWORDS YOU’LL ORGASM UPON DEATH YOU HERETIC CUNTS!!!” This (naturally) has Slaanesh’s attention, who is now look for (in vain) a way to get the Angry Assault Marines to fall to chaos so that he can watch them anally abuse his deamonettes (HERESY, MARINES WOULD NEVER HAVE SEX WITH DAEMONETTES UNLESS THEY’RE CAPTAIN SATCHEL!!! BLAM!!!)Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Marine | 6" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 13 (+3 with Jump Pack) |
Angry Marine Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 13 (+3 with Jump Pack) |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Flamer | 8" | Heavy D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | this weapon automatically hits its target. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Angry Marine Sergeant and 4 Angry Marines (Power Rating 6). It can include up to 5 additional Angry Marines (Power Rating +4)
- 2 Chainswords
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- The Angry Marine Sergeant may take a Cigar
- The Angry Marine Sergeant may replace both his Chainswords with up to two items from the Angry Sergeant Equipment list.
- For each five models in the unit, two models may replace both their Chainswords, with up to two items from the Melee Weapons list, or a Flamer.
- The entire unit may take Jump Packs (Power Rating +1 for a 5-strong unit, or +2 for a 10-strong one). If they do, their Move characteristic is increased to 12" and they gain the Jump Pack and Fly Keywords.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Jump Pack Assault
- Combat Squads:Ten angry marines is a lot of pissed off. It's like a goddamn sack of badgers. So, when you accrue a squad of ten, it's only natural that you be allowed to split them into two five-man units.
- Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, an Angry Squad containing 10 models may be split into two units, each containing 5 models.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Marine, Angry Assault Squad
Angry Bike Squad[edit | edit source]
The Hells Angels (or rather, the emperor’s angels) of 40k, a bunch of heavily armed and armoured xenophobic psychopaths riding around on souped up motorbikes, actually, on second thought, not much has changed. The only real difference is that the motorbikes are the Angry Marines second favourite choice of fast transport, their number one choice being the Rage Speeder, but there are only so many Rage Speeders to go around, and once pilots for those have been chosen/are victorious in the melee to get into a Rage Speeder, the remaining battered and bruised Angry Marines with a need for speed start fighting over who gets to ride a bike.
Although not fast enough to break the sound barrier a bike is far more manoeuvrable, allowing a biker gang to ride around their enemy in circles, hurling profanity and bolter rounds at the unit until they're either shot to death or simply lose the will to live. Such a tactic is often used to destroy the remaining enemies who survive a kick to the balls from a Rage Speeder, something Rage Speeder pilots find fucking hilarious as they can then shout at the bikers "ENJOYING MY SLOPPY SECONDS YOU LAZY CUNTS!!!" This creates a huge animosity between the Angry Bikers and every other vehicle which can go faster than them, which results in even more fights which are inevitably broken up by the Techmarines before "YOU BASTARDS BREAK OUR EQUIPMENT EVEN MORE THAN YOU ALREADY FUCKING HAVE!!! KEEP THIS UP AND NEXT TIME YOU CAN ALL FUCKING WALK YOU DAMNDEDABLE BITCHES!!!Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Biker | 14" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 7 | 3+ | 23 |
Angry Biker Sergeant | 14" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 23 |
Angry Attack Bike | 14" | 3+ | 5+ | 5 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 3+ | 23 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Twin Boltgun | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Heavy bolter | 36" | Heavy 3 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Angry Biker Sergeant and 2 Angry Bikers (Power Rating 6). It can include up to 3 additional Angry Bikers (Power Rating +5) or up to 5 additional Angry Bikers (Power Rating +7). it can also include a single Angry Attack Bike (Power Rating +4)
- Angry Biker and Angry Biker Sergeant
- 2 Chainswords
- Frag and Krag grenades
- Space Marine Bike with a Twin Boltgun
- Angry Attack Bike:
- Space Marine Bike with a Twin Boltgun
- Heavy bolter
- many Chainswords (for rule purpose, this Counts as a single Chainsword)
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- The Angry Biker Sergeant may take a Cigar
- The Angry Biker Sergeant may replace his 2 Chainswords with up to two items from the Angry Sergeant Equipment list.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Turbo-Boost
- Combat Squads:Ten angry marines is a lot of pissed off. It's like a goddamn sack of badgers. So, when you accrue a squad of ten, it's only natural that you be allowed to split them into two five-man units.
- Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, an Angry Squad containing 10 models may be split into two units, each containing 5 models.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Biker, Angry Marine, Angry Bike Squad
Angry Biker Gang[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Gang Biker | 16" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 7 | 4+ | 20 |
Gang Biker leader | 16" | 3+ | 4+ | 4 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 4+ | 20 |
very irritated Commissar on a bike | 16" | 3+ | 4+ | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 4+ | 32 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Twin Boltgun | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Astartes shotgun | 12" | Assault 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | If the target is within half range,
add 1 to this weapon's Strength. |
Combat knife | Melee | Melee | User | 0 | 1 | Each time the bearer fights, it can make
1 additional attack with this weapon. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Gang Biker leader and 2 Gang Bikers (Power Rating 3). It can include up to 3 additional Gang Bikers (Power Rating +3) or up to 6 additional Gang Bikers (Power Rating +6) or up to 9 additional Gang Bikers (Power Rating +9). it can also replace (only) one Gang Biker with a very irritated Commissar on a bike (Power Rating +1).
- Space Marine Bike with a Twin Boltgun
- Bolt pistol
- Astartes shotgun
- Combat knife
- Frag and Krag grenades
Wargear Options:
- The Gang Biker leader and/or very irritated Commissar on a bike may replace their Combat knifes and/or Astartes shotguns with items from the Serf Equipment list.
- For each three models in the unit, one Gang Biker may replace his Astartes shotgun with an item from the Special Weapons list.
- Turbo-Boost
- Combat Squads: Ten angry marines is a lot of pissed off. It's like a goddamn sack of badgers. So, when you accrue a squad of ten, it's only natural that you be allowed to split them into two five-man units.
- Before any models are deployed at the start of the game, an Angry Gang Squad containing 10 models may be split into two units, each containing 5 models. an Angry Gang Squad containing 15 models may be split into three units, each containing 5 models.
- HERESY!!! BLAM!!!: Angry marine commissars are famous for their reflex’s when it comes to dealing with anyone with heretical ideas.
- As long as this unit contains a very irritated Commissar; this unit can never lose more than 2 models as the result of any single failed morale test.
- As long as this unit contains a very irritated Commissar, this unit can re-roll failed Morale tests.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
(Gang Biker leader and Gang Biker) Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Biker, Angry Gang, Angry Biker Gang
(very irritated Commissar on a bike) Keywords: Biker, Commissar, Serf, Angry Biker Gang
Raging Assault Ram[edit | edit source]
The very big brother of the Rage Speeder, a flying monstrosity designed only to smash into things at incredible speed, leaving nothing behind in its wake except a massive explosion and a fading "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!". Existing as a modified version of the Cerastus Assault Ram, the Angry Marine use their Assault Rams to swat other flyers out of the sky, chasing down aircraft many times their own size (but far slower) and ramming them with such force that onlookers often mistake the high speed chaos for an orbital strike, how sudden and destructive it can be. If there are no convenient flyers on hand however (which there often aren't, simply because no pilot, even a tyranid one, is stupid enough to fly while its around), the pilots of Assault Rams will turn their supersonic chunks of metal on buildings, smashing their way through plasteel wall after plasteel wall, leaving comical (and blood splattered) Assault Ram shaped holes as they go.
It is not uncommon to see squadrons of Rage Speeders and Raging Assault Rams working together on the battlefield, with the (slightly) lighter and faster Rage Speeders moving ahead to take out smaller, more mobile targets, to be followed by the hulking Assault Rams, who plow their way through bunkers, buildings, titans, tents, in fact anything immobile, too slow or too stupid to get out of the way.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Raging Assault Ram | * | 2+ | * | 9 | 7 | 14 | * | 9 | 2+ | 230 |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
8-14+ | 20-50" | 4+ | 5 |
4-7 | 20-30" | 5+ | 4 |
1-3 | 20" | 6+ | 3 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points |
Flying Ram of Death | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | D6 | Add 3 to all hit rolls made with this weapon when targeting BUILDINGS if the Raging Assault Ram charged this turn. Hit rolls made with this weapon of 7+ made by this weapon inflict D6 mortal wounds instead of rolling to wound. | 0 |
Firefury Missile Battery | 72" | Heavy 4 | 6 | -1 | 1 | - | 0 |
Twin Magna-Melta | 24" | Heavy 2D3 | 10 | -4 | D6 | If the target is within half range of this weapon,
roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. |
120 |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Raging Assault Ram (Power Rating 16).
- Flying Ram of Death
- Twin Magna-Melta
- Two Firefury Missile Batteries
Wargear Options:
- None
- Crash, Burn and FUCKING PUNCH THE PRICKS!!!:
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 5+ it crashes, explodes and the pilot runs from the wreckage to punch his foes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Airborne Ram:
- This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can Fly, and only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can Fly. It may however, charge models with the BUILDING and FLY keyword and may charge even after advancing as long as it is charging a unit it is allowed to charge. If this unit is not engaged in melee at the start of your next movement phase then it may move as normal, otherwise it automatically enters hover mode.
- Each time this model moves, first pivot it on the spot up to 90¤ (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), and then move the model straight forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. When this model Advances, increase its Move characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase - do not roll a dice.
- Hard to Hit: An understatement when what your trying to hit is travelling faster a group of Angry Marines fighting over the last slice of pizza.
- Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase.
- Hover Jet: Angry Marines cannot comprehend why their jets would ever want to travel slower. Slower means less awesome and getting to your enemy at pace less than FUCKING MAXIMUM!!!
- Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move characteristic becomes 20" until the end of the phase, and it loses the "Airborne", "Hard to Hit" and "Supersonic" abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase.
Transport: A Raging Assault Ram model can Transport 10 ANGRY MARINE INFANTRY models. It may transport TERMINATOR models which only take up one space per models. It cannot transport JUMP PACK, CENTURION or PRIMARIS models. |
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Vehicle, Transport, Fly, Angry Marine, Raging Assault Ram
Heavy Support[edit | edit source]
Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought[edit | edit source]
Although the average Angry Marine would sooner play stick the tau on the carnifex than be interned inside the cold emptiness inside a dreadnought, they are still revered by their fellows, as the pilot is effectively driving a giant robot which can beat the living daylights out of anything, and do so while not dying from Lascannon fire. Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnoughts are different however, as they are used by the Angry Marines to punish Primaris marines who fell embarrassingly ("WHY ARE YOU HITTING YOURSELF, WHY ARE YOU HITTING YOURSELF?!!!") or without rage during combat ("I CAN'T HEAR YOU SCREAM YOU PUSSY SNOWFLAKE MARINE WANNABE!!!"). Primaris marines who are gravely injured in such a way will awaken to find their mangled remains floating inside the tank at the heart of a Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought.
And this is what finally breaks the back of a Primaris marine: they didn't ask to be made by Crawly McGuffin face, they didn't want to be part of Girlymans crusade, they tried their best to please everyone, even the Angry Marines. You know what, fuck them, FUCK THEM ALL AND FUCK YOU ESPECIALLY YOU CUNTSY ANGRY PANSIES, ILL FUCKING SHOW YOU WHAT REAL ANGER LOOKS LIKE!!!!!!!!!!
After the first few times this happened, the angry marines learned to only awaken a Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought when there was a fresh supply of enemies to punch, upon which they would simply point the dreadnought in the right direction, set up a deck chair with some cold ones, and laugh their fucking asses off at a group of carnifexes as they get turned into a daisy chain.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought | * | * | * | 7 | 7 | 13 | 4 | 8 | 3+ | 140 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy bolter Gatling cannon | 30" | Heavy 12 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Rageus Rocket Pod | 24" | Heavy D3 | 7 | -1 | 1 | Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this weapon against targets that can Fly.
Subtract 1 from the hit rolls made for this weapon against all other targets. |
Storm bolter | 24" | Rapid Fire 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Belligerent fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | D6 | - |
Heavy bolter Gatling gun | 24" | Heavy 6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Heavy flamer | 8" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | this weapon automatically hits its target. |
Macro Plasma Incineragetor | - | - | - | - | - | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. |
-Standard | 36" | Heavy D6 | 8 | -4 | 1 | - |
-Supercharged | 36" | Heavy D6 | 9 | -4 | 2 | For each hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound
after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved. |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS |
7-13+ | 8" | 2+ | 3+ |
4-6 | 6" | 3+ | 4+ |
1-3 | 4" | 4+ | 5+ |
Composition: This unit contains a single Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought (Power Rating 10).
- Heavy bolter Gatling cannon
- Heavy flamer
- 2 Storm bolter
- Rageus Rocket Pod
- Belligerent fist
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Heavy flamer with a Heavy bolter Gatling gun.
- This model may replace its Heavy bolter Gatling cannon with a Macro Plasma Incineragetor.
- Explodes: BOOM BITCH!!!
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
- TOO FUCKING DESTRUCTIVE!!!: Angry Marines love a fight, they'll be the first to admit it (generally while punching you in the face), but they like there to be something left after said fight, there's no point starting a bar fight for example, if you end up burning the place down, where are you supposed to drink afterwards? Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought's are the guys who would burn the pub down, and then proceed to keep punching the ashes because of something they may have done to offend him. This problem gets exponentially worse the more dreadnoughts the Angry Marines bring to a fight, it's all well and good defeating the daemons, but if there are two dreadnoughts drilling a hole to the planets core by fighting each other, creating a brand-new volcano which destroys the hive city the marines were defending, then even the Angry Marines that things may have got a bit counterproductive ("BUT FUCKING AWESOME!!!").
- After one too many planets were destroyed, the Angry Marines grudgingly agreed that no matter how cool the results may be, it's probably better to never have two Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought's in the same place (unless they’re all drunk in which case it's a fun way to pass by a Saturday night):
- You may only have one Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought in your army, unless your army's Total Power Rating greater than or equal to 90. (UNLESS YOU AND YOUR OPPONENT AGREE THAT IT WOULD BE FUCKING AWESOME TO JUST FIELD AN ARMY OF THE FUCKERS).
- In the Charge Phase, this model must try to charge the closest enemy unit if possible.
- YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS, NOW YOU WILL PAY!!!: The tech marines were not sure what they had made, but they were at least expecting something which wasn't going to shoot them on sight.
- In the Shooting phase, if there is at least one friendly Imperium unit within 12" of this model; this model must Shoot at the closest friendly Imperium unit with at least one of its weapons.
- ALRIGHT WHO DID THAT?!!! BLAM!!!: Redemptor Dreadnoughts do not appreciate being shot at, and are likely to respond in kind to anyone who fires any projectiles their way.
- At the end of an enemy Shooting phase, this model may Shoot with one of its weapons as if it were Shooting an overwatch, at Each enemy unit that has shot at this model and made it lose at least one wound as a result of it this phase.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Vehicle, Angry Primaris, Belligerent Redemptor Dreadnought
Angry Hellblaster Squad[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Hellblaster | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 20 |
Angry Hellblaster Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 3+ | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3+ | 20 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Plasma Incineragetor | 30" | Rapid Fire 1 | 8 | -4 | 2 | For each hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 4 Angry Hellblasters and 1 Angry Hellblaster Sergeant. (Power Rating 8)
- Bolt pistol
- Plasma Incineragetor
- Frag and Krag grenades
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- This unit may re-roll failed hits against units which possess at least one model which has a plasma weapon.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Primaris, Angry Hellblaster Squad
Angry Devastator Squad[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Marine | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 3+ | 14 |
Angry Marine Sergeant | 6" | 3+ | 4+ | 5 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 3+ | 14 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Power Heavy Bolter (ranged) | 36" | Heavy 3 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Power Heavy Bolter (Melee) | Melee | Melee | +1 | -1 | 2 | When attacking with this weapon,
you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. |
Frag grenade | 6" | Grenade D6 | 3 | 0 | 1 | - |
Krag grenade | 6" | Grenade 1 | 6 | -1 | D3 | - |
Composition: This unit contains 1 Angry Marine Sergeant and 4 Angry Marines (Power Rating 8). It can include up to 5 additional Angry Marines (Power Rating +4)
- Boltgun
- Frag and Krag grenades
- Ranged Weapon Force Field
Wargear Options:
- The Angry Marine Sergeant may take a Cigar
- The Angry Marine Sergeant may replace his Boltgun with an item from the Angry Sergeant Equipment list.
- The Angry Marine Sergeant may take an item from the Angry Sergeant Equipment list.
- Up to four Angry Marines may take a Portable Angry Marine Launcher, a Power Heavy Bolter or an item from the Heavy weapons list.
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Dual Melee Weapons
- FUCK THAT HEAVY PIECE OF SHIT!!!: Devastators cannot shoot straight anyway, so do not appreciate their own weapons trying to make it harder for them to shoot.
- This unit does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for moving and firing Heavy weapons.
- FEEL MY FUCKING HATE!!!: Getting stuck in the back of a scrap pisses off any real Angry Marine and thus, all this pent-up rage may cause them to go into a berserker-esque rage and favour FUCKING UP THOSE FUCKTARDS RIGHT AND PROPER than keeping a disciplined fire position when the opportunity presents itself or they may keep it together and instead unload all their hate and heavy weapons on an unlucky enemy of man, even if they run the risk of overheating the weapon:
- At the beginning of your Shooting Phase, If this unit is within 12" of at least one enemy unit, you must roll a D6 for this unit. on a roll of 1-3, this unit cannot shoot any of their weapons and they must try to charge an enemy unit this turn (even if it Advanced earlier that turn). on a roll of 4-6, they will instead channel their pent-up rage on their guns; change this units Boltguns Type to Rapid Fire 2, and they cannot charge this turn.
- Rocket Propelled Anger: Flying grenades will make people run for cover, missiles will result in the activation of void shields, cyclonics will have all nearby praying to their gods. Only the sight of Angry Marines soaring through the sky, trailing fire and profanity, will cause all those in sight to despair and abandon all hope, for they know that they are well and truly fucked.
- In the Charge Phase, a single unit that consists of (X) number of Angry Marine Infantry (and does not have the Jump Pack, Terminator or Black Brothers Keywords) models or less that is within 3" of an Angry Devastator Squad (or the Angry Devastator Squad itself) with one or more Portable Angry Marine Launchers, may Charge enemy unit within 24" (instead of within 12") and may roll 4D6 when making its Charge move (instead of 2D6). if Charging unit end its Charge move within 1" of the enemy unit, all models in both the Charged and Charging unit suffers a hit resolved at Strength 5, AP 0 and Damage 1.
- If the Angry Devastator Squad fires itself, it loses all its Portable Angry Marine Launchers in the process because they are to be left behind, also nominate one poor Asshole who is left behind because SOMEONE NEEDS TO PULL THE FUCKING TRIGGER, that model is removed as a casualty as it scuttles of the battlefield raging on about what a fucking asshole you are for choosing him.
- (X) is 2 if this unit has only 1 Portable Angry Marine Launcher. (X) is 5 if this unit has only 2 Portable Angry Marine Launchers. (X) is 7 if this unit has only 3 Portable Angry Marine Launchers. (X) is 10 if this unit has 4 Portable Angry Marine Launchers.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Infantry, Angry Marine, Angry Devastator Squad
Predator Angrinator[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Predator Angrinator | * | 6+ | * | 6 | 7 | 11 | * | 8 | 3+ | 79 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Heavy flamer array | 8" | Heavy 3D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | this weapon automatically hits its target. |
Spare Angry Launchers | 48" | Heavy 8 | 6 | -1 | 1 | This weapon may target enemy units not visible to it. Enemy units do not gain the benefit of cover against this weapon. |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
6-11+ | 12" | 4+ | 3 |
3-5 | 6" | 5+ | D3 |
1-2 | 3" | 6+ | 1 |
Composition: This unit contains a single Predator Angrinator (Power Rating 6).
- Turret mounted MAXIMUM Angry Marine Launcher
- Spare Angry Launchers
Wargear Options:
- This model may take items from the Vehicle Wargear Options list.
- May take two sponson mounted FUCK launchers (Power Rating +1)
- May take a Heavy flamer array (Power Rating +1)
- Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Rocket Propelled Anger: Flying grenades will make people run for cover, missiles will result in the activation of void shields, cyclonics will have all nearby praying to their gods. Only the sight of Angry Marines soaring through the sky, trailing fire and profanity, will cause all those in sight to despair and abandon all hope, for they know that they are well and truly fucked.
- In the Charge Phase, a single unit that consists of (X) number of Angry Marine Infantry (and does not have the Terminator or Black Brothers Keywords) models or less that is within 3" of this model, may Charge an enemy unit within 36" (instead of within 12") and may roll 6D6 when making its Charge move (instead of 2D6). if Charging unit end its Charge move within 1" of the enemy unit, all models in both the Charged and Charging unit suffers a hit resolved at Strength 8, AP 0 and Damage 1.
- (X) is 6 if this model has only a Turret mounted MAXIMUM Angry Marine Launcher. (X) is 10 if this unit has a Turret mounted MAXIMUM Angry Marine Launcher and two sponson mounted FUCK launchers.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Vehicle, Predator Angrinator
Killdozer (modified Vindicator)[edit | edit source]
Unlike most Angry Marine vehicles, the Killdozer is not particularly different to its normal (and less violent) vindicator brother (besides the added chain-dozer blade and the yellow and red paint), and that is because there was very little the Angry tech priests could think of (apart from aforementioned Chainswords and paint) to improve it, it's a tank which has a massive gun (Dakka, check) and a huge fuck off metal blade on the front to slam into your enemies (choppy, check). This similarity means that it is one of the few vehicles outsiders of the chapter (inquisitors mostly) will willingly ride around in when visiting/inspecting the Angry Marines, as they're unlikely to be surprised by finding, say, that the seats inside had been replaced by auto turrets, or that a nest of honey badgers had taken up residence in the overhead lockers.
All this makes the machine spirit of a Killdozer the least angry of the Angry Marine vehicles (the drop pod being an exception, as they’re simply suicidal), with their machine spirits being more akin to that of a shire horse, quiet, stubborn, and liable to kick your teeth out if you poke it too much.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Killdozer | * | * | * | 7 | 8 | 11 | * | 8 | 3+ | 150 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Demolisher cannon | 24" | Heavy D3 | 10 | -3 | D6 | When attacking units with 5 or more models,
change this weapon's Type to Heavy D6. |
Chain Blades | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | D3 | On a turn in which a model with this weapon make a successful charge,
you can make D3 additional attacks in the Fight Phase. |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS | A |
6-11+ | 10" | 5+ | 4+ | 3 |
3-5 | 5" | 5+ | 4+ | D3 |
1-2 | 3" | 6+ | 5+ | 1 |
Composition: This unit contains a single Killdozer (Power Rating 8).
- Dozer blade
- Chain Blades on the Dozer blade
- Demolisher cannon
Wargear Options:
- This model may take items from the Vehicle Wargear Options list.
- Explodes:
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Vehicle, Killdozer
Land Raider[edit | edit source]
The Angry marines field a number of different tanks based on the Land Raider Chassis:
- Phobos: Armed with Lascannons in sponsons and twin-linked heavy bolter in a hull mount the Phobos is considered to be 'THE LEAST FUCKING ANGRY!' and is the least common used. However most angry marines find a land raider blowing up two heretic tanks at once to be 'FUCKING FUNNY' so they are fielded from time to time. Due to its tank hunter weaponry, the Phobos model is in direct competition for targets with dreadnoughts, Hellblasters etc, resulting in heated arguments/fights during battles for "WHICH PRICK GETS THE RIGHT TO BLOW A TANK SIZED HOLE IN THE FUCKING LORD OF SKULLS!!!"(Power Rating 19)
- Crusader: Most of the Angry Marines Land Raider Crusaders are said to be gifts from a Black Templar crusader fleet after a long joint campaign. The Black Templars being one of the very few chapters the Angry Marine consider as 'PRETTY FUCKING ANGRY!!' the two chapters tend to work well together being mirror images. Loud hate, and silent contempt. (Power Rating 16)
- Redeemer: Lighting the enemy on fire, is always 'PRETTY FUCKING AWESOME!!' and the Redeemer is widely used by the black brothers for whom, 'MORE FIRE IS MORE FIRE!!' This does however, have the side effect of making the black brothers even bigger masturbation targets for the sisters of battle, the only way it could get worse for the black brothers would be if they literally rode flames into battle. (Power Rating 18)
- Prometheus MK2: The Angry marines got their hands on the Prometheus expecting to get an Uber flame thrower are enraged (even for them) to find it had four 'PUSSY ASS BOLTERS!!', so the chapters techmarines went to work and ripped the communication equipment out so they could carry more Angry marines then threw on a pair of assault cannons calling it a day. (Power Rating )
All land raiders have the following profile.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Land Raider (Phobos, Crusader, Redeemer or Prometheus MK2) | * | 6+ | * | 8 | 8 | 16 | * | 9 | 2+ |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Rocket Propelled Chainsaw | 48" | Heavy 1 | 10 | -4 | D3 | This weapon can only be fired once per battle. |
Twin Heavy bolter | 48" | Heavy 6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Twin Lascannon | 48" | Heavy 2 | 9 | -3 | D6 | - |
Hurricane Bolter | 24" | Rapid Fire 6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - |
Twin Assault cannon | 24" | Heavy 12 | 6 | -1 | 1 | - |
Multi-Melta | 24" | Heavy 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice
when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. |
Flamestorm cannon | 8" | Heavy D6 | 6 | -2 | 2 | this weapon automatically hits its target. |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
9-16+ | 10" | 3+ | 6 |
5-8 | 5" | 4+ | D6 |
1-4 | 3" | 5+ | 1 |
Composition: This unit contains a single Land Raider of any kind.
- Phobos: 228
- Crusader:233
- Redeemer:233
- Prometheus MK2:
- Phobos:
- Twin Heavy bolter
- 2 Twin Lascannons
- Crusader:
- Twin Assault cannon
- 2 Hurricane Bolters
- Redeemer:
- Twin Assault cannon
- 2 Flamestorm cannons
- Prometheus MK2:
Wargear Options:
- This model may take items from the Vehicle Wargear Options list.
- This model may take a Multi-Melta.
- This model may take an additional Rocket Propelled Chainsaw.
- Explodes: BOOM BITCH!!!
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
- This model does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for moving and firing Heavy weapons.
- Frag Assault Launchers:
- Land Raider Crusader and Redeemer only. Roll a D6 each time this model finishes a charge move within 1" of an enemy unit; on a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Transport: |
*Phobos: this model can Transport 10 Angry Marine Infantry models. Each Jump Pack or Terminator model takes the space of two other models. It cannot Transport Angry Primaris or Black Brothers models. |
*Crusader: this model can Transport 16 Angry Marine Infantry models. Each Jump Pack or Terminator model takes the space of two other models. It cannot Transport Angry Primaris or Black Brothers models. |
*Redeemer: this model can Transport 12 Angry Marine Infantry models. Each Jump Pack or Terminator model takes the space of two other models. It cannot Transport Angry Primaris models.
(it can Transport Firery Aggressors Even though they are Angry Primaris and they take the space of two other models.) |
*Prometheus MK2: |
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Vehicle, Transport, Land Raider, Land Raider (Phobos, Crusader, Redeemer or Prometheus MK2)
Whirlwind Cremator[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Whirlwind Cremator | * | 6+ | * | 6 | 7 | 11 | * | 8 | 3+ | 100 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Napalm missile launcher | 60" | Heavy 2D6 | 6 | -2 | 2 | This weapon can target units that are not visible to the firing model. |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
6-11+ | 12" | 4+ | 3 |
3-5 | 6" | 4+ | D3 |
1-2 | 3" | 5+ | 1 |
Composition: This unit contains a single Whirlwind Cremator (Power Rating 6).
- Napalm missile launcher
Wargear Options:
- This model may take items from the Vehicle Wargear Options list.
- Explodes:
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Vehicle, Whirlwind Cremator
Rageus Stalker[edit | edit source]
“SAFETY MEASURES!!! WHAT ARE THOSES, ARENT THEY A KIND OF FUCKING CHEESE OR SOMETHING?!” Is the general response you will get from an Angry Marine when you ask him if he knows what that button on his plasma rifle marked “safety measures” does. Those who do know what safety measures are refer to them simply as “A FUCKING TAU WEABOO PLOT TO TRY AND MAKE US LESS KILLY!!! TRUST THE CUNTING SPACE VAGINAS TO CHEAT LIKE THAT THE CHEESEY BASTARDS!!!” However, most angry marine weapons come with their safety measures as standard, and have no switch to turn them off, one such weapon was the Icarus Storm Cannon, a fairly unloved piece of equipment as it’s far more fun and entertaining to try and throw enemy corpses at enemy flyers to try and knock them out of the sky and into melee. It was on one day in another never-ending battle that one Angry Marine (who had been hanging around the chapters Wargh pretty marine banner) operating the cannon managed to get it to shoot faster (through will power and blunt force trauma) and proceeded to shoot every single flyer out of the sky with a five-mile radius.
Once the battle was over the marine was given a thorough talking too (shown the wrath of the omnisiah via a power wrench) by a group of Angry Tech Priests, who saw his ingenuity and violence towards the machine as just another case of the chapters disregard to its equipment. Before the priests really got down to the task of seeing how many bolt pistols they could fit up the marine’s backside he was saved by the arrival of the then master of the Armoury, Enfurious Ragman, who politely asked the tech priests under his command “WHY ARE YOU BEING EVEN MORE FAGGOTY THAN USUAL YOU CUNTS?!!! DON’T YOU HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO DO LIKE WANK OVER A TOASTER?!!!” To which the tech priests replied that the marine had subverted and damaged an Icarus cannon to make it fire faster, and was therefore being justly punished (except in caps lock and infinitely more swear words... and more exclamation marks). "IF YOU HAVE THAT MUCH ANGER YOU TOASTER FUCKERS THEN BUILD A NEW VERSION OF THE PUSSYASS STALKER THAT CAN BETTER HANDLE HIS WAY OF FUCKING USEING IT!!! NOW FUCKING GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I START SODOMISING YOUR ANUSES WITH FUCKING BATTLE CANNONS TO THE POINT THAT YOU’LL BE BEGGING THE FUCKING OMNISIAH FOR FUCKING LUBE!!!" Was Ragman’s only response, a response which dispersed the Angry Tech Priests, who after calming down and letting their pride heal got to work making a “better” Icarus cannon, and thus, the Rageus Stalker was born.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Rageus Stalker | * | 6+ | * | 6 | 8 | 11 | * | 8 | 3+ | 85 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Rageus Stormcannon | 48" | Heavy 3 | 7 | -1 | 2 | Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this weapon against targets that can Fly.
Subtract 1 from the hit rolls made for this weapon against all other targets. |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
6-11+ | 10" | 4+ | 3 |
3-5 | 5" | 4+ | D3 |
1-2 | 3" | 5+ | 1 |
Composition: This unit contains a single Rageus Stalker (Power Rating 6).
- Two Rageus Stormcannons
Wargear Options:
- This model may take items from the Vehicle Wargear Options list.
- Each time a model fires a Rageus Stormcannon, it can choose to fire it without any safety measures. If it does so, change this weapon's Type to Heavy 6, and For each hit roll of 1 from the weapon, This model suffers 1 mortal wound after all of this weapon's shots have been resolved.
- Explodes: BOOM BITCH!!!
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Vehicle, Rageus Stalker
Leviathan Angry Dreadnought[edit | edit source]
The be all and end all of all dreadnoughts. Towering constructs which are capable of fighting toe to toe with knights and demon princes with only a few scratches to the paintwork, armed with weapons which can wipe out entire armoured columns just by staring at them at them for long enough. This however, is not quite the case for the angry marines, as all their leviathan dreadnoughts (five in total) where given to the not long after the Horus heresy when their chapter was founded. That’s a total of ten thousand years of brutal warfare and abusive pilots. And with the Angry Marines track record of not having access to replacement parts and maintenance, this resulted in the once proud and mighty Leviathan Dreadnoughts becoming rather ramshackle in appearance, parts from different dreadnoughts bolted on here, an improvised siege claw there, an entire fresh leg from when it was bitten off by a mawloc etc etc.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Leviathan Angry Dreadnought | * | * | * | 9 | 8 | 14 | 4 | 8 | 3+ | 400 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS |
8-14+ | 8" | 2+ | 3+ |
4-7 | 5" | 3+ | 4+ |
1-3 | 3" | 4+ | 5+ |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points |
Leviathan Siege Claw | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 3 | Reroll failed wounds against INFANTRY. | 34 |
Leviathan Siege Drill | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 4 | - | 44 |
Heavy Flamer | 8” | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | This weapon automatically hits its target. | 14 |
Grav Flux Bombard | 18” | Heavy D3 | 9 | -5 | 2 | If the target is a MONSTER VEHICLE or TITANIC unit then increase the damage of this weapon to 5. For every 5 models in the target unit add D3 to the number of attacks made by this weapon. | 65 |
Storm Cannon Array | 24” | Heavy 10 | 7 | -3 | 2 | - | 50 |
Cyclonic Melta Lance | 18” | Heavy 2D3 | 9 | -4 | D6 | If this weapons target is within half range roll 2 dice when determining damage and discard the lowest dice. | 60 |
Wargear Options: This unit must take 2 of the following in any combination:
- Leviathan Siege Claw
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Atomantic Conflagration: The shielding of Leviathan dreadnoughts makes them particularly prone to violently exploding.
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield, on a 5 or 6 it explodes and each unit within 9” suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Makeshift Monstrosity: Due to how rare leviathan dreadnought are, spare parts are in drastically short supply, meaning that repairs must be made using the angry marine standby of metal sheets and duct tape.
- A model with this rule treats attacks with an ap of 0 as having an ap of -1. However, a model with this rule has a 4+ invulnerability save and ignores damage taken on a 5+.
- Rectal Destruction: Nothing kills better than a 15 foot tall metal monster controlled by the most violent, callous and perpetually pissed off angry marines. Nothing. Period.
- If a model with this rule and two melee weapons assigned all of its attacks in the fight phase at a unit comprising a single model then it may instead use the following profile:
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Vigorous Fisting Motion | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 6 | You may reroll failed wound rolls with this weapon profile. |
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Vehicle, Leviathan Angry Dreadnought
Flyers[edit | edit source]
Angrytalon Gunship Squadron[edit | edit source]
A noise commonly heard by enemies of the imperium, as pilots of Angrytalon gunships can’t aim to save their lives. This is because only the most directionally and distance inept Angry Marines are put inside such a vehicle, in the hope that the volumes of Dakka such a gunship can put out will make up for the pilot’s pathetic aim, and although such pilots couldn’t hit a planet if armed with a cyclonic torpedo, their mere presence and the sheer volume said of bullets they can throw down range is enough to make the enemy think twice about leaving their cover.
The pilots of such ships are hated by other Angry Marines as they will never shut up about all the cool shit they did while flying, resulting in the usual fights which can be expected when you leave Angry Marines (or a single Angry Marine, who if left long enough by himself will start punching himself out of sheer muscle reflex) together for any length of time, but such marines will also start to gossip about the pilots, saying things like “I HEARD THAT SO AND SO KISSED SO AND SO, CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THAT!!!” (imagine middle aged house wives in power armour and your thinking in the right direction). Such gossip is considered the worst possible insult one Angry Marine can give to another that doesn’t involve questioning one’s skill at profanity, as gossiping implies that the target of the gossip isn’t even worth challenging to a bare-knuckle fight. This all results in the pilots of Angrytalon Gunships becoming alcoholics and skittle addicts in an attempt to cope with the sheer amounts of rumours spread about them (I HEARD THAT SO AMD SO DOESN’T WIPE HIS ARSE AFTER TAKING A SHIT!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT WE LET SUCH NURGLE FILTHY CUNTS FIGHT WITH US!!!).This unit contains 1 Angrytalon Gunship (Power Rating: 9). It can include 1 additional Angrytalon Gunship (Power Rating: +9) or 2 Angrytalon Gunships (Power Rating: +18).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Angrytalon Gunship | * | 6+ | * | 6 | 6 | 10 | * | 8 | 3+ |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
6-10+ | 20-50" | 4+ | 3 |
3-5 | 20-35" | 4+ | D3 |
1-2 | 20" | 5+ | 1 |
- Twin Assault cannon
- Twin Heavy Bolter
Special Rules:
- This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can Fly, and only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can Fly.
- Crash, Burn and FUCKING PUNCH THE PRICKS!!!: What, you thought crashing in a huge explosion would be enough to stop the angry bastard from trying to kill you? Think again.
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 5+ it crashes, explodes and the pilot runs from the wreckage to punch his foes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Hard to Hit
- Hover Jet
- "Strafing" Run: Most pilots would prefer the safety of their vehicle and a large gun to help take down multitudes of enemies, Angry Marines give an obvious "FUCK THAT!!! GET ME CLOSER SO I CAN FUCKING HIT THEM!!"
- Before this model moves in your Movement phase and you declare it will hover, you can declare it will make a "Strafing" Run. if you do so, you cannot declare it will hover this turn, and you must Move or Advances it at least 40" (after you pivot it on the spot up to 90¤). in the following shooting phase, you may only shoot at enemy units it passed over, but you must shoot at every enemy unit you passed over with all your weapons (even if it has advanced earlier that turn when it makes a "Strafing" Run), but It can only hit on a roll of 6 (regardless of modifiers) until your next turn (This will mean that if this model passed over the 3 enemy units, you must fire its Twin Assault cannon, 2 Stormstrike missile launchers and two Heavy bolters, Twin Multi-Melta or Typhoon missile launcher, once at each of the 3 enemy units it passed over).
- Supersonic
- Any model may replace its Twin Heavy Bolter with one of the followings:
- Skyhammer Missile Launcher - 20 pts.
- Thypoon Missile Launcher - 40 pts.
- Twin Lascannon - 40 pts.
- Faction:Imperium, Angry, Angry Marines
- Flyers, Vehicle, Adeptus Astartes, Angrytalon Gunship, Fly
Fury-Raven Gunship Squadron[edit | edit source]

This unit contains 1 Fury-Raven Gunship (Power Rating: 16). It can include 1 additional Fury-Raven Gunship (Power Rating: +16) or 2 Fury-Raven Gunships (Power Rating: +32).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Fury-Raven Gunship | * | 6+ | * | 8 | 7 | 14 | * | 9 | 3+ |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
8-14+ | 20-45" | 3+ | 3 |
4-7 | 20-30" | 4+ | D3 |
1-3 | 20" | 5+ | 1 |
- Twin Heavy Bolter
- Twin Assault Cannon
- Two Stormstrike Missile Launchers
Special Rules:
- This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can Fly, and only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can Fly.
- Crash, Burn and FUCKING PUNCH THE PRICKS!!!: What, you thought crashing in a huge explosion would be enough to stop the angry bastard from trying to kill you? Think again.
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 5+ it crashes, explodes and the pilot runs from the wreckage to punch his foes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Hard to Hit
- Hover Jet
- Open-Doors: To maintain aerodynamic properties of an aircraft all doors and hatches must be kept shut until absolutely necessary. Of course, angry marines don’t give a shit about physics, and as such the doors of a Fury-Raven are kept open to allow Marines to hurl lead and profanity at their foes to their hearts content.
- Models embarked on this vehicle can shoot in their Shooting phase. They measure range and draw line of sight from any point on the vehicle. When they do so, any restrictions or modifiers that apply to this model also apply to its passengers; for example, the passengers cannot shoot (except with Pistols) if this model is within 1" of an enemy unit. Note that the passengers cannot shoot if this model has Fallen Back in the same turn, even though the Fury-Raven Gunship itself can. In addition, When this model has the Airborne special rule, passengers must subtract 1 from hit rolls in the Shooting phase.
- Supersonic
- Any model may replace its Twin Assault Cannon with one of the followings:
- Twin Heavy Plasma Cannon - 40 pts.
- Twin Lascannon - 40 pts.
- Any model may replace its Twin Heavy Bolter with one of the followings:
- Thypoon Missile Launcher - 40 pts.
- Twin Multi-melta - 50 pts.
- Any model may take two Hurricane Bolters - 30 pts.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 12 Angry Marines Infantry models and 1 Belligerent Engine. Each Jump Pack or Terminator model takes the space of two models and each Angry Centurion takes the space of 3 models. It cannot transport Angry Primaris or Black Brothers models.
- Faction:Imperium, Angry, Angry Marines
- Flyers, Vehicle, Adeptus Astartes, Fury-Raven Gunship, Transport, Fly
Dedicated Transports[edit | edit source]
Angry Impulsor Squadron[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Angry Impulsor (Power Rating: 5). It can include 1 additional Angry Impulsor (Power Rating: +5) or 2 Angry Impulsors (Power Rating: +10).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Angry Impulsor | * | 6+ | * | 7 | 7 | 11 | * | 8 | 3+ |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
6-11+ | 14" | 3+ | 3 |
3-5 | 7" | 4+ | D3 |
1-2 | 4" | 5+ | 1 |
- Two Storm bolters
Special Rules:
- Assault Vehicle: After this model moves in your Movement phase, if this model did not Advance, any units embarked aboard it can disembark. Units that do so cannot be chosen to charge with that turn.
- Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
- Hatred of the Ground: Only a tiny piece of the old master of the Armouries armor is required to levitate tens of tonnes of metal of the ground, unfortunately, the armor only hates the ground, and cannot be used to keep “WARDIAN, CHEESE FONDLING BASTARDS!!!” Away from the tank.
- Distances and ranges are always measured to and from this model's hull, even though it has a base.
- This model does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for moving and firing Heavy weapons.
- THE GROUND IS A PIECE OF SHIT!!!: The tanks hate for the ground billowing from its undercarriage creates significant gusts of air, which although not as powerful as pure hatred, are more than capable of slowing down any charging enemies, and as an added bonus the gusts of wind stink of farts as an added “FUCK YOU YOU PRICKS!!!”
- Your opponent must subtract 2 from any charge rolls made for units that declare a charge against an Angry Repulsor.
- A model with a shield dome has a 4+ invulnerable save.
- Swearing Comms Array: In your Shooting phase, one model from your army with a Swearing Comms Array that has not been used this battle can use it to call in an orbital barrage of rage. If it does, select one point on the battlefield and roll one D6 for each unit within D6" of that point, subtracting 1 from the result if the unit being rolled for is a Character. On a 4+ the unit being rolled for suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Any model may replace its two Storm Bolters with two Fragstorm Launchers - 10 pts.
- Any model may take one of the followings:
- Bellicatius Missile Array - 20 pts.
- Cursing Dome Upgrade - 25 pts.
- Ironhail Skytalon Array - 5 pts.
- Swearing Comms Array Upgrade - 20 pts.
- Any model may take an Ironhail Heavy Stubber - 5 pts.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 6 Angry Marines Angry Primaris Infantry models. It cannot transport Jump Pack, Black Brothers or Mk X Gravis models.
- Faction:Imperium, Angry, Angry Marines
- Dedicated Transport, Vehicle, Adeptus Astartes, Angry Impulsor, Transport, Fly
Angry Razorback Squadron[edit | edit source]
Despite Angry Serfs effectively being storm troopers (same weapon skill, armour and effectively being space marine level candidates who were never recruited) the Angry serfs don’t get as much love and money put into them. And this creates a lot of animosity between the Angry serfs and the Angry Tech priests, as the serfs bitch to the priests about not getting some cool gadget that the inquisitions storm troopers get, and the Tech priests just cannot be arsed with dealing with the serf’s complaints, never mind actually acquiring the equipment they want. There’s also the issue that the serfs would simply break anything fancy the tech priests got them, and nothing exemplified this situation more than the Tauros: it is fast, carries plenty of men, carries all of the guns (seriously, do the maths, this thing is on par with the Repulsor tank in terms of Dakka output), but it dies in a stiff breeze.
The Angry Tech priests needed to find a solution to this problem, as even though the serfs are weaker than an Angry marine, there far more serfs than angry Marines, and they didn’t want a repeat of the fight/war which broke out last time the tech priests held back equipment. To this end, the Angry Tech priests “acquired” a batch of Razorback tanks, which on the surface seemed like a good compromise, as the razorback is cheaper, fast, carries a reasonable amount of guns, is tougher than a Tauros and carries about the same amount of serfs (if you squash them in a bit). The serf high command (someone has to organise them when there aren’t Angry Marines around) saw them as a half-arsed attempt at placating the serfs and immediately declared war against the Angry Tech Priests. The fist fights only last around half an hour before some proper Angry Marines turned up and (after joining the fight for a bit) broke everything up, giving the serf commanders a nice solid kick to the nuts to remind them that they were still the bottom of the pile no matter how angry they might be.
After this the serfs grudgingly accepted their new transports, although some have added a Tauros to their Slaasneshmas wish list.This unit contains 1 Angry Razorback (Power Rating: 6). It can include 1 additional Angry Razorback (Power Rating: +6) or 2 Angry Razorbacks (Power Rating: +12).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Angry Razorback | * | 6+ | * | 6 | 7 | 10 | * | 8 | 3+ |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
6-10+ | 12" | 3+ | 3 |
3-5 | 6" | 4+ | D3 |
1-2 | 3" | 5+ | 1 |
- Twin Heavy Bolter
Special Rules:
- Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- WITNESS ME BITCHES!!!: The Angry Razorback should have been the perfect vehicle for the Angry Serfs, it was fast, well armored and came with plenty of guns. When the first Angry Razorback was introduced to the serfs however, they took one look at it and said, “where are we supposed to fucking shoot from?!” And a fight would have ensured if the tech-priests hadn’t knocked some heads together and reminded the serfs that they will get what they are given and no they cannot have a Tauros with a minigun on it as they would only break it. As a compromise, however, the Angry Serfs bolted on some extra ladders so that a lucky few could cling to the Razorbacks hull and fire at the enemy like crazed war boys on the way to Valhalla.
- Models (Serf Heavy Weapon Team counts as two models instead of one for the purpose of using this ability) embarked on this Vehicle can shoot in their Shooting phase. They measure range and draw line of sight from any point on the Vehicle. When they do so, any restrictions or modifiers that apply to this model also apply to its passengers; for example, the passengers cannot shoot (except with Pistols) if this model is within 1" of an enemy unit. In addition, passengers must subtract 1 from hit rolls in the Shooting phase and cannot shoot with Heavy weapons.
- Any model may replace its Twin Heavy Bolter with one of the followings:
- Twin Lascannon - 40 pts.
- Twin Assault Cannon - 40 pts.
- Any model may take a Storm Bolter - 3 pts.
- Any model may take a Hunter-killer Missile - 5 pts.
- Any model may take items from the Vehicle Wargear Options list.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 6 Angry Marines Infantry models. It cannot transport Jump Pack, Terminator, Angry Primaris or Angry Centurion models.
- Faction:Imperium, Angry, Angry Marines
- Dedicated Transport, Vehicle, Adeptus Astartes, Angry Razorback, Transport
Angry Repulsor Squadron[edit | edit source]
Unlike it's anger-less cousins, the Angry Repulsor relies on sheer hate of the ground to keep it floating rather than bullshit anti-grav technology. Its loadout includes "A fuckton of guns" allowing it to shoot from every fucking direction like a disco-ball of fiery fuck-you.
However, this only became the case after the previous master of the Armoury, Enfurious Ragman saw a repulsor for the first time onboard the battle barge Maximum Fuck’s Armoury, upon seeing the techno heresy (although it is still very cool, heresy can be cool kids BLAM) Ragman began issuing smoke from his eyes, nose, mouth, ears and (presumably) his japside and anus, while giving off a deep bellow of “FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...” This was all the warning which the Angry Tech Priests nearby needed as an excuse to run in the opposite direction, as Ragman’s issuing of smoke and FFFFF increased in volume. The last Tech Priest has barely managed to get out of the Armoury and slam the blast doors shut when Ragman finally reach critical levels of fury and exploded, all that remained of him inside the now ruined Armoury were the molten remains of his armour, and one intact fist with the middle finger extended.
After the Angry Marines has held funeral rights for Ragman’s literal middle finger “HE WAS TRULY A FUCKING AMGRY CUNT, MAY HE SCREAM AND KICK FUCKING BALLS FOR FUCKING ETERNITY!!!” It was decided that the repulsor units inside the chapters repulsor tanks would be replaced with a lump of metal containing a small piece of Ragman’s armour, which produces such large amounts of hatred that it can be used to suspend an entire tank in mid-air.This unit contains 1 Angry Repulsor (Power Rating: 16). It can include 1 additional Angry Repulsor (Power Rating: +16) or 2 Angry Repulsors (Power Rating: +32).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Repulsor | * | 6+ | * | 8 | 8 | 16 | * | 9 | 3+ | 215 |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
9-16+ | 10" | 3+ | 6 |
3-5 | 5" | 4+ | D6 |
1-2 | 3" | 5+ | 1 |
- Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon
- Rageus Ironhail Heavy Stubber
- Three Storm Bolters
- Twin Heavy Bolter
- Two Ironhail Heavy Stubbers
- Two Krakstorm Grenade Launchers
Special Rules:
- Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
- Hatred of the Ground: Only a tiny piece of the old master of the Armouries armor is required to levitate tens of tonnes of metal of the ground, unfortunately, the armor only hates the ground, and cannot be used to keep “WARDIAN, CHEESE FONDLING BASTARDS!!!” Away from the tank.
- Distances and ranges are always measured to and from this model's hull, even though it has a base.
- This model does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for moving and firing Heavy weapons.
- THE GROUND IS A PIECE OF SHIT!!!: The tanks hate for the ground billowing from its undercarriage creates significant gusts of air, which although not as powerful as pure hatred, are more than capable of slowing down any charging enemies, and as an added bonus the gusts of wind stink of farts as an added “FUCK YOU YOU PRICKS!!!”
- Your opponent must subtract 2 from any charge rolls made for units that declare a charge against an Angry Repulsor.
- Tracer Rounds: If a unit with this rule fires all its Ranged weapons at the same unit in the Shooting or Overwatch phase it may add 1 to its hit rolls for that phase.
- Any model may replace its Heavy bolter Gatling cannon with a Las-talon - 35 pts.
- Any model may replace its Twin Heavy bolter with a Twin Lascannon - 40 pts.
- Any model may replace any of its two Ironhail Heavy Stubbers with an Onslaught Gatling Cannon - 20 pts.
- Any model may replace its Rageus Ironhail heavy Stubber with one of the followings:
- Fragstorm Grenade Launcher - 5 pts.
- Icarus Rocket Pod - 5 pts.
- Storm Bolters - 3 pts.
- Any model may replace its three Storm bolters with three Kragstorm Grenade Launcher - 15 pts.
- Any model may replace its Autolaunchers special rule with two Fragstorm Grenade Launchers - 10 pts.
- Any model may take an Ironhail Heavy Stubber - 5 pts.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 10 Angry Marines Angry Primaris Infantry models. It cannot transport Jump Pack or Black Brothers models and each Mk X Gravis model counts as two models instead of one.
- Faction:Imperium, Angry, Angry Marines
- Dedicated Transport, Vehicle, Adeptus Astartes, Angry Repulsor, Transport, Fly
Angry Rhino Squadron[edit | edit source]
This unit contains 1 Angry Rhino (Power Rating: 4). It can include 1 additional Angry Rhino (Power Rating: +4) or 2 Angry Rhinos (Power Rating: +8).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Angry Rhino | * | 6+ | * | 6 | 7 | 10 | * | 8 | 3+ |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
6-10+ | 12" | 4+ | 3 |
3-5 | 6" | 5+ | D3 |
1-2 | 3" | 6+ | 1 |
- Storm bolter
Special Rules:
- DAMNED MACHINERY!!!: If there is at least one model with a Power Wrench is embarked on this model, you can roll a D6 at the start of each of your turns; on a 5+, the Angry Rhino regains one lost wound.
- Doormaker Charges: Rhino transports have no assault ramps to allow marines to jump out of to join the fight, and moreover due to their design there is no way to add a forward ramp. Angry techmarines found a way to bypass these limitations by the simple addition of a few demolition charges into a Rhino's front armour to BLOW ITS FUCKING FRONT ARMOUR TO HELL!!! and launch the Angry Marines inside it at the enemy. The added velocity can often send the unit of Angry Marines flying through the enemy unit and through to the other side, while screaming “FUCK YOU MOMENTUM!!! THE ENEMY IS IN THE OTHER FUCKING DIRECTION YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!”
- At the end of any of your movement phases you can Detonate the Doormaker Charges; this model is slain and Explodes; before any embarked models disembark, each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, in the following Charge phase, units which disembarked after using this ability, may add 1” to their charge distances.
- Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.
- Any model may take a Storm Bolter - 3 pts.
- Any model may take a Hunter-killer Missile - 5 pts.
- Any model may take items from the Vehicle Wargear Options list.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 10 Angry Marines Infantry models. It cannot transport Jump Pack, Terminator, Angry Primaris or Angry Centurion models.
- Faction:Imperium, Angry, Angry Marines
- Dedicated Transport, Vehicle, Adeptus Astartes, Angry Rhino, Transport
Drop Pod Squadron[edit | edit source]

Unlike all of the other Angry Marine vehicles, the drop pod is not a hateful, angry, spiteful creature, mostly because Angry Marine drop pods rarely survive one engagement, and are usually stolen from other chapters. As such, the machine spirits of Angry Marine drop pods more resemble frightened rabbits surrounded by wolves. Because of this though, once released from its moorings on the battle barge, the drop pod will travel at least twice as fast to the planet’s surface as a conventional drop pod, presumably so it can end its suffering and get rid of the Angry Marines inside it.
This innate ability to “seek glorious death in battle” has however, allowed the Angry Marine Drop Pod to win the Imperium of Man’s Martyrdom award on and off for the past 500 years, as few things can truly match up to the speed, consistency and brutality in which the drop pods seek to end their existence. The usual competition for the award are:
- Any Krieg Guardsmen
- Sisters of Battle penitent sisters
- Any poor sod who tries to make sense of the imperium tax system, because they are doing good for humanity and will most certainly die in the process. Usually a glorious death in battle fighting mountains of paperwork.
This unit contains 1 Drop Pod (Power Rating: 5). It can include 1 additional Drop Pod (Power Rating: +5) or 2 Drop Pods (Power Rating: +10).
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
Drop Pod | 0" | - | 3+ | 6 | 6 | 8 | 0 | 8 | 3+ |
- Three Storm Bolters
Special Rules:
- Externally Awesome Improvised Seating: In their haste to get to the surface of a planet as fast as possible, Angry Marines will sometimes neglect to follow (read, ignore more than usual) the health and safety instructions regards drop pod seating capacity. Unfortunately, Angry Marines do not like sharing seats (especially as drop pods are cramped environments at the best of times) and so they will instead hold onto any external handholds on the drop pod, and cling for dear life as it plummets through the atmosphere. Although this increased passenger capacity has its uses, the extra weight and reduced aerodynamics of the drop pod requires it to travel at a much higher speed, resulting in an evening greater, earth shattering impact.
- This unit may carry more models than are specified on its data sheet. However, when this unit uses its Please, JUST LET ME DIE!!! special count how many extra models it is carrying and consult below:
- - 1-5 extra models, each model suffers a Strength 4 ap 0 damage 1 hit instead of a Strength 3 ap 0 damage 1 hit. All enemy units within 9” of this unit suffer minus 1 to their leadership characteristics until the start of your next movement phase.
- - 6-10 extra models, each model suffers a Strength 5 ap 0 damage 1 hit instead of a Strength 3 ap 0 damage 1 hit. All enemy units within 12” of this unit suffer minus 1 to their leadership characteristics until the start of your next movement phase.
- - 11-15 extra models, each model suffers a Strength 5 ap -1 damage 1 hit instead of a Strength 3 ap 0 damage 1 hit. All enemy units within 12” of this unit suffer minus 2 to their leadership characteristics until the start of your next movement phase.
- - 15+ extra models, OKAY YOU FUCKING LUNATIC!!! IF YOU WANT PAIN I’LL GIVE YOU FUCKING PAIN!!!. Each model suffers a Strength 5 ap -2 damage 2 hit instead of a Strength 3 ap 0 damage 1 hit. All enemy units within 12” of this unit suffer minus 3 to their leadership characteristics until the start of your next movement phase and roll a D6 for each model within 11” of this unit but before any models are disembarked. On a 5+ that model suffers a mortal wound. If your models survive this endeavor then your opponent is contractually obliged to bow to you and shake your hand.
- Immobile: After this model has been set up on the battlefield it cannot move for any reason, and no units can embark upon it.
- Please, JUST LET ME DIE!!!: In their quest to end their terrible existence, Angry Marine drop pods will travel faster and hit their target with greater accuracy (a rarity amongst the Angry Marines) than their other chapter counterparts, all so that they can enjoy the sweet release of death
- During deployment, you can set up this model, along with any units embarked within it, in orbit instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your movement phases, this model can perform a Drop Pod "Please, JUST LET ME DIE!!!" assault - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. Each model inside the Drop Pod then suffers a Strength 3, AP 0, Damage 1 hit, as the drop pod hits the ground at a speed even Angry Marines find deeply uncomfortable. Than any models embarked inside must immediately disembark, but they must be set up more than 6" away from any enemy models (any models that cannot be set up because there is not enough room are slain); then, the drop pod suffers 3D3 mortal wounds, as the drop pod hits the ground at a speed that could shatter it into a billion pieces. Neither this model, nor any units embarked within it, are counted towards any limits that the mission you are playing places on the maximum number of Reinforcement units you can have in your army. This model can be set up in the Reinforcements step of your first, second or third Movement phase, regardless of any mission rules.
Transport Capacity: This model can transport 10 Angry Marines Infantry models. It cannot transport Jump Pack, Terminator, Angry Primaris, Black Brothers or Angry Centurion models.
- Faction:Imperium, Angry, Angry Marines
- Dedicated Transport, Vehicle, Adeptus Astartes, Angry Rhino, Transport
Lords of war[edit | edit source]
Rachnus Rageous (Angry Marines Primarch)[edit | edit source]
(The exactly same size base And about the same model-size as Roboute Guilliman .... maybe Rachnus is bigger) (he is a Special Character)

Despite being the father of the Angry Marines, he isn't the most angry thing in existence, Rachnus was/is an incredibly calculating and intelligent Primarch, ironically on a level with Girlyman. After the heresy (FUCK YOU HORUS) Rachnus created the Angry Marines by modifying his own gene seed (the desert fangs), from an army of nulls, into an army of "FUCKING ANGRY BASTARDS WHO WILL NEVER FUCKING REST UNTIL GIRLYMAN (COUGH!!!) I MEAN CHAOS IS FUCKING DESTROYED!!!", in an attempt to remove them from the galactic spotlight (Khorne still cares though, but watching them makes him sad as he knows that they will never follow him) and thereby prevent their eradication.
Since then, Rageous has been kicking daemon ass in the eye of terror with his army of silencers, but little else is known about his doings. Some say that he has traversed the web ways, killing countless Eldar and daemons, some say that he was caught up in a tendril of a Tyranid hive fleet (said hive fleet deeply regrets any slight it may have caused to Rachnus, and asks that he stops annihilating them, if he does then the hive promises to leave the galaxy and never to return), while others insist that Rachnus has retired, instead pulling strings from the shadows to ensure that the Angry Marines don't get fucked over by some bureaucratic threat which they couldn't be bothered with.
Regardless, Rachnus is an incredibly competent and powerful individual, who is still capable of acts of extreme violence, especially against his traitor brothers, AND FUCKING GIRLYMAN!!!Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Rachnus Rageous | 8" | 2+ | 3+ | 6 | 6 | 9 | 6 | 10 | 2+ | 420 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
The Sandstorm Assault cannon | 24" | Assault 5 | 6 | -1 | D2 | - |
The Fangs of RAGING Desert | Melee | Melee | +4 | -4 | 4 | If you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts 2D3 mortal wounds instead of its normal damage; when attacking a Daemon or a Psyker model, it inflicts 4 mortal wounds instead of 2D3 mortal wounds on a wound roll of 6+. Subtract 1 from invulnerability save rolls made against this weapon. |

Composition: This unit contains only Rachnus Rageous. (Power Rating 20) Only one of this model may be included in your army.
- The Sandstorm Assault cannon
- The Fangs of RAGING Desert
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- ALWAYS ANGRY!!! ALL THE TIME!!!: Space Marines feel a more extreme array of emotions compared to humans, so imagine how angry Rachnus can be when he puts his mind to it.
- A unit with this rule can make D3 additional attacks each time they fight and add 1 to their strength characteristic whenever they charged, or made a heroic intervention. In addition, hit rolls of 6+ made by this unit in the fight phase count as 2 hits instead of 1.
- DEATH CAN NOT STOP ME!!!: Terms and conditions apply, see your armour’s care guide for further instructions.
- The first time model is slain; place this model on its side instead of removing it. At the start of your next turn, this model regains 3+2D3 wounds, and is placed as close to its previous position as possible while remaining more than 1" from any enemy models. However, this model instead has a 4+ armour save and a 6+ invulnerability save.
- Rachnus Rageous will always be successful with his wound rolls on a 2+ with any attacks Rachnus makes against any CHAOS PRIMARCH units. In addition, in the Fight Phase, Roboute Guilliman is treated as having a weapon skill of 5+ when attacking Rachnus Rageous and has a 2+ invulnerable save against attacks Rachnus Rageous makes.
- Primarch of ANGER!!!: Although not technically true as their anger was artificially created by Rachnus to hide their blank abilities, I wouldn’t advise pointing this out to his face.
- You can add 2 to Advance and Charge rolls for friendly Angry units within 9" of this unit, and re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 for these units. In addition, If your army is Battle-forged, you can re-roll any failed hit rolls for friendly Codex - Angry Marines units within 6" of this unit in the Fight Phase
- The Null Primarch: Rachnus is utterly unique amongst his brothers, as while some of his other brothers were made as psykers, Rachnus was the only primarch to be made as a psychic blank.
- This unit can never be the target of any Psychic powers.
- In addition, in your Psychic Phase, select the closest visible enemy Daemon or Psyker model within 18” of this unit. If you do, that model suffers 1 mortal wound. Ig the target is both a Daemon and a Psyker, the target suffers D3 mortal wounds instead.
- In addition, this unit can attempt to deny three Psychic powers in each enemy Psychic Phase, as if it were a Psyker, and adds 3 to any Deny the Witch roll he makes.
- The Armour of RAGE!!!: An armour of unknown origin, but shows extensive battle damage from millennia of abuse.
- This unit has a 4+ invulnerability save and add 1 to this models save rolls against melee attacks.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines, Desert Fangs
Keywords: Character, Monster, Primarch, Blank/Null, Rachnus Rageous, Adeptus Astartes
Spartan Assault Ram[edit | edit source]
Some Angry Marines would tell you that the Angry Spartan Assault Ram is an ancient Pattern of Spartan From the Great Crusade that was exclusive to their legion similar to “THOSE SUPER FUCKING CHOPPY DREADS THEM FUCKING VAMPIRES WONT LET US HAVE!!!” This, however, is not true. The Assault Ram was first created around the end of the time of rebirth during “A PARTICULARLY INFURIATING SIEGE AGAINST SOME PISSING IRON HA-WARRIORS!!!!!” when the then head tech-priest of the angry marines "Ben the tech Priest" was so pissed off by how the battle had slowed to a stand still. In a flash of inspiration, he jury-rigged the ruins of a destroyed Iron Warriors Vindicator onto an Angry Spartan to create the first "Angry Assault Ram", which he then preceded to loose upon the enemy fortress, where it shot forward like a heretic out of a burning building over any land mines/trenches/cultists/other Angry Marines unlucky enough to get in its way until it reached the walls of the iron warriors fortress.
Upon arrival it bashed into the side of the fortress with such force that the entire wall collapsed, while the irrational machine continued on into the fortress’ centre, where the iron warriors inside were had probably intended “TO PULL ANOTHER CUNTING IRON CAGE STUNT THE SNEAKY COCK-GOBBLING ROBO-BELGIANS!!!!!” The Jury-rigged Franken-Spartan and its crew carried on regardless, crushing a heavy bolter team that had foolishly set themselves up with their backs to the 18-meter thick plasti-crete walls, and detonating the rear-facing Door-Maker Charges before carrying on across the would-be killing-floor before slamming into a Bunker and exploding.
So memorised were the Iron Warriors by this insane display of property damage (also known as one of the many phrases the Angry Marines use for lunch) that they failed to noticed the riot of Angry marines pouring in through the new hole, marines who had been so FUCKING WOUND-UP!!! by the length of the Siege that they achieved a rage rare even among the ranks of the Angry Marines & had surged forth in the wake of new War-machine, broke into the walls of the former fortresses and butchered the war-band to a man after the battle it was decided that this new Type of Spartan was WAY FUCKING BETTER THEN THE REGULAR ONE I MEAN IT'S JUST A MASTADON THAT DOESN'T COMMIT RIGHT NOW BUT THAT THING WAS FUCKING GREAT IT JUST WENT RIGHT THROUGH THAT FUCKING WALL, HOLY SHIT!!! And so it was decided the Head Tech-Priest Ben would use the Spartans recently captured from the Iron Warriors they had just annihilated to perfect this new design and then they would be rolled out to the rest of the Chapter. And so after a few months of kludging tanks together he finalized the Angry Spartan Assault Ram which was quickly adopted by the Angry Marines as their main pattern of Spartan and is now a mainstay of Angry sieges
Perplexingly (for the Angry Marines at least) the Imperiums other space marine chapters have unanimously refused to adopt the Angry Spartan assault Ram into their arsenal's citing silly reasons such as "it's a complete waste of a perfectly good venerable warmachine" "this thing is an absolute deathtrap" "it's like something the orks would make" & "THIS IS TECH HERESY OF THE HIGHEST ORDER!" And other such frivolitys. this may be because the assult Rams construction process drives the Spartans machine Spirit totally insane creating a truly crazed piece of machinery that likes going in a straight line, doesn't like turning, and Hates. Braking.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Angry Spartan Assault Tank | * | 3+ | * | 9 | 8 | 20 | 8 | 10 | 2+ | 440 |
Remaining W | M | BS | A |
12-20+ | 10” | 3+ | 10 |
6-11 | 5” | 4+ | D6+1 |
1-5 | 3” | 5+ | 2D3 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Point Cost |
Heavy Flamer | 8" | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - | 0 |
Quad Lascannon | 48" | Heavy 4 | 9 | -3 | D6 | - | 120 |
Laser Destructor | 36" | Heavy 1 | 12 | -4 | D6 | If this weapon successfully deals damage roll a D6; on a 2-5 increase this weapons damage to 2D6, on a 6 increase the damage to 3D6. | 160 |
Crushing Tracks | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | D3 | - | 0 |
Composition: 1 Spartan Assault Ram
- 2 Heavy Flamers
- Crushing Tracks
Wargear Options:
- This model must take either 2 Quad Lascannons or 2 Laser Destructors.
- At the end of any of your movement phases you can Detonate the charges on the “Assault Exit”; this model is slain and Explodes; before any embarked models disembark, each unit within 12" suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, units which disembarked after using this ability, may add 2” to their charge distances In the following charge phase. If this model had moved 30” or more during its movement phase then instead disembark any units inside of it, each unit disembarked this way suffers a mortal wound. You must then move this model between 10”-20” in a straight line, once you have done this this model is then slain and Explodes, dealing 2D3 mortal wounds to all units within 18”.
- If this model would move over a piece of terrain or scenery (except water or fortifications) which is less than (insert width of this model) remove that piece of scenery as the model flattens it. If this model could move over an enemy INFANTRY unit and finish its move more than 1” away from enemy units then it may do so (it may advance to achieve this), any such units it passes over suffer D3 mortal wounds.
- SUPERHEAVY AS FUCK BITCHES: You know that your heavy when your arrival on a planet results in a change in the planets orbital trajectory.
- A model with this rule can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still shoot/or charge during its turn. A model with this rule may fall back over INFANTRY or SWARM models though at the end of its move it must be more than 1” away from all enemy units. A model with this rule may fire its weapons even if there are enemy models within 1” of it unless those models have the TITANIC keyword. In this case it can shoot at the enemy unit within 1” of it or at another enemy unit within range which is not within 1” of a friendly unit. In addition, a model with this rule can move and fire its heavy weapons without any penalty to its hit rolls. Finally, a model with this rule only gains a bonus to its save in cover if at least half of the model is obscured from the bearer.
- NA NA NA NA NA THIS OBJECTIVE IS MINE YOU PUNY GUARDSMEN!!!: If being denied an objective by swarms of guants is infuriating to a normal Angry Marine you have no idea what it is like to be a titan in the same situation. The solution is to just say “FUCK YOU!!!” And take the objective for yourself, by simply sitting the Titans gigantic feet either side of the objective and daring anyone to try and take it “FUCKING TRY IT, I DARE YOU!!!”.
- Models with this rule gain objective secured if your army is battle forged, and count as 4 models if the objective is contested by an unit/s with a similar rule.
Sokarage Pattern Stormbird[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Sokarage Pattern Stormbird | * | 3+ | * | 11 | 9 | 40 | 8 | 10 | 3+ | 700 |
Remaining W | M | BS | A | Void Shield |
30-40+ | 20"-50” | 3+ | 3+ | 4+ |
20-29 | 20"-40” | 3+ | 4+ | 5+ |
10-19 | 20"-30” | 4+ | 5+ | 6+ |
1-9 | 20” | 4+ | 5+ | 7+ |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Twin Heavy Bolter | 36” | Heavy 6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Twin Lascannon | 48” | Heavy 2 | 9 | -3 | D6 | - |
Hellstrike Battery | 72" | Heavy 4 | 8 | -2 | 3 | - |
- This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can Fly, and only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can Fly.
- Big Crash, Big Burn and even bigger FUCKING PUNCHES TO THE PRICKS!!!:
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 5+ it crashes, explodes and the pilot runs from the wreckage to punch his foes, and each unit within 6" suffers 2D6 mortal wounds.
- Hover Jet: For those times that you don’t want to be annihilating the sound barrier.
- Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move characteristic becomes 20" until the end of the phase, and it loses the "Airborne", "Hard to Hit" and "Supersonic" abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase.
- Huge Fucking Flyer: Let’s just say that the laws of physics don’t seem to apply to certain vehicles in the 42nd millennium.
- When targeting this unit with Shooting attacks amd psychic powers, always measure to the model's hull where it would be at tabletop level, even if it is on a flying base. In addition, unless the attacking unit has the FLY keyword, add 12" to the measured distance to determine the range when making shooting attacks against the Sokarage Pattern Stormbird. Note, that this means that many short-ranged weapons will not be able to hit this model. Your opponent must also subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the shooting phase.
- RAGE HARDENED HULL!!!: The hulls of Sokarage Stormbirds are shouted at continually for a year after forging by Angry Tech Priests, creating a material which bullets are too afraid of to impact with.
- This model has a 5+ invulnerability save.
- Titan Void Shields: The thing which truly makes a titan a titan, the ability to shrug off even the most powerful of eldritch attacks and come out of it smiling maniacally and you continue to charge towards your enemy.
- Void shields are a special kind of save, like an invulnerability save it is unaffected by the ap of a weapon but cannot defend against melee attacks, but unlike invulnerability saves they can be used to block mortal wounds. Roll a dice for each mortal wound inflicted on the Titan, with the mortal wound being ignored if you pass the save roll. Consult the Titan damage table to view its current void shield save.
- Shield Projection: Some large vehicles with void shields are able to project their shields beyond their hulls for a considerable distance, providing significant protection for disembarking troops.
- As long as the Sokarage Pattern Stormbird's controlling player has chosen to make it hover (as described previously) and does not move at all during the turn, you may declare that the Sokarage Pattern Stormbird is projecting its void shields beyond its hull at the start of the Movement phase. If this is the case, the void shields' save is extended to all models and BUILDINGS within 8" of the Sokarage Pattern Stormbird's hull and wings.
The Metal Box of Incandescent Rage, (modified Falchion Superheavy Destroyer Tank for Fuklaw)[edit | edit source]
After centuries of "borrowing" the vehicles of others to ride into battle (or to drive to the shops)Comissar Fuklaw decided that he wanted his very own colossal war engine to ride into battle in, more phallicly weaponed and armored than Commissar Yarrick's Fortress of Arrogance, faster than Rogal Dorn's personal Thunderhawk, and more festooned with banners and enemy trophies than a Lord of Skulls.
Being all set on finding the parts for the most powerful, personal pimp wagon of the 41st millennium, Fuklaw pulled together only the best (or whatever he had to hand) materials he could find. The basic tank came from a marrying of a Falchion Superheavy Tank and a Mars pattern Baneblade, outfitted with the reactor from an imperial knight (who had kindly given up its reactor after Fuklaw had kicked its pilot to oblivion via a kick to the groin), while the main turret was a stripped down turbo laser destructor, nicknamed the butthurt cannon after the amount of work required to modify it. After more than a decade of searching, building and slightly more swearing than usual, the Metal Box of Incandescent Rage was born, except for its secondary and tertiary weaponry, which the aging commissar felt that the tank didn’t have anywhere near enough of. A normal Superheavy Tank would be fitted with a few heavy bolters, flamers, maybe a lascannon or two to deal with anything large, but too small to bother firing the main cannon at. Fuklaw simply felt that this wasn’t enough firepower for his personal ride. What if he had to fight an army of eldar while riding his tank to the shops for a pint of milk, a newspaper and a bag of nails as a snack?
And so, Comissar Fuklaw brought his metal monstrosity to Enginseer Mighitily Pissed Off the Third, who immediately agreed with the old man that “IT NEEDS MORE FUCKING GUNS!!!” Dredging out the depths MAXIMIUM FUCKS armoury, Pissed Off and his army of tech marines set to work outfitting The Metal Box of Incandescent Rage with every spare gun they had, lasguns, rusted bolters, stubbers, grenade launchers, it didn’t matter, it was all welded onto the side of the tank. After weeks of working around the clock to finish arming the tank, the tech marines finally attached the last pea shooter with a strip of duct tape, and stood back, admiring the monster they had helped create, the metal beast glaring at them malevolently, even though it had never yet been turned on.
“ABOUT FUCKING TIME YOU CUNTS FINISHED IT!!!” Bellowed Fuklaw from behind the assembled marines, startled out of their revelry. “NOW PISS OF THE LOT OF YOU!!!” Continued the commissar as he climbed his ride, “I’VE GOT TO FUCKING FUEL THIS BITCH!!! I’VE BEEN ON THE LASH FOR A FUCKING WEEK SO I’VE GOT ENOUGH PISS AND VITRIOL TO GET HER STARTED!!!” Finally reaching the tanks fuel port (which sat two metres above the ground), to the silent horror of all those assembled, Fuklaw unzipped his trousers, and began to urinate into the fuel tank, the overloud gushing sound echoing around the cavernous armoury. “COME ON YOU AGED BASTARD!!!” Screamed Pissed Off from the drivers compartment as he watched the tanks fuel gauge inch slowly up “I’VE SEEN GIRLYMAN PISS HARDER THAN YOUR LIMP EXCUSE FOR A COCK!!! WE’VE STILL GOT A THOUSAND FUCKING LITRES TO GO!!!”
This continued on in terrified silence (other than the torrential sound of urine hitting metal) for some hours, with serfs running back and forth to bring the commissar a steady stream of whatever fluids they had to hand to maintain his flood into his still silent tank. “RIGHT!!!” Bellowed the commissar as he tucked himself back into his trousers “OF THATS NOT ENOUGH TO FUCKING SATISFY YOU PISSEDOFF THEN YOUR GOING TO NEED A KEEPER OF SECRETS TO FULFILL YOUR FETISHES!!!” The assembled marines had only enough time to let out the first hint of a snigger before shot a wrench at the head of the nearest marine, ending the incoming torrent of abuse and laughter with a satisfying crack of steel on ceramite. “YES ITS DONE YOU ANCIENT CUNT!!!” Screamed the master of the armoury as the marine he’d just “shot” crumpled to to the floor “NOW LETS GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!! I DONT KNOW WHAT THIS BITCH WILL DO ONCE ITS TURNED ON!!!”
At this, all the marines and hangers on retreated behind adamantium blast shields erected for the purpose while Pissedoff began laying out cabling from the tanks ignition switch to one of the barriers, where an old style, explosive plunger was set up. “THERE!!!” Said Pissedoff, poking his head in awe to gaze upon the metal monster he had helped conceive, “EVERYTHING IS SET UP YOU CRAZY BASTARD!!! IF THIS THING KILLS US ILL PULL YOUR BALLS OFF!!!” Fucklaw didn’t respond as he took the detonator/ignition switch, and pushed the plunger down. If the two hadn’t been crouching behind their makeshift barricade then at this moment they would have been wiped from existence as the tank, upon starting, immediately opened fire with all of its guns, it’s double barrelled main cannon eating 20 metre thick holes into the walls and bulkhead, while its many sub weapons annihilated the contents of the armoury.The Metal Box of Incadescent Rage is a single model, and is armed with six Dakka Arrays, six Flaslight Arrays, The Butthurt Cannon and may crush its foes beneath its Grinding Metal Treads. In addition, Commissar Fuklaw hangs off the side of the tank swinging with Fuklaw’s Master-Crafted Chainsword.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
The Metal Box of Inandescent Rage | * | 2+ | * | 10 | 9 | 28 | * | 10 | 2+ | 1500 |
Remaining W | M | A | BS |
13-28+ | 16” | 12 | 3+ |
7-12 | 12” | 14 | 4+ |
1-6 | 9” | 6D6 | 5+ |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Dakka Array | 24” | Assault 2D3 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Flashlight Array | 24” | Assault 2D6 | 3 | - | 1 | - |
The Butthurt Cannon | 120” | Macro 2D6 | 17 | -5 | 2D6 | You may re-roll failed wound rolls against units with the TITANIC keyword with this weapon. Units hit by this weapon suffer -1 to their hit rolls until your next turn. Hit rolls of 1 made by this weapon deals 1 mortal wound to the weapons bearer. |
Grinding Metal Treads | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | D3 | - |
Fuklaw’s Master-Crafted Chainsword | Melee | Melee | 5 | -2 | 2 | You may make 4 additional attacks using this weapon profile each time this model fights in melee. |
- Aura of Fuklaw: Nobody ever flees while Fuklaw’s around, some saw it’s due to the respect he garners, others say that it’s his imposing statue which inspire his troops to fight to the bitter end, most soldiers however, say that it’s the commissars hand twitching next to his bolt pistol, and a gaze so hate filled and disdainful that it can punch through power armour.
- Friendly Codex - Angry Marines units within 6" of Fuklaw can re-roll failed Morale tests and cannot suffer any negative modifiers to their Leadership characteristic.
- BLAM! HERESY!!!: Only Fuklaw is enough of a badass to execute Angry Marines. Correction, Fuklaw is the only person who would a. Even consider such a thing b. Attempt to execute an Angry Marine and c. Survive the act.
- In the Morale phase, any Friendly Imperium units that is not a Character or a Vehicle, that are within 6" of Fuklaw, must make a Morale test regardless of whether it has lost models or not early that turn, and if it makes a roll of 6 (regardless of modifiers) will always result in at least one model being slain. In addition, If a Friendly Imperium Psyker unit, that has 3 or less wounds left (all the wounds each model has in the unit put together), suffers Perils of the Warp whilst within 6" of Fuklaw, they are also executed before anything untoward can happen - the power they were attempting fails, and the Imperium Psyker unit is slain as a result of Commissar Fuklaw's old trusted Bolt pistol to the head; units within 6" of them do not suffer D3 mortal wounds.
- Engine of Rage: The Metal Box of Incandescent Rage is powered by a fusion reactor who's machine spirit siphons the rage of the Angry Marines directly from the warp to provide additional power. This pure, undistilled fury permeates the entirety of the tank and is enough to scare away even bullets and lasers from damaging it.
- This model has a 6++ invulnerability save and all enemy units within 12" of it suffers a -1 to their leadership characteristic.
- FUCK HERETICS!!!: Such is the anger that Commissar Fuklaw has against xenos, mutants and heretics, that he and any unit led by him will fight with redoubled fury against these enemies of the Emprah (as far as Fuklaw is concerned, anyone opposing him is at least one of the three).
- You can re-roll any failed wound rolls in the Fight Phase for Friendly Imperium units that are within 6" of Fuklaw.
- From The Flames Of Destruction: The destruction of 1000 tonnes of battle tank is not enough to kill Fuklaw, who will simply walk from the inferno of his destroyed ride to bludgeon his foes personally, and with extreme prejudice.
- When this model is destroyed roll a D6; on a 4+ this model explodes dealing D6 mortal wounds to all units in 2D6”. After this set up a Commissar Fuklaw model within 3" of this model, Commissar Fuklaw then behaves normally except that Fuklaw ignores all damage received until the start of your next movement phase.
Transport: this model can Transport 9 Codex - Angry Marines Infantry models. It cannot Transport Angry Primaris, Terminator, Black Brothers or Jump Pack models. Technically this unit can carry 10 models but Fuklaw always takes the best seat, and the seat is always covered in rusty nails and barbed wire for “EXTRA FUCKING COMFORT!!!” |
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, Codex - Angry Marines
Keywords: Vehicle, Character, Angry Marine, Titanic, Commissar, Angry Commissar, Fuklaw, The Metal Box of Incandescent Rage
Thunderfuck Assault Gunship[edit | edit source]
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Thunderfuck Assault Gunship | * | 3+ | * | 11 | 9 | 30 | 8 | 10 | 3+ | - |
Remaining W | M | BS | A | Void Shield |
30-40+ | 20"-50” | 3+ | 3+ | 4+ |
20-29 | 20"-40” | 3+ | 4+ | 5+ |
10-19 | 20"-30” | 4+ | 5+ | 6+ |
1-9 | 20” | 4+ | 5+ | 7+ |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Twin Heavy Bolter | 36” | Heavy 6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | - |
Hellstrike Battery | 72" | Heavy 4 | 8 | -2 | 3 | - |
Lascannon | 48” | Heavy | 9 | -3 | D6 | - |
Thunderhawk Heavy Cannon | 48" | Heavy 2D6 | 8 | -2 | D6 | - |
Turbo-Laser Destructor | 96" | Heavy D3 | 16 | -4 | 2D6 | Any wound roll of a 6 made with this attack automatically inflicts an additional D3 mortal wounds on the target. |
Point Costs[edit | edit source]
Weapons[edit | edit source]
Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]
Weapon | Points Per Weapon |
AECOS | 0 |
Master-Crafted Chainsword | 3 |
Crozius Iratus | 1 |
Chainfist | (single/pair) 22/33 |
Force axe | 10 |
Force stave | 8 |
Force sword | 8 |
Combat knife | 0 |
Spear Banner | 0 |
Dreadnought combat weapon | (single/pair) 40/55 |
Belligerent fist | 0 |
Tearing claw | (single/pair) 46/65 |
"Siege" Drill | (single/pair) 50/80 |
Servo-arm | 12 |
Power Jackhammer | 8 |
Power Feet | 10 (Characters)
5 (other models) |
Improvised weapon | 1 |
Chain Blades | 0 |
Fiery Fists | 0 |
Fagbasher | 0 |
Ranged Weapons[edit | edit source]
Weapon | Points Per Weapon |
Angry Grappa | 15 |
Assault bolter | 10 |
Astartes shotgun | 0 |
Auto bolt rifle | 0 |
Bolt pistol | 0 |
Rapid Fire pistol | 0 |
Bolt rifle | 0 |
(Twin) Boltgun | 0(+2) |
Heavy Bolt Pistol | 0 |
Frag grenade and Krak grenade | 0 |
Shock grenade | 0 |
Conversion Beamer | 20 |
Cyclone missile launcher | 50 |
Demolisher cannon | 0 |
Flamestorm cannon | 30 |
Fiery Flamers | 0 |
Hand Flamer of Wrath | (single/pair) 9/12 |
Flamer of Wrath | 15 |
Heavy Flamer of Wrath | 25 |
Handheld Plasma Cutter | 7 |
Heavy flamer array | 50 |
Heavy bolter Gatling cannon | 36 |
Heavy bolter Gatling gun | 16 |
Hurricane Bolter | 10 |
Ironhail heavy Stubber | 6 |
Kragstorm grenade launcher | 4 |
Master Key sawed off shotgun | 4 |
Molotov cocktail launcher | 5 |
Napalm missile launcher | 0 |
NEEDLE pistol | 0 |
Bolt Pistol Rifle | 0 |
Plasma Incineragetor | 17 |
Macro Plasma Incineragetor | 31 |
Power Heavy Bolter | 14 |
Rageus Stormcannon | 17 |
Rageus Ironhail heavy Stubber | 6 |
Rageus Rocket Pod | 6 |
Sniper rifle | 3 |
Stormstrike missile launcher | 21 |
Angry Titan Lords of War[edit | edit source]
There is no greater power on the battlefield than that of a titan, using weapons normally only seen on fortifications and void vessels, a titan can lay waste to anything before it, intact the only threats a titan will realistically face are folly, hubris, or another of its kind. That is, until the Angry Marines turn up, upon which the crew of a titan realise that they should add red and yellow psychopaths armed with chain swords to the list, right before the Angry marines break inside the Titan and proceed to sodomise the crew with their power fists.
Angry Titans are machines who had their crews ripped to shreds inside itself, and decided that it rather liked its new crew compared to its original Admec pilots (who were at that very moment helping to decorate its insides a blood red), a decision which the Angry Marines are delighted about as who doesn’t want a giant robot armed with city destroying weaponry on their side. Such titans are then brought back aboard one of the Angry Marines battle barges, where the Angry Tech Priests masturbate (cough).... examine the Titan and commune with its machine spirit to ask it whether it would like to be extremely choppy or dakkery, upon which it will be repainted and reequipped accordingly. When the Titan next makes an appearance on the battlefield it is almost unrecognisable to its original owners, who have little time to contemplate where they went wrong with their lives before they’re gazing down the barrel of a Vulcan mega bolter.
Army Rules[edit | edit source]
Universal[edit | edit source]
- Always Angry Giant Robots: Angry Marine giant robots are quite large and angry, to the point that getting on the wrong side of them is even more detrimental to your health than fighting a normal, giant robot.
- A unit with this rule adds 2 to its attack characteristic in a turn in which it charged or performed a heroic intervention. In addition to this, enemy units within 6” of a unit with this rule subtract 1 from their leadership characteristics.
- Cataclysmic Explosion: The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield. On a 5+, it suffers a cataclysmic explosion, and each unit within 3D6” suffers 2D6 mortal wounds.
- LOOK, I’M DRIVING WITHOUT A PILOT!!!: Nobody in their right or wrong mind would ever dare to tell an Angry Titan what to do unless they wanted an anus full of titanic feet, so Angry Marine high command will put on their best diplomatic face and behaviour and ask the Titan to engage the enemy. Most of the time the Titan will go along with these requests as it means it has someone to shoot at and punch repeatedly, but sometimes the Titan will decide that it would much rather cause the nearest target to suffer total existence failure, whether that be a friend, foe or a random rock which happened to offend it.
- Roll a dice at the beginning of each of your turns for each model with this special rule; on a 4+ that model behaves normally. On a 1, 2 or 3, however, the model can only target the nearest unit to itself (friend or foe) and must move towards that unit and charge it if possible; it may re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 in the Shooting and Fight phase it makes against that unit until the beginning of your next turn. Units with the Angry Marines keyword count as always rolling a 4+ unless the next nearest unit is also a unit with the Angry Marines keyword.
- SUPERHEAVY AS FUCK BITCHES: You know that you're heavy when your arrival on a planet results in a change in the planets orbital trajectory.
- A model with this rule can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still shoot/or charge during its turn. A model with this rule may fall back over INFANTRY or SWARM models though at the end of its move it must be more than 1” away from all enemy units. A model with this special rule may fire its weapons even if there are enemy models within 1” of it unless those models have the Titanic keyword. In this case, it can shoot at the enemy unit within 1” of it or at another enemy unit within range which is not within 1” of a friendly unit. In addition, a model with this rule can move and fire its heavy weapons without any penalty to its hit rolls. Finally, a model with this rule only gains a bonus to its save in cover if at least half of the model is obscured from the bearer.
- Titan Void shields: The thing which truly makes a titan a titan, the ability to shrug off even the most powerful of eldritch attacks and come out of it smiling maniacally and you continue to charge towards your enemy.
- Void shields are a special kind of save, like an invulnerable save it is unaffected by the ap of a weapon but cannot defend against melee attacks, but unlike an invulnerable save they can be used to block mortal wounds.
Detachment Rules[edit | edit source]
- NA NA NA NA NA THIS OBJECTIVE IS MINE YOU PUNY GUARDSMEN!!!: If being denied an objective by swarms of gaunts is infuriating to a normal Angry Marine you have no idea what it is like to be a titan in the same situation. The solution is to just say “FUCK YOU!!!” And take the objective for yourself, by simply sitting the Titans gigantic feet either side of the objective and daring anyone to try and take it “FUCKING TRY IT, I DARE YOU!!!”
- If your army is Battle-forged, all Titanic units in Angry Titan Detachments gain this ability. Such a unit that is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) controls the objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal. In addition, Angry Marines Titanic units contesting an objective counts as 5 models instead of 1 for determining which player controls that objective.
Titan Weaponry[edit | edit source]
Ranged Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points Per Weapon |
Apocalypse missile launcher | 24”-360" | Heavy 12 | 7 | -2 | 2 | This weapon can target units not visible to the bearer. | 0 |
Ardex-defensor maulers | 36" | Heavy 6 | 6 | -2 | 2 | Overwatch attacks with this weapon hit on a 5+ regardless of modifiers. | 0 |
Ardex-defensor twin Lascannon | 48" | Heavy 2 | 9 | -3 | D6 | Overwatch attacks with this weapon hit on a 5+ regardless of modifiers. These weapons may only fire at targets behind the Titan. | 0 |
Belicosa volcano cannon | 180" | Macro D6 | 30 | -6 | 12 | Any wound roll of 6 made with this attack automatically inflicts an additional D6 mortal wounds on the target. | 0 |
Dual turbo-laser destructor | 96" | Macro 2D3 | 16 | -3 | 2D6 | Any wound roll of 6 made with this attack automatically inflicts an additional D3 mortal wounds on the target. | 0 |
Incinerator missile bank | 24”-360" | Heavy 10 | 6 | -2 | 2 | Against INFANTRY, the number of successful hits rolled for this weapon is doubled. Units attacked by this weapon do not gain any bonus to their saving throws for being in cover. This weapon can target units which are not visible to the bearer. | 0 |
Mori quake cannon | 24”-360" | Macro 3D6 | 20 | -5 | 6 | Units hit by this weapon must halve their Move characteristic and cannot Advance in the following Movement phase. | 0 |
Reaver Gatling blaster | 72" | Macro 6 | 8 | -3 | 3 | Against INFANTRY units, each successful hit roll inflicted by this weapon becomes 3 hits instead. | 0 |
Reaver laser blaster | 96" | Macro 3D3 | 10 | -3 | 2D6 | Any wound roll of a 6 made with this attack automatically inflicts an additional D3 mortal wounds on the target | 0 |
Reaver Melta cannon | 48” | Macro 2D6 | 16 | -4 | 6 | - | 0 |
Reaver volcano cannon | 180" | Macro D6 | 25 | -5 | 12 | - | 0 |
Saturnyne lascutter (shooting) | 18” | Heavy 1 | 12 | -4 | 6 | After you have rolled a successful hit with this weapon, you may immediately roll for an additional hit against the same target unit, if this additional hit roll is successful, you may to hit again and again until either you miss or a total of 12 hits has been achieved.
After the total number of hits has been determined for the weapon, resolve the attack. You may re-roll failed hit rolls for this weapon against targets with the MONSTER, BUILDING or VEHICLE keyword. |
0 |
Saturnyne lascutter (melee) | Melee | Melee | 20 | -5 | 12 | You may re-roll failed hit rolls for this weapon against targets with the MONSTER, BUILDING or VEHICLE keyword. | 0 |
Sunfury plasma annihilator | 72" | Macro 2D6 | 10 | -4 | 2D6 | After resolving all damage on the target unit, roll a D6 for every other unit within 6” of the target unit; on a 4+ that unit also suffers D3 hits using this weapon’s profile | 0 |
Titan inferno gun | 18" | Heavy 4D6 | 7 | -3 | 4 | This weapon hits automatically. | 0 |
Titan mega-bolter | 72" | Heavy 20 | 6 | -3 | 2 | - | 0 |
Titan plasma blastgun | - | - | - | - | - | This weapon has two firing modes, declare which is being used before the attack is made. | 0 |
-Normal | 72" | Macro 2D6 | 8 | -3 | 3 | - | - |
-Overcharged | 72" | Macro 2D6 | 10 | -4 | 4 | When using this firing mode, for each hit roll of 1, the Titan suffers a mortal wound after all of this weapon’s shots have been resolved. These mortal wounds may not be stopped by the titan’s own void shields. | - |
Titan rocket fister (shooting) | 36" | Macro 1 | 12 | -3 | 2D3 | When rolling to hit with this weapon, use the bearer's "WS" instead of its "BS" and subtract 1 from the hit roll. If the target is within half range of this weapon, change this weapon's Type to Macro 2, add 1 to this models attack characteristic for each one of these weapons equipped to it. | 0 |
Titan rocket fister (melee)) | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 8 | Subtract 1 from the hit roll when using this weapon. Add 1 to this models attack characteristic for each one of these weapons equipped to it. | 0 |
Titan Vulcan mega-bolter | 72" | Heavy 20 | 6 | -3 | 2 | - | 0 |
Twin Titan mega-bolter | 72" | Heavy 40 | 6 | -3 | 2 | - | 0 |
Warlord Gatling blaster | 72" | Macro 12 | 8 | -3 | 3 | Against INFANTRY units, each successful hit inflicted by this weapon instead becomes 3 hits. | 0 |
Melee Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points Per Weapon |
Arioch Titan power claw | Melee | Melee | x2 | -5 | 12 l | If you slay a VEHICLE or MONSTER that does not have the TITANIC keyword, with the Arioch power claw, select an enemy unit within 12” and roll a D6; on a 4+ that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds as the dead body or debris is throw at it. | 0 |
Greater Titanic stride | Melee | Melee | User | -4 | 3 | Make 4 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon instead of 1. | 0 |
Reaver Chainfist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -5 | 10 | Subtract 1 from hit rolls made with this weapon. Any wound roll of a 6 made with this attack on any VEHICLE, MONSTER or BUILDING automatically inflicts an additional 2D6 mortal wounds on the target. | 0 |
Reaver power fist | Melee | Melee | x2 | -5 | 10 | If you slay a VEHICLE or MONSTER that does not have the TITANIC keyword with the Arioch power claw, select an enemy unit within 12” and roll a D6; on a 4+ that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds as the dead body or debris is throw at it. | 0 |
Titanic stride | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 3 | Make 3 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon instead of 1. | 0 |
Angry Titan Stratagems[edit | edit source]
If your army is Battle-forged and includes any (Angry Titans) Detachments (excluding Auxiliary Support Detachments), you have access to the Stratagems shown here. These reflect the unique "strategies" used by the Angry Titans on the battlefield.
Name | Description | CP | explanation |
HOW DOES ROTATING ION SHIELDS FUCKING HELP?!!! | THEY’RE ALREADY SPHERES WITH EQUAL STRENGTH ON ALL SIDES, HOW DOES ROTATING THEM FUCKING HELP?!!! | 1 | Use this Stratagem when an enemy unit targets a ANGRY KNIGHT unit from your army. you can add 1 to it any invulnerable saving throws made for that unit until the end of this phase. |
THINK YOU SMART FUCKER!?! | FUCK YOU I’M STILL PISSED OFF ABOUT THE ROTATING THE ION SHIELDS!!! MAYBE THE TOASTER FUCKERS TURN THE ION SHIELD INTO A FUCKING CYCLONIC MISSILE OR SOME OTHER SHITE!!! | 1 | You can use this Stratagem just before a friendly (Angry Titans) unit must roll to see if it explodes. it explodes on a 2+ instead of on roll of 6 (or instead of on roll of 5+ if it has the Cataclysmic Explosion instead of Explodes). |
BENEVOLENCE OF THE TOASTER GOD | Although not your normal Mechanicus adept, some of the Angry Tech Priests do worship the omnisiah (or the “TOTALLY NOT VOID DRAGON CUNT WHO MAKES OUR FUCKING FLESHLIGHTS (COUGH) I MEAN TOASTERS WORK!!!), and as in the grim darkness of the 41st millennia the warp is a thing their prayers and holy insults may occasionally be answered. If such a Priest is ever caught doing this they’ll be given a non-negotiable invitation to play a game of kick the flaming horror to death while naked and covered in promethium, a threat which ensures that “THE TOASTER FUCKERS REMEMBER TO BE ANGRY ALL THE TIME!!! NOT PROSTRATING TO THE MECHANICUS FUCKS!!!” | 1 | You can use this Stratagem when an (Angry Titans) unit from your army suffers a mortal wound. Roll a D6 for that mortal wound, and each other wound inflicted on this unit for the rest of this phase: on a 5+ that mortal wound is ignored. |
CREEEEEEEEEDDDDDD!!! | Although creed now sits in the collection of trashy the incontinent (he actually escaped ages ago and his body double is actually a bane blade smoking a cigar), his tactical genius still surrounds and imbues every single war hound Titan (it’s fine because they’re SCOUT titans), allowing even the Angry Marines to occasional pull off creed level stunts with their own titans. | 3 | Use this Stratagem before deployment. you can set aside an ANGRY WARHOUND TITAN (do not set it up on the board during deployment). Then, once all other units have been set up, write down a piece of Terrain on the battlefield which has no enemy units inside of it or within 12” of it (NOTE that you do not need to tell your enemy what a piece of Terrain it before turn 2). At the start of your second turn, you must reveal that that sunflower was in fact THE BARREL OF A VULCAN MEGA BOLTER; set up the ANGRY WARHOUND TITAN on and/or entirely within 12" the piece of Terrain that was written down, and more than 1" away from any enemy models. the Titan will then behave normally in the following phases. Your opponent is contractually required the shout “CREEEEEEDDDDDD!” At this point. |
FOLLOW ME YOU FLESHY BASTARDS | On a chaotic (sometimes literally) battlefield it can be rather difficult to find your way to the enemy, even for the Angry Marines with their inbuilt compass for finding fights. As such, Angry Knights can be very useful (because of their extreme height) for spotting where the enemy is, and rallying all those around it to "CHARGE THE MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" | 1 | Choose an ANGRY MARINES INFANTRY within 3” of a ANGRY KNIGHT at the beginning of your charge phase, the two units are treated as one unit for the duration of the charge phase and add 2” to their charge distance until the end of the charge phase. |
SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH | - | 2 | Choose an ANGRY MARINE TITANIC unit (except for ANGRY KNIGHT ARMIGER’s) which is in combat entirely with INFANTRY units and roll D6 for each unit that ANGRY MARINE TITANIC is melee with, for each roll of 2+ that unit suffers a mortal wound, then roll another D6 for each successful roll and repeat until there are no more units left to target or you fail all your dice rolls. |
(Multiple relic strategem) | - | - | - |
Artefukts of Unusual Size[edit | edit source]
If your army is Battle-forged and includes any (Angry Titans) Detachments (excluding Auxiliary Support Detachments), you have access to Angry Titan Relics. each (Angry Titans) models may only take one Relic, and you may only have one of each of these relics in your army. These Relics are not free as normal relics and have a Points cost, but you do not have to pay the Points cost for the weapon you replace with it.
- The Head of Fallen Fury
Originally part of a full knight operated by one Ivan the Imperishable, who had been exiled from his house for accepted a contract from the Angry Marines. Since his exile Ivan and his knight had fought for the Angry Marines for repairs, transport and various valuable materials which Ivan traded for luxury items, or saved in the hope of setting up his own knightly house one day. Despite Ivan’s noble aims his plans began to fall through when his knight (nicknamed sir fistalot by the Angry Marines) began talking to Ivan while he was plugged into its manifold. Instead of exiting his knight and calling for the tech priests to wipe the knight’s system clean, Ivan instead talked back to the knight’s intelligence and learnt that the Knight itself wished to set up a knightly house itself, be restored in its image and stature, but mostly just “FUCK SOME SHIT UP WITH MY CHAINSWORD!!!”. Over time Ivan spent less and less time outside of his Knight, instead preferring to commune with its ghost in the machine, planning their futures while slowly losing grasp on reality and become even more deranged and violent, until Ivan thought that he was the knight, his mind becoming melded with the electronics and codgiters which made up his vehicle.
The Angry Marines didn’t really care how much time Ivan spent inside his knight, in fact the longer he spent entombed inside it the better and more violently he fought in battle, garnering much respect from those he worked for (THAT IVAN CHAPS A PROPER ANGRY CUNT ISN’T HE!!! NOT THE USUAL POSH TWAT THE OTHER KNIGHTLY FUCKS ARE LIKE!!!). Things finally fell through for Ivan when in his gathering madness he charged far ahead of the Angry Marines he was fighting with into a Tyranid swarm, something a knight would have had no problem with except that Ivan and his knight decided to take on a hierophant screaming “ONCE MORE UNTO THE FUCKING BREACH MY BROTHERS!!!” Ivan only managed to take one swing with his gigantic chainsword into the beast’s leg, the blade lodging itself halfway through. Unimpressed, the Hierophant then proceeded to impale the knight, and Ivan’s body with one of its talons, which should have been the end for the insane bastard, except that Ivan’s mind had fully transferred itself to his machine, now with “effectively” a mind of its own it started firing its battle cannon and Melta into the Hierophants belly.
By the time the Angry Marines got to the seen the hierophant was dead, but Ivan and his knight lay ripped to pieces scattered across the landscape. After the battle the Angry Marines collected the knights head as “ITS GOT FUCKING ACID BURNS ON IT AND EVERYTHING!!! WE COULDN’T JUST LEAVE SUCH A FLASHY FUCKING HEAD GO TO WASTE!!!” And occasionally fix it to knights who have shown themselves to be particularly Angry in battle, not knowing that the head literally has a mind of its own.May only be given to a Angry Knight without a carapace mounted weapon.
The head of fallen fury | Points |
The bearer adds 2 to its attack characteristic and Add 1 to all hit rolls it makes in the Shooting phase, but it also gains the "LOOK, I’M DRIVING WITHOUT A PILOT!!!" ability. In addition, this model gains the KNIGHTS APOPLECTIC keyword (read more about the KNIGHTS APOPLECTIC keyword on the Codex - Angry Custodes). | 75 |
Warlord Spaztic the Orange skinned was a happy ork, he had risen from the bottom of his clan and was now in charge of a Wargh, and had fulfilled his dream of building a mega gargant (or at least he got his mech boyz and grots to build it). It was armed with the flashizt gunz, the biggest “smart” missiles and his pride and joy, a gigantic fist he’d taken from one of the Emprahs titans, and now he was taking his Wargh and his gargant for spin on a lightly defended imperial agri world, lightly defended except for the battle barge of space marines in orbit. In the beginning, things went well for spaztic, the space marines put up a good an excellent fight, even charging straight into his ork mobs, but they weren’t such a threat that his Wargh would be in danger (spastic being a clever ork) and the planet itself would provide plenty of loot.
“Tels me dis” said Spaztic to his second in command while at the wheel of his gargant, “who’s dem emprah boyz we be krumping?” “Theyz Angry Marines warboss, dem proper ard an choppy,” replied his second in command. Ah yes, thought Spaztic, da Angry boyz were definitely choppy ladz, da boyz would be proper appy tonight after facin some gits who charged you for a change, eed av to check day weren’t just orks wearin marine armour. “Boss!” Chipped in second “weez gots a marine ust standin there, shall we dakka im or choppy im?” Ah, to choppy or not da choppy? Dat iz da question, he thought while surveying the marine who seemed to have metal tentacles. “Choppy im of course ya git! Shout da grots to get da fist swingin!” Replied Spaztic and a few moment later he could see his gargants right arm raise its fist to come crashing down on the marine before him.
On the ground, Enginseer Mightilypissedoff did not appreciate people trying to crush him, in fact it made him even more furious than usual as he dodged the fist, jumped on top of it and disconnected it from the gargants arm. “ALRIGHT YOU SNEAKY PRICKS!!!” Shouted pissedoff at the Reivers hiding in plain sight of the gargant “LETS FUCKING FIST THIS FUCKER BACK TO SHARDON!!!” At that the Reivers charged the now detached fist, picked it up and threw it at the gargants head, while inside it Spaztic only had time to think “ow zoggin el” before he was obliterated by his titan’s own fist. With the gargant immobilised and the orks leader dead it too no time for the Angry Marines to wipe the planet clean of hostiles and become the heroes of the day.
After the battle Mightilypissedoff had his Tech Priests collect the gargants fist, and after reducing it considerably in size, he added it to his collection of “FUCKING AWESOME MECHANICAL SHIT!!!” The now dramatically smaller yet still huge chain fist can be carried by a knight, and Pissedoff will even let some knights use it on occasion so that “I CAN FUCKING LAUGH MY ASS OFF WATCHING THE POOR CUNT WADDLE AROUND TRYING TO CARRY THE FUCKING THING!!!”May only be given to a Angry Knight and replace its Reaper Chainsword.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points |
The fist of SCHADENFREUDE BITCH!!! | Melee | Melee | x2 | -5 | 8 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 2 from the hit roll. If a VEHICLE or Monster is slain by this weapon, pick an enemy unit within 12" of the bearer and roll a D6. On a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. If the bearer of this weapon also has a Thunderstrike Gauntlet, it can make 1 additional attack Each time it fights. | 45 |
May only be given to an Angry Knight
A model with this relic has a 2+ armour save and treats weapons with ap-1 or ap-2 as being ap0, however, it also subtracts 4” from its movement characteristic. | 20 |
- The Tesla Generator of Maximium Zapping:
Requires Fluff
At the beginning of each turn roll a D6 for each model within 3” of this model (friend, foe or the bearer of this relic), on a 6 that model suffers a mortal wound. If that model has the VEHICLE, MONSTER or TITANIC keyword then it suffers a mortal wound on a 5 or 6, the bearer of this relic only suffers mortal wounds on a 6 however.
- Pissedoff’s Fury:
Replaces a models Thermal Cannon and has the following profile:
Ranged Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points |
Thermal Cannon | 36” | Heavy 3D3 | 9 | -4 | 1+D6 | If the target is within half range of this weapon,
roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. In addition you may re-roll rolls of 1 when determining the number of shots fired by this weapon. || 60 |
- Promethium Powered Engine:
Promethium Powered Engine | Points |
The bearer of this relic subtracts 6” from its movement characteristic and 1 from its attack characteristic, but enemy units shooting at this unit suffer -2 to their hit rolls, while enemy units targeting it in melee suffer -1 to their hit rolls. | 30 |
- Mindfucker Pilot:
Mindfucker Pilot | Points |
The bearer of this relic gains the PSYKER and CHARACTER keywords and knows Smite and one power from the Iratomancy discipline. It may manifest and deny two powers each turn. When the bearer of this relic is slain do not roll to see if it explodes, it automatically explodes and do not roll for the range and damage of the explosion, all units within 12” suffer 6 mortal wounds instead. | 100 |
- Uber dakkery Vulcan Mega Bolter:
The Angry Tech priests attempt to miniaturise a twin Vulcan mega bolter, a weapon which they admire/have pin up photos of, due to the epic piles of dakka it produces, but at the same time they hate it because it is only ever mounted on warlord titans. The plan was to miniaturise such a weapon to the point that warlords or even tanks could carry one, a task which is above and beyond the rank and file Angry Tech priests, but a task which does not interest the master of the Armoury who would much rather spend his time hitting and shooting things. The closest the tech priests ever got was chain link (literally) several assault cannons to the side of the Vulcan mega bolter and over time the tech priests became exasperated with the lack of progress, leaving the haphazard Titan weapon to gather dust in the Armoury.
May only be given to a Angry Warhound Titan and Angry Reaver Titan, and replace one of the Angry Warhound’s arm-mounted weapons and may not take a Titan Vulcan mega-bolter as its other arm-mounted weapon, or the carapace-mounted weapon on the Angry Reaver Titan, with this Relic.
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points |
Uber dakkery Vulcan mega bolter | 72” | Heavy 20 | 6 | -3 | 2 | Hit rolls of 6+ from this weapon generate another hit from this weapon, this hits cannot generate additional hits. | 15 |
- Shit Kicking Boots:
Replaces a models Titanic Feet with the following profile:
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points |
Shit Kicking Boots | Melee | Melee | User | -3 | 2 | Hit rolls of 6+ from this weapon inflict 2 mortal wounds instead of normal damage. At the end of each fight phase you may make D6 additional attacks with this weapon, but at a weapon skill of 4+. | 70 |
Titan Units[edit | edit source]
Angry Knight Armiger[edit | edit source]

The Armiger was released to all knight worlds, even some normal worlds got them, but unlike previous knights which had been made, the Mechanicus tried to do so while keeping one Imperial faction in particular in the dark. Unsurprisingly, this faction was the Angry Marines. The Mechanicus tried every trick they knew to keep the initial transport of these new instruments of the omnisiah hidden to the Angry Marines, they deconstructed them and shipped them in pieces in boxes marked as Imperial rations, they painted some of bright gold and tried to pass them off as statues, one forge world even sent their Armigers with pilots inside them to “deter” any yellow marines who might find them from getting any Magpie based ideas.
And this almost worked, if it hadn’t been for a slight mix up with the Adeptus Mechanicus’ postal service, where they got an order for a “Knight Armiger Warglaive” for a feudal world, with an order for “ONE OF THOSE HUGE FUCKING MISSILES THAT THE LASGUN BASTARDS USE!!!”, made by the Angry Marines Master of the Armoury, Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third. Suffice it to say, all parties involved were severely confused upon delivery (especially when a feudal lord tried to climb inside the deathstrike missile intending to pilot it and caused it to explode), and after Pissedoff had kicked the Mechanicus delivery crew in the genitals for their incompetence he set about examining his not deathstrike missile. 21 minutes, 53 seconds and one pizza later, Pissedoff was already “organising” all the tech priests he had available to go and find more of these new “TINY FUCKING KNIGHTS THAT THE TOASTER FUCKERS HAVE BEEN HIDING FROM US!!!” and "borrow" them from their previous owners.
Said “borrowing” spree however, went relatively unnoticed (and relatively unsuccessfully), due to the fact that every single other faction in the galaxy wanted to get their hands on one of the new awesome tiny knights to the point that you couldn’t find a forge world (or games workshop) in the galaxy which hadn't had all its knight armigers bought/bribed/or stolen by one race or another. As such the few knight armigers the Angry Marines managed to acquire quickly gained a certain level of prestige, and pilots will willingly choose to pilot these smaller knights opposed to their largest brethren because of this.An Angry Knight Armiger is a single model, it is armed with aThermal Spear, a Heavy Stubber and a Reaper Chain Cleaver.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts |
Angry Knight Armiger | * | * | * | 7 | 7 | 12 | 4 | 8 | 3+ | 170 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS |
7-12+ | 14” | 2+ | 3+ |
4-6 | 10” | 3+ | 4+ |
1-6 | 7” | 4+ | 5+ |
Melee Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points
Per Weapon |
Heavy Stubber | 36” | Heavy 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - | 4 |
Meltagun | 12” | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | If the target is within half range of this weapon,
roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. |
17 |
Thermal Spear | 30” | Assault D3 | 8 | -4 | D6 | If the target is within half range of this weapon,
roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. |
0 |
Armiger Angry Autocannon | 36”" | Heavy 2D6 | 6 | -1 | 3 | Ignore the penalty to hit rolls for moving and firing this Heavy weapon. | 10 |
Reaper Chain Cleaver | - | - | - | - | - | When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below | 0/10 pair |
-Strike | Melee | Melee | x2 | -3 | 3 | - | |
-Sweep | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | 1 | Make 2 hit rolls for each attack made by this weapon instead of 1. |
This unit may contain up to 2 additional Angry Knight Armigers.
- Any model in this unit may exchange its Heavy Stubber for a Meltagun.
- Any model in this unit may exchange its Thermal Spear for an Armiger Angry Autocannon or an additional Reaper Chain-Cleaver.
- Always Angry Giant Robot
- Dual Melee Weapons
- In addition to the extra attack, a model armed with two Reaper Chain Cleavers may make 3 hit rolls instead of 2 with its sweep profile.
- This model has a 5+ invulnerability save against shooting attacks.
- Explodes: BOOM BITCH!!!
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
- That’s ours you Bastards!: The mechanicus are not pleased with how every Tom, dick and angry marine have stolen Armigers off them, and will take extreme measures to take them back.
- ADEPTUS MECHANICUS units targeting this model add 1 to all their hit rolls against this model.
- Unstoppable Speed: Armiger's are fast. Really fast, they move so fast they make Angry Marine Assault Squads jealous, but this does result in a problem, which is how do you stop something that large moving that fast? The Angry Marines found an elegant solution to this, and that was instead of "stopping" the Armiger, they would simply "collide" it with a conveniently placed enemy in need of a good beating.
- If this unit moved a total of 18" or more in the movement and advance phases, then it may still charge even after advancing.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, (Angry Titans)
Keywords: Titanic, Vehicle, Angry Knight Armiger
Angry Knight Titans[edit | edit source]

The heirs to knightly houses are trained from an early age to pilot their houses Knight, the teachings of the Omnisiah, how to rule over their family’s kingdom, and (most importantly) TO NEVER FUCKING FIGHT WITH OR ANGAINST THE ANGRY MARINES!!! DO YOU WANT TO LOSE EVERYTHING WE’VE FUCKING WORKED FOR?!!! I THOUGHT NOT YOU PRICK SO DON’T FUCKING DO IT!!! And this is good advice, as the Angry Marines don’t have the best track record when it comes to respecting and maintaining machinery, never mind something as expensive, rare or as powerful as a knight.
Despite this wise and sensible advice, from time to time a knight might decide to hire out their services to the Angry Marines as they do actually pay rather well and will always pay their bills (as the Angry Marines see being a dick for no good reason too much like Tzeentch worship, and therefore HERESY), and the Angry Marines have excellent stories and throw excellent parties. But before they know what’s happening the knight and it’s pilot find themselves becoming reliant on the Angry Marines for repairs and transport as the rest of the knight’s retainers die off from the hundreds of conflicts the knight fights in, until finally the knight has been fighting brutal wars for so long that they realise that they rather like fighting with the Angry Marines. And this is the greatest fear of any knightly house, not that their knights will be damaged or destroyed fighting with the Angry Marines, but that one of their own would become an Angry Marine, bound for all eternity, knowing nothing but slaughter, skittles and profanity to their dying breath.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts |
Angry Knight | * | * | * | 8 | 8 | 24 | 4 | 9 | 3+ | 300 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS |
13-24+ | 12” | 2+ | 3+ |
7-12 | 9” | 3+ | 4+ |
1-6 | 6” | 4+ | 5+ |
Melee Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points
Per Weapon |
Reaper Chainsword | Melee | Melee | +6 | -3 | 6 | - | (single/pair)
30/45 |
Thunderstrike Gauntlet | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 6 | When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. If a VEHICLE or Monster is slain by this
weapon, pick an enemy unit within 9" of the bearer and roll a D6. On a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. |
35 |
Titanic Feet | Melee | Melee | User | -2 | D3 | Make 3 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon, instead of 1. | 0 |
Ranged Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points
Per Weapon |
Avenger Gatling cannon | 36” | Heavy 12 | 6 | -2 | 2 | - | 75 |
Heavy flamer | 8” | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 1 | This weapon automatically hits its target. | 17 |
Heavy Stubber | 36” | Heavy 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | - | 4 |
Ironstorm Missile Pod | 72” | Heavy D6 | 5 | -1 | 2 | This weapon can target units not visible to the bearer. | 16 |
Meltagun | 12” | Assault 1 | 8 | -4 | D6 | If the target is within half range of this weapon,
roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. |
17 |
Rapid-fire Battle Cannon | 72” | Heavy 2D6 | 8 | -2 | D3 | - | 100 |
Stormspear Rocket Pod | 48” | Heavy 3 | 8 | -2 | D6 | - | 45 |
Thermal Cannon | 36” | Heavy D6 | 9 | -4 | D6 | If the target is within half range of this weapon,
roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result. |
76 |
Twin Icarus Autocannon | 48” | Heavy 4 | 7 | -1 | 2 | Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this weapon against targets that can FLY.
Subtract 1 from the hit rolls made for this weapon against all other targets. |
30 |
Composition: This unit contains a single Angry Knight (Power Rating 30).
- Titanic feet.
- Reaper Chainsword
- Thunderstrike Gauntlet
- Heavy Stubber
Wargear Options:
- This model may replace its Thunderstrike Gauntlet with a Reaper Chainsword or Avenger Gatling cannon and a Heavy flamer.
- This model may replace its Reaper Chainsword with a Thermal Cannon, or an Avenger Gatling cannon and a Heavy flamer, or a Rapid-fire Battle Cannon and a heavy Stubber.
- This model may replace its heavy Stubber with a Meltagun.
- This model may take one of the following carapace mounted weapons: a Ironstorm Missile Pod, a Stormspear Rocket Pod or a Twin Icarus Autocannon.
- Always Angry Giant Robot
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Super Heavy Walker
- This model has a 5+ invulnerability save against shooting attacks.
- Explodes: BOOM BITCH!!!
- If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield; on a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 2D6" suffers D6 mortal wounds.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, (Angry Titans)
Keywords: Titanic, Vehicle, Angry Knight
Angry Warhound Titan[edit | edit source]
An Angry Warhound Titan is a single model. It is equipped with two arm-mounted weapons, and may crush its enemies beneath its titanic strides.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts |
Angry Warhound Titan | * | * | * | 10 | 9 | 35 | 4 | 10 | 3+ | 2100 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS | Void Shields |
28-35+ | 24” | 3+ | 3+ | 4+ |
16-27 | 8” | 3+ | 4+ | 5+ |
9-15 | 6” | 4+ | 4+ | 6+ |
1-8 | 4” | 5+ | 5+ | 7+ |
This model must take two of the following arm-mounted weapons and it cannot take two of the same weapon unless otherwise stated:
- Dual turbo-laser destructor
- Titan plasma blastgun
- Titan inferno gun
- Titan rocket fister (can only take two or none at all)
- Titan Vulcan mega-bolter
- Titan Void shields
- FLANKING ATTACK ACTIVATE!!!: For something the size of a large building, Warhound titans are very fast, and it’s not unknown for Angry titans to pull of CREEEEDDDDD like tactics by simply running towards their enemy from multiple angles while the enemy was looking the other way.
- When this model advances, increase its Move characteristic by 12” instead of rolling a dice.
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Cataclysmic Explosion
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, (Angry Titans)
Keywords: Titanic, Vehicle, God-Engine, Angry Warhound Titan
Bastard, Spawn of the Angry Tech Marines[edit | edit source]
Part Warhound Titan, part Baneblade, part Imperial Knight, part Rhino, part Thunder Hawk, a little bit of Honey Badger and all pissed off, Bastard, Spawn of the Angry Tech Marines is what happens when the Angry Marines try to make their own Titan. Frustrated after many centuries of stealing other titans or repairing damaged and abandoned god machines the Angry Marines decided to build their own Titan. It would be big. It would have guns, proper arms with fists on them, and be generally all round badass. What the over enthusiastic angry marines failed to realise that building a titan is more than just hammering parts together, a technique which the laws of gravity (and the omnisiah) cannot simply turn a blind eye to.
As a result, the monstrosity the tech marines built had to have many compromises in order to prevent the previously mentioned laws of gravity turning around and biting their collective balls off. The Titan they built had to cut back hugely on the usual armour plating, along with installing vastly inferior cogitator systems to manage the Titans systems. The upside of this however, was that the monstrosity they created was bloody fast, and had actual arms onto which the tech priests fitted massive bolters and chain fists.Bastard is a single model. It is equipped with two The Holy “Can” Openers, and may crush its enemies beneath its titanic strides.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts |
Bastard, Spawn of the Angry Tech Marines | * | * | * | 10 | 8 | 45 | 6 | 10 | 4+ | 2000 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS | Void Shields |
28-35+ | 24” | 2+ | 3+ | 4+ |
16-27 | 18” | 2+ | 3+ | 5+ |
9-15 | 12” | 3+ | 4+ | 6+ |
1-8 | 8” | 3+ | 5+ | 7+ |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Holy “Can Openers” (ranged) | 60" | Heavy 20 | 6 | -1 | 2 | - |
Holy “Can Openers” (Melee) | Melee | Melee | x2 | -4 | 12 | A successful wound roll of 6+ with this weapon deals an additional 2D6 mortal wounds. |
- Titan Void shields
- Dual Melee Weapons
- Cataclysmic Explosion
- FLANKING ATTACK ACTIVATE!!!:For something the size of a large building, Warhound titans are very fast, and it’s not unknown for Angry titans to pull of CREEEEDDDDD like tactics by simply running towards their enemy from multiple angles while the enemy was looking the other way.
- When this model advances, increase its Move characteristic by 12” instead of rolling a dice.
- Bastard Spawn:As anyone who has seen a pedigree dog show, being a purebred anything comes with numerous disadvantages, while being a seven times over bastard comes with certain perks.
- A model with this rule has a 6+ invulnerability save and ignores damage received on a 6+.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, (Angry Titans)
Keywords: Titanic, Vehicle, God-Engine, Angry Warhound Titan, Bastard, Spawn of the Angry Tech Marines
Angry Reaver Titan[edit | edit source]
“NOW THAT IS WHAT I CALL A FUCKING TITAN!!!” Most Angry Marines will say while out of earshot of a war hound Titan “FUCKING LOOK AT IT IT’S GOT ARMS AND FIST AND EVERYTHING!!!” The fists in particular are what the Angry Marines love the most, as a Reaver is the only Titan who can normally (discounting a war hound with two rocket Fisters) dual wield melee weapons, making it the most Angry marine like of all the titans. Strangely enough though, it is also the rarest of all the titans (excluding emperor titans of course) as the technology required to make them was long millennia ago, and (the galaxy not being a kind place) the attrition rate on such Titans is massive.
This has resulted in Angry Marines forming the Reaver titan Acquisition, rePair and Equipping society (RAPE for short, the Angry Marines have never been accused of being subtle), whose job it is to hunt down damaged or lost Reaver titans and restore them to full working order. This resulting in hundreds of Angry Marines arriving en masse on a planet, chopping down rainforests, melting ice caps and butt fucking pandas with power bats who got in the way, while in search of even just the arm or head of a Reaver Titan. This society is actually the only thing holding the Mechanicus back from wiping out the Angry Marines, as if even the yellow and red psychopaths can put in such effort to restore such technology then there is still hope that they can be converted to the ways of the omnisiah.An Angry Reaver Titan is a single model. It is equipped with a single carapace-mounted weapon and two arm-mounted weapons. It also may crush its enemies beneath its titanic strides.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts |
Angry Reaver Titan | * | * | * | 10 | 10 | 60 | 5 | 10 | 3+ | 4200 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS | Void Shields |
50-60+ | 20” | 2+ | 2+ | 3+ |
35-49 | 18” | 3+ | 3+ | 4+ |
20-34 | 15” | 4+ | 4+ | 5+ |
10-19 | 12” | 5+ | 5+ | 6+ |
1-9 | 10” | 6+ | 6+ | 7+ |
Wargear: This model must take two of the following arm-mounted weapons and it cannot take two of the same weapon:
- Reaver Gatling blaster
- Reaver laser blaster
- Reaver volcano cannon
- Reaver Melta cannon
- Reaver power fist
- Reaver Chainfist
- Titan rocket fister
This model must take an option from the following list of carapace-mounted weapons:
- Dual turbo-laser destructor
- Titan plasma blastgun
- Titan inferno gun
- Titan Vulcan mega-bolter
- Apocalypse missile launcher
- Incinerator missile bank
- Titan Void Shields
- Cataclysmic Explosion
- All enemy models within 9” add an additional D6 to the results of any morale tests.
- When this model advances, increase its Move characteristic by 8” instead of rolling a dice.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, (Angry Titans)
Keywords: Titanic, Vehicle, God-Engine, Angry Reaver Titan
Angry Warlord Titan[edit | edit source]
The largest Titan which the Angry Marines can ever feasibly get their grumpy, adamantium fists on, as anything larger is not only extremely rare, but above and beyond the strength of the Angry Marines unless they combine their entire chapters worth of strength and choppy power to take one on, and if they succeeded the Adeptus Mechanicus would hunt them down to the ends of the universe. Warlord titans are far more feasible (but by no means easy) to find, fight, win against and the convert the titans machine spirit to their side, mainly by stealing them off garrisoned forces which had turned from the emperor’s light (FUCKING HERETICS!!!) and making off with the Titan before the Admec realise.
And the effort of acquiring such a machine are entirely worthwhile, partly because it makes the Angry Tech Priests happy, but mostly because they often carry melee weapons with built in guns, something which makes such Titans true god machines in the collective eye of the Angry Marines. Small cults have even popped up here and there amounts the chapter, made up Angry Marines who do worship Angry Warlord Titans armed with gigantic power fists, seeing them as “THE FUCKING MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I’VE EVER SEEN!!! ALL HAIL THE GIANT ROBOT WHICH WILL FIST OUR CUNTING ENEMIES!!!”, or at least, until one such Titan realised it was being worship, upon which it started laughing and mocking the cultists, who were so embarrassed that they went sulking back to their normal duties although crude graffiti of a titan fisting a blood thirstier do occasionally pop up inside battle barges.An Angry Warlord Titan is a single model. It is equipped with two carapace-mounted weapon and two arm-mounted weapons. It is also armed with two ardex-defensor mauler bolter cannon turrets and two ardex-defensor twin Lascannon turrets. It also may crush its enemies beneath its greater titanic strides.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts |
Angry Warlord Titan | * | * | * | 16 | 16 | 70 | 5 | 10 | 2+ | 6200 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS | Void Shields |
60-70+ | 18” | 2+ | 2+ | 3+ |
40-59 | 14” | 3+ | 3+ | 4+ |
20-39 | 12” | 4+ | 4+ | 4+ |
10-19 | 10” | 5+ | 5+ | 5+ |
1-9 | 8” | 5+ | 5+ | 6+ |
Wargear: This model must take two of the following arm-mounted weapons and it cannot take two of the same weapon:
- Sunfury plasma annihilator
- Mori quake cannon
- Saturnyne lascutter
- Arioch Titan power claw with inbuilt Titan mega-bolter
- Warlord Gatling blaster
- Belicosa volcano cannon
This model must take two options from the following list of carapace-mounted weapons:
- Dual turbo-laser destructor
- Titan plasma blastgun
- Reaver laser blaster
- Reaver Gatling blaster
- Twin Titan mega-bolter
- Apocalypse missile launcher
- Incinerator missile bank
- Titan Void Shields
- Cataclysmic Explosion
- All enemy models within 9” add an additional D6 to the results of any morale tests.
- When this model advances, increase its Move characteristic by 8” instead of rolling a dice.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, (Angry Titans)
Keywords: Titanic, Vehicle, God-Engine, Angry Warlord Titan
Periratus[edit | edit source]

One of the Titan's maintained and fielded by Legio Ruina, but in reality they more just look after it until the Angry Marines require its assistance. Although it is reported to have slain 50 other Titans in battle there is a lot of debate/fighting over this as:
- This Titan itself insists that as it is actually in full control of itself, and as such it deserves the right to claim all the kills.
- The Titan's crew claim that as they are the ones piloting the Titan, that they deserve all the credit (this is the weakest claim as everyone knows that most of the crew just cower in a corner of the Titan's insides as most are far too scared to touch the controls).
- The launched Angry Marines and Angry Rhinos are more than capable of taking down a titan by themselves, and although even they would admit that they don't deserve credit for all the kills, they say that "THE WALKING METAL CUNT SHOULD STOP TRYING TO CLAIM EVERYONE'S FUCKING KILLS!!!"
Periratus is a single Angry Warlord Titan. He is armed with an Unnecessary Chainblade Arm, a Warlord Rocket Fister and Angry Pauldrons, one of which is fitted with an Angry Marine Launcher Array, and the other is fitted with an Angry Rhino Launch Bay. He may also flatten you like a pancake with his Greater Titanic Strides.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts |
Periratus | * | * | * | 16 | 16 | 70 | 5 | 10 | 2+ | 6400 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS | Void Shields |
60-70+ | 18” | 2+ | 2+ | 3+ |
40-59 | 14” | 3+ | 3+ | 4+ |
20-39 | 12” | 4+ | 4+ | 4+ |
10-19 | 10” | 5+ | 5+ | 5+ |
1-9 | 8” | 5+ | 5+ | 6+ |
Ranged Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points
Per Weapon |
Unnecessary Chainblade Arm | Melee | Melee | x2 | -5 | 10 | Subtract 1 from hit rolls made with this weapon, but you may re-roll failed hits for this weapon, except these re-rolls suffer a -2 to hit, as opposed to a -1. Any wound roll of a 6 made with this attack on any VEHICLE, MONSTER or BUILDING automatically inflicts an additional 2D6 mortal wounds on the target. | 0 |
Warlord Rocket Fister (Shooting) | 48" | Macro 2 | 12 | -3 | 6 | When rolling to hit with this weapon, use the bearer's "WS" instead of its "BS" and subtract 1 from the hit roll. If the target is within half range of this weapon, change this weapon's Type to Macro 4. | 0 |
Warlord Rocket Fister (Melee) | Melee | Melee | 14 | -4 | 8 | Subtract 1 from the hit roll when using this weapon. Each time the bearer of this weapon fights it may make 1 additional attack using this profile. | 0 |
Angry Pauldrons | - | - | - | - | - | Choose two of the following profiles each turn to fire. | 0 |
-Angry Marine Launcher Array | - | - | - | - | - | See the Guided Fury ability when firing this profile. | 0 |
-Angry Rhino Launch Bay | - | - | - | - | - | See the Raining Rhinos ability when firing this weapon. | 0 |
-Spare Marine Launcher Missiles | 24"-360" | Heavy 10 | 6 | -2 | 2 | Against INFANTRY, the number of successful hits rolled for this weapon is doubled. Units attacked by this weapon do not gain any bonus to their saving throws for being in cover. This weapon can target units which are not visible to the bearer. | 0 |
-Spare Angry Rhino Launch Charges | 24"-360" | Macro 2 | 10 | -4 | 6 | This weapon may re-roll hit and wound rolls against models with the TITANIC keyword. In addition, invulnerability and void shield saves made against this weapon suffer a -1 to their saving rolls, and this weapon can target units which are not visible to the bearer. | 0 |
Greater Titanic stride | Melee | Melee | User | -4 | 3 | Make 4 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon instead of 1. | 0 |
- Titan Void shields
- Cataclysmic Explosion
- All enemy models within 9” add an additional D6 to the results of any morale tests.
- When this model advances, increase its Move characteristic by 8” instead of rolling a dice.
- Guided Fury:
- Before the battle, you may store inside Periratus any number of models up to his transport capacity. In the shooting phase (if you choose to fire the Angry Marine Launcher Array), you may “deploy” part of Periratus‘ Angry Marines that he is transporting, if so, choose an enemy unit with 120” but further away than 24”. You may then deploy up to 10 ANGRY MARINE INFANTRY models (TERMINATORS, BLACK BROTHERS and JETPACK models count as 2 models each) 3” from that enemy unit which Periratus was transporting. Each model in that “launched” unit then suffers a S 3 ap -1 D1 hit, any surviving units may then fire their ranged weapons in the remainder of the shooting phase but count as having moved with regards to heavy weapons. After this, that unit may then behave normally in the following charge phase.
- Raining Rhinos:
- Before the battle, you may store inside Periratus any number of models up to his transport capacity. In the shooting phase (if you choose to fire the Angry Rhino Launch Bay) you may “deploy” one of Periratus‘ Angry Rhinos that he is transporting, if so, choose an enemy unit with 120” but further away than 24”. Then, deploy one of your Angry Rhinos in base contact (with any models it may be transporting still inside itself).....
- Resident Tech Priest:
- This model comes with an ANGRY TECH PRIEST on board (this model does not cost extra points). You may deploy this model by it either disembarking, or via the Guided Fury or Raining Rhinos abilities, but while the tech priest is on board this model this model heals D3 wounds each turn.
- During your shooting phase, if this model is engaged in melee or has an enemy unit within 6" of it then you may activate this ability instead of firing any of the Angry Pauldron profiles. If so, every other unit within 6" of this model suffers D3 mortal wounds.
This model may transport up to 50 ANGRY MARINE' INFANTRY models, TERMINATORS, BLACK BROTHERS and JETPACK models take up 2 spaces each. This model may not transport PRIMARIS models because Periratus considers them “FUCKING GIRLMAND HAREM CUNTS!!!”. In addition to this, this model comes standard with an ANGRY TECH PRIEST on board (ANGRY TECH PRIESTS do not take up transport space in this model). In addition, this model may transport up to 4 ANGRY RHINOs and each one of them may transport inside themselves any models they are capable of transporting.
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, (Angry Titans)
Keywords: Titanic, Vehicle, God-Engine, Angry Warlord Titan, Character, The Rape Train, Periratus
Angry Emperor Titan, The Rape Train[edit | edit source]
(The Rape Train has a size base of about 33"/84cm And is somewhere between 33"/84cm and 43"/109cm high) (The Rape Train is a Special Character)
The only Emperor class Titan in the Angry Marines arsenal and one of the largest in existence standing at roughly 105 metres tall. Carrying ordinartus grade weaponry so indiscriminate that to fire its weapons is the largest rage quit possible, and grades as a 0.236 on the Sly Marbo destructive scale (with a 1 being the destructive power of a slightly drowsy Sly Marbo). The Titan was not “acquired” by the Angry Marines via normal means, but actually collided with the battle barge Litany of Litany's Litany as it exited the warp into deep space. The colossal hulk was found to be filled with uncountable (it’s difficult to count them when they have so many limbs) Genestealers and cultists, something which the Angry Marines simply viewed as a mild nuisance which had the potential to be entertaining. After the Cock Knockers had kicked the balls of everything inside the Titan it was then boarded by Angry Tech Priests to assess its condition and determine if it was salvageable. To everyone’s surprise the colossal machine communicated with the Angry Tech Priests and the contingent of mind fuckers via the warp, although what it had to say went along the lines of “YOUFUCKINGFUCKERSILLBUTTFUCKTHELOTOFYOUPANSYCOCKSUCKINGPLASTEELPRICKS!!! ILLHUNTYOUDOWNANDGUTYOULIKEFISHLIKETHEWORTHLESSFUCKINGBOLTERTOTTINGWEABOOS!!!”
Thankfully, chapter master Temperus Maximus was onboard and was just able to out mind shout the Titan who, upon recognising that it was in the presence of one of the universes angriest beings, fell silent and listened to what the chapter master had to say about himself, his chapter and the current state of the imperium. “WHAT?!!!” Bellowed the Titan, “FUCKING GIRLYMAN IS RUNNING THE IMPERIUM NOW?!!! I DIDN’T FIGHT AGAINST FUCKING HORUS ONLY TO BE LOST IN SPACE SO THAT PAPA SMURF COULD RULE!!! GET ME TO THE NEAREST FUCKING PLANET SO THAT I CAN FUCKING DESTROY SOMETHING!!!” Out of curiosity to see what would happen, the Angry Marines obliged, taking the Titan onboard, only to find that the battle barge did not have the arcane technology required to fix such an ancient machine, so they simply resorted to strapping every single gun they had available to one arm, and several angry rhinos to the other arm as a makeshift melee weapon in a manner which would make any ork bow down and worship the might of the emperor (tis da prettiest ting I eva see. Git da warboss an tels im weer orship da skeliton git now).
And just as the tech priests had finished cleaning up... I mean modifying the very grumpy and bored titan the battle barge happened across a planet which was currently being raided by one of Nurgle's many warbands. At this news the titan simply ripped its way out of the battle barge and jumped out and into the planets orbit to crash into the planets ocean. On the planet itself the numerous daemons and chaos marines lined up on the coastline to see if they could spot what had fallen out of the sky, and caused a giant tidal wave. To the horror of all those watching (apart from the Angry Marines watching from orbit or on their way down in drop pods) the spires on top of the Emperor titan broke through the surface of the watch, followed by its head, then its torso as it strode across the sea floor to make landfall, only pausing on the coastline to survey the grotesque horrors cowering before it.
When the Angry Marines final caught up to the Titan several dozen miles inland it had ploughed through several great unclean ones, millions of nurglings and an entire Titan legion. The Titan would have kept on running except that it had impacted with the side of a mountain, a mountain which it was doing its hardest to grind its way through. Once again, Temperus Maximus was available to “coax” the Titan out of running in a straight line, and with the help of the Angry Marines, the Titan was able to wipe out all traces of Nurgle in a week, although most of that week was made up of the chapter master giving the Titan directions.Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Pts |
The Rape Train | * | * | * | 20 | 20 | 100 | 4 | 10 | 2+ | 8000 |
Remaining W | M | WS | BS | Void Shields |
80-100+ | 24” | 2+ | 2+ | 2+ |
50-79 | 20” | 3+ | 3+ | 2+ |
30-49 | 16” | 3+ | 3+ | 3+ |
10-29 | 12” | 4+ | 4+ | 4+ |
1-9 | 8” | 5+ | 5+ | 5+ |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities |
Makeshift Dakka arm | D6x30” | Heavy D6x40 | 2D6+6 | -3 | D6 | Every four hits rolls of 1 deals 1 mortal wound to the bearer and 1 mortal wound to the target unit. Roll for the Range, Type and Strength after you choose a target. |
Makeshift choppy arm (shooting) | D6x10” | Pistol 40 | 5 | -1 | 1 | This weapons type becomes Pistol 80 if the target is less than 20" away. |
Makeshift choppy arm (melee) | Melee | Melee | x3 | -5 | 12 | Units destroyed by this weapon automatically explode if they can. |
Assorted guns and missiles strapped in random places | D6x20” | Heavy 10 | 3D6+6 | -1 | 2 | you may fire this weapon 2D6 times each Shooting phase, and each time it fires, you may choose a different target. for Every four hits rolls of 1 it deals 1 mortal wound to the bearer and 1 mortal wound to the target unit. Roll for the Range, Strength and the number of times it may fire before you choose targets. Subtract 1 from the hit rolls of this weapon, this weapon always hits on a dice roll of 6 however. |
Huge vortex missile | Infinite | N\A | N\A | N\A | N\A | This weapon can only be fired once per battle. Roll a D6 before you fire the missile, on a 1 the titan is destroyed, no saves allowed, on a 2+ however choose a point on the battle field, every unit within 36" suffers 2D6 mortal wounds. |
- Titan Void shields
- This model has a 5+ invulnerability save against melee attacks and at the end of each turn roll a dice for each lost wound, on a 6+ that wound is regained.
- Apopcalyptic explosion:Like exterminartus, only accidental and cooler.
- When this unit is slain roll a D6, on a 4+ it explodes (a humongous explosion mind you) and every unit with 36” suffer 2D6 mortal wounds.
- Stupid Weak Spot:The handiwork of Angry Marines is a little shoddy, resulting is blindingly obvious weak spots in the hull or exposed wiring.
- All attacks against this model wound on at least a 5+, melee attacks wound on a 4+ or better. In addition, characters which make a heroic intervention against this model may reroll all failed hit and wound rolls against the Titan until the next turn, and such interventions are instead referred to as “doing a trench run”.
- THE ARE NO BREAKS ON THE RAPE TRAIN!!!:Does exactly what it says on the tin.
- in Each movement phase, this model must do the following; it may first pivot it on the spot up to 45 degrees (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), and then you must move the model straight forwards as far as possible (This does not mean that it is required to advance). Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. This rule is ignored if you have Chapter Master Temperus Maximus, Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third, Master of the Armoury or Rachnus Rageous (Angry Marines Primarch) as your warlord and still alive, in which case your warlord is angry enough to shout reminders at the Titan that the enemy is over there.
- Icon of Holy Rage:There is literally nothing in the universe which is larger or angrier than The Rape Train, and everyone who gazes upon the Titan knows this to be true.
- All units within 24” subtract 2 from their leadership value, units with the ANGRY keyword only subtract 1 from their leadership value. In addition, all models within 36” add 1 to their attack characteristic in the fight phase.
- Dropped from Orbit:You thought riding a battle barge down into a planet was cool, you haven’t seen anything yet (or you have if you’ve seen Pacific rim).
- Instead of setting this model up normally you may have it rip it’s way out of its battle barge in orbit and free fall to the battlefield. If it does so, pick a point on the battlefield then you and you opponent each roll a D6 and whoever wins gets to decide where the Titan lands. The winner then rolls 3D6, the result of which determines (in inches) how far the Titan will land from its intended target. All units with 12” of this point then takes 2D6 mortal wounds, then set up the Titan on that spot (moving any models which are still alive which would have been under it into base contact with the Titan). Once this is done, the Titan takes 20D6 mortal wounds which cannot be saved against by any means, if the Titan is destroyed it automatically suffers an apocalyptic explosion. If this model would land off the battlefield/board or on the battlefield/board edge then it is also destroyed and automatically suffers an apocalyptic explosion (measuring from the board edge).
Faction Keywords: Imperium, Angry, (Angry Titans)
Keywords: Titanic, Vehicle, God-Engine, Angry Emperor Titan, Character, The Rape Train