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In Tolkien's works, hobbits were often depicted as fascinated by elves. Dungeons & Dragons, consequently, has occasionally given nods to this. In Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, the Tallfellow strain of halflings were depicted as halflings doing their damnedest to be elves, to the point it's reasonably to suspect possible elven blood. And in Midnight, a third-party campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition, we have the Elflings, a full-fledged hybrid of elf and halfling.

In Erendar, it is commonly suspected that halflings may have diverged from the notedly short Dansil tribe of elves, much like how Erendar's gnomes diverged from dwarves. And this is not impaired by the fact that elves and halflings interbreed to create elflings, much like how gnomes and dwarves interbreed to create dwarrow.

Known to their elven progenitors as Luiniel, or "Little Elfkin", elflings are essentially halfling-sized versions of the jungle-dwelling Dansil, with ebony skin, coarse dark hair, and black eyes with almost invisible sclera. Elflings are without a doubt the luckiest of Erendar's halfbreeds; unlike dwarrow, both of their progenitorial homelands are open and welcoming to them, and very much unlike dworgs, their parent races love each other and them very much.

Core Elfling Racial Traits:

+4 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution
Base land speed 30 feet
Low-light Vision
Natural Channelers: Gain Innate Magic as a bonus feat
+2 racial bonus on Climb, Heal, Hide, Listen, Search and Spot checks
+1 racial bonus on all saving throws
Elf & Halfling Blood: Elflings count as being both Elves and Halflings for any effect that is based upon race
Family Background: Choose either the Dansil-Raised or Halfling-Raised background; further racial traits are determined by this background

Dansil-Raised Elfling Racial Traits:

Weapon Familiarity: Sepi and Atharaks are Martial Weapons for this elfling
Favored Region: Aruun Jungle
Herbalists: Can spend starting funds to by up to 10 doses of Orcbane Poison at normal cost
Favored Class: Wildlander

Halfling-Raised Elfling Racial Traits:

Weapon Familiarity: Halfling Lances and Atharaks are Martial Weaons for this elfling
Favored Region: Central Erenland
Bound to the Beast: Can spend starting funds to buy an adult wogren mount at 1/4 normal cost
Favored Class: Any