
Eltab is a more obscure demon lord who used to rule over the 248th layer of the Abyss, also known as The Hidden Layer. He was summoned into the Forgotten Realms by the demon-binding Narfell empire as a weapon during the final years of a generational war against the Battle mage and Artificer empire of Raumathar. Of course, to one-up them, Raumathar summoned an avatar of Kossuth to burninate everything. Near the end of the war, now with far less supervision, Eltab invaded Raumathar and claimed a short-lived kingdom for himself before a group of witches seeled him up and founded the now secretive berserker nation of Rashemen from Raumathar's remains.
Of course, this was not the end of Eltab or the last time he gets sealed away.
The next time Myrkul let him out, Eltab tried to conquer Unther and Mulhorand but got sealed under Thaymount by Mulhorand god-kings for his efforts. During thier war of succession, the wizards of Thay used Eltab to fight Mulhorand. After helping them, the wizards discovered they could not banish Eltab back to the Abyss, so they imprisoned him underneath the Thayan capital of Eltabbar. Sometime during 3e, in Champions of Ruin book, Szass Tam realized the bindings that held Eltab would break soon, so the leader of Thay released the demon lord early to try to bind him, but some meddling kids stopped it, and a free Eltab then skittered under the floorboards to scheme, only for Szass Tam to find him 10 years later and exterminate his demonic infestation. Little does anyone knows that this caused Eltab to respawn underneath Impiltur and make it thier problem now instead of returning to the abyss.
You see when old Narfell summoned Eltab with an adamantine binding in the underground Citadel of Conjurers within the modern Impiltur's borders. Not only did his summoning scatter pockets of the 248th layer, called demoncysts, across Eastern Faerûn, but as long as the binding exists, Eltab can't return to the abyss or even leave the continent for that matter, being reborn from a demoncysts on death. This poses a conundrum for Eltab. The longer he is away from his The Hidden Layer, that is more time The Hidden Layer is not ruled by him, not to mention his hypothesized cults and schemes on other worlds left to languish for the last ~1600 years. On the other hand, Eltab still has many names to cross off and nations to raze to break his bindings now (though he would need to find a long-lost Raumathary demon-slaying sentient sword named Hadryllis to do that).
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The Demon Princes of Dungeons & Dragons | |
Tanar'ri | Baphomet • Demogorgon • Doresain • Eltab • Fraz-Urb'luu • Graz'zt • Juiblex • Kostchtchie • Lolth • Malcanthet • Miska the Wolf-Spider • Orcus • Sess'innek • Shaktari • Turaglas • Yeenoghu • Zuggtmoy |
Obyrith | Dagon • Obox-ob • Pale Night • Pazuzu • The Queen of Chaos • Sertrous |