The Queen of Chaos
The Queen of Chaos | ||
Alignment | Chaotic Evil | |
Divine Rank | Obyrith Lord | |
Pantheon | Elder Evils | |
Portfolio | Chaos, creating the Tanar'ri, spyder-fiends | |
Domains | 3.5E: Chaos, Evil, Vile Darkness | |
Home Plane | The Abyss | |
Worshippers | Warlocks, cultists | |
Favoured Weapon | Trident |

The Queen of Chaos is an Obyrith Demon Prince in Dungeons & Dragons. She has the upper torso of a corpulent, blue-skinned humanoid female, whereas her lower body is a mass of ten mauve tentacles. Hidden in the tentacles is a razor sharp parrot-like beak, though some art depicts there being a giant eye here instead. The Queen has long drooping locks of green hair, and she wears a sahuagin skull as a crown. Her weapon of choice is a huge trident. If you're picturing something like Ursula from the Little Mermaid, then good.
She is the most obscure of the Obyrith Lords who aren't imprisoned or dead. While she is mentioned in passing in several sourcebooks, the only adventure she actually appears in is The Rod of Seven Parts boxed set.
As one of the oldest of the obyrith lords, the Queen of Chaos is said to have created Demogorgon as the first of all tanar'ri, then discarded him when he grew too unruly. The Queen was the lover of Miska the Wolf-Spider, and is the mistress of the spyder-fiends. She was once allied with Bwimb, the Archomental of Ooze.
The Queen of Chaos has many enemies, including Obox-ob, whom she dethroned, and the Wind Dukes of Aaqa.
Her Realm is the Steaming Fen, an Abyssal layer consisting of a vast swamp and a turbulent ocean. The layer seethes with vermin and is the home of the spyder-fiends. With Miska's imprisonment, the spyder-fiends begrudgingly serve the Queen of Chaos.
The Queen of Chaos is an obyrith who rose to power in the Age Before Ages. While the obyrith plotted and warred amongst themslves, the Queen alone looked past the Abyss and discovered life in other planes of existence. Some of this life, namely the souls of the chaotic evil dead, seeped into the Abyss, which the obyrith shaped into the tanar'ri. The Queen of Chaos decided to launch a war to conquer the multiverse and rallied all of the obyrith lords to her cause. Those who refused she set an example of by either killing them or imprisoning them in the Wells of Darkness, including Sertrous. The only exception to this was Dagon, whose power she feared.
Eventually, the Queen took as her consort a tanar'ri demon lord called Miska the Wolf-Spider, and made him head general of her army. With Miska in command, she practically guaranteed the cooperation of the treacherous tanar'ri. She murdered the Prince of Demons, Obox-ob, and bestowed his title on Miska, which was later snatched up by Demogorgon when Miska got himself impaled to a wall in Agathion for all eternity (what keeps him from just, say, gnawiwng off limbs until he dies an reforms on the Abyss is anyone's guess).
The Queen of Chaos, with Miska in tow, was triumphant as the forces of Chaos swept the multiverse. Opposing them were the forces of Law, led by the Wind Dukes of Aaqa, the Vaati. Eventually, the Vaati fashioned the Rod of Law, and with it defeated Miska, banishing him to Pandemonium.
With Miska's defeat, the obyrith alliance fractured. To make matters worse, the tanar'ri revolted and the celestials of the Upper Planes took advantage of the situation and launched an invasion into the Abyss. The obyrith were reduced to near-extinction and the Queen of Chaos withdrew into the fourteenth layer of the Abyss, known as the Steaming Fen, where she remains to this day, seeking ways to free Miska and restart the war.
Weirdly, Fifth Edition D&D names her as a potential Elder Evil, which would make her one of the most accessible and obvious Elder Evils ever, since anybody who wants to talk to her can just go Plane Shift over to her and do so (well actually you can't, since she's got a fucking planar layer to run, so that'd be like flying to Moscow to try and personally chat up Vladimir Putin), whereas most of the Elder Evils are either sealed somewhere or are dead and need to be revived or are in places that take a lot more than a Plane Shift spell to reach like space. That said, she does make a pretty metal Fiend-Pact Warlock patroness.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
The Demon Princes of Dungeons & Dragons | |
Tanar'ri | Baphomet • Demogorgon • Doresain • Eltab • Fraz-Urb'luu • Graz'zt • Juiblex • Kostchtchie • Lolth • Malcanthet • Miska the Wolf-Spider • Orcus • Sess'innek • Shaktari • Turaglas • Yeenoghu • Zuggtmoy |
Obyrith | Dagon • Obox-ob • Pale Night • Pazuzu • The Queen of Chaos • Sertrous |