Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade

Warhammer 40,000 Eternal Crusade is was a Third-Person Shooter (think Battlefront) that was announced at E3 2013 and released in 2016, available for the PC, PS4 and the Xbox One/Ten.
Now many of you think that this is such wonderful news, right? Well... This is still up to debate since the game was being developed by the people who have given us such wonderful titles like Wet, Dante's Inferno (PSP), The Lord of the Rings: Conquest (DS) and Naughty Bear. However, Behavior (the guys that were making this thing) pulled in talent from all around - especially from Funcom Montreal (Age of Conan, The Secret World); recently, Graham McNeill and Anthony Reynolds (known for writing the Ultramarines and Word Bearers series, respectively) were confirmed to be working alongside them as well. Clearly that didn't help since the game is on the fast road to dying right now The game is now officially deader then disco.
If you'd like a TL;DR of this entire article, view this video that quickly details the rise and eventual fall of WH40k:EC.
Dream Big[edit | edit source]
When the devs first got the license for this game, they wanted nothing less than to shoot for the moon. An open world the scope and complexity of Planetside 2 with no fewer than four factions, player-driven campaigns, giant fortress climax battles, and everything from Ork nob squads tearing at Wraithguard to a Chaplain rallying the last desperate charge against a fortified Chaos stronghold, with enough different weapons and customization options to always have the player come back for more .
Now naturally you can't just build a game like that in one or two years. Seeing how insurmountable an MMO of this kind of proportions would be to create from scratch, Behaviour decided to scale down the initial size of the game, and then scale that down for Open Alpha. To make sure the engine, weapons, vehicles, graphics, maps, etc. all worked. Updates continued to pour in, and all the races were added.
Unfortunately, as the devs churned out a half-decent Early Access game (by the standards of Early Access) the publishers were getting impatient. A mandate came down from on-high...
Current State[edit | edit source]
As of July 2017, devs have admitted through Twitch they have absolutely no resources and staff to add new content. This means that any plans to expand the setting and polish the game mechanics have been scrapped and their last hope is to collect as much money as they can from its current rotting state. Players have been completely abandoned and have been left with a mediocre arena shooter with a 40k skin. Yet another trailblazing failure in the infamous pantheon of 40k gaming. (So basically the Imperium. A sort of delicious irony.) Emperor helps us all.
Officially, the game was "launched" in September 2016. This is despite the game being completely unfinished, looking identical to the Early Access mode the game was in when Orks were in alpha mode. For all intents and purposes, the game is basically an early Beta state - All announced factions are in, and the games are played as instanced arcade-esque shooters not unlike Space Marine's multiplayer. The long-term plan was to gradually open up the world, making larger regions, until the continent of EC is one region in it's entirety, somewhat like Planetside 2, as was originally the plan. An invading army would had need to capture at least 2 of a region's outposts before they can attack the primary base of that region, allowing for large-scale strategic planning. The latest "launch candidate" currently has a primitive world map with matches being set on each faction's borders. There's also Tyranids which you can fight in 5-man kill teams to achieve absolutely nothing except bragging right and Steam Achievements.
While this has lead to much outcry from the Founders and the fanbase in general, many do now see the benefit of improving the core gameplay to be a fun shooter, before making a massive world with barely nothing in it and with poor gameplay. Furthermore, through the weekly Twitch shows and an active cooperation with fans on the forum, combined with a positive reaction to the current Alpha build, the initial outrage over this controversial move died down a bit.
In March 2017, the game went free-to-play, with certain limitations to lure the player into buying the complete version. While there were far more people playing on both the Virginia and Frankfurt servers after this switch, the decision was seen by many players as a bad omen. Despite its very lackluster state, the devs remained confident in the game having a future. But it was too late.
As of July 2017, the game is dying. There's only about 500 players on at any one time, console releases were scrapped, there haven't been any content updates for months, and Behavior no longer has any animators, modelers or any significant staff on the game. It appears they're trying to milk it for what it's worth before it finally dies, another testament to GW's mistake of handing out their IP to multiple different developers without any thought behind it. (Actually that worked out well for GeeDubs, the games are shit but the profits are up)
As of Q1 2018 the game is still somehow hanging by a thread. The whopping two programmers are still plugging along with their second content update (the first being a rudimentary Eldar Autarch after Bandai Namco pulled their support) and the in-game guilds have enough faith to keep the player population count above zero until it's finished.
As of July 2021 the developers announced the game will be shutting down for good in September. Rest in Peace.
Races[edit | edit source]
The game has four playable factions and one NPC faction, each including several subgroups, and classes. Each race has unique bonuses which affect the game in some way, such as the Eldar and Chaos Space Marines using magic for the support class, able to equip two spells that each have a different mana cost, though they only have access to a few backup weapons. Space Marines and Orks Support don't have access to magic, but can deploy health stations and have access to firearms, among other tools.
Space Marines[edit | edit source]
Ah, Space Marines. Heroes, Mary Sues, warrior monks and beakies, the Space Marines are the "generalist" faction, with no particular strength or weakness. Their Apothecaries tend to be better in defensive environments, and with the addition of the Storm Shield, they have taken defense as their main stick. There's not a lot to say about them; they're marines, what do you expect. The current playerbase is predominantly Space Marines, and Space Marines fans make up 40% of the fans. So nothing new there.
A lot of people are crying on the fact that Space Marines don't feel "Space Marine" enough, being too weak and feeble for their taste. While the TTK was slated to be increased, a lot of people are in for a surprise when Marines aren't the most powerful faction in a game with four, equally supported factions. Part of the "problem" here is the engine mechanics, which deliberately makes all characters in the entire game somewhat sluggish (the best example is how infantry have a maximum turning speed, so upping your mouse sensitivity won't let you you 360 quickscope, and there's lots of other more subtle examples). It also doesn't help that many new players first start out as Space Marines before deciding which faction to go to next.
- Chapters: Ultramarines, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Imperial Fists, Flesh Tearers, Black Templars, Crimson Fists, Angels of Absolution, Silver Skulls.
- Faction Leader: Belial, Master of the Deathwing.
- Sub-Faction Leaders:
- Ultramarines: Something called a "Techmarine Suprema" the devs puled out of an old White Dwarf. The only named Techmarines the Ultras have are Vexos and Fennias Maxim. We'd mention Sevano Tomasin, but he's dead.
- Space Wolves: Ragnar Blackmane.
- Blood Angels: Mephiston, Lord of Death.
- Dark Angels: Interrogator-Chaplain Cassiel.
- Imperial Fists:
- Sub-Faction Leaders:
Objective | Heavy Weapons | Ground Melee | Air Attack | Medic / Support | |
Unit | Tactical | Devastator | Ground Assault | Assault | Apothecary |
Weapons | Bolter, Stalker Bolter, Storm Bolter, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Gravgun, Bolt Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Grav-pistol | Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Plasma Cannon, Multi-Melta, Grav-cannon | Chainsword, Power sword, Power Axe, Power Maul, Power Fist, Bolt Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Grav-pistol | Bolt Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Grav-pistol, Chainsword, Power Sword, Power Axe, Power Maul, Power Fist | Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Grav-pistol, Chainsword (Wolf Priest cannot has), Narthecium/Fang of Morkai (Second is Wolf Priest only), Crozius Arcanum (Wolf Priest only) |
Abilities | Capture Objectives | Suppressing Fire, Dedicated Anti-Vehicle Weaponry | Storm Shield (You can choose a sidearm instead, but if that was the case you'd be better off picking Jump Assault) | Jump pack (Less armor than Ground Assault, but more mobile) | Narthecium/Fang of Morkai for heals, Can Revive Downed Allies at Full Health by Injecting Them, Can Neutralize Poison by Healing, Different Injection Vials (Adrenaline for Melee Buff, Survival for Damage Resistance, Narthecium for HOT), Heal Beacon (AOE, destructible, only one at a time, infinite supply, has cooldown, lasts for some time), Medicae Grenade (Small AOE, Gives HOT, infinite supply, has cooldown, only one at a time, last for a short period) |
- Veterans: Veteran Tactical, Veteran Devastator, Veteran Ground Assault, Veteran Assault, Veteran Apothecary
- Elites: Legion of the Damned Legionnaire,
Terminators and maybe Techmarines, among others. - Heroes:
Master of Relics, Librarians and Chaplains, among others.
Chaos Space Marines[edit | edit source]
Pissed off motherfuckers de jure, the Chaos Space Marines are, like the Space Marines, a generalist faction, but thanks to their Sorcerers, Chaos Marks, and the skill of the generally neckbearded veteran players, Chaos Marines are more aggressive, and can have some outright insanely long sieges on enemy points. Chaos Marines are very customizable, and their Marks makes them quite the force to be reckoned with. Said marks include Mark of Nurgle (Defense Buff, health buff, stamina penalty), Mark of Khorne (Health buff, regain health from kills, but can't be healed by consumables or sorcerers and will die when health reaches zero), Mark of Slaanesh (Speed increase, slow armor regen), and Mark of Tzeentch (Faster armor regen, slight health penalty). Otherwise Chaos Marines share most of the same basic loadout as Space Marines, making it fairly easy to switch between playing the two. In addition, the fact that the current playerbase is almost exclusively grizzled 40k veterans make a lot of teams driven and better at coordination. 'Cause dem corpse-worshippin' fellas gotta burn.
Chaos is the second most popular faction at the moment, if only because there have only been 2 factions for the longest time.
- Legions: Iron Warriors, Word Bearers, Black Legion, Night Lords, Alpha Legion.
- Faction Leader: Abaddon the motherfucking Despoiler.
- Sub-faction Leaders
- Iron Warriors:
TBA - Word Bearers:
TBA - Black Legion: Ash'Hy Mok: a badass sorcerer created for the narrative who has been very busy liquefying space marines and Eldar alike in the short stories release each week.
- Night Lords:
TBA - Alpha Legion:
- Iron Warriors:
- Sub-faction Leaders
Objective | Heavy Weapons | Ground Melee | Air Attack | Medic / Support | |
Unit | Traitor Marine | Havoc | Traitor Assault | Raptors | Aspiring Sorcerer |
Weapons | Bolter, Stalker Bolter, Combi-Bolter, Meltagun, Plasma Gun | Heavy Bolter, Lascannon, Plasma Cannon, Multi-Melta, Autocannon | Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Chainaxe, Power Sword, Power Axe, Power Maul, Power fist | Bolt Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Chainsword, Chainaxe, Power Sword, Power Axe, Power Maul, Power fist | Bolt Pistol, Force Sword |
Abilities | Capture Objectives | Suppressing Fire | Capture Objectives | Jump pack | Healing Spell, Warp Instability (Debuff), Nurgle Heal (AOE heal) Slaanesh Lash (Damage + Debuff), Flickering Fire (Damage), Daemonbolt (user-guided missile) |
- Veterans: Veteran Traitor, Veteran Havoc, Veteran Traitor Assault, Veteran Raptors, Sorcerer
- Elites: Possessed Marine and
Terminators - Heroes:
Fallen Captain
Orks[edit | edit source]
Da Orkz are slated to be the good old underdog faction we all know and love from the tabletop, and are not particularly geared towards either melee or ranged. Unlike what some of you might think (you know who you are), the Orks are not a horde army in the traditional sense, and Ork characters are on the same level as any other character from another faction, by a combination of 'Ard Armour, Ork tenacity and a little goodwill. A WAAAAGH! can be triggered in certain matches, specifically if 5 minutes are left with no extensions. This radically reduces respawn cooldown and makes Orks faster in order to simulate the green tide, since the teams still have to have an equal number of players, however they don't have a down state and die immediately.
Currently, the Orks have the best community out of all the factions in terms of role play(all by player choice), friendly players, and just good fun in general. Those that are salty after a match are Grotz in disguise.
- Klans: Goffs, Evil Sunz, Deathskulls, Bad Moons, Blood Axes
- Faction Leader: Warboss Skarblitz (a Bad Moon with a Dreadnought's power fist as his Power Klaw and a thing for smashin' Wolves.)
- Sub-faction Leaders:
- Goffs: Luguk 'Edpuncha, known for being the largest Goff on
ArkhonaOrkhona and carrier of the kombi-rokkit launcha called Spare Keys (you know, as in 'Look boss, dis door is locked', 'No worries grot! I brought my spare keys!' KABLOOIE!) - Evil Sunz: Brakenek Wazcrash, arrived on Arkhona recently, fought some 'nids and got a cool idea for a plasma cannon design.
- Bad Moons: Gazzagug, a warphead, and one of the senior members of Skarblitz's tribe.
- Deathskulls:
TBA - Blood Axes:
- Goffs: Luguk 'Edpuncha, known for being the largest Goff on
- Sub-faction Leaders:
Objective | Heavy Weapons | Ground Melee | Air Attack | Medic / Support | |
Unit | Shoota Boyz | Lootas | Slugga Boyz | Stormboyz | Painboy |
Weapons | Shoota, Big Shoota, Rokkit Launcha | Dakka Deffgun, Zzap Deffgun, Plasma Deffgun, Deffcannon | Slugga, Slab Slugga, Kwik Slugga, Pokkit Rokkit Launcha, Choppa, Chain-Choppa, Electrified Choppa, Power Klaw | Slugga, Slab Slugga, Kwik Slugga, Pokkit Rokkit Launcha, Choppa, Chain-Choppa, Electrified Choppa, Power Klaw | Slugga, Slab Slugga, Sicky Slugga, Kwik Slugga, Pokkit Rokkit Launcha, 'Utry Syringe (currently their only melee weapon) |
Abilities | Capture Objectives | Improvised Shield (replaces slugga), Capture Objectives | Rokkit (Functions identically to jump pack) | Can both heal & poison with 'Urty Syringe, Heal Station (AOE, destructible, only one at a time), Poison grenades |
- Veterans: Shoota Nob, Loota Nob, Slugga Nob, Stormboy Nob, Painboy Dok
- Elites:
Cybork Madboys, Meganobz Weirdboys. - Heroes: Skarboy Kommandos
Eldar[edit | edit source]
Our favorite Space Elves are the fourth faction in the roster, and are the most alien of the four. Eldar are a faster, more dodgy faction, using hit-and run strikes while backflipping out of harm's way. Eldar have a more limited class customization but have more classes to reflect the paths, as per fluff. Eldar are also the only race of the four with male and female character options, also as per fluff.
Out of all the factions, they have the lightest armor and highest speed, vehicle-wise and on foot. Eldar have great versatility at the start, from stealth melee, to anti-vehicle, foot troops, and heavy weapons.
They're also one of the most hated in-game due to their unbalanced nature and their tendency towards swift hit-and-run tactics. (For reference, a single Fire Dragon can destroy a rhino in less than 6 seconds, Swooping Hawks get the highest points for sniping, and Witchblades can 1-hit you)
- Craftworlds: Biel-tan, Saim-Hann, Iyanden, Ulthwé, Altansar )
- Faction Leader: Jain Zar, Phoenix Lord of the Howling Banshees.
- Sub-Faction Leaders:
- Biel-tan:
Possibly a farseer named Ksenyia, found in one of the short stories, but yet to be fully confirmed. - Saim-Hann: An Autarch by the name of Maelydahn Windstrider; a young and energetic guy with flowing red hair.
- Iyanden: Soraya, an old Deathspeaker wearing an azure cloak hiding most of her body.
- Ulthwe: Warlock Amatheon, a badass old guy who, for some reason, can't see through the Warp for shit.
- Altansar:
- Biel-tan:
- Sub-Faction Leaders:
Objective | Heavy Weapons | Ground Melee | Air Attack | Medic / Support | |||
Unit | Dire Avengers | Fire Dragons | Dark Reapers | Striking Scorpions | Howling Banshees | Swooping Hawks | Warlock |
Weapons | Avenger Shuriken Catapult | Fusion Gun | Shuriken Cannon, Reaper Launcher, Tempest Launcher | Chainsword, Shuriken Pistol, Fusion Pistol | Shuriken Pistol, Power Sword | Lasblaster, Sunrifle, lots of grenades for grenade-bombing | Witch Blade, Shuriken Pistol |
Abilities | Capture Objectives | Invisibility | Psychic Scream (Suppression) | Glide | Renewal (Healing), Jynx (Debuff), Protect (AOE Shield), Destructor (Lightning), Embolden (AoE Healing/Damage Reduction) |
- Veterans: Revered Dire Avenger, Revered Fire Dragon, Revered Dark Reaper, Revered Striking Scorpion, Revered Howling Banshee, Revered Swooping Hawk, Revered Warlock
*Elites: Wraithguards and Outcast Rangers
*Heroes: Autarchs
Note: As of July 2017, the Eldar campaign haven't started yet and, considering the current status of the staff, it's unlikely they will get any future updates, including new gear and characters.
Tyranids[edit | edit source]
An NPC faction, providing enemies for PvE content in underground "Hives", which act as wave defense maps, and acting as a counterbalance to ensure that no one faction remains overwhelmingly dominant over the others by attacking random regions, and so attacking the most powerful factions the most. Or at least that was supposed to happen. Using tyranids to maintain the status quo... Now where have I seen that before?
- Creatures:
- Small: Hormagaunts, Termagaunts
- Medium: Warriors
- Large: Carnifexes
Possible Future Races[edit | edit source]
The Dark Eldar, Tau, Sisters of Battle, and Necrons were originally considered for future inclusion, but given that the game's about as lively as a freshly Exterminatused Dead World, you can safely consider these nothing more than ambitions that were never realized.
Setting[edit | edit source]

Now anyone who has knowledge of Warhammer 40,000 obviously knows the setting. However, the games events take place on the Kharon System, located in the northern part of the Segmentum Obscurus. The original intention was to follow a planet wide contest for a single undisclosed planet, known as Arkhona. The planet in question was once an effective Imperial settlement, but due to the planets volatile nature, no great foothold could be gained on the planet other than small outposts. The planet was also once inhabited by an alien race, that supposedly was exterminated during the Great Crusade. Now, Tyranids are appearing out of absolutely nowhere, killing everyone left on the planet, apparently coming from the underground of the planet like they had been hibernating there. Weird.
All this calls the playable races to action for different, yet to be revealed reasons, and are now to duke it out on the surface of the planet while the Tyranids eat everything. Lovely.
Arkhona is actually just the primary planet in a system, one that has three different colored suns, for some reason, and with ten planets or moons of playable size, whilst initially there were hopes that down the line there will be downloadable content where you start fighting on a new planet. The closure of Eternal Crusade meant that such dreams were short-lived.
Arkhona, fifth planet from the three suns, hopefully far enough to not fucking melt in the daylight.
Monetization[edit | edit source]
How it was[edit | edit source]
During early stages of development, Eternal Crusade started out by offering a "Founders" program, in which future players could, through an important sum of money, basically "fund" the game and receive exclusive weapons, gear, updates and many other goodies with the hope of getting even more benefits as the game expanded, not unlike any pre-order or Patreon pledge. How many people bought these packs is anyone's guess, but the truth is that said sums were pretty high, and it was a risky investment since there was no clue how it was going to turn out.
During the Alpha stage, EC was known for its ridiculously high price, at a staggering $39.99 on Steam (more or less depending of the country.) While this scared off potential buyers right away, players who bought it were shocked as they got an incomplete, sluggish mess of a game, filled with bugs and completely unoptimized. Devs insisted again and again through weekly streams that they were working to improve everything, but time was running out and progress was minimal, even after a year.
A cash-shop was then introduced. Items sold are almost entirely cosmetic, and they can be bought through RTC (Rogue Trader Credits), an in-game currency you can get in exchange of real money. Prices range from 2,000 RTC for a helmet or chapter symbol, to 10,000 RTC for unique deluxe weapons, like a golden power fist. While devs repeatedly stated there wouldn't be pay-to-win in any form, there's a special subset of weapons that have minor buffs at the cost of taking up far more loadout space (such as the infamous Abaddon's Grace Autocannon, which deals minor soul blaze damage).
There's one huge problem with the shop: RTCs can only be obtained in packs of odd amounts (4000, 9000 and so on), while all prices in the shop are in even numbers. This means, if you want an item that costs 5,000 RTCs, you have to purchase the 9000 pack, which leaves you with 4000 unusable credits left unless you go for cheaper stuff. And to makes matters worse, the catalogue is relatively scarce, with no option for deeper customization. It's a scammy, unfair cash-grab, which has lead to much outrage from many players.
On the plus side, there was another currency introduced called "Requisition Points", which are basically skill points obtained through performing various actions in a match including kills, captures, executions, etc. These can be traded for "Supply Drops", which are mystery packs that contain weapons, upgrades and unique gear not available through the cash-shop. While opening all the boxes takes much time and effort, at the end the loot obtained isn't that great and once you've got everything, you can't do anything else. Unless, of course, you want to give more money to The Man.
How it actually turned out[edit | edit source]
Originally, there were plans to have a free-to-play dynamic known as "Free To Waaaagh!", in which players could enter the game but limited to the Orks faction. The idea sounds brilliant and its quite fluffy, since Orks are literally a huge, green piledrivin' horde, and for that, you need players. However, concerns in game balance/population, and the fact that matches never went beyond 60 players crushed that possibility.
But eventually it happened. The game went into a freemium state, with a few restricts. You can't access the Assault class and progression is slowed to 1/3 normal state, but the other 2/3s will be given to you upon upgrading to premium or spending $20 in the cash shop. In other words: Without paying, players can access the game, but receive a third of their earned requisition and experience. Those who buy the game are given all of the currency and experience they were withheld from while free-to-play.
This transition caused quite an outrage in the Steam community, specially those who ended up spending $40 or more during the early years. But at this point is obvious it was the Founders who got the short end of the stick.
To add insult to injury, the last noteworthy addition to the cash-shop were the "Heroes", which are unique characters with special abilities, but they come at the insulting price of 25,000 RTCs. Ouch.
Furthurmore, they weren't even unique. Just either a veteran tactical equipped with flaming ammunition. -or in the possessed marine's case, a goofy looking beatstick stuck with a single powerfist but no pistol or shield.
Game Features[edit | edit source]
In short:
What we never got[edit | edit source]
- Planet-wide open world with multiple continents
- Long-lasting global campaigns
- From huge climatic battles to swift skirmishes over territory, supplies, etc.
- actual campaign goals set by a player-controlled War Council
- Tyranids as NPC balance mechanism (e.g. attacking the faction with most territory and/or most abundant in resources)
- Huge array of vehicles and weapons
- Players and Guilds getting their own space ship as HQ, with visual customization.
- Day/Night cycle
- Weather, which would had an impact on combat
- Dreadnoughts, Terminators and faction equivalents
- The opportunity to get a massive game that reflects the large-scale epicness of the 40k universe.
What we ended up with[edit | edit source]
- A large-scale PvP game with some elements of PvE. Think a Battlefield in Spehss or Starwars: Battlefront.
- Combat is visceral, skill-based, over-the-shoulder dakka/melee, basically a watered-down copycat of Space Marine multiplayer.
- Predators, Vindicators and Rhinos for both marines, Trukks and Kill Burstas for Orks, and Wave Serpents, Falcons, and Warp Hunters for Eldar. Land Raiders and equivalents where planned but ultimately scrapped.
- Five preset classes (seven for Eldar) and seven slots for custom classes, plus one slot for a veteran class. Each class has 1000 points to spend on weapons, equipment, and upgrades.
- Limited and expensive visual customization.
- Extremely scarce variety of weapons and upgrades
- Friendly fire (which leads to a frenzy of teamkilling, specially the typical newbie with the plasma cannon)
- Bleed-out/Revive system, with the option to bleed faster (nominally for avoiding executions, but mostly for respawning faster)
- Executions, which give bonus XP when performed and prevent a downed enemy from being revived, but leave the player vulnerable during the execution animation.
- Cover system with crouching and vaulting.
- Classes that use jump-packs can wall jump.
- Playable Elite and Hero characters.
- Veterans, with extra 400 loadout points and veteran-specific aesthetic options, at the expense of being able to deploy it only once per match.
- Supply drops for weapons, gear, mods, etc.
- Mediocre performance optimization, with FPS drops even on a high-end machine
- Regular matches never go beyond 40 players.
- Consistently degrading matchmaking due to dwindling playerbase (even as a F2P title)
- No more new content from July 2017 onwards (Though 2018 had an update)
So what the fuck happened?[edit | edit source]
We have nothing official, but the picture is pretty clear: the devs had the money but not the connections or the speed, and they ran out the clock until they had no money either.
When the game was originally pitched the team was headed by Miguel Carron, who promised basically "Planetside 40k". I mean read the above for what he was envisioning. And the team was selling founder's packs. And neckbeards, well they were keen to stump up the cash to help it along, that's what crowdfunding is for.
The first alarm should have gone off about a year later, when Miguel Carron was quietly dropped from the project. We can't definitively prove it, but we're 99% certain that Miguel didn't actually have the open world tech needed to make anything remotely resembling Planetside and was never in a position to buy it, but was taking crowdfunding to try and buy it anyway. The new head of production was a guy called Nathan, who was pretty up-front about the idea that a TRUE open world was now impossible, and instead promised something that was at least technologically possible: a series of lobby-shooter arenas that would link together into larger multi-stage conflicts. Refunds were issued to those founders who weren't willing to take this compromise, so that's one point for the devs at least. Around this time they released the alpha version to test their maps and netcode for bugs.
The second alarm bell would be going off after they picked up a deal with publisher Namco-Bandai for extra funding. Yeah, picking up a publisher who wants you on a deadline when you're already behind schedule is always an amazing idea, though it was probably a Morton's Fork all things considered.
Right around the time the fans were getting really impatient for more content (read: half the factions, and half the content for the existing factions) the devs decided to do an entire engine change, halting production to move everything over to the Unreal Engine. Just about everything that could go wrong with this, did. The new engine couldn't even run the game properly for the first week afterward, and horrible lag spikes persisted for about two months. And ultimately this would prove to be the very same mortal wound that ended up killing Daikatana 15 years earlier.
At this time almost everyone was impatient; Eldar came out behind schedule even more unfinished than everyone else -- missing Howling Banshees and unable to fight in close range effectively -- and Namco was demanding a full release date. The devs were at least able to punt out a beta test build with Orks and Banshees, but the public was not merciful and neither were the founders. Development continued but substantial content like Terminators was constantly pushed back in favor of game-wide sweeping balance changes. Acceptable for a beta build, but the game was supposed to be "finished" and teammate after teammate was yanked from the project to work on other, unrelated games. The cash shop pulled in enough profit to keep the game trudging along, but without anyone to put out proper content updates the few remaining players were left trodding the same ground on the same Amazon-rented servers and complaining about the same balance issues.
"Campaigns" were nothing more than a dare for each faction to get a certain number of wins within nine days; this barely passed muster when it was all four factions competing, and when single faction campaigns were launched the monotony nearly crushed the game's skull. The only good thing about them was, they made a good final sendoff during the 40k Blood For the Blood God Steam Sale; every faction was able to get their required wins in a couple days.
The Steam Workshop for the game has been announced a couple weeks ago back in September on one of the developer's livestreams (Check out the Eternal Crusade youtube, it's episode 166). Who knows, maybe it'll be similar to the Dawn of War 3 Steam Workshop and we'll get some decent content for a change, even if it's not from the developers. Oh, and we're also going to get a no-player capture point map that's infantry-focused. Cool.
And that's the messy launch and the slow glide back down to the ground of Eternal Crusade in a nutshell.
Eternal Crusade in 2020[edit | edit source]
Eternal Crusade, as of the time of writing, is technically still being officially worked on. However, the last few members of the development team have quietly moved on to other projects with no significant updates this year. The Steam workshop is fully functional but has not been made available due to the work required in vetting submissions for potential copyright infringement. There is still outsourced server maintenance to keep the servers relatively stable. It has otherwise almost fully been abandoned at this point.
Eternal Crusade in 2021[edit | edit source]
The game hasn't had an update since 2019, the playercount has dipped down to the double digit mark consistently and barely any hours have been put into the game by said players, atleast according to steamdb.info data as of March 2021. The security certificate for EC's website also hasn't been renewed June 2020, which means even the most basic of upkeeps have been foregone by management.
Its safe to say that any hope of Eternal Crusade ever rising up from the ashes is gone, its now nothing more than a shambling Nurglite abomination waiting what seems like eons for someone to finally put end to their eternal misery - the developers answered its prayer in June 2021, announcing the game will be shutting down for good in September.
See also[edit | edit source]
- Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
- Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millenium, which was canceled then un-canceled then turned into Eternal Crusade
Links[edit | edit source]
- Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade
- Meet the Team Video Notice how the opening looks strangely familiar.
- An interview with the developers, lots of information.
- Official Forum
- Meet the Team 2 This video shows some very early game footage.
- Full Pre-Alpha Footage Gameplay
- Wars of Arkhona Official Trailer
Gallery[edit | edit source]
"We go where we wilt, we slay who we wilt. Let the Emperor judge the righteousness of our deeds!"
"In the name of the Dark Gods, we will bring down the rotting edifice that is the Imperium!"
"I reckon these humies are just puny soft gits who need a good stompin!"
"How foolish they seem to our eyes. Once, all this was ours, and it will come back to us!"
Where Ultramarines: The Movie had bolters that looked too big, this promotional artwork of the Tyranid reveal has bolters that look too small.