
Arkhona is a planet known for one thing and one thing only, being the main setting of the mega fail Eternal Crusade Vidya Gaem.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Arkhona is the fifth planet of the Kharon System and a former Imperial World. It was inhabited by humans tens of thousands of years ago, but when recently the Ordo Xenos arrived on the planet, it turned out that the entire population had been destroyed. Shortly afterwards, research units of the Inquisition also disappeared without a trace.
Despite being listed as a dead world, Arkhona is surprisingly quite an active planet with an atmosphere to boot. Dead world my ass. It is an incredibly geologically volcanic place with dry deserts and lush forests. It also has somewhat of a ring system and is accompanied by a pretty large moon.
The planet is now being waged by a five-way gangbang of Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Eldar, Orks and a god damned Tyranid invasion. The result of the battle remains inconclusive due to the shutdown of the Eternal Crusade online service.