
The twin Lords of Phlegethos, Belial and Fierna are a father and daughter (and/or son and mother, and/or siblings and/or lovers), pair who run the Fourth layer jointly as a duumvirate. After a failed coup that Belial was a part of, he offered to share power with his daughter Fierna to appease Asmodeus. He accepted and so Fierna became the co-ruler of Phlegethos. Both of them look almost completely human, aside from their horns and clawed fingers. Both are rather attractive with sadistic personalities: they revel in killing and bloodshed. But they are no fools and will retreat when in trouble. Belial is very much a traditional devil: he's cautious, scheming and making plans to overthrow his fellow devils. He personally trains his daughter in how to be a good devil, including personally taking a hand in teaching her about "love and pain", which is exactly what it sounds like. Bleh.
Fierna is more of a free spirit, enjoying the life of a spoiled daughter-turned-figurehead leader of Phlegethos. But things began to change when Glasya came onto the scene. This thwarted Belial's plot to invade Malbolge because attacking the freshly-established Lord of the Sixth is a Very Bad Idea when you're still going to be working for her dad after you're done. His plots were further compromised when Fierna and Glasya really hit it off at a hell party. The two quickly became best friends, bonding over the rigors of having an Infernal Duke for a parent, much to Belial's chagrin. He sees Glasya as a bad influence who puts all sorts of naughty ideas into his daughter's head. This would be kind of sweet, if said ideas did not include the gruesome murder of many of his more-loyal subordinates. And for the fact that Glasya murdered Naome, Belial's consort and Fierna's mother in her plot to start the Reckoning. Fierna is rapidly becoming the biggest threat to her father's reign, and it seems only a matter of time before the one-time hellish party girl will attempt a coup of her own. Of course, given infernal ethics, Belial will probably be rather proud when she finally kills him... probably.
She's also started dating a pit fiend, Gazra the commander of the Hamatulas, who doesn't like her dad much either. Levistus is making a bid for his loyalty, but the smart money's on him turning the old fart down.
In Fifth Edition, the nature of the relationship between Fierna and Belial has been updated. How exactly they are related to each other is now more ambiguous, they could be father and daughter, mother and son, siblings, or something else entirely. In addition, rather than a puppet ruler and a secret ruler, the two are now effectively co-rulers of Phlegethos; Fierna handles diplomacy and the forging of contracts with mortals, while Belial handles the day-to-day logistics of running the layer. As much as each would love to be rid of the other, just like the two halves of the brain, one creative and the other logical, they need each other in order to stay in power. Also, any time Belial tries to get rid of Fierna, she's able to talk her way out of whatever trap he set, and whenever Fierna plots against Belial, his contingency plans kick in and save him.
Fierna handles most of the mortal interactions for Phlegethos, and she's the one who bargains for souls and founds cults. To those who pact with her, Fierna grants some of her own talent for charisma and manipulation, allowing summoners to sway the hearts of the masses and gather followers. To her cultists, she gifts the Infernal Loyalty trait, which gives advantage on saving throws to cultists within 30 feet of cult leaders with the second trait of Loyalty Beyond Death, which allows them to heal one of their grunts when said grunt is dropped to 0 hp.
The Archdukes of Hell | |
Avernus | Bel or Zariel |
Dis | Dispater |
Minauros | Mammon |
Phlegethos | Belial/Fierna |
Stygia | Levistus |
Malbolge | Glasya |
Maladomini | Baalzebul |
Cania | Mephistopheles |
Nessus | Asmodeus |