Squat Laser Weapons
The Squats have a wide range of lasweapons, all of which are superior to their Imperial counterparts due to preserving much knowledge from the Dark Age of Technology. Called HYLas which stands for High Yield Laser according to Jes Goodwin, these laser weapons offers a formidable punch for its size.
Variants[edit | edit source]
Las-Beam Cutter[edit | edit source]
Not to be confused with the similarly named Lascutter
The Las-Beam Cutter is the primary weapon and sidearm of the Ironkin.
More of a welding tool than it is a weapon, this submachinegun-sized lasweapon lacks the HYLas trademark of proper Squat military lasers as it functions as an overglorified laser cutting tool than it is a weapon. Due to this, it shares quite a lot of similarities with the Lascutter as both are originally civilian equipment that is pressed into war and both function like a boring drill.
On the tabletop, this is a Pistol 1, 9" S6 AP-3 D1 weapon. A pocket multilaser held by your Iron-Master's Ironkin buddy. Not too shabby for a pistol weapon especially since it is the Ironkin's only range weapon.
HYLas Auto Rifle[edit | edit source]

The HYLas Auto Rifle is one of the standard-issue weapons handed out to the Leagues of Votann, alongside the Autoch Pattern Bolter and Ion Blaster.
The HYLas Auto Rifle in terms of function and role, is, by all means, the equivalent of the Imperial Guard's Lasgun. Filling the role as a logistically convenient assault weapon with a high rate of fire, good range and high pin-point accuracy. The main difference of course, is that the more sophisticated lensing materials and powerpack offers the Auto Rifle a much meaner punch and greater firepower. What this means is that instead of being a flashlight, the Auto Rifle functions like a hand-held Multilaser.
Crunchwise, these lasguns are a 24" HunTR 3, S6 AP-2 D1. Essentially a very small multilaser. Great for clearing out GEQs and horde armies and very effective against MEQs as well.
HYLas Rotary Cannon[edit | edit source]
The HYLas Rotary Cannon is a step up to the Auto Rifle; being essentially the middle child of the family and roughly equivalent to the Imperium's Multilaser in terms of size and function.
The HYLas Rotary Cannon is commonly mounted on Magna-Coil Bikes used by Hernkyn Pioneers; this weapon is superior to equivalent Imperial designs despite sharing a common STC origin. Unfortunately, it also looks suspiciously similar to the MATR Autocannon and vice versa, so don't be too surprised if folks get confused with one another.
Rules wise, this is a 10 point upgrade for your Pioneers; this is a super multilaser for all intents and purposes, at 24" HunTR 9, S6 AP-2 D1. Perfect for harassing guardsmen, and even marines will fear its rate of fire.
HYLas Beam Cannon[edit | edit source]

The Lascannon of the HYLas family.
Instead of pure Dakka like its smaller brethren, the Beam Cannon is a single-shot anti-tank FUCK OFF laser meant to turn superheavies inside out. It is known to be mounted on vehicles such as the Sagitaur ATV as one of its primary weapons. However, with all that power focused in one shot, the Beam Cannon has a short range, weirdly enough. This is strange since conventional wisdom goes that the stronger the laser, the more effective its range is due to a strong enough power keeping the photons together.
On the tabletop, this translates to a short ranged lascannon with Beam. 24" Heavy 2, S9 AP-3 Dd6. Similar to the Missile Launcher, but costs twice as much. It is not as economical as MATR Autocannon unless you really want to sink down the cost on anti-armour.
Hellfury Cannon[edit | edit source]
The giant FUCKOFF cannon of concentrated rape found only on the Squat Cyclops War Machine.
This giant overcompensator is actually a Lance weapon. Oh yes, you heard us, the Hellfury is a modified starship weapon that operates on similar principles to that of a Lance. Which means that the Cyclops is mounting one of the most powerful laser weapons out there and it also means that the Cyclops is one of the most devastating land assets short of the AEonic Orb.
Unlike other conventional laser weapons, the Hellfury actually acts like a real life laser cutting tool. As it fires a continuous, forward-firing beam which can overload void shields one after another, smashing open layers of armor plate and finally penetrating the interior. The beam can theoretically operate for as long as power can be supplied, but in practice there is a risk of overload that runs higher the longer the Hellfury is activated, and the tougher the target. The Hellfury is therefore deactivated once a certain danger threshold is reached so it won't go boom.
Tl;dr, if there ever was a physical metaphor of a overcompensated dick gun. The Hellfury sure takes the cake.