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Healslut is a piece of gamer slang used by 4chan and other similarly uncouth places to refer to healing characters, like clerics. If a slut is a person who is only useful for sex, than a Healslut is a character who is only useful for healing (and sex).
Healsluts[edit | edit source]
Healing is an important job in RPGs but spending your time fixing your friends' fuckups is a lot less less glamorous then slaying dragons or controlling the elements. The end result is that there are more groups that need healers then there are people that actually want to be healers, and somebody ends up with the short end of the stick.
To be perfectly frank, healers aren't treated that well in most multiplayer games. When they do everything perfectly it's just treated as normal, but when they make a mistake they're the first one to be blamed. While this makes the role unappealing to most people, it makes it Uno Reverse Card super appealing to people that love to be abused, i.e. masochists.
Healslutting[edit | edit source]
While there have been outlets for erotic roleplay online since approximately ten minutes after the invention of the internet, perverts are always looking for a new place to wipe their sticky, sticky hands. It might not be possible to make your character screw another character onscreen in a MMORPG, MOBA, or Overwatch, but it is possible (and likely) that you'll be degraded and abused, and for some actual masochists that's close enough.
The wild healslut can be identified by dressing in the most whorish outfits available, calling everyone they meet "Sir" or "Ma'am", and being completely worthless at everything but healing, usually on purpose. Be careful if you see one. They're absolutely harmless, but if you treat them the way they'd like to be treated, you'll be banned by any passing mod, much to the sadness of the poor healslut. Such is the star-crossed life of the desktop stripper.
Healsluts on 4chan[edit | edit source]
4chan has always been the English-speaking mecca for all of the weirdest people in the world, and it's no surprise that many of the globe's healsluts have congregated upon our pure, innocent imageboard. 4chan's beleaguered mods thought they had a solution upon the creation of /trash/, but this only put all of them into one place, hardening them into a community. Amidst the degeneracy of /trash/, within weeks they had gone full Eldar, their fetish rapidly mutating and advancing.
Today the /heals/ general not only welcomes healsluts, but healdoms, tanksluts, dpssluts, healbois, healmommies, healbrats... the whole place is just a socially distanced orgy. It's a great place to visit if you want to check and find out if you had a last shred of innocence available to lose, just like the rest of 4chan.
/tg/'s embassy on /trash/, the CYOA Refuge Thread, also hosts two healslut CYOAs. Isekai Healslut sees the player turned into a healslut in a generic fantasy setting, challenging them to build up enough healing power to survive without building up so much sluttiness they get raped into oblivion (unless they're into that). The simply titled Healslut CYOA is more of a writing prompt, and caters to people who would like to own a healslut as well as those who'd like to be one. Both are available in the allsync CYOA archive for those who would like to appreciate the æsthetic beauty of their intricate game design.
Healsluts in /tg/ Media[edit | edit source]

Healsluts have likely existed as long as Dungeons & Dragons has. From the "haha wouldn't it be crazy if I was a girl haha" closeted types to the general perverts, some people have always seen roleplaying as a way to express their latent desires first and a game second. Consequently, the 18 CHA "I rolled for breast size and got a natural 20" cleric or bard has and will always exist. Whether they can keep it to themselves during the game or go full magical realm is between them and god.
Healsluts have a smaller presence in official /tg/ media due to a combination of most game makers having a portion more dignity and self-awareness than their average player and the fact that the founding fathers of roleplaying were largely hardcore Christians. That is only the case for America though. Japan is short on fundamentalist Christianity and long on perverts, and all bets are off. If you fire a gun in a random direction in an Akihabara games shop, before you're arrested there's a good chance one of your bullets will save a half-naked tweenage healer girl from a hot-glue doomed existence.
Cardfight!! Vanguard in particular has an entire Clan of nurse angels called Angel Feather. Plenty of these fly girls are so oversexed they make Douglas Schuler's Serra Angel want to put on a jacket, although calling any them a healslut is likely to end with them sticking a 20000cc syringe where the sun shouldn't shine.
Fire Emblem, being a Japanese RPG franchise aimed at children, naturally has a long and rich history of rape, statutory rape, incest, slavery, necrophilia, and vore. Next time you have a bad day at work imagine what your pegasus knight's day was like for some perspective. If anything, the healers of Fire Emblem get off a little easy compared to their sisters-in-arms, with the average cleric at least decked out in an ankle-length dress. However its second card game, Fire Emblem Cipher, took the opportunity to put Princess Elise over here in a swimsuit. Because why respect historical authenticity when you can coom instead?
And, of course, literally every single card in Wixoss is an erokawa anime girl, so you do the math.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
The famous Healer Tulslaeh was so inspirational that many adventurers to this day still bear her name.
I wrote a blog post a while ago about why I fucking hate video games, because this is what it does! It appeals to the male fantasy!
Actual Actual Healers