Magical realm

An individual's Magical Realm is the domain of their sexual fetishes, especially in relation to roleplaying games. When a game starts developing or introducing elements of the player or GM's fetishes, either accidentally or deliberately, it is said to be entering their magical realm.
The origin of the phrase is the skit "Piss World" from KC Green's webcomic Gunshow, where the players of a tabletop RPG react violently to their GM repeatedly trying to get them to play to his urine fetish. A panel has an NPC (presumably a DMPC) called the "Whizzard" asks "Dare you enter my magical realm?" The skit ends with the players punching him out. Amusingly, the "Whizzard" looks a bit like Ed Greenwood, who is notorious for doing this in his writings and has a Magical Realm self-insert in Elminster.
When the phrase "Magical Realm" is used to describe a work (usually a setting or adventure module), the implication is that the author either let their fetishes bleed into the work sufficiently to make it very obvious what gets them off, or even created the work entirely for the sole purpose of sexual gratification without explicitly saying so. Bonus points if they insist otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Similarly, it is possible for a player or DM to try and force their magical realm onto a setting by acting upon their fetishes, or having particular reactions to something as mundane as, say, lizardfolk. A more basic version is simply hitting on every tavern wench from Mendev to Absalom in an attempt to get laid in a way that the player cannot in real life. This is considered bad form because it puts the gratification of their fetish before the fun of the rest of the group. A DM who habitually forces his Magical Realm upon the players is called a /d/M.
Drawing the Line[edit | edit source]
It is inevitable that DM's, being at heart storytellers, will let their desires and interests bleed into a narrative without trying to get off. A horse loving DM may not constantly pimp-out centaurs with big dicks or beautiful female bodies, but he will very likely pay great attention to mount mechanics and try to sneak in a centaur character or two wherever they can plausibly fit the game, or in the very least make many horse references. These are not the DM's that have a magical realm. Despite what /pol/ may (read: will) tell you, caring about something is not a crime.
A /d/M is someone who only dotes on the concepts that get him (let's be honest, they are almost always male) off, and try to draw other players to appreciate his fetishes via quests and requests. (see the piss comic above)
On the other side of the "published author" line, one of the problems with defining "magical realm" is that, sometimes, legitimate aspects of the setting can sound really, really fucked up when discussed casually.
Due to many cases of both, a lot of threads about magical realms on /tg/ are anons trying to find the precise line when something goes from "fantastical" to "perverse". As with debates regarding furries, beastfolk and monstergirls, the primary keys are context, context, context, and the sanity with which the concept is approached. Intent also goes a long way, naturally: the DM might describe a sewer's horrible smell in-depth not because he's a fart fetishist, but because he wants to improve the group's immersion and not have the characters jump in the sludge without a care.
For a specific example, take Empire of the Petal Throne, in which one of the potential PC races are the Mihalli: shapeshifting alien wizards whose "default" form is a humanoid lion with 4-6 breasts and who are reputed to be hermaphroditic. And, to be honest, "multi-tittied herm lioness wizard" sounds like something straight out of a stereotypical furry's magical realm... but here they are treated as just an ordinary, mundane aspect of life on Tekumel.
A quick comparison to the other races of the setting makes it clear that the hermaphrodite thing is just a case of contextually appropriate weirdness (assuming it's even true, given the Mihalli's reproductive practices aren't exactly documented): all the non-human PC races are similarly strange in one way or another. One species faces four directions at once and has eight biological sexes (and funnily enough, their reproduction methods aren't well know to outsiders, either); another has members who resemble glass sculptures and act as a eusocial hivemind. The Mihalli are almost certainly intended to be aliens that actually feel alien, and are neither aliens whose only difference from a stock human is that they have funny ridges on their foreheads, nor aliens whose shtick is summarized by the phrase "they're like that because It Gets Me Off™" -- in particular, they lack the usual Mary Sue bullshit that is a distinguishing feature of the latter. For example, the main reason they're a minor race? They lost a large scale war against the humans when their capital city got nuked, resulting in them having to flee into the shadows.
Another thing to consider is the intent and nature of the work. Something that is openly and explicitly about sex (e.g., pornography, ecchi anime, erotic roleplaying, etc.) is generally not considered magical realm material because the sex is what you're there for, so complaining about it is like ordering a sandwich then complaining that it has bread on it. You're a willing participant, not having something forced onto you, and the creator is completely open about what they are doing, not doing it and then pathetically denying it. The "magical realm" complaint being justifiable only sets in when the sex is nominally hidden, but starts peeking out from every corner you look at, or the content is very much not as advertised.[1]
A final potential wrinkle in the whole concept is the matter of personal preference. Everyone has their own tastes and comfort zone; one gaming group may laugh as the Bard has hot sex with a Beholder right in front of them, the next may get uncomfortable just from some light flirting with an NPC. Its good practice to use Session Zero to get a vibe of what your group will tolerate content-wise. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle!
See Also[edit | edit source]
- /d/
- /d/M
- Gor (John Norman). Rape, arson, murder, and rape. Norman likes rape.
- Forgotten Realms, the original Magical Realm of Ed Greenwood. It seems tame today, but back in the days it had good-aligned life/agriculture deities blessing married couples having sex in the fields, rampant bisexuality, public orgies, rampant incest (okay, those last two turn people away even today) and lots of NSFW festivals.
- Monster Girl Encyclopedia, for an example of a setting that qualifies and isn't mindbogglingly awful, but still plenty skubby beyond that to put it very generously. Fans usually make tamer spin-offs or go for really dark crossover such as Fallout or Bloodborne.
- FATAL is about five or six stillborn magical realms stitched together with quadratic equations and terrible polynomial-based combat. Yes, it's mindbogglingly awful.
- Book of Erotic Fantasy, for an example of a work that doesn't probably quite qualify as a "magical realm", for reasons of being too openly and explicitly about sex.
- Maid RPG, for an example of a self-aware Magical Realm.
- Wraeththu: From Enchantment to Fulfilment, for an example of a work that qualifies as a Magical Realm twice over, being one reader's Magical Realm RPG version of an already existing Magical Realm series of novels, and an excellent example of what happens when you go two Magical Realms deep, i.e. sheer horror. Hell, it even has one of the eponymous horrors' dicks in the cover.
- Magical Realm CYOA, a popular CYOA that can be overlapped with the /tg/ meaning of "Magical Realm", but also can just be taken in a non-sexualised direction.
- FAPP, a furry tabletop game about what happens when the magical realm enters you.
- CthulhuTech, for its copious uses of rape and romance railroading in its adventures (read: getting raped by furries), along with the uber hedonistic society of the NEG. Still, NEG enacts these things out of necessity, whatever takes off your mind of risks of being mindraped and soul-annihilated by eldritch horrors of Lovecraft.
- Anything by Chris A. Field, particularly Black Tokyo.
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess. The original author has a very creepy obsession with putting cannibalism and other disturbing sex content into all his books.
- Carbon Pink, a lighthearted, horny Cyberpunk 5e hack.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
What a /d/Ms goal is when introducing the Magical Realm.
Rogal Dorn dared. But then again, he's a masochist like that.
Boonta's mercy upon those that enter the temple of scum and villainy.
A Magical Realm in action. Note the /d/M, complete with a quote from the original comic.
- ↑ To provide an example of the latter: If a book heavily advertises itself on its sexy Furry content, complaining about it having a lot of sexy Furry content is probably going to get you rightfully mocked... but if your complaint is that the book also has a disturbing, repeated, and heavy focus on sexualized cannibalism content that wasn't advertised in any way, well that is considered a valid complaint.