
Iguanids are one of several variant lizardfolk races created for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in issue #268 of Dragon Magazine.
As their name suggests, iguanids are a lizardfolk race based off of the iguana family of lizards, divided into three distinct branches; tree iguanids, rock iguanids, and sea iguanids. All three breeds share the same tall (6-7ft), lanky build, with elaborate crests of spikes running down their heads and throats, and long talons on their hands and feet. Tree iguanids are easily marked by their long tails and bright green scales, and tend to be the most slender of the three races, whilst rock iguanids have a dull gray or brown coloration, shorter tails and stronger limbs, and sea iguanids have heavy, lumpy bodies and heads, skin connecting their head-crest spikes, webbed digits and gills in their neck which allow them to breathe underwater.
All three breeds wear little clothing, but enjoy body painting, jewelry, tattoos and other adornments - an iguanid's face paint in particular denotes social status through coloration and detail. They also all share the unique trait of being the only lizardfolk breed to retain the ability to detach their tails and regrow them. Indeed, iguanids don't regard one of their own as an adult until they have lost their tail at least once, and male iguanids often brag about how many tails they have lost in an attempt to prove their courage and skill at escaping danger.
The most adaptable and flexible of the lizardfolk breeds, iguanids are the most prolific as a result, and can be found over a wide array of tropical and sub-tropical areas. Omnivorous, they supplement their diet of birds, eggs, insects and small animals with fruits and vegetables (and seaweed for the sea iguanids). This breed of lizardfolk is largely peaceful; rarely if ever motivated to fight amongst themselves, they prefer to avoid strife with other races, and are inexperienced fighters at best; if roused to war, iguanids typically try to swarm over a foe and beat them with sheer numbers, then flee and relocate their village if this fails. That said, individual iguanids are no pushovers; they skillfully wield spears, javelins and darts, and their claws and tails are quite dangerous. They're also surprisingly good at fighting mages, as they have an innate resistance to arcane magic.
Ironically, iguanids get on the worst with other lizardfolk breeds, finding most of them - with the exception of the geckonids - to be too aggressive for their liking. They have an especially bad relationship with the varanids, as these warlike scalykind despise iguanids as weaklings and an aberration, and so they torment them mercilessly.
Iguanids live simple lives, congregating in tribes led by shamans (functionally druids, perhaps with certain kits); a deeply religious people, all three versions of iguanids base their lives around the worship of natural forces, following a strict series of taboos, holidays and religious observances as a result. This results in loose theocracies, where the shamans oversee their peoples' simple lives of hunting, gathering and religious observance. Tree iguanids, as their name suggests, build tree-top villages that take advantage of their great climbing skills. Rock iguanids prefer craggy hills, arid cliffs, and deserts, where they occupy caves or rude huts. Sea iguanids are coastal, either building villages or, by preference, dwelling in air-filled caverns reachable only through the water.
Truth be told, most iguanids are... pretty damn stupid, with an average Intelligence score ranging from 5 to 10. This is partly why they are theocratic; the smarter iguanids tend to become shamans, which means they get to control iguanid life... which mostly consists of eating, sleeping, lounging around in groups, sunning themselves, and contemplating the world around them. Because even iguanid shamans aren't usually very ambitious.
Perhaps because of their druidic practices, iguanids have an uncanny knack for befriending the creatures of the wild. Any iguanid village will have between 1 and 6 giant iguanas of the appropriate subspecies lounging around, and countless ordinary iguanas. Yes, make the inevitable crude jokes speculating on the relationship. There's also a 50% chance that other large, predatory beasts, such as jaguars or giant snakes, will also frequent the village.
The one exception to the generally peaceful nature of an iguanid village is during the mating season, when males become aggressive and violently compete for the attention of their female counterparts with displays of head-bobbing, loud croaking, and wrestling. Nobody ever gets seriously hurt as a result of all of this, but they view it with some embarrassment and don't allow outsiders near the villages during this time.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
- Ability Score Minimum/Maximum: Strength 8/18, Dexterity 8/20, Constitution 3/18, Intelligence 2/16, Wisdom 3/16, Charisma 3/18
- Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence
- Class & Level Limits: Fighter 8, Ranger 8, Cleric 12, Druid 12, Shaman 12, Thief 9
- Racial Thieving Skill Adjustments: Pick Pockets +10%, Open Locks -5%, Find/Remove Traps -5%, Move Silently -5%, Hide in Shadows +5%, Detect Noise -5%, Climb walls +30%, Read Languages -25%
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 12, Climb 9, Swim 12
- Natural Armor Class: 10
- Natural Attacks: 2 Claws (1d3) and 1 Tail Slap (1d4)
- All iguanids suffer no movement or attack penalties when in water and receive Swimming as a bonus proficiency.
- Tree and Rock iguanids can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to 2/3 of their Constitution score (rounded up).
- Sea Iguanids can breathe water and air.
- Iguanids have a 5% Magic Resistance stat against Wizard spells and magical items; this resistance does not apply to Priestly spells and magic items. This magic resistance increases by +5% per level, maxing out at 25%.
- Iguanids receive a +2 racial bonus to saves vs. poison.
- All iguanids have an effective Climb Walls of 75%, which increases to 85% for tree iguanids in trees and rock iguanids on rock faces.
- Rock & Tree Iguanids all have a Hide in Shadows 40% ability when in their natural environment.
- Sea iguanids must wet their bodies at least once per day, or lose 3 points of Constitution per day until they either rehydrate or they die.
- All iguanid warriors start with two weapon proficiencies and members of other classes start with only one.
- Iguanids double the cost of armor and cannot wear armor heavier than studded leather.
- Iguanid thieves double the penalty to their thieving skills caused by wearing armor.
- Cold Blooded: An iguanid takes +1 point of damage per die from cold-based attacks, and if exposed to a low temperature for a prolonged period, it becomes sluggish, halving its movement rate and suffering a -2 attack penalty.
- Weapon Proficiencies: Spear, Dart, Javelin
- Nonweapon proficiencies: Alertness, Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Fishing, Herbalism, Hiding, Hunting, Natural Fighting, Survival (Tropical, Subtropical)