Isaac Asimov

"He had writer's block once. It was the worst ten minutes of his life."
- – Harlan Ellison, about the madman
Isaac Asimov was one of the big three science fiction writers to come into prominence from the 1940's onward, the others being Arthur C. Clarke and Robert Heinlein. He was born in Soviet Russia and upon learning of this he quickly emigrated to America, where he earned a degree in biochemistry. His works centered around robots, and chiefly among that the Three Laws of Robotics already listed on this page. However, many of his works often dealt not only with the robots themselves but rather around the societies that created them and the effects of total robot dependence, chiefly stagnation. Other spectrums of his works branch out to deal with issues such as nuclear power, feminism, and population control. He also has a book in every category in the Dewey Decimal System (except one [1]). Think about that. Asimov wrote about 500 books most of them non-fiction; of the fiction books, most were SF [2]. That is a LOT of motherfucking books. Also Asimov tended to set his books in the same universe and (unlike a certain midget) he was aware of his universe, meaning that one has to read them all to fully understand all details.
One of Asimov's most famous works is his Foundation series, which involves a large Romanesque Galactic Empire tens of thousands of years in the future ruled from the city planet of Trantor. A mathematician by name of Hari Seldon figures out, using psychohistory (a science of his own invention), that the Empire is on an irreversible downwards spiral to discord and barbarism -- a dark age that will last thirty thousand years. The fall cannot be prevented, the dark age can be shortened to a mere millennium if scientific knowledge is preserved. How, you ask? By creating a colony of scientists on a distant, backwater planet, arranging matters such that they will bring the surrounding systems under their influence with their tech, and eventually build up a second Galactic Empire. They do so through trade, politics and creating and spreading a religion which controls the mysteries of technology to non-Foundationers, along with keeping the subjects of their allies obedient to the Governor until they try to revolt against the Holiest World (thankfully, Asimov's analogue of Goge Vandire is but a moronic dictator wannabe who's taken out by a unusually wealthy Rogue Trader). Unbeknownst to them (but still to Seldon's plan), a second Foundation, made up entirely of mentalics, watches over the Foundation and the galaxy in general to make sure everything proceeds according to The Seldon Plan.
In addition his predictions on A.I., Asimov also wrote The Caves of Steel. There he predicts with startling accuracy China's Social Credit System with the city's "Rating" system.
Interestingly Asimov had a rather positive stance on the future and AI. While most of his stories dealt with problems, they all had an positive outlook of the future (well after a few thousand years but still) and problems where mostly the fault of those idiotic, small minded humans and not the glorious logic of the flawless thinking machines. One can say that most if not all problems in his books are man made. Also he was kind of a nerd when it comes to details and opted to often explain every goddamn technical detail while keeping fighting scenes to an bare minimum. Kind of anti Grimdark. This can be seen in the spread of the Foundation; over hundreds of years it spreads from one planet to control a third of the galaxy, and not once in this time does it acquire territory by conquest. Worlds are instead persuaded to join of their own free will. Don't take this to mean that the Foundation is the Federation, however; the Foundation is perfectly willing to deceive countries into joining up without realizing what they're agreeing to. It is also willing to bribe or blackmail government officials to get them to sign their countries over to the Foundation. Fundamentally, the Foundation's objection to war is one of practicality, not morality; bribes are a lot less expensive than warships.
TL;DR Asimov basically came up with the concept of the Empire (including Coruscant) and Adeptus Mechanicus. Also he was one of the biggest sci-fi authors but wrote too much for anyone to ever read.