Knights of Justice
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Summary of Legion I[edit | edit source]
Cognomen: (Prior) Marines Justicar (Unofficially as the First, the Executioners, Storm Bringers and among the more fuedally-oriented, the Knights of Justice)
History of the I Legion[edit | edit source]
Astartes Prima[edit | edit source]
Astartes Prima, the First Legion, and for a time the first among equals. Much like their brother Legions, the First could trace their combat history back to the Sacred Bands of The Proto-Legions. however unlike their brothers their Sacred Band was founded concurrently with the training and equipping of the rest of the Legion, and so instead of a test of a future Legion’s potential, the Sacred Band of the First was simply made up of the best recruits of the Initial Batch, Astartes that would go on to be the early leaders of the Legion and in one case the Legion Master before the discovery of the Primarch. Their short time with Hektor was none the less marked with numerous engagements, where the warriors of the First displayed exemplary skills at all manner of Warfare, but quickly finding themselves preferring and excelling at Rapid Insertions to remove High Value threats at close ranges with both Volkite Weapons and blades. Striking quickly with accuracy, demolishing the threat fully before quickly redeploying to the next target. This focus, being imparted by the Band upon the rest of the Legion.
Just as it was on the battle field with their quick redeployments, so too was the Sacred Band pulled suddenly from Hektor's Command. Their absence was noted by their brothers, some of whom voiced silent concerns that perhaps the Band had been eliminated for some unknown flaw or failure, with even Hektor being rumored to have been concerned about not been notified of their reassignment. In reality the Emperor had commanded their unification with the Legion to finish its training. The first wholesale deployment of a Legion would come shortly after, well before their training had been concluded.
The Emperor's campaign against the Pan-Pacific Empire of Narthan Dume was both the last and one of the most brutal and drawn out of the Unification Wars. The Imperial Army and Thunder Warrior Regiments had become bogged down and in a gamble Hektor lead the Sacred Bands in an all-out assault on one of the PanPacific strong points on the front, hoping to break the stalemate. Unfortunately this attack would come at the same time as a massive counteroffensive by the PanPacific forces to break the Imperial Line. The PanPacific assault was as brutal as it was effective, the Imperial Line crumbled and the Sacred Bands became surrounded and cut off as the Army desperately tried to contain the break out assault. When informed of the situation, the Emperor is reported to have had one wrath filled response to Malcador;
"Deploy the First."
"It was like a wind, at first" remarked a PanPacific commander. "Then the wind turned to gale, and the skies became filled with wings of the Emperor's wrath; metal birds filled with the very first of the Emperor's legions, the Astartes Prima." Like a bolt of lightning cast from the heavens the First Legion descended, the Hyper-sonic aircraft splitting the ears of the enemies as they rained down several tonnes of explosive bombardment, in what would become one of their trademark assaults. A steep angled dive, much akin to that of a descending Drop Pod, directly over the enemy lines, while weapons blazed. Canon and missiles tore devastatingly into the assaulting armies, and at the last possible moment when it looked as though the craft were about to slam head first into the ground they pulled up suddenly firing their retro-thrusters, bringing the craft to sudden hovering halt, testing the limits of the Assault Craft's frame.
Assault ramps dropped and the warriors of the Astartes Prima surged forth, bolters tearing into the troops of the PanPacific Empire, immolating them as the Storm Birds lifted off, to provide support. The relentless assault of the Mk I armored warriors was spearheaded by their Legion Master Stellan Ekus, one of those Ten Legionaries that had been apart of the Sacred Band. Closing with the enemy they would devestate them with short range firefights and close combat, engaging with ranged weapon in one hand and chain sword in the other. In the face of such a ferocious assault the enemy began to falter, and it was then that Hektor saw his chance to break out, seizing the opportunity allowed to him by the First he lead the Sacred Bands and Remnant Army forces in an assault, crushing the enemy from two directions. Amid the chaos of the battle one of the Unification and Great Crusade's most memorable scenes was born, the weary Hektor and his Band being greeted by Legate Ekus the two warriors standing before a burning PanPacific Empire tank and clutching each other's vambraces while their honor guards looked upon one another in an odd moment of calm amid the turmoil of the battle.
The Great Crusade[edit | edit source]
The Marines Justicar spread out all across the galaxy, establishing bases at critical or important junctions. The Justicars were nearly as strong as Hektor's wolves of Dawn were, but they were spread out and almost never assembled in one place. After the Segmentums were established, the largest base in each Segmentum was established as that region's HQ, where the actions of all bases within its command were planned out. From these grand cathedrals of martial might, many crusades were launched and staged, killing trillions of xenos and liberating thousands of planets.
The Hektor Heresy[edit | edit source]
When Bohemond first caught wind of Hektor's treachery at Isstvan, he immediately called forth 10,000 honor guard and 10,000 reserve troops from holy terra to confront him. Unfortunately, his self-confidence got the better of him, and he along with 10,000 of his troops were slain by Hektor's Wolves and Kranios's Horns. As soon as the KoJ commanders stationed across the galaxy realized what was going on, they all reinforced themselves at their bases or HQ's. most remained intact, although the HQ and several bases in the Segmentum Obscurus were destroyed by the invading traitor legions on their way to Terra. The Marines Justicar secured their bases around the galaxy and kept out of fighting for the most part, until Hektor began to funnel his troops towards holy terra. Upon seeing this, the many commanders saw the perfect opportunity to enclose Hektor's forces; They sent tens of thousands of troops to the systems near holy terra, avoiding combat but still forcing Hektor's hand into attacking holy terra, where he could be defeated.
Legion Doctrine[edit | edit source]
Air Assault and Superiority
They are fast and surgical, hold a code of honour most highly, and are rather aloof and prideful, as they have a reputation and prestige unlike any other legion. They dominate the skies with Astarte-piloted aircraft, giving them vastly superior skill and ability in flight. Their forces are divided into three categories: Air, Space, and Land. The Space forces are rather minute, as boarding actions are rather rare, but the forces that are deployed are trained and equipped extensively, as space combat is not for the faint of heart nor the weak of mind. The air forces are the most numerous and most sought-after, for the sky is where the most fighting often is. The land forces are not as sought-after due to the fact that most conflicts are resolved with out ground deployment, but they are skilled at combat nonetheless. Due to their organization and dispersed deployment, the Marines Justicar can act as first-responders to almost any major conflict, dealing a critical and punishing defeat before the enemy can counter. Their role and personalities make them almost have a rivalry with other legions, which can turn to anger in more hot-blooded marines. However, any marine who has been in combat with the Justicars knows and respects the awesome skill and efficiency they wield, despite petty rivalries.
Legion Equipment[edit | edit source]
The Legions Vehicle armories are dominated by all manner of aircraft, especially Nephilim jet-fighters, Lightning interceptors, and Thunderbolt air-superiority units. They also use gunships such as Thunderhawks and Storm Eagles, albeit with greater speed and thrust than other gunships. Marauder bombers and Avenger strike-fighter are also used when fighting ground forces, usually after the air-superiority units have taken control of the sky. The other aircraft they field is a fearsome and titanic beast, a flying fortress capable of air combat, bombing runs, cargo transport, ground-strikes, and even space combat. This flying leviathan is a rare and terrifying vehicle, fielded only in the greatest of conflicts. This craft, named the Typhoon, is approximately 70 meters long, with a wingspan of approximately 100 meters. It has 2 side-mounted punisher gatling-guns, 4 wing-mounted assault cannons, 2 side-mounted vulcan mega-bolters, several missile launchers, 10 defensive las-repeaters, and a single quake cannon, capable of leveling battlefields.
As for Marine equipment, all ground-based forces are given a modified jump-pack used for high-lateral-velocity jumps and horizontal movement. It has wings, and a built in rocket-launcher with a limited supply of anti-air missiles. bolt-weapons are a favorite among the Justicars, such as the tried-and-true bolt-gun, but they are normally restricted from using heavy weapons due to their love of close combat. Power swords, chainswords, and knifes are all used extensively. Space troops are given much more advanced equipment, such as terminator armor and energy-based weaponry.
Legion Organization[edit | edit source]
The legion is divided amongst each segmentum in command HQ's that house honor guards consisting of 1000 marines, as well as the training stations for new recruits. each HQ is in charge of 10 commands, which also house 200 veteran marines for special missions or tasks. Each command station controls 10 battalions, which are composed of 40 squadrons of 5 marines each. This command structure is meant to be decentralized so that each branch or station can act independently or in unison with the rest for any reason.
Officers are expected to be able to perform most of the same duties as the Astartes they lead, something heavily emphasized after their reunion with their Primarch, Bohemond. Following in the Primarch's example, officers are encouraged not to issue orders that they themselves would be unwilling to follow. Additionally the Legion would have a high sense of justice, a trait the legion seems to have been created with, and reinforced by the Primarch's own up bringing on his own homeworld. As the First Legion to be created they experienced much of the ending of the Unification Wars, when the tyrants of Old were put to the sword, with the First serving as both Judges and Executioners. As time went by the First Legion would become on occasion paired (uneasily) with the Winged Victory, a brother Legion also frequently used to judge and execute radical forces.
Notable Members[edit | edit source]
Culture[edit | edit source]
The Second Founding[edit | edit source]
Crusading Exiled[edit | edit source]
The Crusading Exiled are a group made of several chapters banished by a rogue Inquisitor. They crusade in the name of the Emperor now, seeking redemption in his name.
Chapter History[edit | edit source]
Following the Heresy, the Storm Bringers split their forces, creating a chapter known as the Winds of Vengeance. This new founding of Astartes set out amongst the stars to find and destroy the enemies of the Imperium. During a battle to rest control of their recruiting world, the Chapter Master of the Winds of Vengeance met his end, leading to the appointing of a new Chapter Master. As a well known Chaplain, Rodlak was selected to lead the Chapter due to his zealous nature and constant preaching of Imperial scripture.
For the next several hundred years, the Winds fought the enemies of man, eventually becoming so hateful of Chaos that they would clean entire worlds of life on the very suspect of corruption. Over the years, Rodlak's campaigns had become more aggressive and the doctrine of the Winds had become increasingly savage. It was clear to only a few marines that Rodlak had come under the influence of Chaos. Perhaps this taint had been within Rodlak since the beginning. Several captains, under the leadership of Second Company Captain Varallus, found that their Chapter Master had surrendered his soul to the Ruinous powers. They exposed Rodlak to the Inquisition, executing him and giving up their lives to the Inquisition in hopes of redemption.
The Redeeming Crusade Following their trial, the Inquisition decreed that the Chapter should lead a crusade to redeem their name. The Winds did what they knew best and warred against the enemies of man once more. However, after passing by the outskirts of the Eye of Terror, the Winds picked up transmission detailing Rodlak's plan to sacrifice the Chapter to ascend to Daemonhood. The Chaos Space Marines that gave them the transmission were under the belief that Rodlak was on his way to deliver a new Chapter to the forces of Chaos. The Chaos forces were part of a large Warband, sent out to make contact with various officials to secure more numbers for the Warband. This plan was supposedly thought up of a renegade Inquisitor by the name of Ogiard who was also expected to be with the Winds. However, instead of handing of any traitors and greeting the Chaos Space Marines with open arms, the Winds executed their traitorous cousins, sustaining heavy losses as a result. They fled back into Inquisition-controlled space to warn them of the Enemy Within.
The Exile Unfortunately for the Winds of Vengeance, Inquisitor Ogiard was the one to hear the distress call. Ogiard arrested the Winds and found them guilty of the murder of fellow Space Marines. The Winds were cast out of the Imperium forever. There were other Chapters that heard of the trial and realized that Ogiard's ruling was not only unjust but highly suspicious. Following a long and arduous investigation, three other Chapters, The Shield of the Emperor, The Fathers of Brass, and The Sanguine Solaire had found evidence of Ogiard's treachery. The Chapters banded together and renamed themselves The Crusading Exiled, declaring Ogiard as an enemy of their beloved Imperium. The Exiled fought there way to the Inquisitor, branding him a Chaos-tainted traitor and slaying him on his homeworld. The other Inquisitors were blinded by rage, hatred or the lies of others who declared the Exiled as renegades. Either way, Ogiard's original ruling stood. The Crusading Exiled were banished and were to be shot down should they ever enter Imperium space again.
The 41st Millenium Since the death of Ogiard, the Crusading Exiled have been slaying Chaos and xenos threats all over the galaxy in the name of the Emperor, keeping close to the Eye of Terror so they may warn nearby Imperium forces. Unfortunately, without a proper means of recruiting, the Exiled have been slowly losing numbers during their unending war but still stand at almost the size of a regular Astartes Chapter. However, considering the fact that four different Chapters came together to form the Exiled, this number is much less than most Inquisitorial estimates. Despite this, the collective armories of the Chapters have compounded to form one of the largest armored divisions the Empire has ever seen. Although, due to the nature of their dwindling resources, the vehicles cannot be replaced. This large stock of armor is sure to end one day.
Notable Members[edit | edit source]
Rodlak Appointed to lead the Chapter in its early days, Rodlak had been known as a Chaplain with unwavering faith. Inspiring and misleading his troops into battles, Rodlak had proven himself to be a devious and dangerous threat to the Imperium. It is not known how or when Rodlak had been tainted by the forces of Chaos but when he was finally exposed, there was no denying it. As a self-proclaimed Champion of Chaos, Rodlak confessed to the sacrificing of entire worlds in his esteemed position. He died, branded as a heretic and his armor was cast into a star. That star has shown signs of decay since then.
The Council of the Exiled Since the Exiled are made up of several Astartes Chapters, none of the Chapter Masters have ever come out to sieze total control. Instead, a council made up of Chapter Masters Varallus, Magniun, Corrok and Taract has been appointed to keep watch over the Exiled.
Varallus A loyal and deeply faithful man, Varallus has always been known to lead his men through faith and valor. He was the first of the Winds of Vengeance Captains that exposed Rodlak of his Chaotic allegiance and was directly responsible for the execution of both Rodlak and Ogiard. Since the exile of his Chapter, Varallus has become somewhat of a father figure to the Exiled. His teachings are of faith, courage, and the search for truth.
Magniun About as confident as his best friend, Varallus, Magnium was the first to vouch for the Winds' honour. Now, he is in the position of the leading tactician of the Exiled, hoping to lead his men into battle while suffering minimal losses. He and Varallus butt heads regularly over combat doctirine but the other members of the council always manage to bring the two back to a more calming state. He was the Chapter Master of The Shield of the Emperor.
Chapter Combat Doctrine[edit | edit source]
With a low amount of troops and a large amount of armored weaponry, the Crusading Exiled always try for a conservative yet aggressive attack. Utilizing as much armor as possible, the Exiled have a consistent method of getting their men as far behind enemy lines as possible before deploying foot soldiers to finish the job.
Chapter Beliefs[edit | edit source]
Many of the Exiled genuinely believe that the misfortunes they go through are part of some divine test given to them by the Emperor. The Crusading Exiled fight in the name of the Emperor despite the fact that a surprising amount of their former brothers have been ordered to engage them on sight. They still believe in the Emperor and all the teachings given to them by Varallus and their Chaplains. However, they still keep a vigilant watch over each other, making sure that Chaos taint may never reach them again. This aversion to Chaos extends to the judgement they pass on others. The Exiled are aware that Chaos can spring up within any civilization. As such, they refuse to set up a means of recruiting from nearby planets due to the fact that corruption may find its way into their Chapter. The Exiled also believe that kidnapping suitable candidates to bring bulk to their numbers is the practice of one who worships Chaos. The beliefs of the Crusading Exiled are dangerous and will eventually result in the death of the Chapter.
The Exiled Fleet[edit | edit source]
Since the Crusading Exiled are made up of several Chapters, they have access to the ships granted to them by said Chapters. This Exiled Fleet, lead by the flagship known as the Noble Wind, has been the home to the Exiled for the past five hundred years. Rather than settling on a single planet, the Fleet floats freely along the borders of Imperium space, ready to strike down the enemies of the Emperor.
Other Successor Chapters[edit | edit source]
The Avenging Angels
The Imperium is beset on all sides by foes both external and internal, and it is a testament to the dire nature of these threats that sometimes they are able to overcome the armed forces of the Imperium. It has been reported that sometimes, after a particularly grievous or strategically significant defeat, Astartes have appeared to punish the enemies of mankind and make their victory short-lived. Following a similar tactical doctrine to their founders, the Storm Bringers, the Avenging Angels concentrate their efforts into one merciless strike into the heart of the enemy.
The Guillotine Guard
Whilst most Space Marines accepted the reformation of the Eyes of the Emperor, that forgiveness could be earned for their part in the betrayal of the Emperor and the subsequent death and destruction seemed unthinkable, especially given that their beloved Bohemond fell at Istvaan V. A schism was only prevented by a last-minute compromise suggested by (someone). The Eyes would be granted temporary forgiveness, and a delegation of the Justicarss' choosing would watch for any sign of taint or treachery until such a time as the Justicars felt that suitable penance had been carried out.
It has now been over ten thousand years since the formation of the Guillotine Guard, recruited from veterans of the Battle Companies and rotated every few years. The Guillotine Guard stand watch over the Eyes, their mere name a reminder of the tenuous nature by which the Eyes of the Emperor still claim to be true servants of humanity.
The Guillotine Guard integrate themselves into all castes of the Eyes of the Emperor. From being present at Councils of War with the Chapter Master and his closest confidantes to bolter drills, vehicle maintenance and even mealtimes it is not uncommon for a Guard to be standing in silent observation. It devotes extra attention to the training of recruits, and this area often comes under additional scrutiny.
The Guard, whilst having a duty to observe the Eyes, are proud Marines and as such do not stand idly by in battle. They revel in the chance to shed the blood of their foes. Whilst they will not follow the orders of their supposed brothers, they do not interfere with their commands either and allow the Eyes to conduct themselves as they wish.
The Space Marine Legions of the /tg/ Heresy | |
Loyalist: | The Entombed - Eyes of the Emperor - Scale Bearers - Silver Cataphracts Steel Marshals - Stone Men - Thunder Kings - Void Angels - War Scribes |
Traitor: | Black Augurs - The Justiciars - Eternal Zealots - Heralds of Hektor Iron Rangers - Life Bringers - Lions Rampant - Mastodontii - Sons of Fire |