
Mulhorand is a region in the Forgotten Realms setting of Dungeons & Dragons populated in the ancient days of the setting by the Imaskari magocracy, who decided they needed a buttload of human slaves to do their dirty work and so filled that void in their lives by kidnapping hundreds, maybe thousands of people from Real World Historical Earth(tm). Eventually, these slaves fought free of their masters, aided by the fact that their gods were rather pissed by this whole "kidnapping our followers" thing and Ao gave them permission to come over to Toril and kick some Imaskari ass. Ironically, they shared this plight with another nation, Unther... but rather than help each other out, once the Imaskari were out of the way, they fell to fighting with each other. Furthering the irony, both nations are recognized as the same ethnicity by the rest of Toril; the Mulan.
Mulhorand is basically the Forgotten Realms version of Egypt, which makes sense since the Mulan were stolen from the territories of Mesopotamia and Egypt in the first place. Like Unther, their history is largely one of slow decline after the Orcgate Wars, but they never fell quite so hard as Unther did. In fact, they invaded Unther and conquered it after the Time of Troubles... then, six years after they had finally conquered all of Unther, making some steps towards recovering from the loss of Murghôm, Semphar, and Thay, the Spellplague hit and Mulhorand was basically leveled, with the survivors being teleported to Abeir, where they were taken as slaves by the Shyran genasi.
During the century or so after the Spellplague, the Deep Imaskari rose up and took over what had once been Mulhorand, which technically had originally been their land in the first place. After The Sundering, the Mulhorandi came back, and weren't too thrilled to find that the reborn Imaskari expected them to either become subservient or GTFO. Their gods didn't think highly of that either, and so they began empowering a number of Chosen agents; led by the ancient Mulhorandi planeswalker Nezram the World-Walker, who had been around since Mulhorand was at its height and really didn't like the Imaskari, the Mulhorandi drove the Imaskari into the Plains of Purple Dust to the east and set about declaring themselves a great power once again.
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Mulhorandi Pantheon[edit | edit source]
As with the Untheric Pantheon, the Mulhorandi Pantheon is basically a tweaked version of the Egyptian pantheon, consisting of the following deities:
- Anhur, god of war and weather; often associated with animals used for combat and hunting.
- Bast, goddess of hedonism, festhalls, love, and cats. She is called Sharess and is worshiped by that name outside of Mulhorand.
- Bes, god of chance and luck.
- Geb, god of the earth, minerals, and mining.
- Hathor, goddess of fertility and motherhood.
- Horus-Re, the leader of the Mulhorandi pantheon, he is the god of the sun, kings, rulership, and life.
- Isis, goddess of good magic and agriculture.
- Nephthys, goddess of trade and wealth.
- Osiris, god of death and the dead.
- Re, former leader of the Mulhorandi pantheon, he was slain in a battle and his power was subsumed by Horus, who then became Horus-Re.
- Sebek, god of wetland and river hazards, danger.
- Set, god of evil, drought, destruction, and the desert.
- Thoth, god of knowledge, secrets, and academic debate.