
Unther is a region in the Forgotten Realms setting of Dungeons & Dragons populated in the ancient days of the setting by the Imaskari magocracy, who decided they needed a buttload of human slaves to do their dirty work and so filled that void in their lives by kidnapping hundreds, maybe thousands of people from Real World Historical Earth(tm). Eventually, these slaves fought free of their masters, aided by the fact that their gods were rather pissed by this whole "kidnapping our followers" thing and Ao gave them permission to come over to Toril and kick some Imaskari ass. Ironically, they shared this plight with another nation, Mulhorand... but rather than help each other out, once the Imaskari were out of the way, they fell to fighting with each other. Furthering the irony, both nations are recognized as the same ethnicity by the rest of Toril; the Mulan.
Unther is basically the Forgotten Realms version of Mesopotamia, which makes sense since the Mulan were stolen from the territories of Mesopotamia and Egypt in the first place.
Of the two squabbling brother-empires, Unther definitely fared the worst. Initial squabbles with the Mulhorandi were settled peacefully, with the Untherites conquering large swathes of territory to the west and north of the Alamber Sea... and then Unther found itself caught up in the Orcgate Wars, during which time it was forced to work with the Mulhorandi to survive. Decimated during the battles with the orcs, with most of its patron gods slain, and further ruined by the descent of Gilgeam into brutal tyranny, Unther found itself conquered and turned into a puppet state for Chessenta, originally one of its own vassal states, for a century. After Gilgeam was slain by Tiamat during the Time of Troubles, the long peace with Mulhorand was broken and the Untherites found themselves conquered again. This conquest was technically ended when the Spellplague shifted the people and lands of Unther to the continent of Shyr on Abeir... where both the Untherites and the Mulhorandi colonists caught up with them found themselves conquered and enslaved by the native genasi.
Since The Sundering returned Unther to its former place, Gilgeam has become obsessed with trying to reconquer all of the lands once held by Unther at its peak, but is being stymied by resistance from those former colonies, alongside their new allies in the dragonborn of Tymanther.
Untheric Pantheon[edit | edit source]
In case it's not obvious, the Untheric Pantheon is literally the Mesopotamian one, but shaped by the tumultuous history of Unther. It consists of the following deities:
- Assuran (demigod, joined the Faerûnian pantheon under the name Hoar.)
- Enlil, the patriarch of the Untheric gods. He abdicated in favor of Gilgeam and left Toril in −734 DR, returned in 1486 DR as the patron of the Tymantheran Dragonborn.
- Gilgeam (intermediate deity then demigod, killed during Time of Troubles, revived as demigod in the era between the Spellplague and The Sundering)
- Girru (killed during the Orcgate Wars)
- Inanna (killed during the Orcgate Wars)
- Ishtar gave the power of her manifestation to Isis and vanished from Toril as well, shortly after the departure of Enlil.
- Ki (killed during Orcgate Wars)
- Marduk (killed during the Orcgate Wars)
- Nanna-Sin (killed during the Orcgate Wars, later resurrected as a non-divine immortal by Asmodeus in exchange for the return of Azuth)
- Nergal (Killed during the Orcgate Wars)
- Ramman (Killed during the Time of Troubles)
- Tiamat (Lesser deity, then archfiend, then demigod, now a lesser Faerûnian power.)
- Utu (killed during the Orcgate Wars)