Necromundan Giant Rat

Mutated giant rats are known to infest Necromunda and rove the underhive in packs. The pelts of these are worn by Ratskins, giving that faction their name, House Cawdor is known to convert them into Bomb Rats, and the Outland Beastmasters are known to use them as war pets.
Overview[edit | edit source]
The mutant strains that have developed here over the centuries vary greatly, though Giant Rats can reach up to four feet in length (not including the tail), while some of the even larger specimens can have razor sharp teeth as long as one foot.
Over the generations, these mutated rodents have also begun to display a low form of animal cunning. This, coupled with incredibly fast natural reactions, means that they have an uncanny ability to avoid almost any shot aimed at them.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, these rats are the cheap option for Beastmasters, and he is able to automatically replaced one with another if it dies. Skills included with the rat involves the Dodge skill which makes them even harder to hit and increase chances to Tarpit and swarm the target.