Bomb Rat

House Cawdor is the poorest house in Necromunda and, being a house of beggars and murderhobos, they can't really be choosers on what they can get. Fortunately, they have found a way to make use of the literal trillions of rats infesting Necromunda.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Bomb Rats are giant Necromunda rats, that have been converted into living bombs by House Cawdor gangs, which they unleash upon their enemies. These rats have been repeatedly trained by Cawdor members to seek out a target before they explode.
Being nothing more than a bunch of rats with grenades, dynamite and other explosives attached to it. Bomb Rats are nothing more than the human equivelent of a Bomb Squig. It is likely that the explosives are detonated remotely from a handler as there is no way in hell any of these rats would make to their targets in time if it were lit conventionally.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, Bomb Rats are a pretty fun piece of unit to play around with. If the fighter with the rats can pass an Intelligence check, they can guide the rat up to 6” to make a targeted bombing run if it ends its movement within 1” of an enemy (or friendly!) model. If they fail, the rat goes rogue and moves according to the scatter dice. Right off the bat, this might seem like the world's worst game of Russian Roullette, but neat part is to wait until another ganger rolled another Intelligence advancement to give out even more rats.
Cawdor gangers come in at 7+ Intelligence, or about a 58% success rate, but if you wait until they advance to 6+, the success rate grows to a compelling 69% (nice!) Either way, offensive grenades become way more useful in this framework. All the grenades can work with bomb rats, but we’re going to focus on the two best. There are two types of explosives you can give to a Bomb Rat, these are:
- Blasting Charges: The short thrown range of a Blasting Charge is mitigated when attached to a Rat, and their potential for destruction cannot be denied. They’re also the cheaper of the two "good" grenades, so go ahead and grab them first.
- Incendiary Charges: They don’t pack the punch that a Blasting Charge does, but a 5” blast with Blaze is still a hell of a thing. The easy second choice.
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Command: | Redemptor Priest - Word-Keeper |
Troops: | Cawdor Bonepicker - Cawdor Brethren - Cawdor Firebrand Cawdor Headsman - Flagellator - Redemptionist Brethren Redemptionist Deacon - Redemptionist Zealot Hive Preacher - Stig Shambler |
Beasts: | Bomb Rat |
Constructs: | Sheen Birds - Cherubim |
Walkers: | Ridge Walker |
Vehicles: | Cargo-8 Ridgehauler - Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler |
Hired Guns & Neutrals: |
Agitator - Ammo-Jack - Beastwrangler - Bone Scrivener Brute-Handler - Chem Dealer - Corpse Grinder - Dome Runner Gang Lookout - Gun-smyth - Hive Scum - Jagerkin Outland Beastmaster - Krieg Mester - Master Nautican Pale Consort - Relicmonger - Rogue Doc - Scabber - Slopper Servitor-Ogryn - Subnautican - Syphonite - Pit Slave Propagandist - Spyrer - Bounty Hunter |