Oestala Prime System

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The Oestala Prime System is the old Sector Capital of the Oestalan Sector when it was still under Imperial control.

The old sector capital, Oestala, is an unusual system. Oestala III and IV were both habitable, heavily populated worlds. This concentration of wealth and population in one system allowed it to maintain an organized government after the arrival of the warp storms. The ruling Sector aristocracy placated their large populations with the hope that the warp storms were only temporary, yet as year after year passed the limited resources on both Oestala III and IV began to grow increasingly strained. Eventually relations between the two hive worlds grew increasingly frosty. Eventually, Oestala III declared independence and sent a make-shift invasion force to take Oestala IV and V, Oestala IV responded by launching an orbital nuclear barrage against their former partner world - an action which Oestala III followed. Both are now dead worlds, with nothing but an irradiated wasteland left.

Planets[edit | edit source]

Oestala I[edit | edit source]

Molten World

Close proximity to the system's star renders this planet uninhabitable. The surface is made of seas of molten rock, while what little atmosphere the world possesses is filled with a hazardous mix of toxic gases.

Oestala II[edit | edit source]


A dwarf planet with a sub-tropical climate, Oestala II was the first planet beyond the Medigeminus System to be settled by humanity aeons ago, at least according to the Imperium's fragmented records. The planet's sole moon, Argnata, houses a small Imperial complex where foodstuffs were stockpiled before being sent to other worlds in the system.

Oestala III[edit | edit source]

Dead World/ Former Hive World

Oestala IV[edit | edit source]

Dead World/ Former Hive World

The former Sector Capital, Oestala IV is now nothing more than a radioactive ruin.

Oestala V[edit | edit source]

Civilized World

The furthest planet from the system's sun, much of Oestala V is covered in tundra-like terrain with rather large polar ice caps. Furthermore, much of the planet's surface is dotted with old open-cut mines, some of which have been turned into lakes due to the seasonal rainfall.

The Month of Fire which saw both Oestala III and IV destroyed in a raging inferno of nuclear energy had a profound impact on the fortunes of Oestala V due to the fact that before the nuclear missiles arrived at their respective destinations, parts of the old aristocracy from Oestala IV managed to flee their dying world and make it to Oestala V. Shanty palaces were built so that the old sector aristocracy could relive the 'good ol' days' and throw elaborate parties. However, this only lasted several generations before the aristocracy were strung up by oppressed miners and factory workers. Whatever ambitions for a better life the commoners of Oestala V had, they've been buried under an Ork invasion. Now most live day to day, fighting what seems to be a never ending war against the Orkish tide. Every year the human survivors lose another habbloc, or manufactorum - weakening their ability to fight back bit by bit.

Making the situation worse is the fact that word of the fighting on Oestala V, which has lasted for decades, has begun to reach smaller ork warbands in neighboring systems. Many warbands are moving towards the planet in hopes of joining in on the fight, creating the possibility for a WAARGH which could sweep across the entire Sector.