Oestalan Sector

The Oestalan Sector is the combination of efforts of fa/tg/uys to create another homebrew sector of the Warhammer 40k universe to go alongside the Tiji Sector.
Oestalan Sector[edit | edit source]
For over a thousand years the most western fringe of the Imperium has been barred to travel. Cloaked by a violent Warp Storm, it has long since fallen out of step with the broader Imperial institutions. But the Warp Storms have receded, and the Sector is revealed to the Galaxy again. The Imperium finds it to be different place, a wild dangerous land. A Crusade has been launched into the sector to reclaim it for the Throne, to bring the human worlds back into the fold, and to eliminate the xenos and heretics who inhabit it. Banners are gathered, ships are launched, the preachers beat the war drum. It will not be easy, but the Osetalan Crusade has begun!
Known Systems Of The Oestalan Sector[edit | edit source]
- Medigeminus System
- Mechanicus Empire - Six Systems.
- Rinitrakis Sytem
- Oestala Prime System
- Sternsides Eyes
- Xi Corvi System - Eldar presence found.
- Keller's Gambit - An abandoned Shrine world, a gas giant, and an agri-world (Ten Kings passage through here).
- Isontor System - Three gas giants, one with a resource extraction space station run by the Ten Kings, another with a moon base serving as neutral ground.
- Theta Lyrem VI System - A Molten world, a Paradise world with three competing industrial moons, and two Ice worlds.
- Blue Rock
- Landry's Rest
- Pahk'tev
- Grand Dakshan and Iron Dakshan
- The Great Spiral
- Titan's Rift
- Helladikos
- Anomaly Gamma-Delt-9
- Marauder's Grave
- The Xanzhou Blight
- Stellaluna
- Tel-Shan
- Anomaly Ost-Theta-Maxima
- The Parable Worlds
- Cyphus Anomaly
- The Screaming Void
- The Triplets
- The Gold Station
- Thief of Vartai
- Camael
Factions within the Oestalan Sector[edit | edit source]
The Imperium of Man[edit | edit source]
- The Osetalan Crusade - Beginning its first push into the sector, starting in the Medigeminus System
- The Vengeful Seraphim *NAME PENDING APPROVAL* Adeptus Astartes Chapter
- The Order of the Violet Flame
Seperatist Mechanicus[edit | edit source]
"Through the blessings of the Omnissiah, we have tamed the very stars themselves. Through our understanding of the Omnissiah, we have survived the long death of the Imperium of Man. Through the Empty Years, we grew stronger as others rusted away before the oblivion of time and entropy. You say our belief-engrams are damaged? No, brother. It is simply that your dogma is out of date."
- – Archmagos Hexapan-Seq-88A, First Imperial Contact with the Seperatist Mechanicus
- The Seperatist Mechanicus *NAME PENDING* is a sprawling empire that has survived the fall of the sector. Run by mechanicus adepts, it came to believe during its isolation that the Imperium had fallen and that it would have to continue the legacy of mankind.
Human Renegades[edit | edit source]
- The Ten Kings - Operating across the entire Oestalan Sector. They are mostly pirates and brigands, scrounging what life they can amongst the ruins of the once prosperous sector. Most of these pirate 'Kings' do not venerate the God-Emperor of Mankind, opting instead to trust fate or even darker powers; the sole exception is 'King' Manasit Tolario, a venerable and proud pirate who has taken to aiding the Oestalan Crusade in navigating the sector. He hopes his connections and service will net him a rogue tradership when the Crusade is done. It is yet to be seen if his ambition will pay off
Eldar[edit | edit source]
- Craftworld Zhar-Tan- Has lots of fire dragons and a fire dragon hero who killed lots of tau in the past. They are allied with human pirates, and are enemies of the forces of Chaos in this sector.
Dark Eldar[edit | edit source]
- None Reported. There seems to be insufficiently rich grounds for them to raid in this largely depopulated sector, or perhaps the Webway of Oestalan is fragmented beyond repair. Either way, we can give praise to the Emperor that these foul xenos journey elsewhere to do their dark work.
Tyranids[edit | edit source]
- Rumors exist that perhaps some of the xenos in this sector are the feral remnants of Hive Fleets long past, though there may have never been Tyranids in the sector at all, as far away as it is from their main fleets. We are fortunate then, that the planets we recolonize won't suffer their fangs and claws for some time yet. Ave Imperator, His grace provides!
Ork Warbands[edit | edit source]
- The Green Traverse Warbands - Operating exclusively in the Medigeminus System. Fights with the armies of the planet Sigma-Noblesse for their shiny weapons, armor and knicknacks
- Oestala V Warbands - Operating primarily in the Oestala Prime System
Necrons[edit | edit source]
- Canoptek Dynasty - Operating on Silence, in the Medigeminus System
Forces of Chaos[edit | edit source]
- The Rust Horde of Warsmith Tyranus Sternside. Sternside is a favorite foe of the greenskins of the Oestalan sector, with a song existing just for him, calling him "Oomieboss Funsides" for the "fun" fights he gives the orkz. Currently he is under siege by the Otraki Dominion, and is relishing the chance to fight foes who actually think for once
- The Cult of the Unborn - Operating Primarily in the Rinitrakis Sytem.
Minor Xenos Powers[edit | edit source]
The term "Minor" mislead the forces of the Crusade into initialy thinking the xenos that had infested the sector were weak, and small in number. In truth, the term "Minor" instead refers to the relative threat posed by the xenos to the Imperium as a whole. Thus, each of these groups of xenos is nothing to the entire Imperium, but are all threats to the Oestalan Crusade. The issue of terminology is currently under consideration for appeal for approval by an adjucnt assistant to a senior member of the Adeptus Administratum.
The Otroki Dominion[edit | edit source]
Avian/Raptor Xenos from a multi-system empire somewhere in the Halo Stars. In their first ever movement beyond the Halo Stars, they have expanded opportunistically into the Oestalan Sector. Their Dominion is comprised of several minor Xenos races and even human worlds, one of which is in the Oestalan Sector. As a result of these mighty conquests, the Otraki view themselves as the largest superpower in the Galaxy, completely ignorant of the size of the Imperium and their own insignificance. Eager to slay Warmsith Sternsides and claim his technology, and ready to stare down the full might of the Crusade, the Otraki Dominion is prepared to send its slave-legions to battle.
Many worlds have already fallen to the Otaki, many of them human. This has built up the Dominions expectations, making it believe that it is the sole power in the whole of the Galaxy. In reality, it is not much larger than twice the size of the Tau Empire, and with greatly inferior tech. The advantage the Otroki have is that they can throw immense masses of soldiers and shoddy ships at their foes till they overwhelm them, and leave none alive. When they meet the crusade, it is likely they will be routed after a single battle, unless they can defeat Sternsides and take his fortress-system as their own. The defences that Tyranus has established could allow even the poorly equipped slave-legions to hold Sternsides Eyes with ease, giving them an impregnable base from which to assault the rest of the sector.
Back to work slave-meat! The Dominion needs-wants more fighting!
Zsc-boteh[edit | edit source]
This xenos race is a paradox, large, swift, quadrupedal and viciously brutal, sporting sharp claws and a mouth full of spiked teeth, yet they are xenophobic to a degree that even the Imperium would find excessive, and seem to instinctively fear even breathing the same air as another sentient species.
The race is known for its rows of infrared sensitive spots running along the body from head to tail, giving the Zsc-boteh 360 degree awareness of their surroundings, and the two tendrils, much like the ancient Terran anglerfish, that extend from the head and serve as psychic foci. The Zsc-boteh use these feelers as Warp-radar, sensing hostile presences even through walls in a limited radius.
Heat is known as "painlight" to these xenos, for their infrared sensors are exposed and easily damaged by infrared radiation, and they have developed many brilliant infrared laser technologies for waging war against each other. The best of these guns are a prized commodity among Rogue Traders, easily outclassing all but the most advanced meltaguns available.
Unfortunately, the Zsc-boteh are a nomadic people, never remaining on one planet for very long in case outsiders learn their location, and their warren-hives are deadly, unlit (because they use IR and Warp-sense to see, not visible light) mazes within which the monsters control the flow of battle.
Nevertheless, a small handful of examples of their weaponry have been seen in high ranking Imperial hands, and rumor has it that Rogue Trader Pavel has managed to build peaceful trade relations, though none can say how he gained these paranoid xenos' trust.
All that is known is that the Zsc-boteh's original homeworld was in the Halo Stars, and whatever they still flee and fear must surely have originated there...
The Dance-Lights[edit | edit source]
A cluster of eight hot, young stars ranging in size from one to two Solar masses move through the cosmos as a bound cluster. Millions of years from now, random perturbations will separate the cluster, but for now, they orbit together.
An empire of minor xenos has established itself within the cluster, for its blistering light and radiation helped to push back the Great Storm. Massive beasts forged of diaphanous currents of energy tracing itself through colossal spheroid bodies, they feed off the energy of the stars and ride currents of magnetism from star to star at tremendous speeds.
They are shockingly peaceful, for they need nothing of planets and know nothing of war, content to live in their own unique habitat, contemplating the cosmos.
Rogue Traders have made peaceful contact with them, and the nameless species, for they are of one communal mind in many bodies, has shared much information about the Oestalan Sector. These luminous beings cannot see small things like people, but they are sensitive to magnetic fields of spaceships, planets, and especially stars, and can read the motions of most of the sector's large bodies.
The Imperium has benefited from their presence, and having no particular reason to kill them, has let them be, pursuing more immediate threats. Conversation continues with the orb-creatures, and though their perspective is very non-human, they have assisted certain Mechanicus Explorators in developing a few innovative plasma containment technologies, which have been dutifully sent back to Mars under the guise of being holy relics recovered from ruins.
Only one unfortunate accident has marred the peace, when a single overenthusiastic Magos tried to siphon one of the orb-creature's energy and bottle it for study. His destroyer-class vessel was later found drifting in the void, twisted neatly in half.The Magos, who survived the death of his ship, has reaped great rewards, left behind at his personal request by Rogue Trader Pavel. Though he has re-established peaceful accord with the xenos, he is paranoid that his secret may be found out. He considers himself the equal of Arkhan Land, and is building great renown for himself, but though his inventions may benefit the Imperium greatly, to the dogmatic Mechanicus, they are Heretek through and through. So long as none discover the lie, all will be well.