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Kilroy has since been immortalized in this war memorial.
The Awesome Face. A classical memetic image.

"Kilroy was here."

– A WWII meme.

"Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke. We are all pawns controlled by something greater: Memes. The DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture. They are everything we pass on."

Monsoon, Metal Gear Revengeance

A meme is an idea that spreads itself, supposedly in the same way that a gene does in biology. Basically someone proposes an idea of some kind, then people take notice of said idea and spread it around. Depending on the content of the idea; the useless ones stagnate and die after people no longer deem them worthy of passing around. Useful ideas however, are continually propagated as time progresses, starting from individuals, to the masses, up until generations of people pass it on and on until it becomes a common idea.

A good and simple example comes from the Japanese Macaque: One day a monkey saw a human take a bath in a hot spring, thought it was a good idea, and when it was cold one day it went into a spring itself. Other monkeys saw the first monkey and realized that, hey, that monkey's got a good thing going and also entered the hot spring. Over time the idea, or "meme" of the hot spring entered the general monkey population and today most Macaques take hot spring baths. Many of our laws, morals, knowledge, culture, and our very way of life, are the memes left behind by our ancestors.

In the context of the internet in general a meme is a running joke; an inside joke that everyone is in on. A meme can be a pattern of text or images that is posted repeatedly, either for its intrinsic humor value, as a punchline or automatic reaction to certain types of posts, or for the extrinsic humor of the meme itself (posting a meme because the meme itself is desirable, not because the post itself is good). Correctly using memes for humor is an art form, and one that /tg/ takes endless joy in, as it does all scientific pursuits.

Memes on /tg/, as on any board, often come about organically: someone posts something so hilarious or elegant or horrible that it must be reposted. If it gets reposted enough, and enough people are introduced to it and begin reposting it themselves, it becomes a meme. Sometimes a meme is taken from somewhere else: catch phrases and running jokes from movies and games, or features of websites (like greentext or hashtags) can be elevated into meme status by being adopted and reposted for the lulz outside of their original context. A forced meme is when a single person repeatedly posts something, which is not (yet) a meme, in an attempt to make it a meme. It usually fails.

List of Good Memes[edit | edit source]

New memes are created all the time, while many old ones eventually go out of fashion. Some may be flash in the pan, and yet others are timeless, truly lasting as a testament to their utility and humor. The selection of /tg/ memes includes:

  • Neckbeard - A common term for fa/tg/uys. Born from the common stereotype of the fat shaming gaming nerd with unkempt facial hair in the neck region.
  • Two wound lootas. Because we cannot let it live down. Miniwargamer Quirk spent a few days/games saying his lootas had two wounds. Now people always say that Quirk will use two wound (insert one wound model) at least thrice per video.
  • SPIRITUAL LIEGE - A meme making fun of the shitty Fluff of the fifth edition of Codex: Space Marines for Warhammer 40,000, which may as well have been called Codex: Ultramarines due to Matt Ward's infamous fanboy-jizzing all over his favored chapter in the Space Marines codex. In said codex, he referred to Marneus Calgar as the Space Marines' Spiritual Liege, and the ideal example of what all Space Marines aspire to be, above even their own Primarchs and Chapter-Masters. Suffice to say, this line induced more facepalms than Maradonia Saga from the player-base.
  • Just as planned - Used to indicate some clever feat of manipulation or forward-planning, often by Tzeentch or his minions; alternatively, used to indicate Tzeentchian involvement in a humorous manner. Originally an /a/ meme based off of an early 2000s anime called Death Note.
  • Not as planned - Like above, but after all this Tzeentchian flubdubbery: the planner suddenly realizes an unexpected obstacle in their scheme, causing all of their work to be railroaded.
  • *BLAM* - Taken from a the Imperial Commissar's infamous role of executing friendly troops for heresy or dereliction of duty. Has since by adopted by /tg/ as a way of stopping one from further spreading heretical content. *FWIP* is the fantasy version of this meme involving execution by sword or bow, if guns are not available in the game's setting.
  • Love Can Bloom - Refers to a specific tale of a Vindicare Assassin falling in love with Farseer Taldeer, his intended victim. Used more generally to indicate sweet and gentle happenings within the GRIM DARKNESS of the 41st millennium.
  • Katanas are Underpowered in d20 - Originally started as the rantings of a weeaboo who thinks Katanas should be buffed and made better than their European cousins. This eventually evolved into people using the meme to make fun of any supposed underpowered or under-represented weapon and proposing how to make them viable.
  • Bear Lore - A reference to the incredibly stingy Bear Lore chart in the 4e Monster Manual, which implies that a high degree of Nature skill is required to even know that bears have claws and teeth.
  • CLANG! - A meme centered around a Universal Stillpoint Rod, which, once activated, remains in that spot in the universe forever. These rods lurk like space-detritus, waiting for an unfortunate moment for someone to be standing where they are when sud-CLANG! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! / The sound it makes when you have vaginal sex with a robot
  • MY TACTICS ARE TOO SUBTLE FOR YOU!!! - Starting from a simple thread in /tg/, Oinkbane the wereboar assassin became great in the minds of many. Though he may seem like the most ineffective assassin, his tactics are TOO SUBTLE! He has a habit of appearing where people do not expect, and has no problem defying the laws of physics to do so. Reality does not seem to apply to him, and he has murdered many a foe. SNEAK ATTAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!
  • CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!! - A beloved 40K meme in which Usarker Creed from Warhammer 40K uses his tactical genius ability to scout units that by all accounts, could not be scouted, into position. Hence, the meme revolves around Creed suddenly putting superheavy vehicles in otherwise impossible locations due to his Tactical Genius, like a Baneblade in the middle of an enemy camp or a Warlord Titan behind a piece of shrubbery.
  • Alignments - A Motivational Poster describing one of the nine classic D&D alignments, with a photo and quote of someone that embodies that ethic.
  • What I Made / What the DM Saw / What I Played - three-piece clipart describing how the player subverted expectations.
  • Anal Circumference - An unfortunate meme that stems from the equally-unfortunate FATAL RPG system, widely mocked as one of the most depraved and idiotic things transcribed to text. The general gist is that there is an entire subsystem in place for how much someone's ass in FATAL can stretch, and like most things in FATAL, this subsystem fails utterly, but has been adopted to mock morally questionable character checks in other games, or preparation for anal violation.
  • SPESS MEHREENS - A legendary meme that stemmed from Dawn of War: Soulstorm. One of three (the others being METAL BOXES and Cornholio the Cultist) A meme making fun of Indrick Boreale's outrageous accent and hilariously messed-up verbiage, which is so bad that it makes one wonder what the hell Relic was smoking when its writers shat out the dialogue involved.
  • METAL BOXES - Another meme from Baldstorm. Taken from Firaeveus Carron's unnatural hatred for MEHTUL BAWKSES, deeming them for COWARDS AND FEWLZ. His solution for this is to take away the Blood Raven's MEHTUL BOXES
  • Cornholio the Cultist - Yet another meme from Baldstorm (Truly the Emperor provides). Taken due to Soulstorm's inability to recruit the old VAs of certain units (in this case, the cultist), resulting in them having Scot McNeil do it instead. The hilarious result is this.
  • THIN YOUR PAINTS - Originally criticism for people who used too-thick paint on their minis, it has since also evolved into a joke involving any time /tg/ judges a presented mini-army's aesthetics.
  • Classic Blunder - When someone starts a thread with an image more interesting than the text and /tg/ discusses the image instead, completely ignoring the text. Named after a line from "The Princess Bride".
  • Dohohoho - When someone makes a topical joke using a Statler and Waldorf routine to jeer at someone or something in a (attempted) witty manner. A higher class of meme for distinguished gentlemen.
  • I put on my robe and wizard hat - Used randomly when talking about magic (or sometimes psy powers), this amusing meme originated from a quite interesting cybering session.
  • Fish of Fury - A 40K game mechanic-turned meme that caused the Tau to be unapologetic rage-generators at their launch and has since fallen by the wayside, but which /tg/ periodically attempts to reference to make funny with mixed results.
  • DISTRACTION CARNIFEX - Another game mechanic from 40K in meme form, stemming from a popular tactic for Tyranids in multiple editions wherein a player kitted out a relatively cheap Carnifex for use as a distraction. Officially died due to Robin Cruddace, but changes in later editions made them kind-of viable again. The tactic was immediately adapted by other players using other factions, with mixed results. May or may not be a variation of the older than the internet DISTRACTION PENIS meme.
  • That Which Must Not Be Named - A meme due to the Chaos Sp- *ahem*, a certain unit's infamy of being useless for very many earlier iterations of WH40K (not since 7th edition tho; now they're relly stronk) that merely saying "Chaos Spawn" would curse the speaker to spontaneously transform into a-NOOORAAWASDGFAFASDASERWA *BLAM*. They are typically called "That Which Must Not Be Named", or variations thereof, to avoid such a fate. This meme is also generally used for discussing any topic so vile, merely mentioning it is bound to put a curse on you.
  • Squats - /tg/'s version of the Candlejack meme. If you mention Squats, Games Workshop sends its death squads after you. One wonders why this meme even exists, since hardly anyone even knows about Squats anymore. Became almost entirely irrelevant when 6th edition brought them back into the canon. UNTIL THE DEATH SQUADS BROUGHT BACK THE SQUATS!!!
  • Skub - An term used by /tg/ to describe a topic or event that has a community's opinion divided into two factions of extremes, rarely or never reaching a common-ground of understanding for anything. Any skub topic brought up on /tg/ is bound to cause lively debates.
  • Elf slave, wat do? - An elven slave is presented before you, what will be your next course of action?
  • Ork Snipers - A meme stemming from the Celestial Lion's command structure being sniped off during a battle with Orks, under covert orders from the Inquisition. As an Oxymoron (being that its impossible for an Ork to count as a sniper with their inability to take accuracy into account), "Ork Snipers" have since been a term for any flimsily-executed cover-up done by someone.
  • Dare you enter my magical realm? - When dealing with a /d/M, "magical realm" is code for "the gamemaster's sick fetishes incorporated into the campaign."
  • BEYOND YOUR COMPREHENSION! - This meme comes from Surtha Ek, a Chaos Lord in Total War Warhammer, who was quite op for sometime, demolishing southerners with more than one Chaos Chariots.
  • Hairesy: This term was popularized with Dawn of War 2 with the introduction of Force Commander Hairgel and his outrageous hairdo, later extending towards any space marine who has any sort of hair. This is due to the belief that all space marines should be bald, based on the high prevalence of bald space marine characters. Unless you're the Space Wolves, who are metal as fuck. Or Captain Titus. Basically anyone who's charismatic enough is allowed to have hair. Otherwise its HAIRESY *BLAM*.
  • Kilroy was here: The OG meme, a fav of GI's in WW2. Originated from a shipyard supervisor named Kilroy who would scribble it on any work he inspected. Soldiers traveling to Europe in newbuilt ships would find this mark in some of the dankest, most unreachable bowels of their ships, making them think it was some sort of in-joke prank. Soon it was being scribbled into latrines and bunker walls.

List of Bad and Old Memes[edit | edit source]

There are good memes, and there are bad memes. Why had God abandoned us? These are just a few of the memes that /tg/ (and sometimes 4chan itself) hates with a burning passion:

  • Anything that fits properly under the "forced meme" banner. Sometimes this will vary from person to person.
    • This includes any meme that originates from 4chan (read: more than half of all memes) and makes it into wider, more mainstream internet culture, thus becoming RUINED FOREVER™.
  • Rebecca Black was supposed to be one of these, but then... well, see below.
  • Twilight. Though it's long since died down, the legendary RAGE it inspired was one of the defining Internet sensations of the 2000s, and the origin of the phrase "STILL A BETTER LOVE STORY THAN TWILIGHT" due to how amazingly sucktastic the story was.
  • Mortarion’s obsession with Kirby’s Epic Yarn.

In-Between Memes[edit | edit source]

Memes which may be demons to some, but angels to others.

  • The new meme of using AI image technology from Midjourney to remained more modern Movies, Comics, and Video Games as 1980's Dark Fantasy movies. As those sorts of films have a history with the same subjects /tg/ enjoys, such as Conan the Barbarian and dark fantasy, it should be given a mention, even if AI art programs are seen as Skub by some people.

Memes Through Cross-Contamination[edit | edit source]

Memes by definition spread. What may start as some obscure bit of silliness on /a/, /b/ or /co/ could very well wind its way through /d/, /aco/ and even /tg/ before it's run its course. Many of these are simply ignored as shit, but a rare few become beloved by both their respective boards and /tg/:

  • Brundlepenis - A meme that migrated from /d/ and arrived on /tg/ after someone posted pictures of what appeared to be half-men-half-dicks, and several fa/tg/uys made clear their intent to use them as inspiration for Slaaneshi that which must not be named. Things went downhill from there and any posting of Brundlepenis on /tg/ will cause equal parts hate and laughter.
  • Heterosexual Sex in the Missionary Position - Another meme that migrated from /d/, and is ostensibly the more humorous of the two. It generally involves someone requesting image of Heterosexual Sex in the Missionary Position, and then being called a sick fuck by the other anons/tripfags/namefags in the thread, as such is too intense for the guys posting Futa Mermaid porn. Hilarity through irony thus occurs.
  • Bane? - A meme beloved by /tv/, and often spread throughout the rest of 4chan. It mocks the opening scene of 'The Dark Knight Rises' and the action between a CIA Agent and Bane. /tg/ seems unconcerned with Baneposting, and tolerate it more than most other boards. Alternate theory: Being elegan/tg/entlemen, they are of course big guys(for you), and not hotheads. So while the fire rises around the rest of the boards, /tg/ knows he didnt fly so good, and said nothing... I said nothing.
  • Penguin of Doom - A meme suspected to have been created as a satire of teenage girls who go through their "random = funny" phase. Known by /tg/ for its Space Marine variant.
  • Every JoJoke and shitpost of its kind - The JoJo meme was weak and almost non-existent until the arrival of the anime. Starting with the part 1 anime to the current one, it generated a fucktons of meme, spread across every board and internet. Most often times /tg/ would use JoJo character's fabulous abs to describe their space marine characters.

Rebecca Black[edit | edit source]

What started as an aborted attempt by /b/ to incite /tg/ to join it in hating something quickly turned sour when /tg/ discovered that Rebecca Black's autotuned voice sounded distressingly like someone with an infamous voice in Dawn of War: Soulstorm.

Meme Magic[edit | edit source]

A term that originally gained popularity during the 2016 American Presidency race where /pol/ claimed that due to the powers of Kek, an Egyptian frog deity, managed to get Donald Trump elected into becoming president of the United States of America. While this is a case of the internet, well, being the internet; the term "meme magic" was officially born after /pol/ and /b/, assumed that by shitposting as many pro-Trump and anti-Hillary memes on every place they could get to; this collectively contributed to Trump being elected through, well, the magic of memes. Don't wrap your head around it too much, and just have fun about the concept. It could he seen as a concept similar to the Orks' power of belief.

Meme magic has since referred to people shitposting memes about a certain topic, then said meme suddenly becoming a reality outside of their community. The biggest exemplar about this on /tg/ are the Squats, who after 20 years of being thrown out of the proverbial airlock, drifting into obscurity, and relegated into /tg/'s version of candlejack: has since come back into the game...sort of. Right now they're just a in Necromunda, but who cares? SPESS DORFS WERE BROUGHT BACK FROM THE GRAVE THROUGH THE POWER OF MEMES. Hell, the list below also shows that meme magic works a good deal for /tg/.

Also notable is that Pepe was making the rounds in 2010-2011, or even earlier just as part of a general trend to take the piss out of Furry art, then as part of the Rage Faces memeosphere that rapidly consumed Reddit during that time (an early warning sign of the cancer to come), and died along with the rest of those memes by late 2012 when everyone had gotten sick of the putrid mess. That it returned in force by late-2014 is eyebrow-raising in and of itself, as most memes that die that hard stay dead forever. And then Pepe, a stoner frog from a furry fetish webcomic, became a satirical political symbol for the 'alt-right', and was decried as a "hate symbol" by the ADL. Going full circle, noting that 'kek' (a perversion of 'lel' which is a perversion of the ubiquitous 'lol') was an actual thing that existed and it was an Egyptian God that weirdos on /r9k/ developed a lot of bizarre ideas about. Which in turn, frog and all, even showed up at IRL political events. Meme magic indeed... and then Pepe's creator took it upon himself to enforce a trademark and curtail the spread of political propaganda involving him. Seems that every spell runs its course eventually.

BEAR WITNESS TO MY ASCENSION[edit | edit source]

While most memes never make it out of the shit pit of the internet, several of /tg/'s have been included in the source materials which spawned them, almost-certainly owing to the fact that their creators are one of us.

See Also[edit | edit source]