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A closed book with a sheathed sword as a bookmark
Aliases The Executioner, the Gatekeeper, the Gray King
Alignment 3E: True Neutral
5E: Lawful Neutral
Divine Rank Demigod
Pantheon Scarn
Portfolio Communion, Endings, Forgotten Knowledge, Death, Portals, Time, Underworld
Domains 3E: Death, Repose, Gateways, Travel, Knowledge
5E: Life
Home Plane Limbo (Astral Plane)
Worshippers Astrologers, embalmers, executioners, gatekeepers, gravediggers, historians, most citizens of Hollowfaust, mourners, worshippers of Gamgal, Kadeshu, & Otossal
Favoured Weapon Terminus (Longsword)

Nemorga is the demigod of death and the underworld in Scarn.

History[edit | edit source]

No one is sure of Nemorga's origins. Some say that he is the son of Hedrada and Belsameth, though the churches of both gods deny this. The apocryphal tome Visions of Nurada Kul-Kulan asserts that Nemorga is not merely a god, but a being older than even the titans, who had sat upon his throne in the Underworld waiting for the world to come into existence.

During the Divine War, Nemorga didn't participate by fighting the titans, but instead took care of the gods who died by taking them to whatever afterlife awaited them, though heretics will say that he instead absorbed their remaining power into himself.

Realm[edit | edit source]

Nemorga's realm of Limbo (not to be confused with the other Limbo) is much like Kelemvor's Fugue Plane, a vast, gray plain of nothing where the souls of those who didn't worship any god, only paid lip service to them, or worshipped Nemorga end up. Nemorga's mansion is located atop a mountain and is where his worshippers end up. The Gray King himself is never there, instead waiting in front of the gates of Limbo, judging souls and arranging them to be taken to their proper afterlife.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

The Gatekeeper is often depicted as an ageless man wearing heavy, hooded robes, a mask covering his face, a large book in front of him, and a scabbarded sword at his side. Other times he's depicted as a Grim Reaper, wielding a sword and an hourglass.

Worshippers[edit | edit source]

Outside of Hollowfaust actual clerics of Nemorga are rare, with most cities having maybe a handful of regular priests who oversee burial rites and burials. Clerics are usually found wandering, either destroying undead or doing quests for their god. The unofficial center of worship is in Hollowfaust.

Followers of Nemorga[edit | edit source]

Followers of Nemorga is the name of one of the seven guilds which founded and govern the necromantic city of Hollowfaust. This guild is comprised of clerics of Nemorga, and it is the largest organized body of Nemorga worshippers on planet Scarn.

Angels of Nemorga[edit | edit source]

Most followers of Nemorga regard murder and assassination as blasphemous, as The Gatekeeper is the god of death-in-its-alloted-time. The Angels of Nemorga also believe this, but they use their skills as assassins to kill those who they see, or are convinced they are, violating the natural order of life and death. Though found where the clergy of Nemorga can be found as well, most priests consider them to be heretics.

Planewalkers[edit | edit source]

Import this non-evil deity of Portals and Death into a Planescape game and you have a thematically perfect deity for an edgelord tiefling planewalker. The church of Nemorga would almost definitely have overlap with the Dustmen and Doomguard factions.

The Ne Morga[edit | edit source]

In Asherak, Nemorga is known as the Ne Morga, a great entity beyond the knowledge of mortals and gods alike. Instead of being worshipped as a single god, he's worshipped through his many aspects, each representing a feature of him.

Gamgal[edit | edit source]

An archway
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Divine Rank Demigod
Pantheon Scarn
Portfolio Embalming, protection of the dead
Domains Death, Law, Travel
Home Plane Unknown
Worshippers Embalmers, the dying
Favoured Weapon Mace of Everlasting Repose (Heavy mace)

Gamgal is seen as the lawful aspect of the Ne Morga, who holds dominion over embalming and acts as the protector of the remains of the dead.

History[edit | edit source]

Gamgal worked along with Sarhari during the Divine War, with the two ending the titan-created cycle of death and rebirth, allowing the gods to take hold of the souls of their followers.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Gamgal is depicted as a mummy in perfect consition, with clean and neatly wrapped bandages, and piercing eyes. He wears an elaborate headress, a golden pectoral, and other exotic and ancient finery. Side note, the picture of Gamgal in the Strange Lands sourcebook clearly depicts Gamgal as a woman, despite being referred to as a he.

Worshippers[edit | edit source]

Gamgal is exclusively worshipped in Asherak, where the art of mummification is better known and more popular. He's an important part of religious rituals and most give praise to him at least by the time they're dying.

Kadeshu[edit | edit source]

A sunrise
Aliases Messenger of the Gods
Alignment True Neutral
Divine Rank Demigod
Pantheon Scarn
Portfolio Gates, new beginnings, travelers
Domains Gateways, Missionary, Travel
Home Plane Unknown
Worshippers Advisors, architects, builders, diplomats, messengers
Favoured Weapon Warhammer

Kadeshu is the neutral aspect of the Ne Morga, holding dominion over travelers, gateways, and new beginnings.

History[edit | edit source]

Kadeshu earned his title for his role of warning people of the coming Divine War. During the war he organized several orders of monks to act as messengers, mediators, and informants between the many divine armies.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Kadeshu is depicted as a handsome human of noble bearing, clad in a richly-embroidered tunic, and carrying a scepter inscribed with a stylized rising sun.

Worshippers[edit | edit source]

Kadeshu's worshippers till act as they did during the Divine war, but have also become advisors to rulers seeking to rebuild after the war, along with becoming overseers of many civic construction projects. Of course, some of the less pious clergy have taken advantage of this to gain more political power for their own ends.

Otossal[edit | edit source]

A horned demon's skull
Aliases The Bone Master
Alignment Lawful Evil / Chaotic Evil
Divine Rank Demigod
Pantheon Scarn
Portfolio Death, necromancy
Domains Chaos / Law, Death, Domination, Evil
Home Plane Unknown
Worshippers Necromancers
Favoured Weapon Sword of Bone (Scimitar)

Otossal is the evil aspect of the Ne Morga, who revels in and hold dominion over death.

History[edit | edit source]

Otossal's origins are a mystery, with many stories and theories known. Some say he was once a necromancer or a lich to whom one of the titans gave divinity, his worshippers say that he was born as a reaction to the creation of the first living things, and others that he was formed from a collection angry souls killed by the titans, forming a creature embodying the hatred for all living creatures.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Otossal is depicted as a spare figure wearing rotting vestments, with a dessicated skull, whose eyes glow with a green flame, visible from the depths of its hood, bearing a scimitar made of polished bone.

Worshippers[edit | edit source]

Otossal's worshippers in Asherak are formed of necromancers and cultists. They hate that they are alive, but understand that it's necessary to carry out his will in the world. They seek to rise as an undead servant of Otossal when they die, seeking to obtain this by sacrificing living things for their god, and if possible raise them as undead. Despite them being so obviously evil it hurts, they actully have some power in several influential kingdoms of Asherak, and some times get positions of advisors to the rulers.

Unlike the aspects above, Otossal also has a small following in Ghelspad. A small cult of necromancers in Glivid Autel who call to him for aid when they cast their spells.

The deities and faiths of the Scarred Lands
The Gods & Demigods
Belsameth - Chardun - Corean - Enkili - Hedrada - Madriel - Tanil - Vangal
Ashumas - Aspharal - The Beastlords - D'shan - Drendari - Elámash - Erias
The Flayed God - Fraelhia - Gamgal - Goran - Hwyrdd - Imal Wheatsheaf
Immatuk - Idra - Jandaveos - Kadeshu - Katashama - Laathsaal - Luchanig
Manawe - Nalthalos - Nemorga - Otossal - Sarhari - Sethris - Subastas
Syhana - Tamul - Trelu - Tukulti - Volskalka
The Titans
Chern - Denev - Gaurak - Golthagga - Golthain - Gormoth - Gulaben
Hrinruuk - Kadum - Lethene - Mesos - Mormo - Spiragos - Thulkas
Other Faiths of Scarn
Agency of the Emperor - Ushadani