Primordial Evolution Game/Jenter

A tribe of the Western Continent
A Melova tribe that settled the Northwestern coast. They designed a suitable hut for their unique needs. They worship the sun and the trees as sources of life and energy. They called themselves the /wiggle wiggle screech flap/, which loosely translates as Jenter.
Technology[edit | edit source]

The Jenter build themselves houses. They generally love the environment, as evidenced by the building's lack of a roof, but still need shelter should the weather proves to strong. In extreme cases they have a large slab of frilla wood that they put over the hole to black the roof and a smaller slab for a door.
Culture and Belief System[edit | edit source]

They worship the sun as the great provider of all things and declare everything it touches to belong to them. The Sun Spirit is a central figure in their stories. A new caste arises among the Jenter, the Blessed. They basically sit around all day and 'commune with the sun spirit' (photosynthesis). The Blessed can be easily identified by staves of twisted Frillawood they carry and a Shieldglund pendant they wear.
Tribe Structure and Government[edit | edit source]
The melova love the day, they flipping love it, but they see the need to operate at night to defend themselves. The tribe splits into a day group and a night group. The day group operate as normal but the night group conserve energy and photosynthesize during the day, which they use to keep themselves going full burst at nighttime.
History and Legends[edit | edit source]
As the Jenter try to expand east, to the direction of the rising sun, they encounter a hurdle: large, aggressive herds of tusked Rage Glunds and equally aggressive Flash Hoppa packs. The Jenter do not stop, spurred on by the Blessed, they utilize hard wooden rods as weapons and taking the armour of any Glund they manage to beat as shields for the rest. Spurred by their ever-increasing zeal to the Sun Spirit, the Mevolans push on, using their big size to their advantage, and using bigger sticks to drive Rage Glunds and Flash Hoppas away. Their efforts have gained them territory to the edge of the Frilla Forest, as well as Rage Glund corpses and Flash Hoppa corpses. The Jenter focus on settling this new area before venturing into the deep forest.
The mightiest of the Jenter has been selected by the blessed to bear some hacked up armor made from the carapaces of the defeated rageglund. This is largely ceremonial armour at this point and there is only one Melova but the position exists.