Primordial Evolution Game/Western Tribes

The main tribes of the Western Continent of the Primordial Evolution Game
Burrahn[edit | edit source]
A Melova tribe
Fo'wil[edit | edit source]
Plains Frowgmen tribe of the Frilla Woods. They are friendly and have an interest in trading. Having neutral relations with the Tundra Frowgmen, they acknowledged their similarity and were open to trading between them. Their dress was exceptional using various dyes and accessories.
Glüd[edit | edit source]
The nest of Glund in the Southern Marshes
Jenter[edit | edit source]
A Melova tribe that settled the Northwestern coast. They designed a suitable hut for their unique needs. They worship the sun and the trees as sources of life and energy. They called themselves the /wiggle wiggle screech flap/, which loosely translates as Jenter.
K'lahk[edit | edit source]
Tundra Frowgmen tribe of the North. They are hardy and curious. They lived under the shadow of the Tundra mountain range. The Kunna peak was often attempted but ultimately unreachable. Through forethought and sideways thinking, they developed a friendly relationship with the Ta’mirel, a warrior tribe to the west. They merged with the Fo’wil tribe through intermarriage and council between elders. From this union came the greater tribe Lastér.
Lastér[edit | edit source]
The greater Frowgman tribe Lastér. Through wisdom and forethought they created the government and infrastructure of the Northern Tundra. With the alliance of other Tundra tribes such as the Ta’mirel and the Onolkeshan, they formalized the politics of the Enclave. Within there were conflicts between the traditionalist, those who wanted to keep their Lem allies, and the patriots, who thought the Frowg were better separated from their neighbors.
Mo'Shunka[edit | edit source]
A lone Frowgman Tribe separated from the rest of the Continent by the Kunaban Mountain Range. The Mo'Shunka tribe toiled long and hard to carve out a meager existence for themselves in the barren, unforgiving islands of the north. Their development was isolated from other Tribes. When they moved south they quickly came into conflict with the Enclave, a collection of allied Tundra Tribes.
Nad'lun[edit | edit source]
The tribal Hoppa that wandered and settled the Southern River. Heavily focused on the Herd, they developed shamanistic beliefs based on their ability to control other hoppa through pheromones. After their nomadic journey was stalled in fertile lands, the Nad’lun experimented with agriculture and settled the river banks. They created ships to travel and fought the River Slizer that threatened their settlement.
Na'suul[edit | edit source]
The tribal Hoppa that separated from the Nad’lun during their wandering. Their herd suffered predation. In response they grew fearsome and aggressively raided others. They stole the ships of the Nad’lun and discovered alcohol and narcotics. They became the pirates of the South.
Onolkeshan[edit | edit source]
The wisemen Lem tribe of the North. Leadership of the tribe is hereditary. When the leader self-divides, the two Lem fight to the death. The one to survive takes leadership of the tribe. They held a caution for the seas which hampered their ship making. They closely guarded their knowledge and technology. Under false pretenses they joined the Enclave, a coalition of North Tribes of Lem and Frowgmen. This caused internal strife which resolved just before the Tomorrow War.
Slanera[edit | edit source]
The tribe of Lem on the island.
Ta'mirel[edit | edit source]
A Lem hunter tribe of the North tundra. Having strong belief but no social tact. They are held together by alien familiarity. Individual memories are shared with the whole tribe after death. Lem that survive reproduce by self-division each new Lem having the memories of the old. Early in their development, they started believing in a end-of-the-world war they called the Tomorrow War. This led to rapid development of war technology over agriculture or government. Their beliefs were vindicated by the Vyrii Invasion.