Primordial Evolution Game/K'lahk

A early tribe of the Western Continent
Tundra Frowgmen tribe of the North. They are hardy and curious. They lived under the shadow of the Tundra mountain range. The Kunna peak was often attempted but ultimately unreachable. Through forethought and sideways thinking, they developed a friendly relationship with the Ta’mirel, a warrior tribe to the west. They merged with the Fo’wil tribe through intermarriage and council between elders. From this union came the greater tribe Lastér.
Culture and Belief System[edit | edit source]

The K'Lahk engage in mock fights and storytelling for entertainment. Every few nights the families get together in a main building made for this purpose to fellowship and listen to a story or watch an act prepared by the family chosen by the elders. If this is done well the family can be proud but if it is not, shame is brought upon them until they can redeem themselves.
The young Frowgs go through a rite of passage ritual involving the wielding of two axes fluidly and being able to satisfy the warrior judges on a hunt. If they can do this they are accepted as adults and allowed to start a family.
One night during the great gathering, a young Frowg noticed the shadows on the wall imitating the actions of the actors and pointed it out to his family. While this was a pretty obvious fact the way he pointed it out gave the Frowgs an idea. The K'Lahk discovered a new form of entertainment: Shadow Puppetry!
Tribe Structure and Government[edit | edit source]
Ok so the K'Lahk are 1 big tribe basically made up of familial circles. Families live close to one another in tight knit circles. One or two frowgs are selected from the family to represent them among the tribe. As a group the representatives discuss what needs to be done and which family will be doing it. When a decision is made the representatives bring word back the the others what their next task will be.
Each family has a warrior and an elder that usually represent them, though there have been exceptions. As you can guess this may lead to some families becoming stronger than others, but so far that has not yet happened, though it very well might in the future.
History and Legends[edit | edit source]
The K'Lahk tribe tries to hunt. At first, nothing seems available, but then they manage to kill a sizeable Cidex, it's a grey rhinolike creature. They fashion its tusks and teeth into primitive spearheads.
The were first approached of the Ta'mirel in the The meeting of K'lahk and Ta'mirel. In this legend the K'lahk listened to the Ta'mirel despite them arming the Giant Lem against them. They started a amiable relationship.
The K'Lahk search the northern Tundra, looking for caves of sufficient size to host small families. They expand northwards, halting at the foot of a great mountain.
The K'Lahk attempt to capture some Cidex, using nets made of woven Ragas and weighed with heavy stones after weakening the creatures. They prove to be far too tough to capture.
Among the K'Lahk there has been an artistic revolution of sorts. They take to it like a fish takes to water, quickly becoming proficient in the use of sound and images to tell stories and communicate ideas, making their evening gatherings much more enjoyable for all.
With all these gift axes from the Lem, the warriors of the K'Lahk have taken to carrying at least 2 at all times. Senior/accomplished warriors are allowed 4.
After generations of existence in the harsh tundra the K'Lahk tribe has lost many of its vestigial aquatic features. Gone are feelers, scales, and fins. Gained is a denser musculature, heavier bones, a superior sense of smell and sight. They still maintain an electrical shock. Their skin is now a tough rubbery hide adapted to protect against frost bite.
The K'Lahk pushed forward with the gifts from the Lem, becoming better in the arts and discovering cartography, but the armaments of the Lem were too alien for them to really pick up. The K'Lahk work on mapping their territory in a more detailed fashion starting recommended paths for Frowgs to use when moving from one area to another, They've mapped only a few trails.
The K'Lahk also try to improve their buildings to keep up with the growing cold and the voiced desire to have a place for music. They created sturider building materials from the free stone of the mountain. The K'Lahk take their new tool knowledge to stone cutting, cannibalizing the great mountains they live by for building materials. They try cutting stones with Ramel blades which broke the blades instead.
The K'lahk exchange knowledge and technology with the Ta'mirel in the The K'lahk and Ta'mirel Exchange Legend
The K'lahk make attempts to scout the mountains which failed and lead to the mountain's reputation of being cursed. This is recorded in the The Mountain Kunaba Legend.
The First Road was created between the K'lahk and Ta'mirel to facilitate trade and culture of the two tribes.
The K'lahk created the The Great Hall to promote their history to the next generation.
They explored the lands below the seasonal freeze line in The K'lahk journey South Legend. to get more building materials for the Great Hall.
In order to prove his worth to the tribe Fwill meets the spirit of Kunaba.
And so it is that upon return, the Frowgs of K'Lahk, along with their new families, dive again with fervor into the construction of the Great Hall. Before long, it is finished, the only other construction tasks being the expansion of family homes.
The building is made primarily of stone, great slabs bound together with a paste made from crushed Ragas root mixed with dirt traces of frilla. The entrance is flanked by two hollow pillars of stone, words telling the history of the Hall covering them from top to bottom. All around the base, the symbols of the great families who worked on the hall are scribed, carved into the wall and painted. The floor of the hall is above the natural ground level, made with backed mud with ground frilla and stone mixed in for strength. Under the floor lies a space for a great fire to be made in the cold periods, the smoke from which is sent under the base of the hall to warm it before coming out through the massive pillars at the front.
All in all the K'Lahk are satisfied with what they have wrought and have a grand festival to break it in, sending invitations to their Ta'Mirel and Fo'will allies.
The warriors of the K'Lahk decide to do something impressive as well so as not to be left behind by the artisans. Led by the hero Fwill wielding 4 war axes, 20 warriors set out to take down the biggest, meanest Ramel around. This is recorded in the Fwill returns to Kunaba Legend.
Buoyed by the increase in population, the K'Lahk push their expansion to the south and to the west.
Following the loss of Fwill the K'Lahk did not expand easily, but they were able to add on to the central village project, bringing their territory closer to the Ta'Mirel, as well as begin a road project to the Fo'Wil.
The K'Lahk are not done with their major tasks, enlisting the help of the Ta'Mirel, they set upon building roads to the south from K'Lahk main territory and to Ta'Mirel main territory along with smaller branching roads leading to the various outposts along the lines. The roads are finished quickly and efficently, with time enough to spare that the K'Lahk managed to create an unpaved road to Fo'Wil territory.
In time the Frowgmen elders decided that they should join inThe Founding of Laster.