Primordial Evolution Game/Onolkeshan

A tribe of the Western Continent
The wisemen Lem tribe of the North. Leadership of the tribe is hereditary. When the leader self-divides, the two Lem fight to the death. The one to survive takes leadership of the tribe. They held a caution for the seas which hampered their ship making. They closely guarded their knowledge and technology. Under false pretenses they joined the Enclave, a coalition of North Tribes of Lem and Frowgmen. This caused internal strife which resolved just before the Tomorrow War.
Technology[edit | edit source]
With the sharing of genetic memory the Onolkeshan gained the knowledge of Ta'Mirels Cannon. This would be answer to their problem with ranged weaponry and with their more advanced tools and materials it was easy to replicate the cannon and even make it little advanced. Still there are some who say that the cannon should be even bigger and more powerful while some say that they should make them smaller and more compact to be used by infantry. Culture and Belief System
In Onolkeshan religion animals aren't as holy as they might be to other religions. This is because while there are creatures that bring food, materials for clothing, armor and weapons, those very same creatures seek to harm them. This contradiction makes them neither holy nor evil, they are respected but at the same time hated.
Lems of onolkeshan believe more in spirits. They believe that things that cannot be explained are caused by the Lems that aren't devoured after their premature deaths and so their knowledge keep lingering in this world without form. But while the knowledge is separated from their body they gain more information of the world and how it works and so they can make unusual things to happen. The most revered Knowledge is called Vagúshosod after the name of first Lem known to die and become wandering knowledge and thus has most knowledge of the world and how it works.
Onolkeshan explain the ability of other races to see visions in their dreams as a situation where knowledge talks to the sleeper and grants him some of its memories. The memories might be useful information or just useless nonsense as memories tend to be. As Lems cannot sleep there are some who have learned the ability to go into sleep like trance and while doing so they might gain visions of wisdom. Those that have learned this ability are few and thus are respected among the Onolkeshan as something akin to shaman of other races.
History and Legends[edit | edit source]

One group tries to harness the earth for food and materials. They find the soil to be frozen with permafrost, but they melt in the summer. They find a subspecies of Ragas, plants which can uproot themselves and migrate, which isn't carnivorous in the area. Attempts to Harness the earth continue with use of fire to melt the frosty earth to get deeper. Success were had in trying to melt the permafrost. But then another problem came up: Most of the soil underneath is soild peat, and none of your current tools are hard enough to dig large chunks of it.
As need arises for more evolved tools the knowledge of Onolkeshan is tested. It seems by heating up Ramel blades, the Lem can get it to be hard enough to be able to dig through peat. Digging discovered!
With new tools Onolkeshan shall continue their quest for harnessing the earth. Onokelshan crafters had managed to perfect their digging tools, and they now can dig even deeper. Harnessing the earth seems to go well and that's why they keep digging deeper trying to find new materials and plants.
The Onolkeshan hit a vein of a shiny rock. It has a light blue color, and it reflects light. There seems to be plenty of these in the tunnels. they're hard enough not to be broken by digging implements, but when they are heated near a fire long enough they can soften up and be shaped by hand. After wearing gloves, of course. They harden again when exposed to cold.
With this new type of rock the Onolkeshan will thrive. Production of this wonderous metal will be started as soon as possible.
Scouts find that the coast is full of Flatworem (fish analogues), and plenty of game. This could be a good food source. As treacherous waters of the south seems to have many blessings the Onolkeshan think that trusty mountains to the north must have even greater things to grant. They send scouts to the mountains. They never returned. It seems that the mountains are a harsh mistress.
With success in the south it seems that it's necessary to develop equipment for fishing. The idea of going near watery depths isn't intriguing but at least the scouts returned from that trip unharmed. Their efforts at trying to catch fish still need a different mindset. Surely the failure with fishing equipment was caused by the fact that Onolkeshians still live inland and have their opinion about water.

Over many generation the Onolkeshan mined stone, minerals, and metals. The built The Fortress City of Geshud Deler.</legend>
A simple road is built all the way to the southern beaches, where fishing huts are built of loose wood. it is nothing compared to the fortress city, but it is at least a start.
Settling coastal areas is hard because of the hatred towards water and that has caused problems in expansion. Officials have started a program to promote the benefits of moving to south. Also roads must be improved in order to make it easier to go south and also to bring good back to Geshud Deler.
Expansion proceeds south, with the simple pathway becoming a massive paved road, the huts at the end are demolished giving way to a "small" keep.
Unfortunately the Onolkeshan first contact with other tribes lead to trouble. The Ta'mirel convinced the Onolkeshan to join the Enclave. The Onolkeshan lost control of their sacred Knowledge and it was leaked to the other Enclave tribes. This became know as The Bad Deal.
Officials also had idea how to handle with rebellious people. They would start settling more areas. People who didn't want to live with Enclave could leave the city but still help the tribe.
Onolkeshan is a tribe that emphasis in knowledge. People who make and create are honored as they do not only have knowledge of the past but they also create new knowledge. The great fortress-cities are hubs of the knowledge and industry. While surrounding lands are inhabited they aren't industrialized like the city but they focus more in producing goods that can't be produced in city. So Farmers make sure the city has what it need and in return they get better tools and other inventions that helps them with their work and life.
With the Enclave district built other races were able to start their works and living in earnest. With co-operation there will be many new routes to research. Onolkeshan Alchemists were especially interested in Frowgs Bodily properties like electricity and poisons but didn't want to cause conflict by starting to research them.
When the Onolkeshan struggled with its ship making research, the Ta'mirel convinced them that the Nad'lun could help them. The Nad'lun traded with the Onolkeshan fairly. This became know as The Good Deal.
With the newly gained knowledge from Nad'lun the Onolkeshan Smiths and scientists continue their research on ships. This job will be hard and there is no guarantee for success. But through trial and error they will achieve it. Simple metal row boats are made, effective for fishing and nothing else, not safe to head out into open waters.
The growing need for food continues the expansion along the coast. Also mining operations continue as Harnessing the earth is still important thing for the Onolkeshan.
With the acceptance of the council many Onolkeshan travelled to the capital to start their new workshops. With them came a small force of better equiped elite troops that are to be under enclaves rule. They will serve you well.
With the joining of enclave the Onolkeshan made a new flag to indicate that. In pic the new flag, elite enclave warrior, armored Ramel. and two types of big cannon. shrapnel is meant for anti air but can also be used against land forces and Sharp Cannon is normal big cannon with single projectile as ammunition.
The Onokelshan sailors have managed to sail along the coast... and landed near Burrahn territory. They managed to initiate contact.
During the The Vyrii Invasion the Onolkeshan prepared the Alternate Plan if the Vyrii overran the Tundra.