Reiksguard Knights

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The Reiksguard is a Knightly Order and one of the most elite fighting formations in the Empire and has chapter houses throughout the province, with small ones in most medium to large cites and the main chapter house being located in Altdorf itself. As the name suggests, the Reiksguard's main task is to guard the Reikland, and act as an elite vanguard and fast reacting hammer to threats to the province, though it is also common for them to ride out to reinforce other provinces in times of need. The Reiksguard is notable for being very involved with the state military of Reikland, as the knightly orders usually do their own thing and pick their own battles unless an Elector count shouts at them to do what they want, however multiple Reiksguard captains and marshals will act as military advisors and generals to garrisons and armies from the Reikland. They have no real specializations apart from being "the greatest and most prestigious Knightly Order", but this is also in line with the Reikland's military in general.

The Grand Order of the Reiksguard Knights is sworn to protect the Emperor and the Imperial bloodline. Their Grand Master is Kurt Helborg.

Forces of The Empire

Leaders : Elector Count - Wizard Lord - Empire General - Master Engineer - Ar-Ulric - Empire Captain - Witch Hunter - Warrior Priest - Grandmaster
Troops : Empire Spearmen - Handgunner - Empire Swordsman - Free Company - Teutogen Guard - Empire Halberdier - Battle Wizard - Flagellant - Pistolier - Empire Greatsword - Empire Archers - Empire Crossbowman - Demigryph Knight - Warriors of Ulric - Wolf-kin - Outrider - Reiksguard - Empire Dwarfs
Artillery : Great Cannon - Helblaster Volleygun - Empire Mortar - Helstorm Rocket Battery
War Machines : Steam Tank - Luminark of Hysh - Celestial Hurricanum - War Wagon - War Altar of Sigmar - Mechanical Steed