Bike Squad

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Many Warhammer 40K factions use squads of motorbike-mounted soldiers.

Space Marines[edit | edit source]

Bike Squad

Bike Squads are fast attack Space Marine squads utilizing bikes for fast deadly tactics. The bikes themselves are armed with Twin Linked Bolters and the riders can carry the occasional special weapon, mostly meltaguns. Bike Squads serve as either a scout force used to quickly gauge the enemy force or as vanguard to swiftly attack enemy formations and allow the infantry squads to mop up the survivors. They are often paired with Land Speeders for these tasks. A distinct variation exists called the Attack Bike, which incorporates a sidecar to cart around a heavy weapons guy armed with either a heavy bolter or a multi-melta. These can be fielded as squadrons of three, or embedded into the usual bike squads. A Bike is also an option for all your generic HQs, offering a decent compromise between speed, survivability and price. The book also warns you that you can't ride it while wearing terminator armour.

Scouts also like to ride bikes to help with their scouting. While their older Marine brothers are geared for assault, Scout bikes are more geared for the fighting retreat and harassing the enemy with clustermines and other goodies. They're also used as a way to swiftly deliver a locator beacon where you need it.

Bike Squads often vary depending on the Space Marine Chapter they belong to. The White Scars use Bike Squads, echoing Jaghatai Khan's use of mounted cavalry during his conquest of Chogoris. The Dark Angels have devoted their entire Second Company into utilizing Bike Squads and Land Speeders as the Ravenwing, echoing the mounted knights of the Order on ancient Caliban who hunt the Fallen Angels TRAITORS FROM THE NINE LEGIONS AND SUBSEQUENT RENEGADE CHAPTERS, NONE OF WHICH INCLUDE THE SONS OF LION EL'JONSON. The Space Wolves Bike Squads are known as Swiftclaws, who are operated by Blood Claws (the Chapter's equivalent of Assault Marines) and serve as a vanguard force. Their numbers are few, as the Space Wolves consider Bike Squads an overly headstrong tactic (though riding in on a Fenrisian wolf is okay).

Legion Outriders[edit | edit source]

Legion Outrider Squad

The OG Bike Squad during their day. Outriders were a type of specialist Space Marine squad used during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. Although no longer in use, they have seen a spiritual successor in the form of their Primaris counterparts in the 42nd Millennium; possibly upholding the old traditions.

These were specialized and mechanized reconnaissance squads commonly transported in Bikes and scramblers designed for use on rugged terrain. Used primarily for rapid encirclement and hit-and-run attacks, the chief advantage of Outriders is speed and the ability to go where heavier vehicles could not. They are typically armed with two Astartes Boltguns, but can swap this with a twin-linked Flamer, Meltagun or Plasma Gun. The Marine himself can be armed with either a Power sword, a Hand Flamer or a Plasma Pistol.

Crunchwise, they are your bikers with a few buffs. The Scout special rule, all bike marines can swap their bikes' twin bolters out for twin-linked flamers, meltaguns or plasma guns and 1 in 3 can have a power weapon, hand flamer or plasma pistol. The gun upgrades are excellent but really tear through your points.

Nevertheless, they're very adaptable for your army and a solid choice. Scout and high speed mean it's easy to get where you want them. With an attached HQ, meltabomb on the sarge and an option for lots of plasma makes them a very effective all-round unit, able to handle anything although at a fairly high cost. Moreover, they can take 1 power weapon per 3 models, and then the sergeant can take a power weapon. Consider a 9 man squad with 4 power axes; its basically a tankier fast assault squad with better shooting and better damage (hammer of wrath).

Primaris Outriders[edit | edit source]

The beefier cousin of the normal Bike Squad.

The Outrider Squad is the Primaris Space Marines' equivalent of a Bike Squad. Possibly named in honour of the old Legiones Outriders which was the OG Bike Squad of its day during the Great Crusade. It closely resembles the bikes used by normal Space Marines, but with up-added armor and a lower profile. Outriders are most commonly used to advance ahead of the main lines and to guard the flanks of larger formations.

In battle, they perform lightning-fast hit-and-run attacks on enemy strongholds and are employed to chase down any who would seek to escape. When additional firepower is needed, an Invader ATV would assist these guys in combat. Much like their smaller cousins, they have absolutely zero ground clearance so only the Emperor knows how they go over a speed bump, let alone rough terrain.

Their Raider Pattern bikes are equipped with frontal Bolters while they themselves wield Chainswords and Bolt Pistols. The performance of the bike is effective as long as the rider can dominate its bellicose Machine Spirit. On an additional and hilarious side note, the Primaris Go-Kart also looks like two Outrider Bikes being fused into one.

With their various special rules giving them six(!) attacks on a charge with a base ap -1 these things have immense RIP AND TEAR potential which combos well with their niche of "only fast primaris assault unit". Unlike their Firstborn brothers, Outriders cannot change their loadout in any way, and are 3 bikes max, limiting them entirely to S4 atttacks at ranged or on the charge.

Compared to their Firstborn brothers, Outriders have a lot more wounds and A, but as mentioned, cannot do anything beyond S4 shots/chops. They're great as Blood Angels, who get +1 to Wound, or as White Scars, for D2 on turn 3 and beyond, but are otherwise kinda meh.

Imperial Guard[edit | edit source]

Why do those guys always get the good stuff?

The Imperial Guard also has their own bike squads, but they are naturally not as awesome as the Space Marine bike squads. Rather than having two storm bolters, our Guardsmen have...nothing. While this may put the poor men in t-shirts at a disadvantage, the Imperial Guard's bike is more useful for scouting purposes than as a fast attack vehicle. They are often made for Rough Riders who don't like maintaining the horsies and prefer a more simple and cost effective mount.

They also look more like regular old motorcycles.

On tabletop, since these guys are grouped as 'Rough Riders in all but name', they will likewise have the same rules even though what they're riding driving on is not an animal in the slightest and they usually carry a Laspistol rather than a Hunting Lance. But because GW is lazy (and after Chapterhouse, they're not going to make rules for models they never made remakes), they decided to why not make these guys Count as space cavalry.

In the newest update, 8th Edition's been kinder to Rough Riders than 7th Edition was. Their hunting lances are no longer one use only, being S+2 AP:-2 and do D3 damage, but still only when they successfully charge. Cheaper, twice the wounds, and now their flak armor might actually do a damn thing, though not against most multiwounding weapons. In addition, they may perform Flanking. In 9th Edition, we now have actual Rough Riders back.

Genestealer Cults[edit | edit source]

Join the Genestealer Cult and perform sick tricks!

Similar to that of the normal Imperial Guard variant except these guys serve a four armed dude rather than a two armed one. Like the Imperial Guard, the Genestealer Cults use their bikes primarily for scouting purposes rather than as a fast attack vehicle.

The bikes they drive upon is called the Dirtcycle which like all Genestealer equipment and machinery, is stolen from the Imperium of Man. The Dirtcycle itself is an Imperial two-wheeled Atalan-class exploratory machine. These rugged machines have a robust frame and shock-absorbing suspension array. Its engine can run on multiple fuel tools and can mount heavy loads. Like the Lasgun these vehicles are cheap and easy to manufacture.

The drivers of the Dirtcycles often carry simple one-handed weapons like a Stub Gun, Autopistol, Hand Cannon, Hatchets and Axes to do some fast hit-and-run attacks against unsuspecting foes. Granted, it is only effective against lightly armored opponents, but they still get the job done. Occasionally one of them can be given a larger two handed weapon, usually in the form of a Grenade Launcher.

Unlike the Guard's, the Genestealer's also have a secondary purpose for these vehicles. During times of uprisings, the Genestealer Cults combine the speed and nimbleness of the Dirtcycle with that of the more stable and heavily armed Wolfquad to form a combined arms approach; the Dirtcycle is often used as an outrider by Genestealer Cults' Atalan Jackals formation.

Simply put, for the first time the Genestealer Cults finally have access to fast attack units.

Chaos Space Marines[edit | edit source]

Chaos Space Marines trying to not get outdone by the loyalists in the speed department.

The Chaos Space Marines as usual have their eviler and more edgy counterparts to the loyalist Space Marines.

In a similar way to regular Bike Squads, Chaos Space Marines also utilize their Bikes for reconnaissance and scouting tactics, although with the usual, more sinister twist. They are also often always covered in spikes and spurs as per Chaos Space Marine tradition in order to slice enemies up as they zip by. Unlike loyalists that gravitate towards the "horse archer" role, heretics are composed more like shock cavalry, having free chainswords by default and access to melee-boosting marks and icons. The huge number of spikes and blades they attach to the chassis actually gave them an extra attack in earlier editions. Nurgle-aligned Chaos bikers back then were a horrifying staple with their Toughness 6 basic statline, while Tzeentchian bikers had the usual invulnerable save.

Chaos Marines do lack the Attack Bike option because the thing was rare during the Horus Heresy. Presumably the ones they did have were eaten by Chaos Spawaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggblblblble.

Perhaps due to the noise, speed, and profile, Slaaneshi Marines have always had a special fondness for the bikes, in every edition they've had them. In 3rd Edition, bikers following Slaanesh could change their bike-weapon for Sonic Blasters for added Rock'n Roll, and could replace meltaguns in their Biker squads with Doom Sirens for maximum noise. The Violators are a Chaos Warband well-known for its use of Chaos Bikes and sonic weapons. And lastly, of course, there is Doomrider, the quintessential example of a Slaaneshi CSM who uses his bike's immense horsepower and cocaine to simultaneously pleasure himself. The rough vibrations on the bike's driver seat pleases Doomrider greatly.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Vehicles of the Imperium of Man
Walkers Brutalis Dreadnought - Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought - Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought
Death Company Dreadnought - Deathwatch Dreadnought - Dreadnought - Nemesis Dreadknight
Doomglaive Dreadnought - Furioso Dreadnought - Ironstrider Ballistarius - Invictor Tactical Warsuit
Librarian Dreadnought - Mortifier - Mortis Dreadnought - Onager Dunecrawler - Penitent Engine
Redemptor Dreadnought - Sentinel - Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought - Sydonian Dragoon
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought - Throne of Judgement - Wulfen Dreadnought - Paragon Warsuit
Arachni-rig - Ballistus Dreadnought - Eldthursar - Hrimthursar - Ridge Walker
Auto-Gurney - Ambot - Castellan-class robot - Cataphract-class robot - Colossus-class robot
Conqueror-class robot - Crusader-class robot - Cyclops Demolition Vehicle - CATs - Nuncio-Aquila
Robot Crawler - Sanctioner Pattern Automaton - Servo-Automata - Servo-skull - Scyllax-class robot
Thanatar-class robot - Thunderfire Cannon - Vultarax stratos-automata
Transports Aurox - Chimera - Coronus Grav Carrier - Crassus Armored Assault Transport - Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler
Goliath Truck - Gorgon Armored Assault Transport - Hades Breaching Drill - Immolator - Impulsor - Macro-Hauler
Pegasus AAV - Razorback Transport - Repressor - Rhino - Road-Wheeler - Taurox - Testudo - Titan Train
Trojan Support Vehicle - Triaros Armoured Conveyer - Tunneling Transport Vehicles
Atlas Recovery Tank - Achilles Ridgerunner - Bane Wolf - Bike Squad - Cargo-8 Ridgehauler - Centaur Utility Vehicle
Devil Dog - Field Ordnance Battery - Galvanic Servohauler - Goliath Mauler - Heavy Quad-Launcher - Hellhound
Invader ATV - Land Crawler - Outrider Quad - Pegasus AFV - Salamander Reconnaissance Tank - Scylla Light Tank
Siegfried - Squat Bike - Squat Trike - Tauros - Tectonic Fragdrill - Venator - Wolfquad
Castigator Tank - Caladius Grav-Tank - Gladiator Tank - Kratos Heavy Assault Tank - Krios Battle Tank
Land Raider - Leman Russ Battle Tank - Predator - Ragnarok - Repulsor Tank - Rogal Dorn Battle Tank
Sabre Tank Hunter - Sicaran Battle Tank - Spartan Assault Tank - Vindicator
Ordnance Basilisk Artillery Gun - Colossus Bombard - Deathstrike Missile Launcher - Exorcist
Goliath Mega-Cannon - Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier - Hunter - Hydra Flak Tank
Legion Arquitor Bombard - Manticore Launcher Tank - Medusa Siege Gun
Rapier Armoured Carrier - Stalker - Whirlwind - Wyvern Suppression Tank
Astraeus - Baneblade - Capitol Imperialis - Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer - Fellblade
Leviathan - Macharius Heavy Tank - Macrocarid Explorator - Malcador Heavy Tank
Mobile Cathedral - Mastodon - Ordinatus - Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
Skimmers Dawneagle Jetbike - Escher Cutter - Gyrfalcon Pattern Jetbike - Imperial Jetbike
Javelin Attack Speeder - Grav-Cutter - Grav-Rhino - Kharon - Kyzagan Assault Speeder
Land Speeder - Land Speeder Vengeance - Pulpit of Saint Holline's Basilica
Skorpius Hover Tank - Stormrider - Storm Speeder - Pallas Grav-Attack - Abeyant
Flyers Archaeocopter - Ares Gunship - Caestus Assault Ram - Container Transporter - Corvus Blackstar
Fire Raptor - Iron Eagle Gyrocopter - Nephilim Jetfighter - Orgus Flyer - Orion Gunship - Overlord Gunship
Sky Talon - Space Marine Landing Craft - Storm Eagle - Stormbird - Stormhawk - Chiropteran
Stormraven - Stormtalon - Stormwolf - Thunderhawk - Whispercutter - Valkyrie - Vendetta - Vulture
Fighters &
Avenger Strike Fighter - Lightning Fighter - Marauder Bomber
Stormfang - Thunderbolt Fighter - Xiphon Interceptor
Spacecraft Aquila Lander - Arvus Lighter - Boarding Torpedo - Devourer Dropship - Drop Pod
Faustus Interceptor - Fury Interceptor - Gun-Cutter - Shark Assault Boat
Starhawk Bomber - Tetrarch Heavy Lander - Galaxy Troop Ship
Titans Imperial Knight - Warhound Scout Titan - Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan - Reaver Battle Titan
Warbringer Nemesis Titan - Warlord Battle Titan - Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan - Emperor Battle Titan
Forces of the Codex Compliant Astartes
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant - Chaplain - Chapter Master
Command Squad - Honour Guard - Librarian - Techmarine
Troops: Assault Squad - Centurion Squad - Chapter Serf - CATs - Devastator Squad
Scout Squad - Servo-skull (Data Skull - Skull Probe) - Tactical Squad
Terminator Squad - Veteran Squad
Great Crusade-era: Breacher Siege Squad - Consul - Despoiler Squad - Destroyer Squad
Legiones Decurion - Legion Herald - Legion Outrider Squad - Legion Vigilator
Moritat - Master of the Signal - Praetor - Reconnaissance Squad - Seeker Squad
Sky Hunter Squad - Tactical Support Squad - Inductii
Structures: Castellum Stronghold
Walkers: Dreadnought (Castraferrum - Contemptor - Deredeo - Leviathan)
Transports: Land Raider - Mastodon Heavy Assault Transport - Razorback Transport
Rhino Transport - Spartan Assault Tank - Termite
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Javelin Attack Speeder - Jetbike - Kratos Heavy Assault Tank
Land Speeder - Predator Tank - Sabre Tank Hunter - Sicaran Battle Tank
Ordnance: Hunter - Legion Arquitor Bombard - Rapier Armoured Carrier - Stalker
Thunderfire Cannon - Whirlwind
Flyers: Caestus Assault Ram - Fire Raptor - Orgus Flyer - Storm Eagle - Stormbird
Stormhawk - Stormraven - Stormtalon - Thunderhawk - Xiphon Interceptor
Superheavy Tanks: Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer - Fellblade Super-Heavy Tank
Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
Spacecraft: Boarding Torpedo - Drop Pod - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allied Space Marines: Fallen Angel - Primaris Marine - Blood Angels - Dark Angels
Deathwatch - Grey Knights - Space Wolves - Black Templars
Forces of the Primaris Marines
Command: Apothecary Biologis - Helix Adept - Judiciar - Primaris Ancient
Primaris Apothecary - Primaris Captain - Primaris Chaplain
Primaris Librarian - Primaris Lieutenant - Primaris Techmarine
Vanguard Librarian - Vanguard Lieutenant
Troops: Aggressor - Bladeguard Veteran - Desolation Squad
Eliminator - Eradicator - Hellblaster - Inceptor - Incursor
Infernus - Infiltrator - Intercessor - Reiver - Suppressor
Structures: Firestrike Servo-Turret - Hammerfall Bunker
Walkers: Ballistus Dreadnought - Brutalis Dreadnought
Invictor Tactical Warsuit - Redemptor Dreadnought
Transports: Impulsor - Repulsor Tank
Vehicles: Gladiator Tank - Invader ATV - Primaris Outriders - Storm Speeder
Super Heavies: Astraeus Super-Heavy Tank
Flyers: Overlord Gunship
Spacecraft: Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Space Marines
Codex-compliant Adeptus Astartes Non-compliant Adeptus Astartes Other Imperials
Forces of the Ultramarines
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant - Chaplain
Chapter Master - Command Squad - Librarian - Techmarine
Ultramarines Honour Guard - Victrix Guard
Troops: Assault Squad - Centurion Squad - Chapter Serf - CATs
Devastator Squad - Scout Squad - Tactical Squad - Terminator Squad
Veteran Squad (Tyrannic War Veterans)
Great Crusade-era: Fulmentarus - Invictus Guard - Locutarus
Nemesis Destroyers - Praetorian Breacher Squad
Walkers: Dreadnought (Castraferrum - Contemptor - Deredeo - Leviathan)
Transports: Land Raider - Land Speeder Storm
Razorback Transport - Rhino Transport
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Javelin Attack Speeder - Land Raider Terminus Ultra
Land Speeder - Predator Tank - Sicaran Battle Tank - Vindicator
Ordnance: Hunter Multi-Launcher Vehicle - Stalker - Thunderfire Cannon - Whirlwind
Superheavy Vehicles: Fellblade (Falchion)
Flyers: Fire Raptor - Storm Eagle - Stormhawk
Stormtalon - Stormraven - Thunderhawk
Spacecraft: Drop Pod - Boarding Torpedo - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Fallen Angels - Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Imperial Fists
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant
Chaplain - Chapter Master - Command Squad
Huscarls - Librarian - Techmarine
Troops: Assault Squad - Centurion Squad - Chapter Serf - Devastator Squad
Scout Squad - Tactical Squad - Terminator Squad - Veteran Squad
Great Crusade-era: Breacher Siege Squad - Templar Brethrens - Phalanx Warders
Structures: Castellum Stronghold
Walkers: Dreadnought (Castraferrum - Contemptor - Deredeo - Leviathan)
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Imperial Jetbike - Javelin Attack Speeder
Land Raider (Land Raider Achilles) - Land Speeder - Predator Tank
Razorback Transport - Rhino Transport - Vindicator
Ordnance: Hunter Multi-Launcher Vehicle - Legion Arquitor Bombard
Rapier Armoured Carrier - Stalker - Thunderfire Cannon
Flyers: Caestus Assault Ram - Storm Eagle - Stormhawk
Stormtalon - Stormraven - Thunderhawk
Special Vehicles: Ætos Dios
Spacecraft: Drop Pod - Boarding Torpedo - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Fallen Angels - Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Iron Hands
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant - Chaplain
Command Squad - Iron Father - Librarian - Techmarine
Troops: Assault Squad - Centurion Squad - Chapter Serf - CATs - Devastator Squad
Scout Squad - Tactical Squad - Terminator Squad - Veteran Squad
Great Crusade-era: Breacher Siege Squad - Morlocks - Gorgon Terminators - Medusan Immortals
Walkers: Dreadnought (Castraferrum - Contemptor - Deredeo - Leviathan)
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Imperial Jetbike - Javelin Attack Speeder
Land Raider - Land Speeder - Predator Tank
Razorback Transport - Rhino Transport - Sabre Strike Tank
Sicaran Battle Tank - Vindicator
Ordnance: Hunter Multi-Launcher Vehicle - Legion Arquitor Bombard
Stalker - Thunderfire Cannon - Whirlwind
Flyers: Storm Eagle - Stormhawk - Stormtalon - Stormraven - Thunderhawk
Superheavy Vehicles: Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer - Fellblade - Land-Behemoth
Spacecraft: Drop Pod - Boarding Torpedo - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Adeptus Mechanicus - Fallen Angels - Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the White Scars
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant
Chaplain - Chapter Master - Command Squad
Stormseer - Techmarine
Troops: Assault Squad - Chapter Serf - Scout Squad
Tactical Squad - Veteran Squad
Great Crusade-era: Ebon Keshig - Falcon's Claws - Golden Keshig
Karaoghlanlar - Legion Outrider Squad - Sky Hunter Squad
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Imperial Jetbike - Javelin Attack Speeder
Kyzagan Assault Speeder - Land Speeder (Tempest)
Predator Tank - Rhino Transport
Flyers: Nephilim Jetfighter - Fire Raptor - Storm Eagle
Stormhawk - Stormtalon - Thunderhawk
Spacecraft: Drop Pod (Adeptus Astartes - Deathstorm)
Allies: Fallen Angels - Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Salamanders
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant - Chaplain - Chapter Master
Command Squad - Forgefather - Librarian - Pyre Guard - Techmarine
Troops: Assault Squad - Centurion Squad - Chapter Serf - CATs - Devastator Squad
Scout Squad - Tactical Squad - Terminator Squad - Veteran Squad
Great Crusade-era: Breacher Siege Squad - Firedrakes - Pyroclasts
Walkers: Dreadnought (Castraferrum - Contemptor - Deredeo - Leviathan)
Transports: Land Raider (Land Raider Redeemer - Land Raider Prometheus
Land Raider Crusader) - Mastodon - Razorback Transport - Rhino
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Predator Tank (Predator Annihilator
Predator Deimos Annihilator - Predator Infernus
Ordnance: Hunter Multi-Launcher Vehicle - Stalker - Thunderfire Cannon - Whirlwind
Superheavy Vehicles: Fellblade (Glaive)
Flyers: Storm Eagle - Stormhawk - Stormtalon - Stormraven - Thunderhawk
Spacecraft: Drop Pod - Boarding Torpedo - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Fallen Angels - Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Raven Guard
Command ApothecaryBrother-CaptainBrother-SergeantChaplainChapter MasterCommand SquadLibrarianTechmarine
Troops Assault SquadChapter SerfDevastator SquadMor DeythanScout SquadTactical SquadVeteran Squad
Great Crusade-era Dark FuriesDeliverersShadow WardensMoritatRaptorsLegion VigilatorReconnaissance Squad
Transports Land Speeder Storm
Vehicles Bike SquadImperial JetbikeJavelin Attack SpeederLand Speeder (Land Speeder TornadoLand Speeder Typhoon)
Flyers Chiropteran ScoutStorm Eagle (Darkwing) • StormhawkStormtalonStormravenThunderhawk • (Shadowhawk) • Whispercutter
Spacecraft Drop PodSpace Marine Landing Craft
Allies Fallen AngelsSpace MarinesPrimaris Marines
Forces of the Dark Angels
Command: Apothecary - Company Master - Interrogator-Chaplain
Chaplain - Librarian - Techmarine - Deathwing Knight
Dark Angels Grand Master
Troops: Assault Squad - Deathwing - Deathwing Strikemaster
Devastator Squad - Company Veterans - Scout Squad
Tactical Squad - Ravenwing Black Knight
Watcher in the Dark
Great Crusade-era: Interemptors - Knights Cenobium - Deathwing Companion
Structures: Fortress of Redemption
Walkers: Dreadnought (Deathwing Dreadnought - Contemptor Dreadnought)
Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought - Mortis Dreadnought
Transports: Land Raider (Land Raider Phobos - Land Raider Crusader
Land Raider Redeemer - Land Raider Ares
Land Raider Solemnus Aggressor) - Rhino
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Razorback - Predator - Vindicator - Hunter
Stalker - Whirlwind - Land Speeder Vengeance
Ravenwing Darkshroud
Flyers: Dark Talon - Nephilim Jetfighter - Stormraven - Storm Eagle
Spacecraft: Boarding Torpedo - Drop Pod - Space Marine Landing Craft
Hexagrammaton Deathwing - Dreadwing - Firewing - Ironwing - Ravenwing - Stormwing
Allies: Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Deathwatch
Command: Forge Master - Keeper - Deathwatch Chaplain
Watch Captain - Watch Master - Deathwatch Epistolary
Deathwatch Librarian
Troops: Deathwatch First Company Veteran - Deathwatch Champion
Terminator Squad - Veteran Squad - Kill Team - Kill Marine
Walkers: Venerable Dreadnought - Deathwatch Dreadnought
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Rhino - Razorback
Land Raider (Land Raider Redeemer - Land Raider Crusader)
Flyers: Corvus Blackstar
Spacecraft: Kill-Ship - Boarding Torpedo
Drop Pod - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Space Wolves
Command: Wolf Lord - Wolf Guard
Priesthood: Iron Priest - Rune Priest - Wolf Priest
Troops: Blood Claw - Fenrisian Wolf - Long Fang - Skyclaw
Swiftclaw - Thunderwolf Cavalry - Wulfen - Grey Hunter
Great Crusade-era: Consul-Opsequiari - Deathsworn
Grey Slayer - Jorlund Hunter Pack
Walkers: Dreadnought - Eldthursar - Hrimthursar
Space Wolves Dreadnought - Wulfen Dreadnought
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Rhino - Razorback
Land Speeder - Predator - Vindicator
Whirlwind - Land Raider (Land Raider Crusader
Land Raider Redeemer - Wrath of Mjalnar)
Special Vehicles: Stormrider
Flyers: Stormfang - Stormwolf
Spacecraft: Boarding Torpedo - Drop Pod
Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Black Templars
Command: High Marshal - Marshal - Castellan - Emperor's Champion
Brother-Captain - Chaplain - Techmarine - Apothecary
Troops: Sword Brethren - Terminator Squad
Black Templar Neophyte - Initiate
Crusader Squad
Walkers: Castraferrum Dreadnought
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Rhino - Razorback - Land Speeder
Predator - Vindicator - Whirlwind - Stalker - Hunter
Land Raider (Land Raider Redeemer - Land Raider Crusader)
Flyers: Thunderhawk - Stormraven - Stormtalon
Stormhawk - Storm Eagle
Seacraft: Cross of Dorn-class Maritime Cruiser
Spacecraft: Drop Pod - Boarding Torpedo
Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Sisters of Battle - Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Imperial Guard
Command: Commissar - Enginseer - Imperial Guard Command Squad - Lord Solar
Ministorum Priest - Primaris Psyker - Regimental Advisors - Tank Commander
Troops: Armoured Fist Squad - Breacher Squad - Infantry Squad - Field Chiurgeon
Heavy Weapons Squad - Militarum Veteran Squad - Ogryn Squad - Penal Legion
Psyker Battle Squad - Ratling Squad - Rough Rider Squad - Scout Squad
Sharpshooter - Special Weapons Squad - Stormtrooper - Servo-skull
(Data Skull - Guardian-skull - Monotask-skull - Servo Commissar-skull)
Whiteshield Conscript
Structures: Aegis Defence Line - Aquila Strongpoint - Firestorm Redoubt - Fortress of Redemption
Imperial Bastion - Imperial Bunker - Imperial Defence Line - Imperial Fortress Walls
Plasma Obliterator Platform - Primus Redoubt - Sabre Weapons Battery
Skyshield Landing Pad - Tarantula Sentry Gun - Vengeance Weapon Battery
Void Shield Generator
Transports: Aurox Armoured Transport - Chimera - Crassus Armored Assault Transport
Gorgon Armored Assault Transport - Hades Breaching Drill - Hellbore
Mole - Taurox - Termite - Testudo - Trojan Support Vehicle - Pegasus AAV
Light Vehicles: Atlas Recovery Tank - Bike Squad - Bane Wolf - Cargo-8 Ridgehauler
Centaur Utility Vehicle - Cyclops Demolition Vehicle - Devil Dog
Field Ordnance Battery - Hellhound - Land Crawler - Scylla
Salamander Reconnaissance Tank - Sentinel - Siegfried
Robot Crawler - Tauros - Venator - Pegasus AFV
Tanks & Ordnance: Basilisk Artillery Gun - Carnodon - Colossus Bombard - Deathstrike Missile Launcher
Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier - Heavy Quad-Launcher - Hydra Flak Tank
Leman Russ Battle Tank - Manticore Launcher Tank - Medusa Siege Gun
Ragnarok - Rogal Dorn Battle Tank - Wyvern Suppression Tank
Superheavy Vehicles: Baneblade - Capitol Imperialis - Leviathan - Macharius Heavy Tank
Malcador Heavy Tank
Special Vehicles: Fortress of Arrogance
Flyers & Bombers: Avenger Strike Fighter - Lightning Fighter - Marauder Bomber
Thunderbolt Fighter - Valkyrie - Vendetta - Vulture - Chiropteran Scout
Spacecraft: Devourer Dropship - Galaxy Troop Ship - Tetrarch Heavy Lander

Chaos Xenos
Forces of the Traitor Legions of Chaos
Leaders: Chaos Champion - Chaos Lord - Daemon Prince - Dark Apostle
Master of Execution - Sorcerer - Master of Possession - Lord Discordant
Unaligned: Chaos Chosen - Chaos Raptors - Chaos Space Marine Squad - Chaos Spawn - Chaos Terminators
Cultist - Havocs - Mutilators - Obliterators - Possessed - Tech-Assassin - Warp Talons - Warpsmith
Negavolt Cultist - Greater Possessed - Dark Disciple - Heretek
Faction Aligned: Khorne Berzerkers - Plague Marines - Noise Marines - Rubric Marines
Great Crusade-era: Breacher Siege Squad - Consul - Despoiler Squad - Destroyer Squad - Esoterist Consul - Legiones Decurion
Legion Herald - Legion Outrider Squad - Legion Vigilator - Moritat - Master of the Signal - Praetor
Reconnaissance Squad - Seeker Squad - Sky Hunter Squad - Tactical Support Squad - Inductii
Structures: Noctilith Crown - Skull Altar
Walkers: Chaos Dreadnought (Ferrum Infernus - Chaos Contemptor
Hellforged Leviathan - Hellforged Deredeo
) - Helbrute
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Chaos Land Raider (Land Raider Hades Diabolus) - Infernal Relic Predator
Kratos Heavy Assault Tank - Mastodon - Predator Tank - Rhino Transport - Sicaran Battle Tank
Stalk Tank - Vindicator - Typhon Heavy Siege Tank - Spartan Assault Tank - Rapier Armoured Carrier
Whirlwind Scorpius - Termite - Cerberus Destroyer - Fellblade
Flyers: Harbinger - Hell Blade - Hell Talon - Fire Raptor
Storm Eagle - Xiphon Interceptor - Thunderhawk - Stormbird
Spacecraft: Dreadclaw Assault Pod - Kharybdis - Doomfire Bomber - Swiftdeath Fighter
Titans: Daemon Knights - Chaos Emperor Titan - Feral Scout Titan
Ravager Battle Titan - Chaos Warlord Titan - Woe Machine
Daemon Engines:
Decimator - Defiler - Death Wheel - Forgefiend - Heldrake
Maulerfiend - Soul Grinder - Wirewolf - Venomcrawler - Helstalker
Daemon Engines
of Khorne:
Blood Reaper - Blood Slaughterer - Brass Scorpion - Cauldron of Blood - Death Dealer
Doom Blaster - Kytan - Lord of Skulls - Skull Reaper - Tower of Skulls
Daemon Engines
of Nurgle:
Blight Drone - Contagion - Foetid Bloat-Drone - Myphitic Blight-Hauler
Nurgle Plague Tower - Plague Hulk - Plagueburst Crawler
Daemon Engines
of Slaanesh:
Hell-Scourge - Hell-Knight - Hell-Strider
Questor Scout Titan - Slaanesh Subjugator
Daemon Engines
of Tzeentch:
Aether Ray - Doom Wing - Fire Lord of Tzeentch
Mirrorfiend - Silver Tower of Tzeentch - The Auruntaur
Auxiliaries: Chaos Daemons - Death Guard - Thousand Sons - Emperor's Children - World Eaters - Fallen Angels
Forces of the Sons of Horus/Black Legion
Leaders: Chaos Champion - Chaos Lord - Daemon Prince - Dark Apostle
Master of Execution - Sorcerer - Master of Possession - Lord Discordant
Troops: Bringers of Despair - Chaos Chosen - Chaos Raptors - Chaos Space Marine Squad
Chaos Spawn - Chaos Terminators - Cultist - Greater Possessed - Havocs - Mutilators
Obliterators - Possessed - Tech-Assassin - Warp Talons - Warpsmith - Heretek
Great Crusade-era: Justaerin - Reaver Attack Squad - Luperci
Walkers: Chaos Dreadnought (Ferrum Infernus - Chaos Contemptor
Hellforged Leviathan - Hellforged Deredeo
) - Helbrute
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Chaos Land Raider - (Land Raider Hades Diabolus)
Infernal Relic Predator - Predator Tank - Chaos Rhino - Vindicator
Flyers: Harbinger - Hell Blade - Hell Talon
Storm Eagle - Thunderhawk - Stormbird
Daemon Engines:
Decimator - Defiler - Forgefiend - Heldrake
Maulerfiend - Soul Grinder - Venomcrawler
Auxiliaries: Khorne Berzerkers - Plague Marines - Noise Marines - Rubric Marines
Allies: Chaos Space Marines - Lost and the Damned
Forces of the Word Bearers
Leaders: Chaos Champion - Chaos Lord - Daemon Prince - Dark Apostle
Master of Execution - Sorcerer - Master of Possession - Lord Discordant
Troops: Anointed - Chaos Chosen - Chaos Raptors - Chaos Space Marine Squad
Chaos Spawn - Chaos Terminators - Cultist - Dark Disciple - Greater Possessed
Havocs - Mutilators - Obliterators - Possessed - Warp Talons - Warpsmith
Great Crusade-era: Anakatis Kul - Ashen Circle - Diabolist - Gal Vorbak - Vor Nergeth
Walkers: Chaos Dreadnought (Ferrum Infernus - Chaos Contemptor
Hellforged Leviathan - Hellforged Deredeo
) - Helbrute
Mhara Gal Dreadnought
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Chaos Land Raider
Infernal Relic Predator
Predator Tank - Chaos Rhino
Flyers: Harbinger - Hell Blade - Hell Talon
Daemon Engines:
Decimator - Defiler - Forgefiend - Heldrake
Maulerfiend - Soul Grinder - Venomcrawler
Auxiliaries: Khorne Berzerkers - Plague Marines - Noise Marines - Rubric Marines
Allies: Chaos Space Marines - Lost and the Damned
Forces of the Iron Warriors
Leaders: Chaos Lord - Chaos Champion - Lord Discordant
Sorcerer - Warsmith - Warpsmiths
Troops: Chaos Chosen - Chaos Raptors - Chaos Space Marine Squad
Chaos Terminators - Cultist - Havocs - Mutilators - Obliterators
Tech-Assassin - Heretek
Great Crusade-era: Breacher Siege Squad - Iron Havocs
Tyranthikos - Tyrant Siege Terminator
Structures: Castellum Stronghold
Domitar-Ferrum Class Battle-Automata
Walkers: Chaos Dreadnought (Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought
Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought
) - Helbrute
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Chaos Land Raider - Chaos Predator
Chaos Rhino (Castellan Rhino) - Chaos Vindicator
Infernal Relic Predator
Ordnance: Legion Arquitor Bombard - Legion Basilisk
Legion-pattern Medusa Siege Gun
Flyers: Harbinger - Hell Blade - Hell Talon
Storm Eagle - Stormbird - Thunderhawk
Superheavy Tanks: Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
Special Vehicles: Tormentor
Daemon Engines: Decimator - Defiler - Forgefiend - Heldrake
Maulerfiend - Venomcrawler - Helstalker
Allies: Chaos Space Marines
Forces of the Night Lords
Leaders Chaos LordChaos ChampionDaemon PrinceMaster of ExecutionWarpsmiths
Troops Chaos ChosenChaos RaptorsChaos Space Marine SquadCultistHavocsWarp Talons
Great Crusade-era AtramentarsNight RaptorTerror SquadReaversContekars
Vehicles Arquitor BombardBike SquadChaos Land RaiderChaos PredatorChaos Rhino
Flyers Storm EagleThunderhawk
Superheavy Tanks Fellblade
Allies Chaos Space Marines
Forces of the Alpha Legion
Leaders: Chaos Champion - Chaos Lord
Librarian - Daemon Prince - Sorcerer
Troops: Chaos Chosen - Chaos Raptors
Chaos Space Marine Squad
Cultist - Havocs - Operative
Saboteur - Warpsmith
Great Crusade-era: Effrit Headhunter - Lernaean - Seeker Squad
Walkers: Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Land Raider (Land Raider Proteus
Land Raider Phobos
) - Land Speeder
Predator Tank - Chaos Rhino - Road-Wheeler
Superheavy Vehicles: Spartan Assault Tank
Flyers: Chiropteran Scout - Storm Eagle - Thunderhawk
Spacecraft: Dreadclaw Assault Pod
Allies: Chaos Space Marines - Lost and the Damned
Space Marines - Imperial Guard
Members of the Genestealer Cult
Cult Leaders: Broodlord - Genestealer Patriarch
Specialists: Biophagus - Clamavus - Jackal Alphus
Locus - Magus - Primus - Nexos
Cultists: Abominants - Atalan Jackal - Brood Brothers
Genestealers - Genestealer Aberrants - Sanctus
Hybrids: Acolyte Hybrids - Hybrid Metamorphs
Neophyte Hybrids - Kelermorph Hybrids
Familiars: Alchemicus - Mindwyrm - Soulsight
Vehicles: Achilles Ridgerunner - Chimera - Dirtcycle - Goliath Truck
Leman Russ - Sentinel - Tectonic Fragdrill - Wolfquad
Allies: Tyranids