Scions of Europa
This text, by necessity, is incomplete. Even if his mighty heart never beats again, even if his Scions should vanish from the Galaxy, the Primarch's tale will not be done. All those who witness the heroic courage and self-sacrifice of man know this truth.
Kleisthenes lives!
(Excerpt from Europa's Honor by Gaspard Lumey)
Scions of Europa | ||
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Battle Cry | There is only Man! There is only the Emperor! | |
Number | VII | |
Founding | First Founding | |
Successors of | N/A | |
Successor Chapters | Ares' Sons, Iron Tide | |
Primarch | Kleisthenes | |
Homeworld | None (listed officially as Terra) | |
Strength | 150,000 at start of Heresy | |
Specialty | Direct assaults, tactical flexibility | |
Allegiance | Imperium of Man | |
Colours | Bronze, gold, and red |
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The Scions of Europa were a Loyalist Space Marine Legion, once led by the great Primarch Kleisthenes. If their valour has left them few in number, it has also made them the most honoured and cherished of all the Adeptus Astartes.
History[edit | edit source]
No warriors were so at home on the battlefield as the Scions of Europa. From their first battles in the ancient Hives of Merica, the gene-sons of Kleisthenes would know their place as warriors, nothing more and nothing less. Their matchless courage, prowess, and versatility would see them exalted as a standard to which all other Space Marines aspired - but the same qualities would see their own line driven to the brink of extinction.
Beginnings: the Sacred Band[edit | edit source]
During the Unification Wars, the best of the first Space Marines were gathered up in the Sacred Band under the leadership of Hektor Cincinnatus. This temporary formation was intended to help develop bonds between the nascent Legions. The Seventh Squad of the Sacred Band was led by Nikomedes. He was born in the hives of Terra to a patrician family. Nikomedes was slow to learn as a child, but his apparent difficulties were in fact the consequence of a great mind struggling to deal with the narrowness of his education. As a superb young athlete, he was put forward for selection into the Adeptus Astartes and although the standards were demanding he easily passed them. The process of becoming a Space Marine brought forth the outstanding qualities of his character - his fierce, probing intellect, indomitable courage, and coolness of temper. Nikomedes' stock was high enough that he was selected as one of Hektor's Lieutenants in the Sacred Band, and he would lead masterfully from the front throughout that campaign.
Disposition on the Eve of the Heresy[edit | edit source]
Numeration: The VIIth Legion
Primogentor: Kleisthenes
Cognomen (prior): Lunar Lions, The Gauntlet, The Invincible Seventh
Observed Strategic Tendencies: Shock assaults, deep strikes, rapid redeployment
Noteworthy domains: None.
Allegiance: Fidelitas Constantus
"Let other men build, love, make works of art and beauty. Let other men rule, judge, make peace and prosperity. War is enough for us."
Themistocles, Equerry of the Seventh Legion
Culture[edit | edit source]
I am Brother Komnenus, warrior of the Emperor's Great Crusade, defender of the Imperium of Man, gene-son of the Primarch Kleisthenes. In recognition of your youthful courage, I claim you as my Adoptatus. Arise, my son!
- vox-recording from the aftermath of the Battle of Deminar, 883.M30
Unfettered by the traditions of their Primarch's homeworld, the Scions of Europa would stay true to the heritage of Terra and the "Grey Legions" of the Unification Wars. The sons of Kleisthenes never see themselves as anything other than humanity's soldiers, blessed and cursed to fight and die so that others may know peace.
Each Scion maintained a small household within the Expeditionary Fleet. His chief civilian responsibility was the raising of his Adoptati, the young boys that the Marine intended to sponsor for the Legion's Aspirant Trial. Presenting a promising Aspirant was considered an honourable achievement, and seeing one of his Adoptati sworn into the Legion was a moment of great pride for a Scion of Europa.
Due to the demands of a Scion's training, much of the care of his person, panoply, and Adoptati was undertaken by mortal servants known as Armigers. These men were typically failed Aspirants, frequently drawn from the Marine's own Adoptati. Newly-inducted Battle Brothers were typically gifted a handful of servants by their sponsor.
The senior servant of a Scion of Europa was known as the Scutarius. He was an honoured figure entrusted with ensuring his master's panoply was fit for war. The Scutarius also maintained order among the other servants. Unless disabled by war or age, he was also expected to supervise the martial training of the Armigers and lead them in battle.
Cases of Armigers actually engaging in combat were relatively rare. The Scions deployed regiments of Imperial Army auxilia to supplement their strength when necessary. However, the households of the Legionaries constituted a valuable security force for the warships of Kleisthenes' Expeditionary Fleets.
Recruitment and Training[edit | edit source]
Although he honoured Europa in renaming his Legion, Kleisthenes did not look to his homeworld for recruits to Seventh. Instead, he taught his sons to find their Adoptati on the battlefields of the Great Crusade and rear them for the Aspirant Trial. The Neophytes who passed this trial would receive the gene-seed aboard the mighty warships of the Scions' fleets. Rather than a long period of formal training, newly-inducted Scions of Europa gained much of their experience on the battlefield, joining the Legion's squads as soon as they had recovered from the gene-seed. Even Neophytes part-way through the process of becoming Space Marines were expected to take military duty aboard Kleisthenes' warships, though these youths were usually kept to the task of manning the guns.
Notable Domains[edit | edit source]
Spurning landholding, the Scions devoted themselves entirely to the tasks of the Great Crusade. Kleisthenes decreed that a school of government be established on Europa for the purpose of training administrators, but the graduates of his academy were mortals.
Notable Members[edit | edit source]
During the Siege of Terra, the Scions of Europa were represented in the Crusader Host by Commander Leonidas of the III Chapter, veteran of the Valenor Crusade and of the infamous Scourging of Helgrim.
Organisation[edit | edit source]
In accordance with the ancient patterns of Terran warfare, the Scions' squads were led by charismatic and heroic individuals. At every step of their command, the Legion ensured that only the boldest rose above their peers.
The inner circle of the Scions of Europa centred on Kleisthenes himself, known within the Legion simply as "Commander Kleisthenes". Around the Primarch were his Praetors, charged with commanding his Chapters and Fleets, administering the support elements of his Legion, and defending the Legion's honour. These ancients were escorted at all times by the elite soldiers of the Scions, dubbed the Optimates.
Chapter organisation
The Praetors designated as Chapter Masters enjoyed a small command staff of their own to facilitate independent operations. This would include the First Captains who led the Chapter's component Battalions, but also the commander of the Chapter's flagship, the Chapter standard-bearer, and representatives from attached support formations. Each Chapter had a nominal strength of one thousand tactical marines. Although the battles of the Great Crusade often reduced their numbers the Scions of Europa never altered their basic organisation. However, support companies of Marines (most often heavy troops or armour) could greatly increase the strength of a Seventh Legion Chapter even before auxilia were considered.
Battalion organisation
Each Chapter was divided into two Battalions, each headed by a First Captain. The Battalion was the lowest level of operational command in the Legion, with First Captains responsible for planning planetary assault missions. Their operational responsibility meant that the Battalion would have control over fleet assets, typically Strike Cruisers manned by the Scions of Europa and their attendants, as well as gunships, dreadnoughts, and reconnaissance companies to support landings.
Company organisation
The five companies of a Scions of Europa Battalion had an establishment strength of one hundred Battle Brothers each. In a rare diversion from the Logos Terra Militia, the Scions kept their companies of a uniform quality, ensuring that each had a mix of veteran, regular, and green Space Marines. Fifth Company was still constituted as a manoeuvre element, typically cross-trained between the jump-pack and Space Marine Bike. The Captain commanding each Company was expected to lead from the front with his command squad and delegate control over the remaining squads of the Company to his lieutenants.
Specialist companies also existed within the Legion. Most commonly these were armoured formations or reconnaissance companies. However, a few hundred Scions were trained in the use of the highly advanced Jetbike and the Legion command made sparing but clever use of these incredibly mobile forces.
Tactics[edit | edit source]
Kleisthenes understood the significance of the Space Marines as shock troops. His teachings always emphasised the importance of a decisive direct assault, relying on strategic rather than tactical surprise to give his forces the initiative in a campaign. However, he also counselled his men not to waste lives in an assault that was developing poorly and to seek alternatives when necessary.
In all their long history, the Scions have never made a strategic withdrawal. While they are not so foolish as to simply stand and fight, their warlike souls refuse to surrender the field once they have entered the fight. The acts of valour they have performed have often served to inspire the armies of the Imperium, but they have also suffered extraordinary losses.
Legion Equipment[edit | edit source]

The Scions of Europa do not make a fetish of their equipment. They understand that between the bolter, the chainsword, frag and krak grenades, and their mighty power armour, there are few military situations they cannot resolve.
Still, when those situations do arise, the Legion arsenal is well-stocked. Indeed, unlike some of their peers who feel that rare materials are to be used regardless of the situation, the Scions can generally count on having the right equipment when they need it. In addition to the Legion's frugal methods, Kleisthenes' Techmarines were highly innovative and often carried out custom modifications to the Scions' weaponry. The surprise of such special-issue equipment often produced a devastating effect, especially during the Heresy.
Legion Fleet[edit | edit source]
They are as bold in the void as in any other theatre of war. Though other Legions may boast superior hand-to-hand fighters, the determination and willing self-sacrifice of Scions of Europa boarding teams makes them among the most effective available to the Imperium. Expeditionary fleets organised around the Seventh Legion typically assigned support roles to the Imperial Army vessels with the Scions themselves captaining and crewing line-breakers and assault ships.
By the time of the Hektor Heresy, the Scions of Europa fielded 84 Battleships, almost all specialist or converted battle barges, 74 grand cruisers, 84 heavy cruisers, 142 light cruisers, 89 frigates, 312 destroyers, and 52 auxiliary military vessels. Many of the Imperial Army vessels strongly associated with the Scions were cruisers and frigates.
Notable Warships[edit | edit source]
Kleisthenes' flagship was the Gloriana-Class Battlebarge "Valour".
Support Formations[edit | edit source]
Although they cared for nothing but war, the Scions of Europa well-understood the need to support their formations in the field. Personnel and commanders for their specialist formations were carefully selected for merit and psychological suitability.
The brothers of the Apothecarion were the most hallowed and revered marines among the Legion. Each had to balance the demands of martial honour with the greater need of Imperium for a new generation of Scions of Europa. Knowing the temperament of their gene-line, the senior officers of the Legion would always pay tribute to Apothecaries who had harvested gene-seed and withdrawn from battle. Such sincere gestures helped to mute the sting of retreat.
Techmarines in the Scions were an unusually heterogeneous group. The sons of Kleisthenes did not pursue major pacts with any grouping of Forge Worlds. Instead, they would seek to have their most technically-able brothers trained by the nearest techpriests. The result was that their Techmarine Covenants were a bustle of different ideas. Those who expected the stern Seventh never to spring a technological surprise never had the chance to repeat their mistake.
The Scions' reputation for never retreating had as much to do with careful logistical planning as physical courage. Although the Legion never claimed planetary domains, they possessed many Ramilies-Class starforts and were adept at positioning these relics to anchor their supply lines.
Kleisthenes had some curiosity about the Librariums being established in other Legions, but the gene-seed of the Scions of Europa is incompatible with psykers. Although a few attempts were made to induct aspirants with the psyker mutation, the only one to become a full Space Marine was Brother Xenophon. His psychic gifts were completely ruined by the process.
Auxilia and Allies[edit | edit source]
Although Europa was not compelled to provide recruits to Kleisthenes' Legion, she still surrendered her children to war. The Europan Evzoni were organised on the Solar-pattern and grew to a prodigious strength. Evzoni would fight in support of the Scions during many campaigns, but the auxilia also fielded their own taskforces in the Great Crusade.
Gene-seed and Successors[edit | edit source]
Although the Scions and their Successors come from a wide range of worlds and cultures, their gene-seed leaves a strong mark on every Marine inducted. The sons of Kleisthenes acquire their gene-father's pale-olive skin, grey eyes, and light-brown hair.
By the time of the Codex Reforms, the Scions of Europa were devastated. Even the doomed Legion of Golgothos, the Entombed had more battle brothers to call upon. Yet the heirs of Kleisthenes still agreed to partition their legion into three chapters, to prove that there was no exception to obedience. The first chapter kept the name of their legion, while two others were given distinctive names, armor schemes, and combat doctrines.
Over the millenia, the Scions and their Successors have often been exempted from tithing geneseed for whole decades in order to rebuild their losses. Despite the fearsome toll that they endure, their geneseed still functions well into the 41st Millenium, although its incompatibility with psykers has never been solved.
Ares' Sons[edit | edit source]
Drawn from many of the assault veterans of their parent Legion, the Ares' Sons are powerful warriors that specialize in rapid assaults and close-quarters combat.
Iron Tide[edit | edit source]
Sturdy and indomitable, the Iron Tide specialize in defensive operations and siege warfare, utilizing fortifications and the most heavy of armor and ordinance.
The Space Marine Legions of the /tg/ Heresy | |
Loyalist: | The Entombed - Eyes of the Emperor - Scale Bearers - Silver Cataphracts Steel Marshals - Stone Men - Thunder Kings - Void Angels - War Scribes |
Traitor: | Black Augurs - The Justiciars - Eternal Zealots - Heralds of Hektor Iron Rangers - Life Bringers - Lions Rampant - Mastodontii - Sons of Fire |