Sea Giant

Sea Giants are the absolute bottom of the barrel when it comes to "What if monster X, but underwater?" Unlike other monsters like the Merrow and Koalinth, no attempt was made to make them look fish-like or aquatic. They are literally just normal giants that can breath underwater.
They appeared as a playable race in PC3: The Sea People.
Warhammer Fantasy/Age of Sigmar[edit | edit source]
Sea Giants were mentioned once offhand in the lore of Warhammer Fantasy, with the skull of a slain Sea Giant serving as the figurehead of "The Swordfysh", the pirate ship of mutant pirate captain Aranessa Saltspite, the "daughter" of Stromfels/Mermedus, Chaos God of Storms, Pirates, and Sea Monsters. The Sea Giants were never really expanded on, but in Age of Sigmar, a type of oceanic mega-gargant called Kraken-Eaters seems to be their spiritual successor.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Sea Giant at top left
Sea Giant at upper left casting magic at an Ixitxachitl
The Giants of Dungeons & Dragons | |
Giants | Beasthead Giant - Cloud Giant - Crag Giant - Cyclops - Desert Giant - Ettin - Firbolg - Fire Giant - Fog Giant - Fomorian - Forest Giant - Frost Giant - Half-Giant - Hephaeston - Hill Giant - Ice Giant - Jungle Giant - Mountain Giant - Ogre - Plains Giant - Reef Giant - Sea Giant - Spacesea Giant - Stone Giant - Storm Giant - Titan - Verbeeg - Voadkyn |